EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"Not All Who Play Simic Are Lost" Edition

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Full C17 Decklists:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Have you given up on a brew lately? If so, tell me about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Get rid of that fucking discord link right the fuck now.

>thread question
The Scarab God. It kept turning into either zombie tribal or UB goodstuff. I just want having fun with it.

why is zada tier 3?
she is so much stronger than that

Great a new thread with no whining combonigger gagging on vamp tech

>tfw two new decks for a 24 hour game day at my LGS
>I thought it was next week
>it's today and my buddies can't go
>I don't wanna go by myself

Which pre-constructed commander deck should I buy, and why? There aren't enough in the '17 set for everyone in my playgroup to buy something different.

I gave up on Oona Rogue Tribal.

Rogue tribal is shaky enough, and I thought Oona creating so many Rogue tokens would be a new angle to push from, but it's just nothing.

Even worse because all the cards for the next two sets that should be Rogues are going to be Pirates instead.

Look, not OP, but reacting to the presence of a Discord link is, well... Honestly pretty Fucking stupid.

Discord arguments in /edh/ have reached the level of stupidity of Quest/Anti-Quest arguments

merin and yidris are good and fun
people will complaint that they are too strong but then they play stuff on the same tier

mizzix is fun with a few upgrades

We're all with you in spirit, ganbatte

Mind Seize, from the 2013 series.
Because it's fucking expensive.

Im trying to brew this and make it work but its bad, like horrendously bad.

Thread Question: Thinking of giving up on my "make kobolds for Roghahh and sometimes sac stuff to get back with Shizo" casual Prossh deck

>Spirit and arcane focused so the most helpful red/artifact support cards kill your synergy
You poor bastard.

I just report both sides on sight.
Shitposting in the general does way more damage than any number of links i wont click.

Its just a ton of Kamigawa cards and artifact sac outlets, its supposed to be political like "Ill take control of that threat guys and sac it if no one kills me because this decks bad and I dont stand a chance unless people have mercy"

Doesn't even give haste. Good lord that's terrible.


>Have you given up on a brew lately? If so, tell me about it.

I've started and stopped several. All I really do is build decks, I hardly actually play the game. Seem to enjoy making them than actually testing them out

I wanted to make a Shattergang Brother's Jund Artificer/Artifact/Darksteel Tribal.... but with Stax focusing on MLD with Manaless Dredge, ALL the Mana Rocks, and Land Recovery.

The Price Tag isn't worth the Hate. Although as a side note, please tell me how disgusting you think the deck is?

This guy is super good in Mairsil. He works with your strategy of dumping your deck in your grave and lets you activate your abilities the turn Mairsil comes in, which is super helpful a lot of the time.

Inhavent really gicen up on it, more like necer tried it because its xomplete shit, but ever since I heard they had some npc in a DOTP game with it, Ive always wanted to build red opponents hand size matters type shit. But its just... a total shit show of an idea. There is funnily enough a commander for it though.

And of course I forgot my pic.

I think it'd be easier as a 60-card deck so you can stack up 4 liliana's caress, 4 megrim, 4 blightning etc.

>thread question
Every one. I have a small notebook full of deck ideas that'll never be finished due to my laziness.

>Have you given up on a brew lately? If so, tell me about it.

Kaho. Just couldn't find a good package for her.

When are the new cards going up on Gatherer (so they're available on tappedout (so they're available on EDHREC (so I can copy a deck for xmage)))?

>Well, typically we wait until the Wednesday following the full reveal of the set, because Gatherer updates then, and you can see all the cards in the decklists in under their proper type and in a way where you can hover over them or click on them to see what the card does. It's far more useful at that point.

So Mairsil catches my eye as a semi powerful but not totally fucking gay commander but I'm at a loss on what to really do with him.

I figure I need the following:

>good tap abilities
>good ways to untap him every turn
>ways to make mana/help pay for his other abilities
>ways to blink or protect him, preferably make them built into Mairsil himself

I have no idea how I'm supposed to win with him after making him into the million dollar man.

Training Grounds

Training grounds and illusionist's bracers are two things I already locked in for the deck.

