It's Da Archive™ !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
STEP 1 Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. there is lots of stuff, including filled requests directly posted to the board.
PDF Share Thread # 82
Other urls found in this thread:
P.S. - Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, here is one way to clean it.
Contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, then the pdf is purified.
[email protected]
By the way, Thanks Mageguru, you're the Best!
Check out Da Curated Archive to see what's in it.
Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.
Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it up again later. Using indirect links seems to work for Mageguru.
Babylon 5
Barbarians of Lemuria
Barsoom/ Martian adventures
Base Raiders
Basic Role Playing
Battle Century G/Z
Battlefield Gothic
Beyond the Wall
Big Eyes Small Mouth
Blades in the Dark
Blue Planet
Blue Rose
Boot Hill
Brave New World
Broken Urthe
Bubblegum Crisis/ Dominion Tank Police
Buck Rogers
Bureau 13
I found this enormous list of rpgs, that probably means everyone else has known about it for ages.
It stopped in 2007, it has descriptions and stuff.
This one started in 2008
Step 45 Da Archivist Does Not Have An Opinion. He logs Garbage and Gold equally.
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.
I know this kinda thing isnt really Da Archive's forte, but I already asked /hwg/ with no avail. I'm looking for the Mad Dogs with Guns. I've already special ordered the book as well as several minis for the game, but I could really use the PDF for convenience and for printing player aids.
Requesting Karthun: Lands of Conflict. TIA
Anyone have the November Metric to share?
anyone have their hands on the new Villians & Vigilantes from Monkeyhouse - Mighty Protectors. Releases to Backers are out digitally and supposedly in print as well.....I want to see the thing before I buy it when it is available to general public.....whenever that finally happens
Seconding this request.
Looking for a few 5E and OSR books:
Anything for Arcanis 5e, but especially the beastiaries and Forged in Magic: Reforged
The Lost Lands: The Blight 5e
Underworld Races & Classes from AAW Games
Midgard Setting for 5e
Unlikely Heroes
The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence
Revelry in Torth
Love Witch from Nuelow
Liberation of the Demon Slayer
As usual with every new thread, I'm gonna leave this here to get it out of the way of the rest of the thread. The attached file is my personal wishlist of Savage Worlds PDFs still missing from my collection. It's organized by setting, starting with the settings that are missing the most files and going down to the ones that are missing a single, solitary file. It's been updated to remove the stuff people have shared in the last thread and I know for a fact that a lot of other people around here have been requesting quite a few of those books. I don't think any of these files are in any active Savage Worlds trove out there or have ever been shared before. If anybody here cares to take a look at it and provide anything - really, anything at all - from the list, I'm sure it would be appreciated not only by me, but by a lot of other people as well. Many thanks in advance!
TORG: Eternity has been out to backers for a while now...hope someone is willing to put it out there.
Hey, I've got some stuff I want to put up for our friendly trovers to share around. What's the proper way to do that around here? Just put everything on Mega, one at a time, no account?
Upload them anywhere you want. Doesn't really matter as long as it's not Scibd
Please, requesting should anyone have:
Rob Kuntz El Raja Key Archive (Deluxe+)
Lost Lands: Adventures in the Borderland Provinces (S&W)
Castle Zagyg: The Outs Inn
Castle Zagyg: Volume 1, Yggsburgh
Marshes of Peril (Pathfinder)
Mountains of Peril (Pathfinder)
DCC: Rat King SAGA
AAW: BASIC02, BASIC03, BASIC## etc (Roll20 files if exist)
C&C Codexs (especially Nordica, Classicum)
Rob Kuntz Original Plantmaster module
[newly available] Night Below from DTRPG
Anything GOR related (no idea if any good, just saw folks asking about it and I had read Norman in youth & curious)
For the AAW "BASIC" line, was looking for 5E versions not PF.
Faerie Ring: Along the Twisting Way Campaign Guide is finally out. Anybody got it yet? Tia.
