That Druids were based on some of the scariest human practices in history.
(also: Jahiera is not to be trusted)
So tell me Veeky Forums; what are druids doing in Your forests?
That Druids were based on some of the scariest human practices in history.
(also: Jahiera is not to be trusted)
So tell me Veeky Forums; what are druids doing in Your forests?
Other urls found in this thread:
In our setting druids are furries, the word animal companion is that, a companion, they're treated as deviants. Though most of the time ignored as long as they keep their practices away from cities and civilization.
>Though most of the time ignored as long as they keep their practices away from cities and civilization.
So in real life?
>That Druids were based on some of the scariest human practices in history.
Give some examples!
How does it make you feel to know an entire generation is going to equate druids with Marisha "Do the Cuckold Shuffle" Ray's Mary Sue Avatar the Last Airbender OG donutsteel instead of ooga booga treefucking eco-terrorist shamans?
Aerie, pls go
Well the best examples of druids I can think of was in a 5e play.
we were playing an Indian(India not American native) setting, and 'this-guy' decided he's a Druid. He really played it well in the way that he approached most problems by "WE MUST SATE THE HUNGER OF THE GODDESS WITH BLOOD!", proceeded to scare entire villages to sacrifice people to nature.
>How does it make you feel
Magic PETA is horrified that stimcells in a bottle are used to treat everything. Unless you mean the lizard men in the sewers who are incapable of using normal magic so they have to make use of pacts granted by forlorn nature spirits to wage war against the surface dwellers.
Destroying it. They are enforcers of the borders of nature, and will not allow for any invasive species. The druid of the west forest is not the enemy of the druid of the east forest, and both will work together to make sure the West Forest Knotweed does not ruin the habitat of the East Forest Lily. Every 5-10 years or so, they meet up to discuss and define the borders of nature and enforce immediately.
D&D druids aren't really based on anything. The actual practices and traditions of real druids are pretty much lost to history. All we have are the probably heavily exaggerated writings of a few romans. All that can really be known for sure is that they were important priest-scholar-doctors in celtic societies. There job was to retain knowledge for the rest of society and maintain tradition, which is a pretty important function in pre-literate societies.
Did they practice human sacrifice? Almost certainly. But so did many primitive cultures. Calling it "some of the scariest human practices in history" is a little far fetched when A) there's no reliable verified accounts of the practices B) they definitively did not build giant pyramids for the express purpose of cutting out people's hearts and pushing the bodies down the stairs so that they could be eaten C) brazen bull.
This is what my druids are doing.
Just last night my undead dryad stopped a Circle Orboros druid sacrificing a child from their hidden henge upon a dryad colony world.
Evil druids make great villains, and my Dungeons the Dragoning GM has done amazing things combining the Circle Orboros from Iron Kingdoms, the Galra Druids from the new Voltron and a scattering of other things to make them a really creepy, unsettling villain group.
It's a mystery.
Druids are essentially this picture.
Getting high in a cave and then dousing everything in holy oil, donning a lesser spirits visage, setting fire to the cave and allowing yourself to become one with the fifth world, if only for a while.
Not to mention the fact that romans themselves were pretty big on human sacrifice for quite a long time.
This is how I druid
So... woke?
Like what? We don't fucking know what druids did besides what Caesar and some others wrote about them.
Collecting herbs for a potion of bull's streght, mass, aided by an halfling rogue and half-giant fighter.
Being Mysterious
>That Druids were based on some of the scariest human practices in history.
Scaphism was somewhere else user.
Who enslaved tens of thousands and destroyed a lot of villages was the one that said they sacrificed people, which I bet they did, but not on a roman scale. Did you know the roman games were based off sacrificial fights for funerals? Then they started doing it for fun and profit in a whole another order of magnitude. Whole extinct species.
Not taking either side, btw.
>So tell me Veeky Forums; what are druids doing in Your forests?
Using Nature as an example. So it becomes worse than human practices sometimes. You can also be killed by having a whole plant growing out of what you just ate. But most are okay, subscribing to the theological argument that the mother-goddess and civilization can have a symbiosis.
