How are LGBT folk handled in your setting?
How are LGBT folk handled in your setting?
They are treated like deviants they are.
Stop it with these fucking bait threads
Like the Middle Ages IRL. Nobody cares as long as they know their place (somewhat inferior and still responsible for designated baby-production if necessary).
I'm not trying to bait anyone.
No one gives a fuck, but expect some shit heads to crack jokes about you.
Don't exist because I don't want to deal with this shit in a campaign.
Goblins are respected more than LGBT in my setting.
Gay muslim black athiest communist socialist have rightfully taken over the world. all white men have been subjugated and made to love cock while watching their women take and love black gay muslim athiest communist socialist cock.
No one really cares, as some species can get away with it (One of my lizardfolk tribe is female only and reproduces asexually, they can have any partner they want and still have children in one way or the other)
As they should be in real life: Completely nonexistent.
They exist but the homosexuality disappears with a simple cure light wounds spell. Go figure.
Depends on the primary culture in the region.
Varies from Kingdom to Kingdom. Most have the approach of "Okay, keep it to yourself and still have kids, and we'll leave you alone."
A few places are more accepting of it, a few places are less accepting of it.
>black people have a turbo-macho culture where they despise gays and prove themselves by beating the shit out of one
Orcs or human rabble are fitting for this.
Go back to your board faggot.
Mostly with pedo priest jokes.
In settings with polymorphic magic and shapeshifting, wouldn't the T just be like "Oh, that's wizard folk for you. I went to call on our local hedge mage three weeks back after I twisted me ankle and it turns out he's, or she's rather, a lass now. Got me patched up just fine either way, so I don't suppose it rightly matters to me."
They probably don't exist because the world was created by a conscious entity
You don't play tabletop games, so it doesn't really matter to you.
It's illegal in all of the kingdoms
Except for the one ruled over by the Lich Lord
I understood this reference.
They are fine as long as they don't procreate or inherit
As a liberal living in a strong western society, I relish in tastefully injecting my views on this subject into my setting in the knowledge that although some may disagree, none will find my ideas so objectionable that it would jeopardise my friendship. It sure is nice to live in a country that shares your values. I'm glad my ancestors fought so hard to make it this way.
Exactly this. No one really gives a shit unless it's preventing some lord from securing an alliance.
Basically this.
The main goal of my party is actually to destroy the lisping, prancing rich who invented homosexuality. Once he's finally defeated the plague will be lifted.
It hasn't come up, because we focus on adventuring, not ERP.
If I were to make something up on the fly, because the setting has medieval-european primogeniture, but not medieval-european christianity, maybe it's seen as a preferable alternative to mistresses/lotharios, because it cannot create bastards/false-heirs thus disrupting the system of primogeniture. I would not be surprised if they're viewed similar to how nobles viewed Castrato opera stars who could still get it up but couldn't make jizz: they knew their wives were going to boink him, because he was a rockstar, and honestly it's preferable to her boinking someone who could give you a false-heir, so you turn a blind eye.
I'd play that as a race
depends on where they are. in the not!roman empire they mostly get ignored. the germanic elves, the egyptians, and the not!gauls probably don't like them much.
Manloving is common. But gay ass degeneracy along with public disturbance gets put down hard.
>evil king is trying to take over the world
>is about to secure a powerful alliance from having his son marry the other king's daughter
>but the son is gay
>evil court wizard trying to magic him straight
>party can either help the evil king and go full pic related
>or can help the prince escape
Would you play?
Peasants are generally disapproving but their opinions don't matter. The upper classes don't care.
I'd probably take his spunk, kill the prince and masquerade as him.
It's a -fantasy- setting so they're nonexistent.
>Stop it with these fucking bait threads
When you post angry replies in bait threads, you tell the OP that he is valid as a person and he should continue making bait threads.
I miss having quest threads on this board.
I'm not supposed to bring my fetishes into the game
In that situation, it doesn't even matter if the prince is gay or not. He's the key to an evil king becoming even more powerful, so assassinating him/kidnapping him would be the objective regardless of his sexuality. And if the party wants to help the evil king, then the objective could just be something like "defend the prince and his betrothed from assassins/kidnappers".
