How do you like your vikings, Veeky Forums?
How do you like your vikings, Veeky Forums?
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Accurate. I mean meme vikings are fun sometimes, but the actual culture and history are quite interesting.
But heathens mostly did the same boring shit everyone else does; they weren't even especially more aggressive than anyone else of the time.
the historically accurate way
that is: warrior poets with a penchant for sailing, settling, trading and lawmaking
also accompained by hot women in full armour
So accuracy mixed with fetish fuel then.
dudes who hop on boats and do exciting stuff like make friends and trade or kill and loot if that doesn't work out
>all these demands for historical accuracy
Lame as hell. I want an entire race of pulp fantasy characters, horned helmets, loincloth, and bikini armor, because fuck realism.
Realism caused Barbarossa to drown in a river before even making it to the damn crusades, and for this act of monumental waste, reality deserves to be shunned.
Lawmaking turns me the fuck on.
With their associated material divided up between new fantasy cultures when appropriate.
Maritime murderhobos?
Sounds like a PC background to me...
Also, quads checked
Trips checked
An entire race of Fabios.
They sail into your town, trade furs and woo your women, so the menfolk make rumours of them being evil rapists to scare people away.
They are coming to sex you up!
IIRC that happened in Ireland or Scotland
Some towns made up silly grooming and attractiveness rules so the women wouldn't join the Vikings. Norsemen were usually wealthy and vastly more attractive than British men.
So slowly being consumed by the ever growing winter, death creeping down from the black north.
In Yorkshire it was actually the reverse.
Norse people would land in Yorkshire and be all like "This place is amazing and the locals are friendly" and then settled down in farmlands.
There is actually little recorded hostility between the common Saxon populace and the Danish Rulers. In fact, the Saxon populace actually supported the Danes when they got overthrown because they were better than the Wessex supporting southerners.
The women could come along vikking if they wanted, and wore the same chainmail and leathers as everybody else.
In perpetual night cause wolves ate the sun and moon.
Man I love Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok.
At the bottom of the sea and washed up on the shore.
Historically accurate. Including the gods.
I have so much hate for the Thor Ragnarok movie (in fact, all those movies) and the Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice game for fucking up the lore.
doesnt hurt when its both now does it?
Oh no don't get me wrong, I have no objection to Historical accuracy liberally mixed with fetish fuel, I just wanted to be sure it was understood that there was a mix and that what user was proposing wasn't purely historical accuracy.
>I have so much hate for the Thor Ragnarok movie (in fact, all those movies)
>Hating "Kirby" approved fun
I understand hating what Marvel did to Thor, but limiting that hate just to the MCU is silly
as the user who posted it I can tell you I am aware that its not completely accurate, but the fact that the norsemem accepted women as warriors is not entirely fetish fuel for me
glorious Jórvík
Women leading cows round fields.
Men dyeing their beards and starting fires with urine.
This .
Amusing viking facts;
Vikings (let's just call them norsemen after this because "viking" was a thing you did, not an ethnicity) were relatively democratic, emphasis on RELATIVELY. So-called Things (a kind of public assembly) existed on several different levels, going from village, to region, and kingdom levels. In the Things every freeman had a right to make his opinion heard, though they generally voted in line with their chief. The children of thralls were technically free, but were bound to their parents' master by honour and were also obligated to side with him in all matters. This is how the jarls and other lords elected the kings; the practice lived on in Sweden (which generally resisted the feudalism that had gripped both Denmark and Norway) until Gustav Vasa modernised the kingdom in the early 1500s and made the crown hereditary.
The death penalty was generally not dished out in norse society. The law was kept track of by Lawspeakers who operated on a regional basis; but there was never any central authority to perform judiciary killings. Feuds were generally solved by paying the blood price, which wasn't actually paid in blood, but was a kind of indemity payment paid to the wronged party, its value depending on the severity of the crime. The death penalty didn't really become a big thing until the 1500s.
