/BGG/ Board Game General - Still some TI4 hype edition

/BGG/ Board Game General - Still some TI4 hype edition

Previous thread:

Who here owns TI3 and will buy TI4? Anyone who never played TI3 but plans to buy TI4 to finally get in on the whole thing?

If TI is the king of ameritrash, what's the king of eurogames?

What other 2017 release are you looking forward to?

>Anyone who never played TI3 but plans to buy TI4 to finally get in on the whole thing?
I think this is gonna be me.

>If TI is the king of ameritrash, what's the king of eurogames?

>What other 2017 release are you looking forward to?
Can't think of anything right now.

Me too. Never had the chance to play TI3, but the hype is getting me. I was somewhat interested in it before the announcement, a new edition will likely be the tipping point

worst OP ever

Nah there have been some anime ones. Pure cancer.

>abloo bloo bloo i hate anime

Let me hate anime. Nothing wrong with that. You can keep hating pink girly font.

>Don't give in to hate. That leads to the STEEV side
Seriously if you're going to be hating and playing board games maybe learn to stitch a flesh wound first

>Anyone who never played TI3 but plans to buy TI4 to finally get in on the whole thing?
Probably not.

>If TI is the king of ameritrash, what's the king of eurogames?
Probably some Uwe Rosenberg game? Terra Mystica maybe? That said my favourite euro is Dominant Species.

>What other 2017 releases are you looking forward to?
Welcome to Centerville

Don't think GMT are printing any others that I want off their P500 this year.

On a completely different note, I got to try Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective this weekend, one case with five players, and another with four. It was pretty fun, sort of reminded me of the old "choose-your-own-adventure" type books.

How does one get better at terra mystica without embarrassing one self?

I have never played TI but if I get enough people on board I will pick up TI4.

I imagine that Agricola or Terra Mystica would be the king of euro games.

I am probably going to look forward to the Kingdom Death Gambler's Chest the most because I already pledged my left nut for it.

I may be alone here but I fucking hate terra mystica and all the hype it gets. I own it and can confirm and why the fuck.is it still on the side bar on.board game geek

>Who here owns TI3 and will buy TI4?
Technically don't own it - "my" copy belongs to a friend who joined the navy last year, who I gave it to for christmas a few years before that, but it ended up mostly staying at my place for obvious reasons.

>learn to stitch a flesh wound
An important skill for interesting people and interesting lifestyles.

Need advice Veeky Forums.

>Playing Descent: Sea of Blood expansion.
>Be OL. The Count, specifically.
>Chose the Dark Queen as my plot, because fuck sunlight lassers I'm a goddamn vampire, and fuck getting eaten by the sealed evil an a can if I "Win"
>Opening conqest buy is Bloodsuckers, now my razorwings have leech and ironskin.
>I have A New Law, Lawlessness + Asleep at the Wheel, and the Siren.
>Heros have gained 41 conquest to my 32
>They are Lindall, who is rocking Born to the Bow and Backbiter, Mad Carthas with Inner Fire and Immolate, as well as pacify, just in case. Spirt Seeker Mot with a staff that inflicts burn, and One Fist, with Belt of Giants str. and the skill that lets him spend two fatuige to get two attacks with an advance action
>So yeah, they've got a ranged heavy party, and I'm having a hell of a time getting anything in the tiny campaign dungeons to last long enough to get attacks in at all.
>One Fist has got chainmail, so I can barely hurt him atm.
>My current growth scheme was going to advance my beasts to gold and only my beasts, get all LT's (ghost ship, kraken and void) one monster trechery two each of traps and events, focused, corupting bite, energy drain, two dark powers, peace talks, and the Dark Queen. Maybe the extra taxes one if I'm coming out a bit ahead.
>Dosen't look like I will.

Should I drop Ghost Ship or Void for an upgrade to eldritch so my skellies, sorcs and Preists can hit just a bit harder? Luckily for me, they've completly ignored One Fists suggestion to go get him the Shark Tatoo, so they fought the Siren three times, and had to run away from her twice.

Has anyone here played pic related?

At least they had decent topic questions.

