Why are corpse emperor fags so unbearable? Can't they just fucking get a life, pick up a bolter and kill Imperium fags for Khorne? Like really, what did the emperor ever do for you?? I'll list off the benefits of the Chaos.
>Kill people for fun.
>Worship awesome deities and get magic shit.
>Get to scream awesome shit in battles (BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE.)
>Alpha as fuck.
>If you do enough shit you can become A MOTHERFUCKING DEMON YOU BITCH.
>Women everywhere for you to fug.
Lets see what you get when you serve the "rotting corpse on a block" Emperor.
>Stupid armor, who the fuck wants blue??
>Literally the average lifespan of a marine on the front lines is 15 minutes.
>Emperor doesn't give you shit except cancer and being 8 feet tall (really cool reward!)
>No appreciation for what you do.
>No freedom whatsoever.
>No women.
How can corpse emperor fags even compete with mighty Khorne, God of Slaughter and Butchery?
Why are corpse emperor fags so unbearable? Can't they just fucking get a life...
>Can't they just fucking get a life, pick up a bolter and kill Imperium fags for Khorne?
Doesn't this apply to non-Khornate Chaos too though?
Yeah but Khorne is the best.
It's barely even a corpse nowdays and mostly just held together by faith and ducttape
If khorne is so great, why is Terra still standing as a beacon of hope, waiting to be enslaved by the True Eldar?
>Kill heretics for fun
>Worship awesome deity and get magic shit
>Get to scream awesome shit in battles (FOR THE EMPEROR)
>Alpha as fuck
>Women everywhere for you to fug but you're too smart to be a slave to your dick
Let's see what you get when you serve the "lol fuck you I don't care about my followers only my own goal" Chaos Gods
>Stupid armor, who the fuck wants spikes and duct taped falling apart shit everywhere?
>Literally the average lifespan of a CSM on the front lines is 15 minutes
>Chaos Gods don't give you shit except cancer and being an 8 tentacled chaos spawn (really cool reward!)
>No appreciation for what you do
>No true freedom whatsoever
>No trustworthy comrades
I would rather be an eight tentacles abomination that eats corpse emperor fags like you any day than serve your shite emperor.
>Women everywhere for you to fug
Fuck off Slaneeshi cuck. Real men fuck war.
>Be a manlet
>Literally get nails shoved in your brain, forever deleting your reason and ability to enjoy anything
>Too mindless to use tactics, die the instant some poor conscripts lure your blood-crazed ass into a carpet bombardment
>On the off chance you survive, only reward is a minuscule chance of an eternity of slavery
>Probably just get mutated into random fleshy tentacle monster or shoved screaming into a torture sarcophagus to go crazy
>Be a chad
>Women on every world love you in their millions, you're revered as angels, and you're not too crazy to enjoy it
>No nails in your head so you can use tactics and laugh while your guns annihilate the mindless retards whose only tactic is "charge n' sheeeit"
Gee I wonder.
This thread, everything in it, and the culture that gave impetus to it's creation, are pathetic.
Because I believe in something greater than myself you pathetic nihilistic egotist. My life means nothing, same with the lives of all beings for life is doomed to die. To try to escape it is futile and selfish. The meaning of life is to live in the service of others, to sacrifice to better them. This is the purpose of any good patriarch, any father figure- to give and give until he has nothing more to give.
You as a psychotic child robbed of any family know nothing, as you are ultimately nothing more than a babe thrashing in a tantrum with the might of a god. Your actions achieve nothing, your glories are forgotten, and you gods care nothing for you. Only a god who dies for your salvation is worth worshiping. Not some degenerate swindler who promises freedom but jacks your mind and turns you into a one dimensional animal lacking free will.
Blah blah blah big words big words MORE KILLING
>Calls the other guy a nihilist
>Asserts that life has no meaning
What did he mean by this?
>Implying Chaos manlets can do anything to chads
Khorefags, when will they learn?
>Shitposting on the Astropath's private connections
I swear to god you fucking idiots don't understand that he's one twitch away from telling the Tyranids where we are
>implying this is worse than having multiple daemons trapped inside your head, all of them bitching inside your skull because they can't hijack your body and alter it to their own desires
Dat Astrogit needs to quit belly-aching. I gotz a Lord o' Change stuck in me noggin' n' da loud git nevah shuts up!