Those are just customs that were common in all the Germanic societies and cultures in Europe.
This image is really singing to me because it's so raw and true. Nobody wants to play the Viking that rapes daughters and slaughters farmers, just like nobody wants to play the pirate that actually commits piracy.
>fighting farmers
Dunno man. Sounds pretty dangerous, how about we target a monastery instead? They're richer and even more defenseless.
Gotta hit the villages when you're leading the Great Heathen Army to take over Wessex, user!
Oh baby, lets ratify a local amendment on garage sale regulations. You filthy animal you.
The key difference being that they lived on in norse society considerably longer than they did on the continent, in no small part due to their isolation. The norse faith was practiced in regions of Sweden into the 12th century, and even though Denmark went feudal in due time, the Scandinavian peninsula resisted what was essentially a continental practice.
That and a lot of people don't know about it, and the vikings are prolific enough to make people pay attention.
hey sexy
It's a shame that they're so into throwing away their culture nowadays.
When presented with a weak horse and a strong horse, a child will always choose the strong horse. They're not so much throwing away their culture as they are embracing a better one.
*blocks your path*
What now fuccboi? Gonna run off to your boats again.
This is a child who's been taught by everyone he loves that weakness is a strength. He's not making the best decisions.
No, it's a child that's being told they should love the weak horse AND the strong horse when the child really only wants to play with the strong horse, only playing with the weak horse out of some odd sort of pity and hollow respect for the parents that insisted on buying it for them.
A culture that cannot survive the wave of Globalism (which multiculturalism absolutely is) and Muslim migrations is not a culture that should be mourned. Let them die whimpering in the alleyway.
And make muslims/globalism stronger? Why? Why throw out the baby with the bathwater?
Because the baby is pale, sickly and probably already rotting in the bathwater, user.
Medieval sand niggers. Please. If they weren't raping and pillaging defenseless targets they were losing battles against real men. They are no more badass than a group of towel heads burning down your shit and raping your daughter.
I mean the Anglo-Saxons and Norse were basically indistinguishable culturally anyway
>North Sea Germanic explorers, raiders, farmers, and traders
I'd rather they fight to the bitter end, and I wouldn't write them off yet. As stupid shit starts happening perhaps resistance will build. Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times and all that.
Good Saxon. You'll get your share of the Danegeld for that post.
Yeah it's not like they engineered awesome ships, sailed to new continents, developed enormous trade routes, wrote awesome poems, or had a sort of proto democratic government or anything
Better =/= stronger. They are throwing away post modern relativistic sjw society in favor of an school religious society. There was nobody in 1920s Europe fucking converting to Islam because why would you. Their society was better, stronger, freer, more confident and more secure in every possible way. Who the fuck is actually proud to be a modern Frenchman or German or Canadian. Those who are proud are so based on past accomplishments, when their counties were good for something. Modern Europe has nothing to be proud of unless you think transgender and child doctor assisted suicide are good things.
Norsemen didn't need to rape. They were the most handsome and masculine men in Europe at the time.
We need the sober nationalism of the 20s and 30s back, but this time without the idiocy of Nazism and Marxism. Churchill's Britain with its stiff upper lip, or FDR's America where a man could support a whole family without his wife having to work.
They weren't even heathens past the 9th century, though the local ideas about Christ were pretty wacky, tending in the direction of Battle Jesus, who would kick Satan's Ass in the Final Battle.
That society died with World War 2, stop dreaming of a way for it to come back because it just isn't. I know an Islamic-leaning religious society isn't exactly a pleasant idea to you, but it's the strong push in modern society and it's a push you need to either accept or embrace.
>not expecting potentially aimless nostalgia wank in Veeky Forums
Basically. The Norse initially thought Jesus-as-lamb was a cuck for getting tortured and killed while his enemies mocked him.
So later missionaries instead compared him to a valiant warrior king, who dies for the sake of his comrades. Heavy emphasis was placed on Jesus as the divine warrior who gets a metal death before entering the fires of Hell to battle with monsters & demons to save the souls of the righteous damned.