I don't.
But i miss the times when it was here. When it got moved it seems like a legion of /v/-tier posters flooded.
With Shadowrun, it's 60 years in the future. As far as I'm concerned, when people started turning into elves and dwarves and throwing lightning bolts, LGBT had bigger fish to fry than guys sucking dicks. And don't even get me started on troggs and metasapients.
Self correction, when people were being born as elves and dwarves.
This reminds me of something I never really looked up; was there an equivalent of goblinisation for dwarves and elves? Did teenagers/children all over the world turn into those two metahuman races aswell or was it just orcs and trolls?
>evil court wizard trying to magic him straight
The. Single. Dumbest. use of the wizards time, abilities and resources I can think of. The fuck do I give a damn what the pouf gets up to or where he likes it? Needing him to fuck his future wife everyday is beyond unnecessary and him liking it is a non-issue.
>Convince or order him to do it.
>Have him sire children willingly or with the aid of magic if it's too icky for him.
>The couple is free to fuck whatever suits their fancy like every other fucking noble/royal couple out there.
>Gay, Lesbian, Straight
In elven society they're openly active but nobody cares, in all other societies they're fine as long as they don't openly flaunt their faggotry
IDK, I haven't thought about how my setting handles mental illness yet
Maybe the wizard gets a kick out of torturing gay people.
Just tell the kid you'll make some trinket that he can use to temporarily turn his wife into a man behind closed doors, but only after he's sired an heir. What he gets up to in the bedroom past that point is whatever.
Y'know those female lizards that simulate sex to trigger parthenogenesis? Thats all dragon and dragon related creatures. Kobolds, lizardfolk, et cetera.
Y'know how some fish change gender based on the social dynamics of their school? All merfolk can do that.
Y'know how elves are gay...
IIRC, Elves and Dwarves were by birth. I don't think anybody woke up 2 feet shorter.
The "couple" only needs to get preggers and tolerate each other enough to make it through social gatherings. That seems like a really poor use of magic, but even if it was a good plan love potions are one of the cheapest magic items out there
not particularly relevant and treated like everyone else
Depends on the regional culture
>most humans look down on it but don't really care if it doesn't get in the way or is kept private
>Zealot-empire humans geld and execute male homosexuals, and force the females to be nuns
>High elves ostracize and exile the gay people
>Orcs are all sexual deviants anyhow, will fuck anything that lets them, male, female, or rock
>there are no gay wood elves
>it's expected among the misandrist dark elves
>dwarves loathe it with a passion, and will often riot to kill a perceived gay
There are no trans people in my setting.
varies quite a bit, the treatment is not homogenous throughout the land, but this is how i generate an attitude
on a basic level, it depends on population pressures like infant mortality, expected lifespans, diseases, and wars
peaceful, long lived populations with strong curative magic tend to be more accepting, while warring populations with higher attrition rates will want to enforce as many babies as possible
on top of this, there are the cultural, religious, and geographical considerations, which may work for or against the population pressures.
Nobody cares but they are expected to adopt, slot of war orphans need homes to take the burden of the state.
LGBT is a very modern idea. In previous eras, you would have been thought to just be a pervert, deviant, or kinky.
So here is an example from my setting.
Porell Mar, High House Gem, Which Likens Itself to Depravity's current patriarch is a gay polygamist. He also happens to a sadistic sociopath. The fact that he is gay doesn't really factory into these, but the entire house has themes of "excess" and "sexual deviancy" and in that culture homosexuality is deviance. He regularly will pull individuals he deems "attractive" off the streets to attend his "dinner parties". Essentially he is a megalomaniac gay pedophile polygamist rapist, but is also the foremost experts on the continent on numerous dead languages, a scholar of lost magical arts, and invaluable to the House of Enlightened Masters.
It doesn't really come up, and my group is 3/4 queers (including me)
So they have their own armies? Cool
One of the reasons why many religions were so adamant against it, is because there was no concept at all of ironclad sexual orientations. If you engaged in sodomy, you were not seen as gay, that word didn't even exist, but as a pervert engaging in sexual deviancy. The idea everyone would do it, unless you stop them from doing so.
