Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

>GK terminators and purifiers still useless

RIP lexicanum s(k)ub-edition

>Necromunda is coming back with new minis and stuff

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine supplement for Daemons, Thousand Sons and Death Guard players

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

post lists and models

where black legion at

>SoB are a hard counter to Knights

2nd for diabolic S only targets a single model

user we're not a legion anymore

Grey Knight-Custode ghost hybrids when?

They can be extra special snowflakes once the Primaris run their course and GW needs more shiny superhumans to sell without going full Golden Men-Emperor clones army.

Re posting lets hear it folks!

Wrong OP image you asshat

>mfw 4 Psilencers in Purgator Squads are actually useful now

Secret son of the Emperor that he fathered with Malcador when? We need a new heir that demonstrates the progressive attitudes of M41 and GW

No they aren't, sadly. 24 S5 AP-1 shots seems tempting, but the issue I've seen is everything where that AP-1/D3 damage looks best is T6+, and usually with at least a 3+, which just curbstomps killiness. I'm playing against Nids on Tuesday though, I'll be sure to report if they prove we'll there, I think they can.

Great for TEQs that don't have a good invuln, though, but aside from regular terminators, nid stuff, and maybe some bullgryns/nurgle it's slim pickins. Oh but it looks funny against Deldar

>Necromunda returns before plastic Sisters of Battle

So I mean,

If I run a Tzeentch Heldrake I can run that in my Tzeentch daemons list and keep allegiance?

Are Pirahnas any good in practice? I love the model aesthetically, and was thinking of adding a bunch more and putting fusion blasters on them to use them as roving anti-tank.

Currently working on a infantry heavy admech list, but: Is there any viability in it?
Current troops list consisting of:

2x 5 rangers, 2 arquebuse, omnispex
2x 10 vanguard, 3 plasmas, tether
2x 5 vanguard, 2 arc rifles

The general idea is to have them march in some kind of formation, supported by heavies, buffed by priests for overcharged plasma shots. Perhaps with one or two onagers with eradication beamers. Split them up in two cohorts and stuff.
For more shenanigans they'll be supported by a vindicare assa.
Maybe infiltrators plus a hard core of bots and onagers in the back? Change the cohort onagers with kataphrons?
Trying to reproduce the roman maniple fluff.

I think the meta will fuck me in the ass though.

Thoughts? Tips for additional models appreciated.

Damn right, but rumors about 4th quarter box are building, and as cash-grabby AND now media-conscious as geedubs now is they've heard the cries

Come at us with that weak shit nigga!

Yes, though it isn't like there are any benefits for it at the moment

Heldrakes are cool looking as fuck what are the hopes that they get a chapter approved buff or some shit?

i mean you got THREE models before necromunda got some

I don't get the people who want plastic sisters. Surely if you play SoB you already have miniatures.

They were very fun in 7th. Don't know about 8e because I got rid of my tau army when it became apparent that tau would never get another non battlesuit release


There are always new people coming into the game, and non-plastic SoB greatly deter anyone who might think about playing them.

S5 AP-1 is the magic stat for weapons they wound everything in the game on a 5+ or better and the AP-1 is good enough hurt hordes or make fun of MEQ

Played a 2000pt game against some CSM today Veeky Forums what do are you up to?
And is anyone up for a batrep?
Share game pics too if you got them

GGA v Magnus

Please share

It's nice to have updated plastic sculpts with more options. The old SoB sculpts are pretty fucking bad honestly and show their age against even less recent stuff like the current CSM sculpts that are over a decade old..

Interesting misquote on my part

please share

What the fuck is that Magnus paintjob?

>my shitty silver marinelets shooting THEIR MIND kills your heavy transport no problem
Git fucked faggot

Get prepared to get raped, Skitarii spam is unviable due to HQ requirements, unless you say fuck it to CPs all together (but even then, you suck.)