If anybody has any of the HeroicMaps mappacks, I would love you forever!
First time uploading here... hope I did this right. Feel free to correct me if I didn't.
Stuff can be found at a place one could describe as "mega".
The Black Hackzetter Volume 1, 2, & 3
A Hack Of Class
Cybernetica - The Black Hack
How The West Was Hacked - The Weird WIld West
The Basic Hack
The Pirate Hack
The Pulp Hack
The Space Hack
The Stellar Hack - Starlite
The Super Hack
The Vigilante Hack
Injustice For All - Super Syndicate
Search & Destroy
The Super Villian Handbook
Heroes Wear Masks
Heroes Wear Masks - Powers
Ultramodern 1.2
Miscreants, Malefacotrs, & Megalomaniacs
Supervillian Handbook Deluxe Edition
Adventurers - Space Rangers
Covetous Poet's Adventure Creator & Solo GM Guidebook
Glyph Ssytem
High Stakes (Beta)
One Page Dungeon Compilation 2017
OneDice Universal Revised
Planetary Mercenary
Super System 4th Edition
Mongoose Publishing:
More Ultimate Equipment
Ultimate Character Concepts
Ultimate Divine Spellbook
Ultimate Equipment Guide, Volume II
Ultimate Game Designer's Companion
Ultimate NPCs
Ultimate Prestige Class Vol 2
Highthrone: City of the Clouds
Stonebridge: City of Illusions
Mongoose Publishing Classic Play:
MGP8801 Book of Strongholds n Dynasties
MGP8802 Book of Dragons
MGP8803 Book of Encounters and Lairs
MGP8804 Book of Adventuring
MGP8805 Book of the Sea
MGP8881 Book of Hell
Fantasy AGE - Encounters Childrens Crusade
Fantasy AGE - Encounters Drive for Justice
Fantasy AGE - Encounters Menace from the Mines
I know they are long shots but Requesting:
Open Legend Core Rules early access PDF (This game is taking forever to release & backers got a PDF already)
Monarchies of Mau early access PDF
Awesome. Thanks!
Has anyone seen Dark Tower from the Judge's Guild? I feel like I've seen a JG dump before but I can't seem to find it.
Judges Guild JG3: Dark Tower
First I want to thank all the contributors here for their help. I found the Judge's Guild list in the Trove and have downloaded a lot of modules I didn't have (plus a few I did, having backup's is a good thing).
I noticed that CITY STATE WARFARE was on the "don't have" list, this at least I can help you with in partial repayment for all those who help...
A couple more of those new Judge's Guild scans from usenet, which again included a sending of space links:
JG700 Restormel
JG1180 Jungle of Lost Souls
Well, you had a good run...your reliability will be missed.
Very nice!
I didn't have that one....thanx!
This looks funny as fuck
Mutant Future revised anyone?
Don't know if this should actually go to /wsr/, but I'm looking for the name of a non-combat game, I think it's Japanese, you go around helping people in a fantasy world or something.
Golden Sky Stories
Any Changeling V20 Sourcebooks?
Fall Back! and American Outback have been added to the Morrow Project trove.
Has Deadlands20 hit the archive yet?
Does anyone have Adventures in Middle-Earth Eaves of Mirkwood and Loremaster's Screen?
Requesting The Gamemaster's Worldbuilding Journal from Fat Goblin Games. The link in Annex didn't work last time and had now been removed.
Anyone got Warbirds' WW2 supplement? I need all the rules because I am planning on making a Magical Girl homebrew using the Rapid Fire rules
does anyone have the slayers d20 in PDF?
Futant Muture
Futant Muture:deviseR
Futant Muture:Shracter Cheets (for both versions)
Thanks a bunch user!
Requesting the Fantasy! Old School Gaming
Misspent youth anyone?
Does anyone have the Bol Hack?