Putting serious thought into getting TI4, but only if it plays faster. I've never played TI3, and the thing that specifically prevented me from going for it was knowing that it takes forever. My gaming group doesn't have enough patience for Eldritch Horror, let alone TI.

Dead of Winter has a comic book now.

The tone and art style are incongruously light considering the subject matter, making the comic really rather weak. It doesn't really do anything particularly wrong, it just sort of passively fails to do anything particularly desirable.

>It doesn't really do anything particularly wrong, it just sort of passively fails to do anything particularly desirable.

I image it would be hard to do much when the characters are all based on a characters in a board game. Doesn't allow for much 'story progression'. Just sounds kind of sad when one thinks about it.

We still wagglin'?


So far the story is that the Dog, the Fireman character and some new character (Ruckus Burley, White Trash) rescue a black family from some zombies, come back to the colony, then go out foraging for supplies with the Lawyer character and the Police Dispatcher character, before some unseen person blows up their car with a grenade. The Police Dispatcher and the Dog get thrown pretty far by the explosion, and are found by the Mall Santa.

That's the end of the first issue. Fuck if I know where they're going with this.

>An important skill for interesting people and interesting lifestyles.
No joke, being able to stitch up wounds was almost as helpful as learning how to turn a single tube sock into a sling when someone breaks an arm. Now knowing how to remove blood from printed material is slightly more useful but sadly never mastered that...... still miss that copy of The Resistance

>muh stitching wounds
You kids are funny.

Just use duct tape or super glue. That's what it was originally made for.

You are talking about a game featuring your pic related, a super smart lab monkey from a futuristic spooky evil science lab, plasma guns, ninjas, pirates and who knows what the fuck else.
I think they went with the Blizzard style of 2let's put some funny shit in our super serious game", but they miserably failed at making it a coherent whole because they are not Blizzard.

Gotta say, first Dead of Winter then Ashes made me lose a lot of faith in PHG as designers. Now they got this Crystal Clans thing coming out, whihc looks kinda like a spiritual successor to Summoner Wars... I don't know if I will try it.

reminds that adam poots said he will never visit Veeky Forums again after you racists mowed down innocent antifa.

Holee shit I was in the thread a week ago asking STEEV for TI3 advice. Was about to buy it this week until I saw the announcement.

Guess I'll wait another few months to pick up TI 4 instead - but holy shit that price! It's going to be $220 AUD minimum at my FLGS. Either that or buy TI3 for $130 AUD.

If you've got a friend coming to Murrica try getting him to bring it through customs for you.

The wife once made me go to the ER after slicing my thumb open in the kitchen, the doc agreed that I could've duct taped it. That said the stitches leak less, and super glue always results in my fingers losing more skin

That;s a stop-gap, not a permanent solution.

>The wife (male) made me (cuck) go the ER


sure, why not

>Having friends
Does my mum count?

He said friends, not girlfriend.

I'll probably buy TI4. My greatest fear with TI3 was that they'd announce a new edition the day after I bought it. That seems unlikely now.

Agricola/Caverna would probably be king of Euros if people could reach a consensus on which was better, as it stands I'd say Carcassonne reigns supreme.

>Forbidden Stars
>Fairy Tale
>Merchants and Marauders
>Can you tell me more about these three?

Sorry, didn't get to answer this before the thread died. What do you want to know?

>Agricola/Caverna would probably be king of Euros if people could reach a consensus on which was better
The consensus on /bgg/ is that Agricola is a far, far superior game to Caverna, that it will stand the test of time as Caverna is quickly forgotten.
The consensus on BGG is more even-handed, but the consensus on BGG is also that Pandemic Legacy is the best game ever made.

>Veeky Forums

Help me Veeky Forums what kind of traditional board game is this

I haven't seen a single person defend Caverna on /bgg/.

Looks like cribbage maybe?


>I haven't seen a single person defend Caverna on /bgg/.
Then you're fairly blind. We've had serious contention over that shit.

Lucky you, we've had several threads full of shitposting about it; mostly due to one or two autists who instead of making rational points about why they prefer Agricola just call everyone else names and act like their opinion=fact.