If the Codex gives you straight AP-1 Rangers, maybe they'll be worthwhile, but as is the best I could recommend is two basic destroyer squads flanked by 4-5 units of vanguard. Call it a scorpion maniple or something.

>why would anyone want new models
>you would already have those old models from decads ago
New stuff with new hats is enough for people. Reason why GW can get away by doing the "TF2 Hat" equivalente for some armies

Any rumors on next few army books?

Why the fuck would DE fight 'Nids?
They get literally nothing from it

Ok I think Im going to repurpose my Sentinels, Russes and Infantry for a Genestealer Cult list, how does this shit look?

2000pts, Genestealer Brigade


Acolyte Iconward
2x Magus [2x Familiars]


3x Genestealers[Scything Talons, 7x Genestealers]


6x Neophyte Hybrids [10 Neophytes, 2x Webbers, Leader with Webber, Cult Icon] 3 squads will have autoguns and the other 3 with Shotguns

>Fast Attack

3x Scout Sentinels [2x Scout Sentinels, Autocannons]

>Heavy Support

Leman Russ [Battle cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]
Leman Russ [Battle cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]
Leman Russ [Exterminator Autocannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]

I think it might be lacking in anti-tank but I dont there is much in the codex.

Painting up a GK Chaplain conversion. No camera, so imagine Draigo's body with a skull helmet, GK storm bolter arm and crozius arcanum.

If the stats are right and the model is awesome....not sure if my /pol/ side could resist.

That picture is from fracture of Beil-Tan and the DE harvested and bred nids from Validor for the arena.

DE show up on planet to raid, nids are busy eating everything, DE shoot nids to stop them from eating the shit they want.

To each his own I guess. It's overkill for anything short of a primaris, and though it CAN wound on a 5+ against vehicles, it's still dealing like 5 wounds at best against standard T6+/3+ target.

Real spectacular fodder beast to fight against in their arenas. The crowd love that kind of spectacle. That it's kind of a stupid and suicidal thing to do only makes it better.

HQ requirements? Shit, sounded so cool on paper..

How can you not have a camera in year of our Lord 803+1214?

Casual Guardsmen Quest: Day 7
Fatigues and armor touched up but only on lasguns. When details are finally done I move on to replicate the process with officers and special weapons. Unknown how I will handle Heavy. Might remove before basing.

>Tfw you can't physically bring yourself to buy anything hobby wise at the moment.

I have the money, but I simply cant find the motivation. I was even offered one side of the starter kit for 50$ but I just cant. I need some motivation. I hope IG or Admech get a release soon.

Ahh, there are spectators in the background

The background 'nids get cuter the more i look at this picture


The main reason psilencers are so good is that they are cheap as fuck.
Its a 2 point upgrade from a storm bolter.
2 fucking points.

Help a babby make a list

>lord kaldor draigo
>grand master voldus

>paladin ancient
>4 paladins

>5 terminators
>5 terminators
>10 strike squad

>Stormraven gunship (basic)
>razorback (assault cannons)

>6 interceptor squad

I don't know what I'm doing, and their are many sanctic brothers. Aid me if you please

Gorillion arenabeasts and testsubjects for haemonculi? The sheer thrill of it?

Oh wait, okay...im working altogether on a battalion list though, -1 cp for vindicare gives me 5...are cp so much of a game changer? I might even be able to squeeze in a brigade on 2k lists with those six troop choices

What makes skitarii this bad?

GK Terminators are at least some of the very few obsec terminators in the game

Doesn't really make them Paladin tier but they're...okay

What's their action movie called again?

A combination of stubbornness, medium income, and laziness.

Basically don't want to abandon my trusty old phone, and don't want to spend effort going out and buying a camera or something when I could spend that time painting or reading instead.

Game Ogre.

Totes. Only problem is you have to burn 2CP on that shit, and even then it doesn't do a ton of goodness. I guess in my mind it just seems impractical when you can have S8/AP-2 psycannons rolling around.