All the creature's with untap abilities are utter shit, there's gotta be a good way to keep him untapped for abuse.

she isnt
people just build her wrong

>good tap abilities
Gilded Lotus is probably the best, generating 3 mana of the color of your choice. Apprentice Necromancer is incredibly good. For one black mana you can bring back any creature in your graveyard, Hasted. If you have a Rings of Brighthearth, for 3 mana you can bring back any creature AND Mairsil, Hasted.
>good ways to untap him every turn
Knacksaw Clique will double as your win condition. If you can set up an infinite loop then Clique can be included to mill away your opponent's entire libraries.
>ways to blink or protect him, preferably make them built into Mairsil himself
I've been finding that the strategy above, looping reanimation abilities, is incredibly useful. He's already very weak to grave hate, in truth this doesn't make him weaker. And of course, there's no need to flicker him if you Cage a Quicksilver Elemental.

Alright, help me shave some cards from my Mairsil charge counters deck, I'm at a loss for what to cut without going too low on interaction. Obviously the commander is a stand-in and I haven't made a manabase yet.


Here's the list I'm working on, which will probably have some stuff you're looking for. I'm making charge counter jank though so you can disregard most of that.

>He's already very weak to grave hate
Here I disagree because Wizards in their wisdom gave us the ability to cage from hand. True, it's an inefficent means of getting selection compared to selfmill, but it means that compared to true GY commanders like Meren and Scarab God he's actually got a fairly resilient backup, especially with blue to fill your hand to overflowing.

>And of course, there's no need to flicker him if you Cage a Quicksilver Elemental
Except to get more Cages.

For starters it's because that tier list is shit and the only meaningful thing it does is help you understand cEDH(the decks around tier 1)

Tier 2 is pubstomper tier, and all tiers below 2 are meaningless. IIRC both Uril and depala are tier 3, and that shit is nowhere close.

Tell me about Barl.

Why did he work with a madman like Mairsil?

That's true. I guess I'm being biased by focusing on a Wheels Looting and Buried Alive build, focusing on dumping Cage targets into your grave. As for my Quicksilver comment, I meant that you need to Cage three cards if one of them is Quicksilver Elemental. Gilded Lotus and Knacksaw Clique will generate infinite mana and mass exile your opponents decks. When you're building your own combo Quicksilver keeps it limited to fewer cards caged.

Because Wizards hated Kamigawa and almost every card in it is worthless. Worse, the few that are even useful are either jank as fuck or so good they're always taken (Jitte, Kodama's Reach)

>thread question
I have gave up building two decks:

>Monoblack goodstuff
I just couldn't make it work. I want a discard reanimator deck and I just couldn't find the right balance of not fucking my draws, versus actually having a boardstate. It's still assembled, but I've given up on making it anything other than a pricey pile of jank. I don't like this deck anymore and it just durdles or shits out 10 million mana.

>Rakdos mid-range aggro
I sorted out almost a full deck. The idea was to use looting effects to pitch a bunch of fatties and then reanimate them with something like dread return, animate dead, or Victimize. If the game went on long enough, I'd just use Rakdos as a cheap beatstick that gives me a better curve. I actually bought a wound reflection and a bunch of cool things like Fork, Puppets verdict and Bathor the defiled. Then I realized I run Feldon and that he's a far better reanimation engine with much less dedication than anything I could hope to assemble, and I have a pretty thorough collection. So I said fuck it and now I'm trying to build monored Neheb as a replacement to Feldon.

Sram is also tier 3, while he's much better - the build listen is also not optimal.
Just look at the list for Jhoira and stuff, or Queen Marchesa, it's a bunch of people that fuck around without actually playing the decks they're discussing (like the majority of the community).
The tier list isn't perfect, neither are the supposed optimal decklists - it's a self made up meta that' very flawed.

And yes I'm actually able to make every deck on the tierlist and do play cEDH before people start shit-posting.

Zada is considerer tier 3 because it's not consistent enough, doesn't have turn 2 wins and does nothing after having zada being countered/kept off the board.

what tier list are we looking at here

>tfw wotc will never print a skeleton tribal edh precon

Skeletal vampire my man.


how can somone get on to the tier list as the optimal build?
some of these are just god awfual and i play some of these commanders almost religiously

google edh tier list
the first one

Barl was quiet, neat, and unassuming, unlike most of the magnanimous mages of the Conclave. Mairsil, for all his faults, openly appreciated Barl's practicality, and placed the Artificer as his right hand. It was the Dark Age. Calamitous natural disasters, plague, and mage hunters ran rampant, and while Ith had founded the Conclave, he was aloof, while Mairsil was active, trying to improve their lives. To Barl, the choice was obvious. He chose his friend, helping him how he could, and for it he was turned into Lord Ith's Rag Man when all was finished.