You have never in your life seen anyone defend Caverna on this board or any other.

>If TI is the king of ameritrash, what's the king of eurogames?
Probably Puerto Rico.

Can I get an honest Pro/Con of agricola vs caverna? Which is the better game for 2 people? Which has the lesser turn downtime?

>Which is the better game for 2 people?
Agricola has a dedicated 2p version.

Agricola has a set of special rules for 2p. Caverna you simply use a specific side of the boards and play the game like normal. I wouldn't say either is better.

In terms of turn downtime, about the same.

Agricola has a sort of randomly assigned secret 'objective' cards that can heavily guide your strategy. In Caverna nothing is hidden and you have to wholly come up with your strategy yourself.

Agricola is a vague psuedo medieval european farming sim. Carverna is DORF FORTRESS minus invasions.

Agricola is about feeding your people (and is a pretty big pain in the ass about that) and then trying to get victory points on the side. Caverna is about developing your area for points with feeding people on the side.

I like Caverna more and think it's a more fun game.

I played 2p Agricola and I found something lacking. I can't really say more, but at the end I was like, is this all there is?

I mean it just seems you don't get very far and I was surprised because the long time player and my score were not that different.

I'd play again, sure, but I keep thinking: shouldn't there be something more?

Never played Caverna so can't help you there.

>I played 2p Agricola and I found something lacking. I can't really say more, but at the end I was like, is this all there is?
Because a huge part of the game is other players fucking you, and with only one player fucking you you might as well play a dedicated 2p game like Chess or Go or Raptor or Duke or TS.

I had a short conversation about TI4 with a friend at the meetup tonight. We both came to the conclusion that 4Xs don't really have an audience in our group, which is kind of sad but it's just how it is. Not getting it, but if I have the occasion to try it I'll give it a whirl.

Don't be an idiot and believe people that say Agricola is good to play with your significant other to get them into board games.
Fuck you BGG

in my defense, all those catans and munchkin were the first games I bought and I've had them for about 10 years. yeah, munchkin is total garbage but I owe catan for getting me into board games in the first place, even if I never play or even want to play it anymore.

machi koro is pretty fun, and I think the expansions improve it greatly.

>nobody told me to throw out the home improvement board game

Games like Chaos in the Old World? So I don't have to shoot myself for never being able to play it now that it's gone.

What board game would you guys suggest if this is the current pool my group likes to play?

>Boss Monster
>Cosmic Encounters
>Blood Rage
>Arkham Horror
>Android: Netrunner

We normally have at least 5-6 people, so a lot of the smaller games don't get trotted out much. I'm looking to expand my collection, so any recommendations would be super.

Kemet sounds like a good fit.

have two three player games going

I bring what I want to play and if they don't want to play what I bring I play what they brought.

But if you're not going to get more games why ask?

Find a new group?

Cthulhu Wars

Kemet is a good replacement, and is actually a better game at every player count except 4 which is where CitOW shines.

I'm not sure what you're saying here? I am going to get more games, I'm just looking more for games that can accommodate 5-6 players.

Kemet, Chicago Express, Letters from Whitechapel, Exodus: Proxima Centauri, Zimby Mojo

>I'm looking to expand my collection
I understand that reading comprehension is an ability that not all people are capable of, but come on

>Boss Monster

What's the deal with Boss Monster anyway? I can't really ever get into it.

your group is trash

7 wonders

roll for the galaxy (or race if you like more complex)

everything else I'd recommend bogs down at 5 and I'd always rather play with 4.

> rescue a black family from some zombies

Really? Zombie godamn apocolypse and you think people are going to give two shits about some random niggers. Nope. First thing out the window will be this fake virtue signalling morality nonsense.

>Police Dispatcher and the Dog get thrown pretty far by the explosion

Mall Santa better get ready to be wrecked cause those two are zombies.

It's garbage

I'm starting to get into GMT style games. I've got Labyrinth and 1989 Dawn of Freedom.

Last night I ran myself through the 2-player walkthrough in Labyrinth and it seems like an awesome fucking game can't wait to play it for real.