So yeah it's cheap, it just seems so niche I can't imagine building a list around it, especially when stormbolter one costs 2CP and is just hilarious at dakkatime, but now it does occur to me they aren't really that different- you trade 40 shots for 24 and d3 damage, but pay a good deal less too. Neato, it's still unwieldy but at least it does look fun. Good points man

Why do starports exist in the 41st millenium? Couldn't you just land your shit anywhere with flat terrain?

Have any books been published that follow a group of Scions or the story revolves around them at least?

We played the FoK mission for today with lots of terrain because I am a merciful opponent. He brought Thousand Sons+Magnus and a Helldrake with Warptalons. I brought Creed and Pask to wreak havoc for glorious fallen Cadia. He got first turn brought Maggy and the Helldrake up with some Termies and Obliterators deepstriking in. His shooting phase was uneventful with only a Chimera getting damaged. And he charged Magnus into the conscripts.

>Why do airports exist in the 21st century? Couldn't you just land your shit anywhere with flat terrain?

They're a bit too expensive to spam and spamming plasma is only the real way for them to reliably kill MEQs. GW kinda fucked them with the new rad poisoning rule and raking the AP away from Galvanic rifles.

Space ships are built in such a way that they already start to fall apart because of gravitational forces before they even landed. Not to mention the huge amounts of energy that would be required to get them back into space.

Redemption Corps, a bit dry but a good read nonetheless.

Three Ogryn


Yeah, you can do it, just don't expect great things. The problem with Skitarii is 1) they're really, really, overcosted, 2) the army doesn't work together AT ALL, 3) units are either badass (Onager, boops, fulgurites), flat-out unuseable (Ruststalkers, rangers, sydonians) or just ok (vanguard, infiltrators)

Its weird, cause from the outside their Codex(es) in 7th translate seamlessly rules AND cost-wise, yet GW hiked everything and made it all... weird. Like a really horrible combo of ultra-niche/specific and totally bland and flavorless. They can do well though if played right, watch a batrep or two, he'll ask one of the actual Admech players.

>nid hivemind
>capture a nid
>wait for imperials to fuck up a hive fleet on the other side of the galaxy
>gain a decade to your life span as the anguish of defeat spreads throughout the hivemind

I suddenly see George Clooney in that left one

I just need FW to rerelease the Repressor kit already.

Full Metal Ogreload.

user, I...Im so sorry...

>Guardsmen are thrown in the air and torn apart by the Daemon Primarch.
But the conscripts with the help of their Commissar held the line even inflicting some damage on Magnus. With the Primarch engaged the rest of the army turned and wiped out the Terminators and Obliterators In a hail of plasma and tank shells. The Traitor Primarch would be a lot more difficult to bring down though.

Variety: The variety of poses for the metal models is pretty limited. Plastic kits would offer more variety.

Flexibility: It can be difficult (Sisters Superior with certain gear) or impossible (seraphim with inferno pistols) to find metal models with exactly the loadout you're looking for. Plastic SoB would make it easier for me to play the army I want without resorting to "counts as."

Cost: The metal SoB models are pretty expensive for what you get.

Just make your own or buy a recast.
I would show mine, but they are horribly unfinished and badly painted

>Charging Magnus into conshits

Just ... why ? Why would some one ever think that is a good idea ?

>it looks awesome/badass
That is a good enough reason

>I would show mine

Classic Overcompensating Chaoscucks
>Magnus making good decisions

Its getting late for me here, and I'm getting tired...
But lets have a go anyway:

Turn the Terminators into Paladins
Drop the Interceptors
Grab an apothecary for your paladins if you find the points.
Give your strikes a second razorback.
Get a purgation squad (or two).

Paladins get Hammerhand.
The Ancient gets sanctuary, casts it on the most endangered paladin unit.
Strikes get Gate or hammerhand.
Draigo gets Sanctuary and purge soul
Voldus is the warlord, gets Gate, vortex, astral aim (just incase, you cast it on the paladins) and sanctuary or purge soul, just for redundancy.