The one where everyone is saying they've got no clue what they're talking about in the comments?

He was practical, fastidious, and something of a Big Brother to the Conclave of Mages (in that he seemed to be everywhere and know everything). Presumably, he worked for Mairsil because he was getting something out of the arrangement. After the fall of the conclave, the freed Lord Ith turned him into a Rag Man.

>inb4 Skeleton Ship retrain in Rivals of Ixalan

Im trying to build sheoldred big mana and i have a few (x) spells and some goodstuff like sepulchral primordial, geth, chainer, etc but i'm not really sure where to go from here, i definitely like staxy cards like contamination but what else goes well in this kind of deck? What would be the big black mana staples and cute cards like hatred?

on youtube everyone says that niggers should die in the comments
comments don't mean shit

>crowdsourced tier list
>the crowd doesn't matter
Sure buddy. If you make your house out of shit you get a shitty house.

I would love this. Other tribes that I would love to see some love for them are Spiders, Goats, and Homarids

FIrst of all the majority of the people playing magic suck at the game, combine that with the vocal people that love discussing who are autistic and think they're a lot smarter than they're actually are - this is describes the people maintaining the list, I have heavy doubts of them actually playing cEDH themselves without proxies or different views / strategies than the ones they so firmly believe in.
Most of the lists are posted by the people who're responsible for the tierlist anyway.
Like Ydris was listed Tier 1 for months without a decklist until some guy posted his list and it was upvoted a thousand+ times by reddit.
The guy also mentions that Mind's Desire isn't good enough (which is very true), meanwhile all the other blue decks still auto include the fucking card even if they're not storm, since the authors won't put your list up if it hasn't gotten a shitload of backing or isn't playing what they consider to be the best cards.
There was also a shitstorm when Azami got dropped down from tier 1 to tier 3 because of the mulligan change, which in all honesty affected all the non-black decks very hard, with Azami the least (due to her drawing power), she's back in a higher tier now (they introduced the 0.5 tiers after all the discussions) but she's still rated way to low and the list posted is pretty mediocre.

Just a bunch of circlejerkers basically (just like here I guess..), nature of online communities?

Why, because she comes out early, draws you a bunch of dudes and pumps them and you swing wide real early? I dunno, she doesn't seem amazing to me.

I was hoping for treefolk when I heard C17 was going to be tribal.

I was actually really surprised by Cats, Vampires, and Wizards. I expected WotC to take absolutely no risk and go with Dragons, Goblins, Merfolk, and Zombies. Maybe Elves again if they had absolutely no shame.

>0.5 tiers
>tierlist based on the community opinion
This is all I need to know that it's a shitty tierlist. A true tierlist should be determined from the usage % of competitive tournaments.

The thing is that EDH was not made for competitive, so a tierlist for EDH is stupid, since you just should round up the power of your deck to match your friends.

Alright /edhg/, be it for flavor, staple cards of yours or whatever reason, what's your favorite set?

Hard Mode: Don't say Kamigawa. We all love Kamigawa.

You do realize that Vampires, Dragons and Wizards are safe bets, very popular tribes and people have been making decks with them since forever.. The only surprise was Cats


Forgot to give my own answer of New Phyrexia.

Need confirmation for this, you can just keep piling up all the creature and artifact cards, and if Mairsil gets bounced or removed, there is no way to remove those caged cards completely, right?

Or is there a way to remove those caged cards?

Apparently there has been discussion to introduce cEDH into the pro-tour..
And agreed with what you posted, like obviously certain generals are better than others, but the tierlists and decklists are very subjective and are heavily based on personal preference of a few people that dictate the list, with the majority of the community being clueless and still discussing things.

im getting the teferi precon, what sort of upgrades can i make to it?