The Vikings loved this Jesus more, and adopted him as a war god initially.
>There was nobody converting to Islam
Except the people that were, with a large Muslim population in France coming in from the colones bringing in their own ideas and religion.
>There's nothing to be proud of in modern Europe
The EU is the most powerful economic body the world has ever known.
There were heathens in Scandinavia into the 1100s.
>The realms of Scandinavia proper, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, established their own Archdioceses, responsible directly to the Pope, in 1104, 1154 and 1164, respectively. The conversion to Christianity of the Scandinavian people required more time
The entire EU has a smaller economy the US, actually. It's second after them.
Begone, inglorious dickstabber!
We have records of pagan worship into the 19th and 18th centuries in rural Scandinavia
>The EU is the most powerful economic body the world has ever known
The EU is the most powerful economic body "EUROPE" has ever known.
Dubs dubs dubs.
I don't like vikings.
I think they are shitlords, the niggers of western europe.
Think about it. They are too lazy to work, steal everything that isn't bolted down, and are constantly lusting after and raping people from more civilized cultures.
Being a viking isn't something to be proud of. Its something to be ashamed of.
>warrior poets
you mean illiterates with a voodoo alphabet who couldn't even approach the concept of phonetics?
Stop making shit up.
Vikings weren't even remotely democratic.
>I don't like stereotypes that I haven't researched
you do know they farmed most of the time right? And raiding/exploring was a between harvests activity not their principle means of survival
No they didn't.
>I don't like the fact that my ancestors were wiggers.
>Better make up a whole bunch of shit to make them seem more civilized.
Vikings are the original trailer trash.
>I can't refute anything so I'll just assert my original incorrect idea harder
I've heard that Iceland still has a measurable minority of people who still practice Heathenism and have been for countless generations.
Wow, you mean the internet has so many conflicting points of view that you can find research supporting literally any political position, historical revision or outright fabrication on earth?
Color me impressed.
You made an assertion without any proofs. That is all the refutation I require.
>I'll just keep whining like my point meant anything
Your idiot viking god is no more or less pathetic than any Judaic monotheistic deity throughout history. Its a feeble projection of your own insecurities filtered through your own ignorance, mixed with ethnic hatred and constant scapegoating for your cultures own failings.
Its basically an excuse to wear silly helmets, hold a bbq and bitch about minorities.
>How do you like your vikings, Veeky Forums?
Scary as hell and awesome in equal measure.
I want them in space, raiding worlds with machine guns and nuclear weapons, then going home to discuss politics and fine art over their blood soaked treasure and wondering just what the word "civilized" means while becoming civilized themselves thanks to the economic benefits of building places to fix ships, then having stuff to trade with all the ships that come by.
This book is so fucking good you guys.
Are you high?
In groups of 12, with an Arab who brings knives and swords to war
Not him, but this is basic wikipedia-level shit.
>How do you like your vikings, Veeky Forums?
as the pupal stage of normans
I always found it amusing how the normans stuck to their roots and invaded some ridiculous places like Sicily.
>butthurt southern european pollack
I don't. Vikings are to be feared and respected, not liked.
It was early in their history and some bored nobles decided to do what their grandfathers did. Lots of weak states with weak rules those days, also helped that they are favored by the Popes.
Why was the popes such huge fans of the normans anyway? Seems like an odd pairing.
Who doesn't like having some good fighters in their corner?
Then put up a source, bruh.
>talking about vague labels on groups of people and concepts as though they are contained and controllable
You are a fucking retard, aren't you?
Do you even know how culture works?
>I read about the 20s and 30s in broad sweeps and have no idea what the world was like
>It's all sunshine and rainbows except for Nazis and Marxists
Stop talking like an idiot and actually read a goddamn book.
>everybody was poor
>europe is literally medieval-tier at this point
>of mice and men is an accurate description of the US
>but it's all ok because some people liked their countries