Farlyn thought that she was helping her team fighting monsters edition
why do all the stories from gookland had to go with some form of bad ending?
old thread with storytime
Farlyn thought that she was helping her team fighting monsters edition
why do all the stories from gookland had to go with some form of bad ending?
old thread with storytime
>bumping his own thread
>doesn't know how to catalog
OP please.
Spoiler that shit, you dumb fuck.
Are you that salty "BETRAYAL" fuck from last thread?
"I just need lighthearted manga about dungeon crawling, doesn't need to be moeblob or anything. Dungeon Meshi? That should do."
How fucking rused I've been
I liked when it was a new recipe every chapter. Showed us interesting new monsters every time.
Laius the Black Swordsman time?
>"I just need lighthearted manga about dungeon crawling, doesn't need to be moeblob or anything. Dungeon Meshi? That should do."
just fuck my shit up senpai
I am praying things go back to comfy. I am. But I feel it is futile and this ride is going to keep plumetting down.
>why do all the stories from gookland had to go with some form of bad ending?
Why does every amerifat story have to end on some form of good ending?
Cuz life is grim dark and full of terrors.
So is it confirmed that Marcille dies for good in the end?
Cant they just bring people back to life with magic
She becomes the new dungeon master, silly. Laius is in charge of monsters, Farlyn takes the role of ultimate monster, Chilchak is in charge of traps, and Senshi remains janitor. One big happy family.
IMO story of Laius and Marcille will paralel the story of the Last King and Dungeon Master
It's not trivial and the issue is that they need to secure the body.
If the surrounding area is dangerous then it's a no go
read the storytime in the last thread
But hopefully they can break the cycle since Marcille learned ecological dungeon-making from Farlyn.
Fuck that.
come on user it will hurt just a bit
well f
well with what we know so far it is highly likely that the DM went mad because LK died during the "death is forbidden here" spell incantation that was meant to save him
what DM says about waiting for the return of the king makes me think about stuff like "we will see eachother again" that ppl say on thei deathbed
and it woukd also explain why DM insists on perpetuating the exiatance of the dungeon
>would also explain why DM insists on perpetuating the exiatance of the dungeon
and the creepy paintings
bump for intrests
You read Helck already? I promise it's a nice, light-hearted gag manga about fantasy Trump bringing freedom to nonhumans.
I have my doubts user
Helck is a comfy ride throughout, trust me on that, I wouldn't lie to you, user. Who would go on the internet and lie? Not me I assure you.
>after the mad man and his agents used dark magic in a foolish effort to ressirect his dead sister, it was inevitable that the result would be a monster instead, luckily it was slain by the real hero
I was understanding that the drsgon fightbwould be intense, but i was expecting time to breath, not more downward spiral, is this going to be like the fucking chimera ant arc?
Taking all bets, will we ever go back to comfy and silly or are we entering the deconstruction spiral?
Since the plot is about Laius bringing his lost sister back I think we are going for ending. Maybe 20 chapters long ending but it feels like end of this story is near. Unless sister-beast runs away and they will track her down while dealing with dark elf again.
Fuck you all!
Dungeon Meshi is cute and comfy manga about /tg related dungeon crawl with cooking.
I won't believe otherwise, it can't be true.
Can it?
That isn't what deconstruction means
Abandon all illusion of comfiness
You cant break the cycle when you are mantleing someone lord Nerevar.
I'm a god.
I know better my old friend.
Because people want to see characters that they like succeeding rather than failing due to arbitrary bullshit that may or may not be forced by the narrative, rather than being a natural consequence of a character's actions.
>Abandon all illusion of comfiness
I'll be a fighter 'til the end, 'til my last breath
Still in dnd fighters are fags. Wizard is a way to go.