Also this
>implying it's better to serve The Sky Jew religion
Rabbi, whatcha doin'?
>what are druids doing in Your forests?
It's funny seeing
because what these folks say about Jews creating Christianity to mindfuck Europeans is basically what the empire is doing to natives in my current campaign.
A cabal of empire sorcerers and merchants (i know, i know) has created a fake demigod for the people to follow in the hope that the people and their culture become subservient.
The druids are now actively campaigning against the empires efforts.
Fun stuff
>A cabal of empire sorcerers and merchants (i know, i know)
The empire runs as an oligarchy where trade is king... trade being rolling fuckers over at the edge of the empire and basically raping the lands and people
>Implying it's better to serve tree religion
>Implying the Jews appointed Jesus
Bard, please.
>Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
Shoo, shoo,
scheming Jew!
Leave me be! Leave me be!
Your dirty tricks won't work on me!
Shoo, shoo,
scheming Jew!
>Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
...was a mockingbird name given to him by the Romans
T. Christian
>most famous Jew in history
>not a jew
He was killed by Jews. I think that makes him not a part of the Jew religion anymore. He was still a hebrew, though.
Christian argument:
>They worship people that have no historical basis and are, for all intents and purposes, myths
Pagan argument:
>They worship a Jew.
I thought he was killed by Romans.
Why can't you Goyim just get alon-....
Oh yeah.
The roman officials didn't want to kill him, the Jews insisted. Read the Bible.
directly by Romans, indirectly by Jews and by his own stubbornness
The Roman governor wasn't big on religious disputes, so he chickened out and gave the Jews an audience participation option. They voted Barabbas free and Jesus dead.
Do ya wanna tell me a story bout' trollops and plug tails?
>How does it make you feel to know an entire generation is going to equate druids with Marisha "Do the Cuckold Shuffle" Ray's Mary Sue Avatar the Last Airbender OG donutsteel instead of ooga booga treefucking eco-terrorist shamans?
It makes me feel like I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but none of that sounds like druids.
useless trollop
Seems more like a shaman, if you ask me.
>not installing imoen romance and banging your sister
Bitch I want to sell you to the gnolls so I can move this quest along in peace.
>He was killed by Jews. I think that makes him not a part of the Jew religion anymore.
are you retarded or something
I honestly don't know the difference
If you are killed by Catholics, are you still a Catholic? Does everyone just subscribe to the "once a Jew, always a jew" theory? Are you retarded?
>If you are killed by Catholics, are you still a Catholic?
That certainly doesn't do anything to stop you from being a Catholic or Christian - if they're killing you for religious reasons, that probably does make you a heretic, though.
Ritualistic animal sacrifices for maximum crop growth and less death from childbirth and more children.
Typically druids are more physical - actual trees, animals and things - while shamans are spiritual.
Christian argument:
>whoops we destroyed your history and culture
>guess you have to follow us now :^)
>Muslim argument
>Buddhist argument
>So tell me Veeky Forums; what are druids doing in Your forests?
No, only spirit-simbiotic tribes and crazy women wearing dresses made of live rats.
Tree hugger, I have a question for you. If a tree falls in a forest, does anyone care?
If that's all it entailed I don't think it would be nearly as infamous of a mod
I played it last week for the first time. I found it quite tame. I remember the controversy it had like 8 years ago, apparently the mod was scrapped and rewritten by different people.
IT depends on how the tree fell, really
the original version works and is still available from the same website. all the unsavory elements are still there from the previous mod.
they're just toned down, or reduced to a one liner, that you probably wouldn't recognize without playing the previous mod.
What's the one religion the jews hate the most?
>hint, it AINT any of your fifty versions of paganism.
>destroyed history and culture
name some pagan french culture please.
or some pagan german, slav, polish, spanish, english, or baltic culture.
Can't. It got destroyed.
Raising gulthias trees to turn humans into fertilizer for their plant minions while planning to basically erase any civilization that escaped the stone age or picked up an arcane spell or two.
Droods just realized that the amount of blind faith their community placed in them they could direct human culling in their communities without taboo or detrimental repercussions. The culling is useful for when the winter harvest was exceptionally meagre, to pass on a death sentence to a community member who rocking the boat, or as a placebo to ameliorate natural disasters totally out of their control or prediction models.
