>studded leather
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck everything your about
I miss quests
Historically studded leather armor isnt even a thing
Yeah things that didn't exist in our world could never exist in a made up fantasy world
this is bait
I don't recall fireballs, dragons, or sword-granting lake-ladies either. The players don't care, it helps flesh out the "light armor" category.
Definitely did not exist in our world nope.
And the earth is a half sphere, with only the western hemisphere on it, the east is merely fantasy.
"studded leather armor" was first referenced in D&D... there was no such thing. Most of the time what is mistaken for studded leather is a brigandine. A brigandine is made of small steel or iron plates sandwiched between layers of leather or canvas and riveted in place.
>they call it something different therefore it didn't exist.
Wouldn't it have been nicer to say:
>"Studded leather armor" is the word D&D uses for armor like brigandine and similar armor types, where tiny steel plates are riveted between two layers of leather.
I hear that cloth armor worked just as well. Never tested that claim though.
That's brigandine, which is what Gygax or one of his buddies mistook for studded leather. It's not even leather that the plates are attached to in this example. That's probably linen.
Why the hell do you think that they "mistook" it for studded leather?
Why couldn't they just have called it studded leather, because it was simpler to remember and more descriptive (this is a roleplaying game after all) than brigandine?
That's chinese brigandine.
>It is a misconception that Chinese only used the so-called faux brigandine — garment with the outward appearance of a brigandine armour, but without metal plates attached to the rivets from the inside — as military uniform or ceremonial armour.
Chinese studded leather armor was this one:
>This armour is made of cowhide, cut into multiple bands and treated with tung oil, then joined together with studs (turning it into a studded leather armour). Its spaudlers can be further reinforced with cow horn plates.
>Yue Bing Kui Jia was considered the best among leather armours.
Oh so studded leather refers to steel rivets without any steel behind the rivets?
I thought since the expression was made up by gygax that it didn't refer to any actual thing in particular.
Oh well.
Either way both exist.
It doesn't really need to be tested. Cloth armor was what pretty much anyone in the late middle ages who couldn't afford a breastplate would use. If leather were as good or better, they would have used it.
Oh, did they also make longswords one-handed and call arming swords short swords because it's simpler to remember and more descriptive?
I love D&D but their terminology is garbage.
Yes. Cloth was pretty good actually. technically, rogues should probably be wearing that and not leather....but it doesn't look cool enough
I'm ok with that, as long as it's believable. I hate realism but I love believability. Shitty fucking stitched ringmail, or leather with tiny studs on it being effective is NOT believable.
>joined together with studs
That shit is basically leather brigandine. It's not a leather vest with studs in it. It's still not what D&D portrayed.
>Either way both exist.
Leather clothing with metal studs unbacked by anything *aren't armor*, though. They're just decorative and won't actually do much to protect you.
>they called everything by the name other people use
>except this one time when they totally meant the right thing but just decided to call it something else
Same. Hopefully they'll be back here soon.
That armor has only leather and studs, no armor plates behind. DEFINITELY NOT a brigandine.
brigandine exists in D&D
>low energy b8 thread
>replying to this retards samefaggotry
neck yourselves
>cloth doesn't look cool
U fuckin wot m8?
except a brigandine would not be considered light armor. in terms of protection is more like full plate.
It's a brigantine, man. Chill out.
The real question is......Bastard Swords.....what are they?
a sword that is between an arming sword and a long sword, typically with the handle of a longsword, but more of an arming sword length of blade, used specifically by englishmen, probably to confuse the french who would say "whats the point of using a hand and half, stupid english?"
>dork in a bathrobe
that does not look cool.
Why anyone ever think this even exists?
"I want to hold this sword with one hand then a few fingers of my other hand!"
>We could just add another inch or so to the handle so you could fit the whole hand....
it does exist. the handle is long enough to accommodate 2 hands, but the blade is short enough to be wielded with just one hand, if you want. Hand and a Half is a colloquialism, and damn it you're fucking trolling me. fuck.
Half a hand of trolling, Victorian Englishisms are all sorts of dumb and bad and some idiots took it seriously is my point....oh god those TV specials growing up......
But yeah, Oakeshott or fuck off
Studded leather wouldn't protect against anything. There would be no reason for it to exist in a fantasy world.
quests still exist. Just go to their board.
>Studded leather wouldn't protect against anything.
Neither would fighters, but there they are.
Which ones offers better protection: Brigandine or chainmail?
guy looks blazed as shit
Studs and leather
Sulawesi leather armor.
The Indonesian tribesmen actually run around armored in leather...and armed with Blunderbuss.
Even though it isn't historically accurate, studded leather WOULD provide slightly more protection than leather, simply because slashing weapons could catch or slide along the rivets instead of cutting deeper. It would depend on the angle of attack and the pattern/distribution.density of the rivets, and it wouldn't be better ENOUGH, but it would be strictly superior.
I don't even care about your actual tired bait post, but that is not how to use Carlos you fuck. Carlos is for puns. Next time at least use a smug anime girl like a normal toilet person, instead of the uncontrollable diarrhoeaman you are now.
I'll even give you one to use in the future, because I'm just such a nice fucking guy.