Tfw i got into magic durring theros and not new phyrexia or one of the ravnica blocks.

my sheoldred is all of that + TONS of demons

so what i'm hearing is
>make a super in depth reddit post explain every card to the point of autism
>fill it full of meta memes
>upvote bot
edit* "obligatory gold edit, thanks for all the support, i didn't think i would get this far"
>get in the tier list

sounds easy enough

For flavor, and flavor alone. Homelands. Not even kidding, the flavor text in that set is incredible. Baron Sengir, Grandmother Sengir, Ihsan's Shade, Veldrane of Sengir, An-Havva Inn, Rashka the Slayer, you're getting a sense for this world and its people through the eyes of its inhabitants.

but homelands was shit in every other respect.


Exactly this.

Majority is most likely going to say Phyrexia, Zendikar or Innistrad. I'll go with Shadowmoor.

Homelands. God DAMN that setting is amazing. I know it has like 2 useful cards but the worldbuilding is ART. If it had been attached to a playable-to-good set, Ulgrotha would probably be one of our most treasured settings.

After that, Fallen Empires, Ice Age, Time Spiral, and Future Sight are all pretty closely jammed together. NPH is good too and I guess on the right day that could be my answer.

Wizards and Vampires are safe within the realm of people who already play MtG. My point is I expected WotC to go with the absolute least risk possible because normies would all about pop culture meme races like Zombies and Goblins.

>Or is there a way to remove those caged cards?
Pull From Eternity or Riftsweeper will do it, whether or not Mairsil has been answered.

We were all expecting Goblins, Elves, and Zombies to go with the initially leaked Dragons.

Honestly the lineup we got is a pleasant surprise.

Which just makes it hurt that much more.
My friend.

It gave us Merchant Scroll.

And Joven's Ferret's is a fantastic 1-drop.

I got nothing else. What was your second useful card aside from Merchant Scroll?

Alara, I love alara for some reason.

Innistrad and lorwyn are a close second tho I love lorwyns art and setting.

Lorwyn. I love the storybook fairly tale feeling with suspicious dark undercurrent in the Elves and Faeries. Not to mention the set is almost suffocated in synergy and complexity, which WotC ultimately thought was a mistake, but I really loved.

Really I love the whole block together, but to pick one set, it's Lorwyn.

i renember reading that it only happened because two random fucksticks got picked from testing to make the set and they wanted to focus on story, not the set itself.

>people use reddit


There are a few ways to get the caged cards back in the graveyard, but rest assured if someone is playing them their jank is as great as yours.

Lorwyn, and original Innistrad(the revisit looks too rushed). I think I would have liked Theros more if the auras were better.

>Five Color Dragons
>Mardu Vampires
>Grixis Wizards
>G/W Cats

Are cats even that popular of a tribal or is WotC just pushing it for some reason? It just doesn't pop nearly as much as the other three.

It was two random fucksticks from accounting with no experience in game design.

People like cats, and got excited when Amonkhet and HoD had cat tribal stuff.

>Kamigawa is shit! SHIIIITTT!!!

At least born of the gods gave us this beauty.

Look up the price for a Foil Japanese Azami

I'll still find room for Broken Visage now and again, it's a solid 2-for-1 and more splash-friendly (and cheaper at full price) than imitator Nemesis Trap.

Spectral Bears and Ihsan's Shade got play back in the day, but they haven't aged well.

>anti trump and trump keep creating new subreddits and upvote botting them
>everything is politically charged
>rick and morty, the office is all that defines them
>not a place for discussion people just bot and want upvotes
>reposts all the time

what a shit hole

The story I heard was that the Word From Above for homelands design was "Serra Angel is OP" and so they not only designed by that metric, but played it safe by that metric.

I give up on every other idea I have. It is the only way to keep things in check.

I'm probably taking apart Ishkanah soon. Spider, toughness matters, card type matters, threshold, etc. was a fun idea, but it needs so much to work.

I feel like Theros was neutered by Maro's weird obsession with it NOT being an enchantment matters block.

If they had really leaned into what the set wanted to be, I feel like a lot of the underpowered Constellation and Bestow cards could have been propped up by synergy.

Aside from the new commander, what cards in grixis colors did sundial of the infinite break?

>she'll never be reprinted in a set with foils due to setting and lack of value