Exalted General - Downtime Edition

What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Arms of the Chosen Previews
dropbox.com/s/15xddoahzedtkwu/Arms of the Chosen Preview.docx?dl=0

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

What does a good Sunday evening look like for your character?

Other urls found in this thread:


Like this

Arms of the Chosen soon, fellow Solars

Has all of the art finally come in? Have the devs sent out word, or should I post post LaughingAshton.gif for you?

What are some signs of long-term contact with Lunars?
I know that the most obvious would be the creation of beastmen and people with vaguely animal like features. But beyond that is there anything else?

Acceptance of bestiality

Dressing like that or looking at that?


Looking at, at least for starters.

I mentioned the beastmen.

lies. They said odds are not til next month

>What are some signs of long-term contact with Lunars?

A collection of images that might end with people wondering if you're a furry.

Don't Lunars sometimes set themselves up as God-kings to be openly worshipped? There might also be a reverence for the moon, nature, and hunting, with particular traditions and taboos about what you do with an animal you kill.

What's the strongest non-Legendary Size creature that a Supernal Survival character can have

A demon, naturally. Although an Elemental may be up to scratch. As an aside, here are the links that are missing from the OP. Plague of the Sun is pretty nasty.

Mouse of the Unconquered Sun

Could I enhanced a spirit created by Ephemeral Induction Technique?

yep and so far other than waiting thousands of years or making a artifact that is the best way to get a powerful familiar

>What does a good Sunday evening look like for your character?
Hot, steamy sex with her shapeshifting Lunar bodyguard, followed by cuddling and handholding during the night before the Purge of Fae, Abyssals, Infernals and Deathlords continues.

Don't Lunars hate Fae more than any other exalted (and mortals for that matter)?

I mean Halta was made by two powerful Lunars and they're okay with having the Fey around. My guess is if the Lunar has a use for an individual fey, they're okay with working out some sort of deal.

Would the Shadowrun adagio of "Never make a deal with a Dragon" apply to the Fae in Exalted as in "Never make a deal with a Fae?"

No, because the Fey have things you would want, and aren't all powerful.
Largely it depends on how powerful you are, who is backing you, and what are you willing to give them.

Halta's fey keep them safe from invaders from the ground and there's even one up there in the trees with them, making artifacts for them. That's a beneficial deal.

Aren't fey "lolsorandumb" creatures that basically change what they want and how they act at the drop of a dieroll?

>I roll 1d100
>Today the fae is horny and wants to bang someone's brains out. Figuratively and literally.

Lunars has been moved in front of the Exigents book.

Am I the only one that, when running Exalted, always wings the dicepools of NPCs based on what would make sense and their power level?

I don't even keep track of their charms, I just state that they have this much for this dicepool, that much essence and then fuck it: just go ahead and throw them at the circle as it is.

Probably, that's terrible.

Fey are living stories. They have no emotions and no drive except to tell a story, and not necessarily a specific story. They're beyond psychopathic, they're basically computer programs with bodies and a sense of aesthetics that's hamstrung by their inability to empathize and feel. There definitely is logic behind how they act, it's just logic informed by a mutilated view of existence.

You are running a freeform RPG, not Exalted. Which is fine, really, I'm not going scream at you to stop liking what I don't like. Just don't pretend you'e running Exalted.


So they're tumblr?

Hey guys! I know how to breathe some life back into these threads! Let's bitch about Holden and Morke and the SJW agenda that's being pushed in Exalted!

Holden and Morke are gone. They were fired. Vance and Minton are in charge now.

But that doesn't mean we can't bitch about them! And the SJW propaganda is still going strong!

Hey /tv/

then what are half-fey in this context?

>Aren't fey "lolsorandumb" creatures that basically change what they want and how they act at the drop of a dieroll?
Not really. Or they kinda are in their natural habitat, I guess. They don't whimsically change the roles they have chosen in the Creation, they don't act out of character, and at least in 2E they could't easily shed ties and emotions related to things and inhabitants of the Creation.

Humans with weird parents, like any other kind of -blooded.

They're basically mortals, but with some characteristics from their fey parent. Fey tend to portray passionate characters and narratives because that's usually a good way to grow into stronger stories, which makes them stronger fey. Fey blooded have some of the same instincts, which means they act passionate as well, but because they're actually capable of emotion they really are passionate. They view their lives through an aesthetic lens like their parent. They can use glamour and some charms. Personally, I think a fey reproducing with a human is a dumb, impossible concept. It would make more sense if pure humans were somehow reshaped to be more like fey.

I wish 3e corebook had rules for lunars, DB and sidereals...

So am I one of the few people who genuinely like and enjoy playing Solars? it seems like people act like it physically pains them to play as solars.

No, you are not the only one.

I think that people who want to play other things like Abyssals, Infernals and Alchemicals only have a serious case of "I want to be THE snowflake amongst Snowflakes"

Incidentally, I haven't met any Abyssals, Infernals or others (lunars excluded) that were not complete cunts.