*blocks your path*
The druids in my setting perform various rituals during certain times of the year where they take virgins from the nearby villages, some as young as thirteen. The then dress them up in ceremonial robes, and perform offerings to their gods. During which the virgin basically becomes the avatar of whatever specific god they are calling upon. For instance, if it is spring then it is the Goddess of fertility and they use a female as the virgin. If it is winter then it is the God of Frost and Death and they use a male as the virgin.
After the virgin has become an adequate vessel for whatever god they are calling upon, they promptly have an orgy where they gang bang the avatar. After which their throat is slit and their blood is carefully collected after which it is used to consecrate the nearby farms, livestock, forests, and village.
The local villagers not only allow this to happen, but they actively encourage it because during this ceremony the soul of the virgin becomes one with the god being called upon. So it's basically the closest one can get to true immortality. They would literally kill themselves before denying their children the chance to live in an eternal paradise.
>Did they practice human sacrifice? Almost certainly. But so did many primitive cultures.
Are there actually human cultures that DIDN'T practice human sacrifice?
Motherfucker there are too many to name. You google that shit, instead of making others do all your work for you.
The Japanese?
The thing I sorely missed in BG1 was optional questline that makes the two just hatefuck already and get over with the hostility.
Australian Aboriginals - they never reached the level of abstract though required to have concept of religion.
Came here to post this.
why tho
Nature sure as hell knows no boundaries. Species compete with or adapt to each other all the time. If two occupy the same niche and one dominates, the weaker one will get wiped out. Enforced separation, controlling and compartmentalization is decicedly unnatural.
So in whose interests or for what reasons do druids act when they "protect nature"?
I see what you did there user
Human sacrifice was mostly a way to get rid of the people who nobody liked.
Does ritual suicide count as human sacrifice?
Members of the Druidic Order fight eachother for territory, in order for a druid to rise as a full member of the circle he must remove a former member by fighting him to the death or getting them to flee into exile.
Well if you go back long enough you will find that most cultures did. That's like saying "are there actually human culture that didn't build mud huts and went straight into mansonry?"
But maintaining human sacrifice after a significant level of civilization has been reached? Only a few did that. Aztecs and Celts, for example. Aztecs were doing it right into the 1400 AD while Romans and Greeks had stopped with the human sacrifice thingy by 400 BC if not earlier.
survival probably
if nature changes enough it will have no niche for humans
You forget the dire-dog companion.
Niggas can't use metal, they aren't that scary
Nobody believes me when I describe this mod. They think I'm completely bullshitting them. Having said that, it is hilarious to play if you play it with the intent of going for the authors interpretation of the worst ending.
We have a Druid... He fights demons and after the 3rd level he multi-classed into hallucinist so he can do drugs
Hit me right in my childhood...
It's truly a magical experience that all should play at least once.
My favourite is when she literally dies if you cheat on her.
That's a close second, but my favorite moment is when she dies of a broken heart if you ascend to godhood. The fact that a religious girl dies if her beau becomes a god never fails to make me chortle in the most unattractive way possible
Don't mind me asking. Who the flying f is this? I do not remember her within the two bg games.
That and he had recently gotten in trouble for pissing off the locals for getting involved in religious affairs.
dude thats epic!
That is Saerileth, a (in)famous mod for BG 2. If at all possible, don't read up on it, just download and play it. It's an experience
Druids live in bands defined by biome and ruthlessly war with opposing druid circles.
The logic being that whoever wins is the fittest and deserves survival.
Didn't Jesus hate the jews?
So I assume the cringe and marry sue is strong?
She's quite possibly one of the greatest mary sues ever made.
It's hilarious.
Isn't that the one where she's 15 years old and mentions it at every opportunity, even during romance scenes?
No idea, got it on Veeky Forums, or maybe /co/?
However, a long and extensive investigation lead me to a name. "Tom Fowler".
All things considered, romance scenes are not a bad time to bring that up.
what is the age of consent in Faerûn?