>Lord of Change hijacks Weirdboy's mouth for a second and spewing "NOT AS PLANNED!" repeatedly for ten seconds
See wot ah mean?
>only S4
Top kek, do you imperium cucks even lift?
Fucking do it. At least I wouldn't have to listen to these Idiots any more.
>>Women everywhere for you to fug but you're too smart to be a slave to your dick
Marines Going Their Own Way
That picture never fails to make me LOL.
"Go be Chaos somewhere else!" *tosses Chaoscuck off of a cliff*
Fuck you, I don't want to be eaten by Tyranids!
>Obsolete garbage manlets calling their replacements "cuck"
>>Kill people for fun.
>>Worship awesome deities and get magic shit
>>Get to scream awesome shit in battles
>>Alpha as fuck.
I already get all that and more fighting for the Emperor, demon cuck.
>chaos gods don't give you shit except cancer
implying this is a bad thing for a family member of Nurgle such as myself
>no appreciation for what you do
Then why do they give the gift of becoming a demon prince?
Fantasies of 12 YO - youll grow up from chaos when you start to get getting some. Untill then stay slave to darkness.
Also friendly reminder
Khorne - you are bullied in school
Slaneesh - You fap to much
Nurgle - You are just fat and obese
Tzeensh - You are plain ugly (mutations sure)
so yeah kid - I hope it gets better in time for you
As a classic liberal I am with Khorne because he protects my freedoms and I don't want to pay taxes to the Emperor anymore.
>Already kill for laffs
>Gork n' Mork iz best, and da WAAAGH!!! iz da greatest fing ever!
>Roaring "WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" at the top of your lungs is betta den any beakie or spikey git battle cry
>Wot da zog iz dis pointless 'Alpha' squigshit?
Tzeentch appreciates everything. Every action we make, even your little tirade, is another brushstroke on the grand painting. Chaos is love. Chaos is hope. Chaos is joy. Chaos is beauty. Everything worth living for is a product of Chaos.
Why are non-Squats so laughable? Being under the finger of GW at all times. Without even realizing it, their personalities, backstories, motivations & even appearances can be changed or retconned at any time. Worst yet, they can end up like the Squats & be removed like the Pariahs & Zoats. The thing about being squatted is that people can't do nothing to you without acknowledging your existence. Anything they do to you can be considered a plus. For the slaves to GW? They don't have that.
Dwarves got discontinued you fucking faggot shut your fucking mouth fucking dwarf nigger chaos rules.
OP it seems you are comparing playing chaos to playing ultratards. which is understandable why you'd want to make this argument.
I personally play IG, Sisters, Crimson Fists, and Ynnari eldar.
IG worship Ollanius Pius aka manliest mother fucker to ever grace the universe with his divine presence and balls each the size of a supergiant star. also CREEEEEEEEEED because all hail ninja titan. and a man who gained pseudo immortality because he made a race believe he was.
sisters because nun with guns.
Crimson Fists because space marines aren't inherently stupid. just the ultramarines and the people who take all the cool chapters, which equates to a majority of them, and lumps them in with the blue clad retards.
Ynnari because soul eating swords, soul eating heroes, a god made out of a glowy lump of screaming souls. and a faction of eldar that let me use the cool parts of all three sub races yes please
besides non imperial races have their perks and drawbacks.
sphess nomnom buggz. cool bug monsters, GW has a hate boner for
fighty fungus. fucking orks, fucking orks
weeaboo vaj heads. badass mech suits, fucking faaaaaaags.
Sphess elves, raep elves, and clown elves. cool units, overwhelmingly stupid.
raegy, rapey, sickly, and thinky mahreens, marines for those who don't like imperium, basically a Saturday morning cartoon villan despite the ocean of retcons. still only cool to 12 year olds.
sphess zambies. all around amazing race, ctan (which suck as much as they are stupid)
because the chaos gods are even more likely to give you a shitty gift like an extra leg, ahlete foot or even turning you into a spawn because to a chaos god those are all just as good as demonhood
>get a life
Because Loyalists have a much better asthetic than just "dude spikes, rust and gore lol"