I think the bigger advantage would be the slight chance for arrows to impart most of their force on a stud or two.
Yeah, I'm going to need a source for such a stupid claim.
Sauce for what? That it didn't exist? Or that adding extra protection to armor makes it more protective, even marginally? Studded leather could theoretically range from a few studs near vital organs, to near-plate level protection with pointless gaps between them. It's not a GOOD design by any means, but as long as it didn't compromise the intergrity of the original leather armor to begin with, it can't feasibly be anything but theoretically better in specific circumstances. Unless you are facing some sort of giant magnet monster.
This is the only video i have of even somewhat practical testing of terribly made "studded leather", and you can note that even this shoddy LARP gear occasionally lessens the efficacy of attacks due to the studs.
Likely Brigandine, though chainmail was very very good armor. It was one of the longest serving armor designs in history for a reason... because it fucking worked.
There are also the cases of Chinese studded leather armor and studded cotton armor, both being worn as practical battlefield armor.
The leather/cotton alone provide most of the protection, the studs are used to held them in place.
Mate. Look. Just think for a moment about why you would even make "studded armor" which is presumably just a carpet of little metal pins on a cloth or leather backing.
First off you need a ton of rivets, buttons, rinky dink connectors that connect to nothing. Why? Surely not to actually fight with. The amount of protection given is so negligible that it's a waste of time. Riveting shit isn't something you just do for fun. It's time consuming work and rivets that don't hold anything in place are absolutely pointless. Why not connect metal plates to the jacket with those rivets instead? Or sections of hardened leather? Where on earth are you finding some giant asshole who has a ton of studs and nothing else, and then proceeds to make bad armor out of it?
As noted by the rivets could be used to hold together cloth/leather to begin with, but while its incredibly impractical, that doesn't make it a complete non-factor. The point isn't that its accurate or particularly useful, but that any additional armor, even sporadic, provides strictly superior defense, as long as it doesn't compromise mobility or structural integrity.
In China, apparently.
Oh and in India, with their Chilta hazar masha (Coat of ten thousand nails).
Then studded leather armor is basically just...notarmor as in leather stips held together by studs.
Did they? I think they did.
>which is what Gygax or one of his buddies mistook for studded leather
No, it was what the historians who wrote the books Gygax and friends used for their research mistook for studded leather. Hewitt, Ashdown, and Stone. They were once the go-to authorities on historic arms and armor even though it was eventually proven they got a lot of shit wrong.
D&D was created long before the internet, you can't blame Gygax if whatever local libraries he used for research didn't have Blaire's work on the shelves to set him straight.
I purposely keep studded leather armor in all of my games because I know it triggers autists. No, it's not brigandine. It's leather armor with little metal studs on it.
>wearing armor
>studded leather
You know that's not the same. Quests on /qst/ don't get anywhere NEAR the involvement and traffic they used to get on Veeky Forums even when you remove the shitposters who came only to say "quests get out reeee" or the people who posted only once.
/qst/ is a fucking gulag that literally no-one who it was supposed to be made for, actually wanted or asked for.
Oh boo hoo hoo. I'm sure there are posters who really like Pokémon or MLP who didn't like being shunted off to their own containment boards, but that's what happens when a topic gets big enough that it drowns out a good chunk of discussion on its original board. You should have done your part to dial back the autism when it was growing if you didn't want to be exiled.
As anons have said in previous shitty meta threads, just fucking buy some cheap ad space if you think your board is so dead. You are NEVER coming back here, so get over it.
It wasn't made for questfags it was made for the rest of us so we could browse Veeky Forums without seeing thirty different quest threads that are only tangentially related to Veeky Forums
The average quest content on Veeky Forums before the creation of /qst/ was 10%. One in TEN threads was a quest, or quest-related. And we can all see that their banishment to /qst/ has NOT resulted on 10% more quality threads on the board; it has resulted in 10% more shitposting, for example: OP.
Quests have less posters and less involvement, which means less fun. Veeky Forums has more pointless, low-quality threads. EVERYONE has suffered from the creation of /qst/!
>The average quest content on Veeky Forums before the creation of /qst/ was 10%. One in TEN threads was a quest, or quest-related. And we can all see that their banishment to /qst/ has NOT resulted on 10% more quality threads on the board; it has resulted in 10% more shitposting, for example: OP.
don't prolapse your ass pulling these numbers out of it, dude
Incorrect. Quest threads were no-quality no-content threads 100% of the time. /qst/ is full of people who actually wanted quest threads; if there's no one in there then it goes to show how many people *actually* like quest threads.
That is a highly subjective metric. I admit there were bad quests, but they died as quickly as they were made
COMPLETE bullshit. Quests, by DESIGN have to have a constant stream of new content! There was more original about the most unimaginative quest on the board, than there is in yet another 'stat me', 'wat do', 'that guy', 'excuse me commissar', or '[Insert complaint about another an aspect of DnD or another setting]' thread!
I made the count myself for one of the many threads spent bitching about quests. I repeated it three days later and then a week after that. With a variance of one or two threads, quests maintained a 10% level.
