Fantasy Maps

Veeky Forums I need your best maps.

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I wish more settings would do in-character maps. Stuff like pic related is just so much fun to look at.



Anyone have battle maps for an encampment that would be suitable for centaurs?

Anyone know a good program to make maps for a sandbox?


Hey fa/tg/uys. For a long time I've been wanting to do a Half-Life 2 TPRG, and I have an entire party of people who'd be willing to play it, but I can't decide on a system to play it in. I want to capture some of the action that made the original game fun, but I also want to delve into the life of a citizen under the Combine, just trying to survive the Civil Protection raids, rowdy peers, mutant outbreaks, etc.
A friend suggested Savage Realms, but I've never played it. So, I leave it to you guys to help me.

SHIT. I meant to post a new thread. Ignore this, please. Here's a map for apologies.

Looking for a good random map generator for a space campaign, pls help

Do you have something for for a fantasy world ?

Checkout out the worldbuilding general. donjon has a lot of great generators, and there are others floating around.


credits go to the /wbg/ user


What the flippety-doodad are all these sucking black holes in the map?


they are probably letting something very bad out rather than suck in

Is this Golarion?

Once an hour a robot tweets out a map it generates.

Is sweet.

Can't be beat, even the free version. Takes 5 mins to get the hang of it, puts out a pretty good map for hexcrawls

Where is the starter town???

Big Crimey Crapsack, in the Tiny Bickering Fiefdoms









So is this like a frozen world with a really narrow temperate zone and huge glacial zones?

I dunno man, I don't make the maps, I just post 'em.

Anyone want to start posting or need some generic more Micro level local maps like this?



Don't forget this one:

Seems to me like a Finnish space colony

I STILL don't get the City of Shrines.

>actually the Crawling City is kinda obscure too

Anyway no Totally Not Grome, I'm disappoint as fuck. Unless it's the Hellfire Imperium, but shit sounds evil and stereotipycally "classical civilization" is decadent, not evil.

Needs more scifi.

r8 my map m8s.

I have done it for a web fic i got hooked on.

8/10, bretty gud.

Perhaps add roads and some trees (I know it's a tradtiion to have woods clearly separate woods but IRL it's mostly bullshit at this scale)

The words look Finnish or Estonian but don't actually mean anything




Can't find anything in my folder to contribute but does anyone have any archipelago maps?

that's from weeks ago, here's an updated WIP


Finally found one I leked a bit down on google, donating it.

You have no idea how badly I needed this for inspiration for the start of a campaign.
10/10, would fudge dice rolls for

Not sure this is the best place to ask, fantasy maps and all. But anyone got any maps of massive arcologies? Like cross sections and what not.

I really like the one piece world map but ive never been able to find a really good visualization of it for RPG use.

I guess since in universe the world still is not fully charted.

thank you

Anyone have maps of Mantica or the RPG The Loop?

Still don't know how to expand child maps

how do you do the funky coastline outlines radiating out?

I keep trying to work this into a setting, but whenever I try to hand-draw it I always fuck up the proportions on Laramidia.

>tfw you can't condense your map collection into Adobe PDF so it can be easily shared
How can I reduce the filesize of a PDF file with lots of color images to 8 mb?

Inkarnate looks better than Hexographer, and it does Hexes or Squares.









I want some more fantasy Earth maps now.


Where the fugg is Urithiru suppsed to be, anyway??

That's EU N, plus UK (and some og EU E)

>how do you do the funky coastline outlines radiating out?

Not the poster, but typically you'd
1. select your land area
2. expand selection by a few pixels (effectively gives you a selection that follows the coastline a short distance off it)
3. may need to convert the selection to a path
4. stroke selection/path with whatever brush you want for the "waves"
5. repeat from 2

what he said.

>West EU in the east
>East EU in the west

Is this a GITS: SAC map?

This is literally a real map. The names aren't even that far off what we call them today.

That being said, I agree on your point, immersive metatexts are hella fun.

E: Goddamnit, Captcha, that's a kayak not a canoe.

No, or rather: "No".