Does anybody recommend another GMT title? I was either going to get A Distant Plain (COIN series) Making of a President Nixon v Kennedy or just get Phantom Leader because it looks awesome.

>Agricola has a dedicated 2p version.
So does Caverna, pic related.

Trying to build a gaming table from scratch
Any tips regarding how to add...
>Bluetooth speakers
>cup holders

Anyone played Runewars? Looks like a better Twilight Imperium in a way ( mainly because FUCK dice)

Triumph & Tragedy
Falling Sky
Dominant Species
Twilight Struggle
Andean Abyss
Pax Baltica (think this one is out of print though?)

Bad experience? Because that's why I asked, I want a heavier euro style game that is indirectly competitive that I can play small and personally with my GF, but also is able to expand up to my normal game group (6 or so people).

Not him but Agricola can be played rather cutthroat and you get hit with a barrage of negative points if someone fucks your feeding plan up. I've seen from personal experience (also with Agricola) that a lot of girls can't handle a game where you can lose things or end up worse than you were before, with all your plans shat all over.

Is Cthulhu War any good? I already have CitOW will in be a simple biss repetita?


But dem minis tho. Also,the Cthulhu Mythos seem to appeal to more people than GW's Chaos Powers lore.

it's different, but probably not worth $200-$750 different unless you're a massive Cthulhu-meme fan.

Ok but when i look at the expansions do they add a lot to the game? Does the maps add to the game.
I m not a plastic fan minis it could be tokens for all i care.

>Who here owns TI3 and will buy TI4? Anyone who never played TI3 but plans to buy TI4 to finally get in on the whole thing?
me probably
>What other 2017 release are you looking forward to?
kemet reprint

What's Twilight Imperium and why do I have the urge to pre order it

This was true of all previous editions but a glance at TI4 suggests that it may have exactly as many bits as it needs.

>Who here owns TI3 and will buy TI4?
Me. I only own the base game and got it too late to get the expansions. The plus side is that every copy of TI4 seems to come with the most important features of the expansions such as lots of potential races, flagships, extra tiles. The downside is I feel bad for anyone who doesn't want to pay the steep price point for that, but it's justification for me to get it at least.
>What other 2017 release are you looking forward to?
Most of what I wanted this year came out already. That is to say, most of my year has been eagerly awaiting Millennium Blades Set Rotation and Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star. I tend to only be in the know about expansions because it's an update for a game I already know I like. The only other game I can say has my attention right now is Photosynthesis, but that's pretty much it.

80's platformers art

And good mecha inspired games?

>And good mecha inspired

>no retail Dark Souls expansions until next year
Should have backed it, I need more.

even people who backed are still gonna have to wait just as long. though rumors suggest expansions will release at Q4 of this year

Good, I made all my money back selling my kickstarter copy early and I want to make even more money selling the stretch goals.

I intend to do the same with KD:M desu.

is it profitable?

>I made all my money back selling my kickstarter copy early
You tell me.

Made $30 more than I paid for the entire thing so far. Any money I make off the expansions is just more profit. It's why I'm not worried at all about backing Rising Sun if that also turns out to be really mediocre. But I genuinely liked Blood Rage and the looks of Rising Sun based off the rules so far.

I mean do you do this to get an extra buck?

No, I do it because I decided I'd rather have the money after the refund period passed.

I had some hope for the Dark Souls boardgame, but when the KS was going they didn't reveal the dungeon crawling rules and when they DID reveal them, they sounded incredibly unfun. And then reviews came out that basically said they were incredibly unfun. And that it also consumed like 2/3rds of the game time. Decided to sell it when I saw I could get more than I paid. I fully plan to keep Rising Sun if it turns out good.

there is a dark souls card game coming out as well.

Who cares? The board game was meh as hell.

it's 35 and up to 4 players
sounds suspiciously low price

Finally played Game of Thrones with correct rules and when you play it right it's actually fun.

First time I played it the retard owner explained so many things wrong it was ridiculous. Moreover, there were at least two players that didn't cared about playing.

Still, I think some minor changes to Greyjoys, Baratheons and maybe Lannisters would improve the overall balance.