The End
Will be comfy and fluffy and cute, user, I can tell.
here is my prediction:
I think they will go for defeating the DM - ofc most of the party will die along the way - and when the dark elf inevitably gets rekt it will also break the spell keeping souls bind to their bodies
we will get bittersweet ending slide with Marcille and Laius than either the brown skinned guy will show up to fight Laius or it will simply turn out that DM injured him
in any case Laius will be mortally wounded
so Marcille will throw a "I am not going to let (You) die" fit deciding to recast the spell
despite Laius trying to calm her down by saying that it's ok and they will "meet again soon"
Marcille will ofc be late by a second or two
last page will be shot of Marcille sitting on the floor cuddling her stuff and mumbling about how she has only to wait for Laius to return after all he promised that they will meet again - and that she has to keep the dungeon intact so he wont get lost
and as the camera moves away we will see Laius corpse rotting on the bed
the end
pls no
pls nip-san not this time
Is this your first story? I mean, have you ever watched a movie, or read a book, or another manga, anything?
lol DnD
Ikr, Vader beating Luke and freezing Han is such bullshit
>Ikr, Vader beating Luke and freezing Han is such bullshit
was it the end of the story?
Is this? Or is it chapter 37 out of who the fuck knows?
Read >rather than being a natural consequence of a character's actions.
Luke losing his hand to Darth Vader was due to his decision to interrupt his Jedi training and help his friends on Cloud City while Han being frozen in Carbonite was due to his decision to stay and help the rebels at the end of episode 4 and the beginning of episode 5.
When I mean is something like Chrono Cross, where every major event in Chrono Trigger led to the worst ending and almost every major character you knew and loved from the original game was dead due to bullshit beyond your control.
What a stupid question to ask and I'm embarrassed that you thought that you were being clever.
You clearly give that impression, though.
So you are saying that BestSister being an abomination is not a direct consequence of Marcille's actions?
>Saying that people prefer seeing people they like succeed means that this is my first story.
It was literally the only option
No, no, me thinking that you are a fresh born clone that just jumped out of the vat comes from you defending >why do all the stories from gookland had to go with some form of bad ending?
This is not the ending, far from it, why are you treating it as such?
That's the thing, Farlyn turning into an abomination was not her own decision, it was Marcille's.
Luke chose to fight Vader in spite of his inexperience, Han chose to stay and fight instead of running away with the money, Vader chose to toss the Emporer into a reactor instead of just letting him kill his son.
The only decision that Farlyn made that led to this was saving the rest of the party before she was digested, she never asked to come back as an abomination.
But you only care about the characters from CT if you played it, so ergo if you care their deaths were in your control :^)
>me thinking that you are a fresh born clone that just jumped out of the vat
Why would you think this? Why would you first thought based on my response be that this is my first story?
I wasn't even responding to the idea that supposedly all mangas have a bad ending, I was responding to asking why every western story has to have a good ending.
At the end of the day, both are hyperbole and it's embarrassing how you immediately got defensive over a comment that was made in jest.
>if you care their deaths were in your control
Poor grammar aside, no they weren't. Their deaths happened off screen with no way for you to save them.
Hell, even the one character from CT that you encounter during the game only gets a reference as its death is being broadcasted on a PA system.
More like impressed. In these three threads since the chapter has come out, I've seen a goddamn civil war develop around fictional characters. Guess I'm not used to fanbases.
>it's another "comfy series turns grimdark and edgy" episode
Shame, I was waiting for it to be longer so I could read a bunch at once, but I guess I can just add it to the dropped pile
My comment was made in the general sense, not in relation to this story in particular, and you jumping off the deep end like that did not help your case at all.
Are you willing to apologize and let bygones be bygones?
>That's the thing, Farlyn turning into an abomination was not her own decision, it was Marcille's.
No shit, bad things happen. Being dead doesn't help about the whole "having agency" thing.
You can't deny that everything that's happening in this chapter is a direct consequence of Laius&Co, though.
They are the ones who decided to run back in the dungeon (in a majestic display of force of will and sheer resilience), and it's still them who discussed and agreed on tampering with forbidden magic.
All of this is the direct consequence of their actions, and they're reaping what they've sown. I'm sure they'll regroup and beat this obstacle, too, mainly because Laius is a goddamn bull.
They died early because of your actions, though. If you didn't play through CT they would have lived out their lives in 1,000 AD more or less happily.
Not getting a second chance at the moment it was revealed to you does not mean it wasn't your fault.
That's still Lauis&Co's decisions though, not Farlyn's.
What if she's a DMPC? Well, I mean, other than in the quite literal sense she is now unless the plan is to carry her human-looking head up to the Temple of Probably Can't and hope it gets revived into a human body.
>If you didn't play through CT they would have lived out their lives in 1,000 AD more or less happily.
