What does Veeky Forums think about Guild Ball?
What does Veeky Forums think about Guild Ball?
I am a big fan. Locally it's really gaining traction, especially since WMH collapsed after Mk3. We get about 10-12 people on GB night.
>only need to paint a handful of models per faction so the game has a really small buy-in.
>3x3 table space makes it easy to play on kitchen tables, all in all a really manageable game.
>Very deep tactical nuance thanks to playbooks and individual model complexity.
>Simple mechanics to remember.
>Internal and external balance blow games like 40K and WMH out of the water.
>Alternating activations makes for much more interactive gameplay.
>League play is very fun.
>Learning curve is really steep beyond the basics. Getting a feel for a given guild's strategic options takes a while because of model complexity.
>Scale is static, and you will never have a larger game than 6 players.
>Decent options within most guilds but you will eventually settle in on the same roster, with 1-2 substitutions for certain matchups in draft play.
>Balance is good but not perfect so once you settle into a roster pretty much everything else stays on the shelf. Not as bad as having a billion trap choices in other
>Model assembly flat out sucks and everything but the new plastics need pinning.
>Model quality is inconsistent and compared to other games rely on good paint to differentiate between models. (Getting better though)
Never heard of it
Name sounds like a meme name for Guild Wars PvP or something. Kind of unfortunate choice.
I like it, they are doing a good job with errata to keep it balanced.
You should look into it. It's pretty damn fun.
In the sport-based miniatures game genre it's way better than Blood Bowl or Dreadball.
Literally shit, the main problem with this moronic game is the company that doesn't give a flying fuck. Thay make a shit ton of unbalanced models - basically morts then alchemist and game is boring and simple and feels cheep. Also, models are Chinese plastic trash. So no thank you - tired and no one wants to touch this shit with a forkstick ...
>Having a problem with Morts or Alchs post erreta
What's troubling you? I might be able to help, what team do you play?
>Chinese plastic trash
I have the Farmers guild plastics, they're really nice compared to the Kick Off! Set, I got them this weekend at the UK Champs.
>complaining about Morts
Morts in S3 are a bottom-tier guild. And Alchemists literally just got some errata.
Lacks the personality that a fantasy sports game should have. None of the teams are exciting or appeal to me. Meanwhile I can't stop making blood bowl teams.
I'm really enjoying the Farmers at the moment. Everything in the faction has so much personality. Far more balanced than Malifaux, my last game.
That is the problem - their mantra is to make one team OP wait for people to buy them then nerf them with nerf bat.
Overall game is badly designed and most of the development team are mantlets and obese motherfuckers. One of them supposedly pimps his sister to sandniggers so there is that.
Most of the models are metal though. Only the farmers only come in plastic.
Farmers are the new normal - blacksmiths are getting farmered also and all the old guilds are going to get redone in plastic (as brewers and masons)
Found the
Blood Bowl Red Shirt
The key to trolling is subtlety.
You fucking ig-noh-RAH-moose
Haven't played, but it dwarfs the other non-FFG games at my LGS in popularity so it must have something.
Goddamn, did a Guild Ball model kill your parents or something?
I agree with most of what says but I disagree on these two.
>>Model assembly flat out sucks and everything but the new plastics need pinning.
>>Model quality is inconsistent and compared to other games rely on good paint to differentiate between models. (Getting better though)
I think the first one is on a model to model basis. Models like pin vice and minx are annoying as hell, but I don't think I've pinned anyone besides those two.
As for the second I think that really comes down to ones opinion.
Holy FUCK Minx can suck seven dicks. Like I love her as a pick for my Union but that model is the worst.
I think it deserves kind of a general.
I like to read about GB and I have strong wishes to get into it.
Same, but there's not really enough traffic. Plus, it usually devolves into Waifu fights.