Get in cucks!
This is the x10 you have been waiting for.
They payed KUCOIN and are getting listed. 2mil cap.
Get in cucks!
This is the x10 you have been waiting for.
They payed KUCOIN and are getting listed. 2mil cap.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally not even on coin market cap. Where can I buy this
Literally in the OP. It just got listed on KuCoin but otherwise it's on Etherdelta (unlisted)
why would I buy that shitcoin?
10x???? This is fucking 20x mission with it's low mcap
just got listed. icot price 25
tiny mcap, working product, never had a proper pump
Who here getting pajeet'd right now?
sounds like skycoin desu
2mil cap... x20 at least
use my code for God's sake!
It gets listed at 3pm est I believe. I’ll buy some
OK, I'm in.... don't fail me now Veeky Forums!
Its listed now!
REEE why do you post this before my eth transaction is confirmed
Listed now, trading doesn’t start until 3pm est
How does initial cost get determined?
How to set a buy order....
Alright do I go all in on this or BURST?
I literally just bought some via KuCoin.
no you didnt
I stand corrected lol
That’s what I get for trusting their twitter
UTC+8 is 8:55pm now. I'm retarded too
I don't understand... what did I just buy?
pointless utility token
They're just being stupid, I just bought some too
where do I get bitches like this?
Yeah, just listed.. being traded at ED price still, about to pump
What's the circulating supply of bounty0x?
It isn't on kucoin, what are you babbling about?
KuCoin is a real laggy PoS atm ey
for real bro. if trolling, weak. this is basically PRL 2.0.
It's on Radar Relay
fart fart fart
*sniff sniff*
I love fart!
Pungent smell
Cast a spell
Your fart
touch my heart
Wonderful smell
I love like hell
Fart Fart FART!