Even if I didn't play CT, the events of CC would've happened regardless since it's a direct sequel to the events of those games.
>Not getting a second chance at the moment it was revealed to you does not mean it wasn't your fault.
It wasn't my fault, because the events happened off screen before anyone could've done anything about it. You're basically saying that it's my fault for JFK being assassinated because I didn't take the bullet for him, even though he was shot decades before I was born.
It's insane.
It wasn't her decisions that led to her current predicament, it was the party's.
What other options did they have? Let the girl who just saved them be dragon shit?
You're still the same player even if you're playing a different PC, is the point.
No I'm not, because CC giving CT a shitty ending is divorced from my involvement as a player, which is the point.
If I had never played either of those games, CC would still kill off most of the cast offscreen, which is my point.
Yes? That's an option, one that some members of the party have actually made - see Shiro (who actually had an alternative) and that other dwarf (who gave up). Not a moral one, and sure as fuck not one that would've made for a good manga, but it was still an option.
This whole story is based on their decision to not give up her life.
Again, so what? Characters don't live in their own private bubble, sometimes their actions affect the lives of others. I don't see what point you are trying to make other than "it's unfair."
I'm not salty or trying to argue or anything like that, I just don't understand. Please explain.
>you jumping off the deep end
So you pictured me as some kind of raving lunatic screaming at the screen while furiosly typing on his stained keyboard?
but if you never played ct, you wouldn't care.
you're the exact flavor of assmad that occurs when someone's level 15 fighter gets retired as "captain of the royal guard" and then a couple campaigns later the king's hunting party gets ambushed. if you care about him, it's your actions that led to him being in that position even if you aren't controlling him right now and the slaughter happened out-of-frame. if you're the guy who joined the group just in time to roll up the new characters for whom this is the hook, you don't give a shit.
You started off by asking me if this was the first story that I'd ever read and thought that I had congealed out of some vat as a fresh born clone.
Not exactly things a stable person would assume based off what I had wrote.
So this is your first time dealing with hyperbole, too.
>but if you never played ct, you wouldn't care.
I could've read about the story somewhere on a wiki or watched a playthrough on youtube though.
>you're the exact flavor of assmad that occurs when someone's level 15 fighter gets retired as "captain of the royal guard" and then a couple campaigns later the king's hunting party gets ambushed.
I'm sorry? Is there something you'd like to get off your chest user?
No, I'm just used to dealing with anons who straddle the line between acting like a delusional fucktard for attention and actually being one due to circumstance.
Sorry if I jump in at this point in the discussion, but how is this a decent example? Neither Star Wars nor Dungeon Meshi ever featured you as a "player"; you never had any say in this, you are reading a story narrated by someone else.
Sorry if I'm "attacking" the example and not the argument itself, I just felt like pointing this out.
And yet, you're still here.
The original point was about bad endings being caused by factors outside of the character's control rather than being a consequence of their decisions.
Star Wars: Episode 5's bad ending was fine because it was caused by Luke's well meaning impulsiveness and Han staying to fight when he didn't need to.
Chrono Trigger's bad ending was shitty because a) it occured off screen between games and b) it undid all the time and effort that the player put into the game in order to defeat Lavos and save the future.
At the end of the day, it falls down to whether or not the relevant parties had agency in the events leading up to the bad ending, rather than the bad ending being forced upon them because the author thought that the story needed a bad ending for arbitrary reasons.
As are you.
Yeah, but the whole point of is that this, just like Episode 5, is not the ending. Just an "oh shit" moment to raise the stakes and make everyone aware of the fact that shit just got real.
also, >REEEEEEEEEEE han had no agency in luke getting btfo how dare they freeze him for this
Wasn't Han already frozen by the time Luke showed up to fight Vader?
Don't listen to these faggots.
Even with people dying left and right, the author still takes its time to draw little cute details everywhere, like Senshi saving the food and Chilchak/Marcille being little adorable mines of reactions.
They're reacting to a serious moment as if Miura took the reins and declared a fascist state.
>Even with people dying left and right, the author still takes its time to draw little cute details everywhere, like Senshi saving the food and Chilchak/Marcille being little adorable mines of reactions.