It is not gay so long you are the dominant partner in the relationship.
Any and all sexuality is glossed over, or covered in as little detail as possible.
Quietly, and without bothering normal people, like they should be. Fuck who you want to fuck but don't go around making a big deal out of it, that's just obnoxious no matter what your preferences are.
Depends if they're a top or a bottom.
Similary to prostitution and other forms of degenerate behavious, it is officialy outawed but no-ones going to do anything about it unless you make it painfully obvious.
So many seem to think that being gay makes one unable to create heirs or something. Gays have been having kids for 1000's of years, the only reason they generally don't know is because no one person really needs to.
It is highly unlikely that there was a point in history a royal said "girls are icky so I'm going to let my dynasty die and kingdom fall into chaos."
And even if he *did* you could just have his dad, brother or uncle knock his wife up.
Most of the cultures in my setting have gay or bisexuality as the norm or at the least there's no difference between gay and straight people
I always knew it.
Sex never comes up. My players have been Khorne worshipers since we started playing D&D
Call me a faggot, but I like some historical ideas of how people tried to explain things like being lesbian or gay, even if communities as a whole tried not to acknowledge its existence or even saw it as sinful.
But it doesn't matter all that much as far as most adventures go - it matters about as much as having eunuchs have political power in a setting. It's there, most would find it a bit weird, but the party's probably not even going to hear about it, let alone interact with them or care about them. It's just me trying to push my own boundaries and make my settings more interesting, when I'm not good at having crazy races and super-fantastical gizmos and shit.
There are even gods who are gay and fabulous. They are a god of war based on spartans and a god of artisans. They are so gay for each other that some mortal started a a war because they were on a break.
Gays and aspiring transexuals are magiced into the opposite sex so that they may satisfy their sexual inclinations while still increasing the population to continue empowering the Overlord's kingdom. It's just common sense really. Selfishness and altruism are outdated and flawed ideals in a world where one can act towards mutual benefits.
Nobody gives a shit.
Weirdly enough, most ancient cultures were pretty okay with male homosexuality, not so much literature on female homosexual relationships. My setting tries to reflect these historical accuracies.
However, most of the time, its basically want npcs want it to be. Some I design to be a bastard, some an angel, most are more grey. I don't make these world making issues get in the way of the campaign too much though.
Miss me with that shit bro.
For reals. You are dope.
Unless I'm doing something set on modern earth, I just do the thing fable 2 did where everyone has a randomly assigned sexual preference and gay marriage isn't forbidden anywhere. RPGs are about freedom (to me) and I don't see any point in enforcing traditions I disagree with for no reason, plus I'll never top the greentext where the party spent the entire time getting gay marriage legalized only for the lich they had spent the entire campaign ignoring to annihilate their whole kingdom.
Trans-sexualism isn't a mental disease. It's real.
That said, only 0.002% of the population suffer from it, so if you think you do, YOU DON'T. If you're just saying it for attention, that's not a mental disease; you're just a little shit who deserves to get slapped until you stop being a whiny bitch. If you are NOT doing it for attention, but also don't actually have the condition, THEN you have a mental disease
Now, setting-wise? No-one gives a fuck. If you're gay or whatever, no-one cares, except maybe a raised eyebrow and a bemused shake of the head. If it stops you from pumping out babies or you try to not do your duty to marry to secure a treaty, based on sexual preference, then there's an issue and you do it or it's beaten/bewitched out of you. The rich having mistresses/side boys is common and accepted so long as no-one brings it up. Harems and multiple wives are also a thing, though less widespread. If you're poor, even less people care unless you let it get in the way of things, for example if your pa says you marry someone and you duck out on the wedding because you're not into their sex.
Trans... Again, it's 0.002% of the population. No-one even acknowledges it's a thing, though sometimes a curse will tg someone or a rich crazy person will pay for it. It's considered weird and unusual and if anyone finds out, you can expect aversion and ridicule. That said, it's a medieval fantasy setting; if you go so much as to the next town over, no-one will ever know.
From what I understand, female homosexuality in many cultures often considered something women 'just did' while they were growing up before settling down with a man. It was like being a teenager, or a libertarian.
