>not putting a copy of cheatyface in your sleeves behind every card in your deck
Not putting a copy of cheatyface in your sleeves behind every card in your deck
That's not legal. Cheatyface only let's you put him into play, not draw extra cards or have more than 4-of
>card specifically lets you cheat
>"hurr dat's not leegul"
This place gets worse every day.
>I like to ruin things
>plays m:tg with un- sets
>is a rules lawyer
>not using glimpse of nature, forest, mountain, grapeshot, and 56 copies of cheatyface
Like to live dangerously eh?
>Playing by the rules at all
>Rules lawyer
You're why we can't have nice things.
I'm 99% certain sneaking Cheatyface into play is not casting him...
Technically even if you bypass the fact that you need to be able to legally play him you still have to unslip him and make sure your opponent doesn't catch you.
i have a cockatrice deck revolving around exiling 35 cards from my deck turn 2. i just play how the voices tell me to.
if i throw him onto the table it is. also if i throw him away from me when my opponent spots him.
I suppose, but then you're casting a creature card, not casting a creature spell.
hmmmm now the million dollar question: does cheatyface's removal ability trigger go on the stack?
There is, in fact, a ruling about this.
Explain you fucking mad lad
Wow, it's almost like you got the joke, but instead of laughing, you explained the joke as though you were genuinely outraged.
35 copies of shadowborn apostle. either run a way to drop it turn 1 (entomb is my pick), or let opponent go first, then pass to discard a copy of apostle over hand limit.
turn 2 play surgical extraction or extirpate to exile all 35 copies form your deck.
then play shelldock isle. your deck should have between 17 and 23 cards left, so with a single blue mana you can cast a game ender. my wincon of choice is emrakul, but its not set in stone.
oh and if the shelldock/extraction combo isnt happening from the get go,. then i rush 6 apostles and use their effect to pull my 1 copy of griselbrand
Nope. Maro has stated that getting him into play without your opponent noticing is enough. Hiding him behind a different card is a valid method of achieving this.
Reminder: his effect means that he's legal once he's safely on the board
Post yfw Unstable has Cheatyjace and it's just a Jace Beleren you can cheat into play.