Berserk has those moments too but it doesn't suddenly make the story any less dark. Hell, the golden age arc had these moments all the time but it didn't make moments like Guts killing a child or Griffith torching the Queen to death after faking his own death at the dinner party any less shocking and dark.
Ok speaking as having never read it, only getting the osmosis, why did guts do that? And why do we still sympathise with him after that?
It sure as fuck didn't have cute moments during those parts, user.
My point is that even at its peak of seriousness, DM still maintains it's premise of comfy&cute adventures.
>why did guts do that?
He just so happened to enter the room as Guts ran the kid's father through on an assination order by Griffith. It wasn't intentional and Guts was pretty shook up over the ordeal.
> And why do we still sympathise with him after that?
Beyond it being accidental, Guts is largely sympathetic because Guts entire life has been an endless series of blood, death, betrayal, and tragedy and his plights are understandable once you've seen how much he went through, even as a child.
Ahh, that. Clears up alot, context can change alot of meaning and I think that's what's killing people overy DM right now, being a cliffhanger we lack a chance to get context, and we won't get that till october
>It sure as fuck didn't have cute moments during those parts, user.
It had scenes like the dinner party, Guts and Griffith having a water fight, Guts and Casca's relationship turning from animosity to begruding respect to romance, as well as Guts' interactions with the members of the band of hawks once he started to trust them as comrades.
I mean, Berserk is a very dark storyline, but just because it's dark doesn't mean that it doesn't have light moments throughout the story.
This board is full of actual autists, and autists have very binary thought process, once they decide something is good, it's only good, and vice versa
Honestly, having been on this side of the fence myself, a major shift like this will usually spell the end of a series once it commits to something this shocking.
Take Maken-Ki for example, started off as an ecchi series and in the latest chapters the nurse gets kidnapped, tentacle raped, and mind-controlled by the antagonist and is used to give birth (as in, literally, give birth) to a holy sword.
Also, no new updates in months.
Or Naruto, where it started off as a punk kid trying to gain acceptance based off hard work and determination, only for it to end with Naruto being ninja Jesus, Sasuke being forbidden for betraying the village,
and rendering all the bullshit about defying destiny moot when it turns out, Naruto was always going to be the Hokage afterall.
Mangaka just seem to have a shitty track record of ruining their own stories over time and rarely do you see them recover from a tailspin of this magnitude.
Listen to this user, and smile for him.
>That's the thing, Farlyn turning into an abomination was not her own decision, it was Marcille's.
Technically it was the Sorcerer's. Marcille didn't decide to turn Farlyn into anything.
Let me rephrase: it sure as fuck didn't have something cute happening in the background while Guts was stabbing that man.
I'm aware of the fact that berserk isn't 100% demonhorserape at every moment, this still doesn't make a comparison between these two series even remotely appropriate.
shit taste
>Let me rephrase: it sure as fuck didn't have something cute happening in the background while Guts was stabbing that man.
There was a part towards the end where Casca is chewing out Guts for trying to protect her as their companions are giggling in the background while Griffith is lying inside of a chamber, crippled and alone, after going through a year of torture ordered by the king because he fucked Charlotte.
I'm actually fine with this.
Like, OK, I like these characters and want to see them reach some sort of happy ending and in that way this chapter has kinda been a kick in the teeth (Especially the rather brutal death of Sureau's motherly retainer, even if we only knew her briefly) but I'm also a writer and since this series is continuing to arcs above and beyond "Kill the Red Dragon, eat it, and rez Farlyn" some trouble has to rain down on the heads of our leads. I mean, this series STARTED with a rather grisly death in a nasty fight, it's never been exactly 100% Comfy -- eat or be eaten, as it goes.
This is a fairly nasty cliffhanger, especially since there's an extra month gap, but I distinctly doubt that we've had our last slice of strange and alluring cuisine and warm comfort in a cold and brutal world.
Fair, I am certainly holding out hope for resurrection being viable for some of our fallen cast members, it's actually interesting that it can offer suspense for the survival of characters we did see killed on panel because we know it can be done but it's not 100% reliable. Topped off with the many questions about the girl that started it all.
It's not the thought of losing her for good after all that. It's not being able to confirm and properly process it. These 2 months are going to be the bluest of balls.
Thank you for not being a huge faggot.
I'm serious. It means a lot.
He actually helped me mellow out my issues with it too, he's cool