Why would banning quests cause an increase in on-topic posting? It's not like questposters would suddenly become fa/tg/uys. Veeky Forums's userbase didn't spontaneously grow when quests got exiled.
It's like saying /v/ should have improved when generals got sent to Veeky Forums. /v/ didn't improve at all, it was still the same mix of shitposting and occasionally on topic threads, there was just no general threads clogging up the mix.
catalog looks like this now
>nothe wanting armored BDSM gear in your game
>you're numbers have no source
>here's my source: me
10%? That means one in ten threads died to a quest. That's unacceptable.
The quests would ensure that the shitposts get pushed off the board more quickly at least.
What fucking source do you want then? There isn't a fucking accredited agency monitoring and recording the content and quality of posts on a mesoamerican cave painting forum!
Why is it better for on-topic shitposts to get pushed off while off-topic quests remain? Veeky Forums is for Veeky Forums, not quests. I'd rather take Veeky Forums shitposts over /qst/ any day because I prefer Veeky Forums shitposts to /qst/.
>What fucking source do you want then? There isn't a fucking accredited agency monitoring and recording the content and quality of posts on a mesoamerican cave painting forum!
According to 4plebs, which automatically archives every thread created on Veeky Forums, during the one-week period before /qst/ was created, 8.6% of all threads created during that week were quest threads.
Shit is shit. It doesn't matter if it's 'yours' or someone else's. The only measure that quests are 'off-topic' any more than threads which add literally nothing to the board is some arbitrary definition you set!
So my numbers were off by 1.4% but the fact that there were even FEWER quests in the time period than I counted only goes to further prove my point that the argument of "The entire front page was full of quests!" is bullshit!
This. Veeky Forums's bait threads can be fun, and more importantly are Veeky Forums.
Why are some people so butthurt quests got removed? You got an entire damn board to yourself.
>Why are some people so butthurt they got forcibly re-located to a shitty and under-served ghetto?
>It's a whole town all to themselves!
The fact quests are not a card game, board game, miniatures war game, or role playing game means they're off-topic.
They're not under served there, they get the same functionality as any Veeky Forums board. It's not a ghetto either, they have the exact same features as any Veeky Forums board.
>quests are not a role playing game
But you're literally playing the role of a fictional character?
Does this mean discussion Everyone is John threads should be banned on Veeky Forums, since that game involves multiple players controlling the same character?
Why do you act like you have some sort of right to be on Veeky Forums and derail it with loli harem quest #12083780?
You know I think you are just butt-hurt that your shitty quest isn't getting traction. Maybe it's because it's a shitty quest user. Another stupid anime quest with >what do. Isn't going to draw people anymore.
>it is yet another thread where questfags prove why they were the worst posters on Veeky Forums
>people still haven't learned to ignore their delusional drivel about how they're being oppressed by antiquestfag illuminati and their mod goons
If you're gonna bitch about your containment board could you do so on or at least make your own meta-thread instead of taking over perfectly fine regular shitposting threads?
every board is a shitty and under served ghetto. you have nothing to complain about except you're mad /qst/ is dying, like most internet fads. it too will fade away while we on Veeky Forums will continue to shitpost about PHB rangers, wh40k being stupid yet enjoyable, and pathfinder being for weebs and furries
shhh.... don't bring facts and logic into an argument with anti-questfags, it scares and confuses them.
Lots of Veeky Forums regulars miss having quests on the board, but the mod always deletes the metathread even though Hiro tells him not to.
>lots of Veeky Forums regulars
oh shit well i should listen to them, just look at their post count, their well made forum signature, and the multiple gold stars under their username
Tbh Veeky Forums should only have 4 boards.
>/a/ - animation & comics both western and eastern
>/ad/ - adult (porn both 2D and 3D variations)
>/g/ - games (basically merge /qst/, Veeky Forums, /v/, Veeky Forums, /vr/, and /vp/ together to form one massive storm of autistic shitposting
>/b/ - random i.e. whatever other shit you've
this post gave me encephalitis
A lost of older fa/tg/uys also miss times when you didn't have to fill out chaptchas, post timers weren't longer than 100 years war, and there were regular porn dumps on this board but you don't see them constantly posting about how they wish to return to those days.
>leather with tiny studs on it being effective is NOT believable.
I was under the belief that the studs kept in place metal plates underneath the leather? Also
It was a dumb idea to split the board because of a handful of threads that were only of interest to people already on Veeky Forums.
Quest threads lasted as long as generals, comparing it to total threads does little. I don't think it was a problem, but with how long they last compared to a lot of other threads, they would take up more than 8% of the front page in average.
Fuck off. Quests only came to Veeky Forums in numbers after they were banned from every other board, and we weren't interested in dealing with your filth.
They're not playing a game. Improve theater is not a role playing game either.
Prove it.
>But you're literally playing the role of a fictional character?
Is acting relevant to Veeky Forums? no
performance checks dont count
brigandine, they would be worn with a chain shirt beneath them, along with an aketon
No we don't, and the mod deletes the metathread because it's always reliably reported for being off topic. You took one quote from Hiro and ran with it to excuse shitting up the board with your stupid fucking metaposting for an entire year.