Don't listen to the haters. Most Exalted players either like or are fine with playing Solars. It's just that the contrarians are louder.

So what's the distance from Lookshy to Thorns? The text says it is 1000 miles, but the map says it is 500 miles.....

Thank fuck. Heres hoping they kick these new garbage Exalt's to the end of the line, past Alchemicals. Got no time for this new bullshit, give me the stuff I actually care about.

>Am I the only one that

Yes, yes you are. You're not even playing Exalted at that point, you might as well switch to a more rules lite system since you clearly don't enjoy the mechanics and wish for a more freeform, or less restrictive one.

Solars are my favorite type by a long shot. As says, it's the special snowflakes fucking everything up usually. I definitely have the experience, being a forever GM, of all the special snowflake types literally unable to play a Solar. Same excuse every time "they're boring". Which makes no sense. They've got the most freewheeling backgrounds available, they're literally what you make them. I find the others far more boring because they're all so stereotyped and hamfisted into certain roles. But I put up with them.

Well, up until they then bitch that they're not as strong as the players who play Solars. Then it's a swift boot right out of the game. I'm not here to play power level shenanigans, you either play what you like and accept it comes with compromise, or you play what the game is meant to be played as. I'm not here to enable your fantasy of being the bestest Airbender or whatever the fuck.

They have more contact with them, but it seems to be the same level of distrust that most Exalted would have.

Halta is nothing of the sort in EX3, though. Or in 1e, prior to the release of Kingdom of Halta. The Lunar stuff came from out of left field and continued to operate in that fashion for all of 2e, loosening its hold only by the time Masters of Jade came out.

thank fuck

I find that most of these complaints come from how non-Solar splats were handled back in 2e. Everything in perspective.

So then where did all the intelligent animals come from? Just sort of happened naturally?

Would anyone happen to have a copy of the Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals pdf? I can't really find it right now.

Read the OP

>tfw Infernals are you favorite splat
>tfw you're not a retarded edgelord and just want to play an Infernal game with other people who aren't retarded edgelords
>tfw being a legbreaker for the mafia, only the mafia is hell itself sounds cool as fuck, but most people want to be Sasuke Voldemort Sepheroth the 4th and swing their demon katanas around.
>tfw no game ever.


>>> What he said

>>Resources for Older Editions

You have to remember that Veeky Forums has a culture of contrarianism.

So I just came to this strange, unchanging place.
Stat me, dear shaped friends.

Essence: 1; Willpower: 8; Join Battle: 7 dice
Health Levels: −0/−1/−2/−4/Incap
Intimacies: Defining: Unconquered Sun (Loyalty); Major: Its Master (Loyalty)
Actions: Gnaw Through Things: 6 dice; Read Intentions: 8 dice; Scurry Through Tight Spaces: 7 dice; Senses: 9 dice (see Keen Nose); Stealth: 10 dice (see Slink Away, Tiny Creature)
Resolve 4, Guile 1
Attack (Gnaw): 8 dice (Damage 2, or 5 vs. housecat- sized or smaller foes)
Combat Movement: 7 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 1 (see Tiny Creature)
Soak/Hardness: 1/0

I bet only 5% of people in this thread actually play/storytell Exalted.

That's a good bet. Exalted can be kind of a hard game to get into.

Certainly, which is why you houserule it to heaven and back. Contrary to what purists would lead you to believe

>You have to remember that Veeky Forums has a culture of contrarianism.

That explains so much in regards to some setting elements I've seen here.

Feels good to be the 5% then.

I play too, only 24 people have posted in this thread so it's at least 8%.

We are the best thread, the top percent of threads, the thread of all time.

>Playing Exalted.
>In Exalted.

Kek. Mortals all the way down is the only real way to play Exalted. Charms are for losers and special snowflakes.


I've run it in all three editions and am playing in a game right now.

I'm new to exalted, we are playing 1st edition and I'm currently building a Lunar based on Sun Wukong. Mainly staff fighting with a lot of acrobatic dodging. Any tips?

Also is there a charm or something to be able to do lethal damage with a staff?

>Any tips?

Discard everything and play 3E. You'll only be able to play a Solar, but you'll at least be playing a good system.

I'm not the storyteller, so I'm not in the position to make that change. This group has apparently been playing 1e since ot came out and they love it.

Well, you're going to be in kind of a shit spot as a Lunar in 1E. Ox Body and DBT are you best friends, Charms-wise. Make a soak monster.

Things are looking pretty sparse here, so why don't we share some character ideas Veeky Forums?

One character I've been knocking around is a god-blooded character searching creation for their Name. Their mother is a big deal in the South, a powerful god of Lost Things. Wanting to become his own thing separate from her horde he's out looking for his name, which will free him.

Northern Stream is a Zenith Caste afraid of both the Unconquered Sun and the various Gods of the North. He goes from town to town, making sure they keep their taboos and devotion in check, fighting the Immaculate Fate for he knows it to be against the true owners of the world: spirits.

What's the highest you can get Join Battle to be without using Fate Shifting Solar Artete?