Give the ancient his relic banner, i guess, d6 mortal wounds is pretty good once you get close enough.
Otherwise just give him a soul glaive or something.
Psilencers > Psycannons
Swords/halberds on Paladins, flachions on PAGK
Also, consider one warding stave per squad for a 3+inv in cc when stacked with sanctuary
Stormraven should be antitank
Dont forget your daemonhammers
....Feel like I'm forgetting something...yawn

Eh, whatever, goodnight, may the emprah protect.

Dragoons are ok against guard and such where their -1 to hit fucks with their shooting a lot and the lack of AP doesn't hurt too bad.

Hopefully the codex gives Vanguards back their old rad poisoning rule, rangers get -1 ap, dragoons get an extra attack, let sniper dragoons ignore the to hit penalty when moving, make cognis not literally useless.

He called a unit of Warp Talons down from orbit and they charged in killing a bunch of their hated loyalist foes in melee. With their warlord bringing down many through the power of his warp sorcery.

Can GK ancients have anything else than a single Falchion ?

>hurr hurr foolish mortals, prepare to face the wrath of Magnus!
>8 conscripts die. The rest attack and deal some wounds.
>IG player's turn, use Fix Bayonets on the Conscripts. Deal some more wounds.
>fight phase 2, spend cc to go first. Deal some more wounds.
>Magnus is starting to get worried.

I feel you. Battlesuits are literally the least interesting part of the army to me. I wonder what other things you could do with their infantry that they don't already have covered though? Unless more auxiliaries.

Im not even talking about he stratagem, just 4 psilencers in my purgation squad have been tearing up shit in my games, nothing but S4 ap- and d3 damage.
I shit over a carnifex spam list in my last game, they took down 3 of the buggers by teleporting around the board with Gate and kiting them to death.

It made me happy he took the bait user. He could have killed a Russ but murdering filthy peasants was more fun.
They were soon wiped out by a corrosive chem cannon and Magnus suffered heavily under Guard fire.
Also have any of you anons used Creed? I upgraded my company commander to him this game and it turned out pretty good.

So Newcromunda basically confirms that GW is just going to upsize basic humans into making the Primaris embiggening pointless, aren't they?

See i hate terminator overcosting (or maybe love paladin undercosting? Either way), but I need 3 troops for the command points.

I like the idea of purgation and a second razorback, though. Maybe use scions or something to free up points and get a cheap batallion Detachment?

... i think they can grab a gun

Yea no, just falchions or a gun

Aren't the models in 25mm bases?

goliaths look like theyre on 30s but theyre goliaths

He followed this up by dropping more Warp Talons who would die in the exact same way. Magnus killed a Russ after suffering a bunch of wounds to conscripts and next turn I was not kind to him as all of my Russes turned and opened fire.

Me and my friends are gonna have an Only War campaign soon. My character is a Tech-Priest Enginseer, my friend is a guardsman weapon specialist whose weapon of choice is a las sniper rifle. We're gonna have him negotiate to receive it instead of a lousy lasgun at the start of the game, and I want to step in and help him, but I was wondering if I as a Tech-Priest am allowed to even have a say in it? I don't know how much authority Tech-Priests have. The Regiment I'm assigned to is expendable and pretty much penal, my character is kind of a disliked among other AdMech on Mars because he's a sarcastic asshole.

I was really hoping we'd get a super heavy skimmer but instead we got stuck with the stormsurge. As for infantry. I would have loved to see more auxiliaries. Or at least more options for the auxiliaries we already have.

Termies aint worth the command points over paladins, you're getting 2 rerolls for the overcosted shit that are GK terminators.
If you want command points, get more strikes, or like you said, use scions or conshits or smth to get more command points.

I tried, and basically failed. Other user is king of explosions. Best I've got is smoke and lens-flair.

What kits would Veeky Forums use to make decent Night Lords Berserkers?
The Zerker kit is so ugly

Nobody should be surprised by this. Specially with AoS as an example.

Eh. Wait till we see figs with proper scale reference.