What kind of gameplay benefits could tactical rigs give in an rpg?
What kind of gameplay benefits could tactical rigs give in an rpg?
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for rpg, like most ranged weapons, you're looking for + accuracy, + ranged damage, or + AoE range
tactical rigs don't effect weapons, they simply hold ammo and whatever else you need in a highly accessible way
depending on your system, +1 to reaction rolls (reloading, swapping equipment, recovery)
Decreased reload time, increased inventory capacity, decreased time to use items in the rig.
there's spirit guide only you can see that knife-hands every time you're fucking up
decreased penalty to low initiative
Normal people get freaked out because your players will wear rigs all the time
Something like this: rottenpulp.blogspot.com
You get a certain number of items that you can grab without penalty. Searching for anything else takes time by rummaging around in your bag. Also, carrying a bag automatically kicks you up into the next category of encumbrance, but you can drop it quickly.
If you want other examples I think Logan Knight at Last Gasp Grimoire used his considerable artistic abilities to make fancier versions, and I think Old School Hack did something like it too. It's a pretty big idea around the OSR the last few years to make inventory management gameable and painless.
This requires that you actually pay attention to consumables usage like ammo, as well as make sure that not having necessities, like water and rations, stings. If it's simply handwaved away then nothing you do for inventory matters anyways then.
A chest rig keeps gear in a known, easy to reach spot where it won't get lost.
I wouldn't give benefits per se. I'd make people without web gear occasionally make a check or have things fall out of their pockets when running around or going prone, have to shuffle around in the bottom of a pack to find what they need, slower reloads, etc.
Assume that any character who has more than X pieces of gear is wearing one
It would be challenging but not impossible to design load bearing equipment that could be worn over plate armor
pouch bandoliers always fit into any fantasy setting
like this
+3 tactical
Bonus to operation
Lemme check GURPS.
just start tracking player equip loads and how long it takes to retrieve items from unsorted containers. boom, now its a free or minor action to pull something out of a designated spot on the rig.
careful, that can get messy quick if you don't put some limiters on it...
probably why it should be a minor action instead of free. let you grab what you need but not broken as written like quick draw.
Better action economy. Depends on which system you mean specifically. In D&D 5E with six second turns, I'd see you being able to use two items in a turn, or draw two weapons at once without a feat.
Tactical Shooting has this. If I weren't on my phone I'd screencap it.
limited items store in the harness can be reach when restrained/grappled
Worse, they can metastasize. And then this happens.
They allow for quick reload and hold your equipment safely. Concretely, if a character doesn't have a rig, reloading takes three rounds vs. 1 round with the rig. If the character has no rig, there's a good chance that he will leave a yard sale behind him every time he's running or doing athletics checks.
>Not having to pull mags from a backpack
>Having an easy-to-access mag holder
>Spreading the weight differently over body
That's what they do IRL and that's literally it.
Obviously it gives easily accessible storage space. Maybe a +1 to Fast-Draw (ammo) too. And I think load bearing equipment decreases the FP cost of hiking with a heavy load.
Weapon slings also allow you to drop your gun as a free action without losing the gun.
Easier access to your dice, snacks constantly at the ready, store core and splatbooks in your plate carry pouch, convenient ear protection storage so REEEEE'ing of rules lawyers does not cause tinnitus, comfy way to nap while sitting.
The possibilities are endless really.
That is unbelievably sexy.