Requesting any and all paper minis or pawns not already in da archive
If you got something you think not alot of people have seen, let me know, and thanks in advance.
Getcher BOL on!
Thank you very much!
>Covetous Poet's Adventure Creator & Solo GM Guidebook
Ooh, hey, you don't happen to have his Game Master Emulator, do you? The Covetous Poet GME's been on m wanted list for a while.
Does anyone have three Judges Guild - Fantastic Personalities?
Does anyone have the Judges Guild - Fantastic Personalities?
That would be the 'Solo GM Guidebook' portion of the book, my friend.
So it is! Huzzah!
Wubba wubba too?
FGG forms galore...
It has...
Here are three that fit the bill — Do: Pilgrims Of The Flying Temple, Golden Sky Stories, and Ryuutama: Natural Fantasy...
Wanted to thank those who helped last thread, it made a big difference.
Cheers, user!
Does anyone have Merc - D.O.W. from Adversary Games? Or know anything about it?
The standalone PDF doesn't drop for a few days yet; but his is out via Bits And Mortar already AND WE WANTS IT, PRECIOUS!
-Freeport, Pathfinder Short Cuts (whatever these things are)
-Freeport, Razor Caves Series
Could you post as pdf so I could open on phone? Thanks!
Does anyone have Bushido?
Da archive-> ctrl+f->bushi->mediafire link.
Many blessing from Crom on you!
That and the latest World Of Adventure...
>That and the latest World Of Adventure
Adding to Fate Trove
*thumbs up*
In da curated archive
Requesting the Ninja Crusade 2E corebook.
NIN crusade, ja?
snip dot li
Updated with the latest supplement that just came out today
I found an ancient torrent with one seeder left. Fourteen hours later, I have my 4mb pdf.
What's the best place to upload a single pdf?
I use SendSpace, myself.
Shadow of the Demon Lord; what is the world's name?
Judge's Guild - Dark Tower
Space Sender
on ss
From upstairs
amazing and unexpected thank you user
Anyone have The Complete Guide to Warriors of the Cosmos, for Cartoon Action Hour?
And it's already gone. Damn.
Looking for Mort Tanis, November Metric, and Pirates of Drinax? Anybody? Anybody?
>>Mutant: Year Zero Zone Compendium 3 "Die, meat eaters, die
Reposting the PbtA trove request list.
Based on the list from
Across the Endless Sea
Amazons (Worlds Without Master #11)
Cartel: Ashcan
Dead Scare
Dies Illa
The Dead Geas of Duke Vulku (Worlds Without Master #10)
DSA5 Erzählregeln
Gauntlet World
Iron Edda - World of Metal and Bone
Kult - Divinity Lost
Nahual (Patreon)
The Sprawl: November Metric
Tremulus - Deralict Adrift
Tremulus - Playbook Set IV: The Expedition Team
Tremulus - The Asylum (Ebon Eaves Expansion III)
Tremulus - The Frozen Wasteland
Tremulus - The Journey
Tremulus - The Museum (Ebon Eaves Expansion II)
Tremulus - The Orphanage (Ebon Eaves Expansion IV)
Undying (168 pg version)
Anyone have
- Book of the Tarrasque by Encoded Designs
- Southlands Campaign Setting by Kobold Press
- Tome of Adventures from the DMsguild
Someone posted an archive of a bunch of Judges Guild stuff in the last thread, including this title.
A plethora of PbtA...
Awesome, Thanks a lot.
Does anyone have any of the WOIN systems?
Drivethru lists it as 168. Either way, the one i have the in trove is 78 pages.
That 168-page version of Undying? It's 131 pages of rules, 27 pages of the Plague Empire quickstart, and 10 pages of playbooks and reference sheets.
Here's that, then...
Hey Mage and Da, any luck finding a cleaned copy of Starfinder? Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough in the troves, but /pgg/ and /sfg/ don't seem to have it, either.
Street date is the 17th, right?