Well, the spiderfolk empire is a matriarchy, with the ruling cast females being several time bigger than their males counterpart.
However spiderfolks find little joy in sex (which often consist on external fertilisation of eggs sacks with no relation to the mother) so sexual preference is mostly "do I have to?" or a form of solemn but dispassionate duty. This is especially true in the empire where instincts are strongly repressed (kind a necessity when said instincts are mostly be a loner and murder whatever fall in your net).
They can be great bro though, including the female, if they manage to go past their primal nature.
So what about LGBT? Not that different from hetero actually, as sex and love are pretty disconnected to them. So if they love someone, they would simply live alongside each other.
Roughly, but they like it that way
Pillow friends!
Enough with the Bait Summer-Fag. God it's like my first thread.
It depends on the setting.
Low Fantasy it's just normal with men and women. Sure most stay with the other sex, however being gay or bi is seen as just something that's normal.
Normal/High Fantasy - It depends on the Kingdom, Empire, whatever area the party finds themselves in. Some areas it's seen as okay, others due to whatever church is running the area it's a no-no.
Western/Steampunk/WW2 - More behind shut doors due to the ideals and mindsets of the time. Think the mindset people had with that in those days, keep in mind too this tends to go with sex as a whole. A "good" person isn't someone who sleeps around and the like. Still again it could depend on the area the players are in.
Modern day - What we have going on now. People are open but backlash to it.
Cyberpunk - See the modern day, only less backlash.
Sci-Fi - I do a mix of what I have with low and high fantasy. It depends on the planet, however most Governments/Empires/People really don't give a shit who you sleep with as long as it's legal and with content.
It's based in a giant city-sized prison that has stood for a few generations. Buggery has been going on since forever even though some areas have been turning co-ed due to a slow dissolution of the ruling authority, who are dealing with much bigger problems. Homosexuality isn't celebrated like pride outside of a few gangs but the general attitude is "it happens" and "Vic Vagcutter's group initiations always end in magical STDs that superheat your blood over time".
Living trans inmates tend to be much more watchful than usual inmates for any attention placed on them.
So much this.
They're killed.
You should be too.
I play wraeththu as my primary game.
With the explicit instruction that they not Tumblr it up.
I.e., making their only character trait the fact that they are a-pan-ace-third-knicknacpattywhack-gender
Become the princess' and the prince's man. Basically, as long as they both get some barbarian dick and stay married, the kings will have their alliance and both royals with be happy with their new sex life.
They aren't because it never comes up in my games, along with any other political baiting.
Gays exist but are closeted because it's post-apocalyptic fantasy and most societies are very traditionalist and consider it a freakish kink. There are no transpeople because permanent gender change is just one cursed girdle away, and adventurers are happy to get rid of that worthless garbage.
Like, in general? Because the setting is pretty expansive and has a lot of different cultures with different views on the topic.
In the major continent that the campaign takes place on, it's pretty much a 'don't make a big deal of it and nobody will care' thing, unless you're part of the nobility in which case it's a 'Fuck whoever you like but you better fucking have kids or shit will go down'
Why would his being a fruit matter for the purposes of his marriage?
Like, jesus christ kiddo all you need to do is sit through the ceremony and then put in like 20 minutes of mild exertion a couple of times to sire an heir. You can bang whoever or whatever you like once that is done. Shit, you and your wife don't even need to talk to each other, she can fuck the maid six times a day for all she likes, just so long as you and her are officially a married couple and you don't go bragging about infidelity.
Well, what if he's very religious and thinks that infidelity of any sort will damn him to some hell? Or under the rules of whatever marriage, infidelity would cause the marriage to be considered null and void if discovered? Maybe the princess will refuse the marriage if she doesn't feel like her husband will love her, and because her dad is a powerful ruler who dotes on his little girl, she can get away with that instead of getting smacked in line herself? Maybe the prince is opposing the marriage and actively trying to escape or drag out the proceedings, and the evil king is convinced making him straight would make things easier?
they're either persecuted by the state, persecuted by the church, or persecuted by church and state
my worlds run on a lot more realism than plebeian games
>tfw my entire playgroup is trans