Hey gents, post ideas for armor/weapons/items/drugs for any setting ITT.
Hey gents, post ideas for armor/weapons/items/drugs for any setting ITT
Other urls found in this thread:
> Ball of Yarn+Bent Pipe+Gun = A gun that can fire around corners.
A type of mushroom that when prepared and consumed properly, gives the user a massive wisdom boost for 5 hours and makes them completely immune to illusion based magic. It also makes the user trip massive balls for 5 hours.
That looks like it would be rather comfy to be in
What's the stake for?
I know right?
I get them off a visual arts and design classes blog
they do a LOT of really comfy location pictures usually...
probably an example
as in, "you also make defensive structures"
Killing vampires you fool
I feel this person should go and start some kind of company building these sorts of things.
This looks like living in a bounce house.
that was just a class exercise it included
and pic related
It makes a scary amount of sense for a tent to be designed to be deployed on top of an inclined roof.
Yeah, especially during a flood and you're on the roof for a while this would be really good to have. Better if you can connect two together.
some of the stuff on the page was other emergency stuff...
[Dahir Insaat intensifies]
My only concern would be getting your axe and bow quickly from this rig.