The BBEG has mastered the power of the Polymorph: Slut spell.
What happens in the campaign world next?
The BBEG has mastered the power of the Polymorph: Slut spell.
What happens in the campaign world next?
Other urls found in this thread:
The BBEG is assaulted by the party and makes a final speech before dying and being comedically mutilated by the ranger's dog.
Rape, ahegao, and mindbreak.
What benefit does this even give the BBEG?
My character has Charisma and Will saves for days. Can't imagine this ends well for the villain.
He gets murdered by a bunch of cute girls, then they plunder his hideout for loot, and retire from adventuring with harems of cute shotas that they adopted/hired/kidnapped?
An army of sluts marches against bbeg, fucks him to death and then everyone fucks to celebrate
BBEG is a degenerate neckbeard, turning whole populations into buxom bimbo ladies. Aside from the -4 strength this isn't too bad. However with no men left the population will soon hit a stale mate. The PC's will have to go on a quest to find the Dispel Magic spell to reverse the Polymorph Other: Bimbo spell.
It was rumored that Elismordia the Archmage was working on such a spell but no one has heard from her in 80 years. She had an apprentice who could help find her tower, but he accompanied an expedition to the unknown continent and that expedition had never been heard from again.
Quite the epic quest indeed. Especially if any PCs have been affected by the Polymorph Other: Bimbo spell and arrive to at the location of the lost expedition as the first "females" seen by the explorers in 10 years.
That BBEG is dumb. Nobody can beat the cock.
I don't know but if you keep those images coming I could probably come up with a few ideas
>-4 strength
>not capping INT or WIS
NO! Bad neckbeard, bad!
Don't you dare start that same argument again
More like what DOESN'T happen next?
Lawns go un-mowed across the kingdom.
The BBEG polymorphs into a slut.
Then she begins meticulously arranging the constellations into sluts by fixing ancient magical machines.
Once all the stars are in place, every living sapient being will be polymorphed into a slut.
The party, who have all been polymorphed into sluts after encountering the BBEG, must journey to the a monastery hidden in the mountains, where they will find it's sole inhabitant, a sexually depraved monk who knows the inner workings of those ancient machines.
However, he wants the BBEG to succeed. They're going to have to fuck the knowledge out of him.
Also, the BBEG is more of a Big Bad Evil Futa
I dunno because I got up and left the table and never returned.
>posting plagiarism
At least post the original image that this guy traced from.
Same hair color and length. Same eye color. The arm and leg armor. is all the same. The cross-spear is the same, aside from changing the downward angle of the blade. The hairstyle is almost the same aside from not having the braid, she even has the forehead marking. Hell, even the direction the feet point in are the same, even if the artist changed the spacing of the legs.
At the very least it's derivative. At worst it's tracing and changing minor details.
Damn it this unironically sounds fun
Random people look like high level deranged inquisitors, high level deranged inquisitors start to ask for more psychologist hours.
They are denied by the lord inquisitor who instead pockets the money to get more zeon to keep casting polymorph: slut.
Thank you. Its got a lost world island adventure (dinosaurs, King Kong, savage lizard natives), an adventure to find and then plumb the depths of the Archmages Tower and connecting dungeon leading up to it.
Only to discover the Neckbeard has already dispatched the Archmage and made off with the only copy of the Dispel Magic spell. But the Archmage was too crafty for the Neckbeard. With the help of a Magic Jar spell and Wondrous Repose(whatever that spell that preserves bodies is called) cast on the magic circle where they find her Bimbo-ified body the PC's can bring back the Archmage and find out the location of the Neckbeards stronghold.
Then it is a matter of uniting all the Bimbo-ified races to march against the Neckbeard and his gathered army of Deamon Man Sluts. Armies of Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Bugbear, Halfling, and Gnome Bimbos assault the Neckbeard's armies while our PC's lead a small task force of the best Bimbo NPCs against the Neckbeards dungeon to take on the Neckbeard, find the Dispel Magic spell and seize control of the Magic Crystal Construct that serves as the linchpin and anchor point for the Polymorph Other: Bimbo spell.
I must go now, and create this epic adventure.
>What benefit does this even give the BBEG?
Vagina. Why get shit done yourself when you can make others get shit done for you? It's also an amazing back-up plan: if you fail, everyone will be more than willing to shift the blame on whatever male associates you had.
Don't underestimate the "women are wonderful" effect. Hell, she can probably cut off some PCs dick in his sleep and still be hailed a hero.
Godspeed you wonderful whizzard
Swiped the design maybe but not traced.
AKA "pulling a China"
We hire 40 mercenaries, dress them up in plate, have them charge at the BBEG, then after he wasted his Polymorph: Slut spell we attack the BBEG.
And then we kill the mercenaries while they're still polymorphed, because fuck I'm not going to pay 40 mercenaries.
I wish my already asshole players would do something like this. The amount of consequences I'd heap on them for being traitorous shitbags would be hilarious.
Not much, beefcake and cheesecake are par for the course when my group plays.
thats not a trace....
>fetish posting
Double ugh.
>double ugh
Double ugh.
AKA that majority of "intellectual property"
>Double ugh
>And then we kill the mercenaries while they're still polymorphed, because fuck I'm not going to pay 40 mercenaries.
>kill them
>not sell them into sexual slavery now that they're sluts
You have no sense of business.
Is there an entire school of slutamany? Power Word: Slut?
Four was best nonetheless.
Is this an /a/ meme or a /v/ meme?
It's the new Veeky Forums thing
>This thread
just some fag, don't mind
Back to plebbit you subhuman lardass
Epic robot fights except now all the pilots have great tits and ass, I guess.
The sudden surge of demand for custom fitted pilot suits means that the manufacturers make a fortune, and they already have a monopoly on that shit.
Actually that links the two together pretty well and gives a reasonable motivation for the BBEG trying to pull this shit out of the left field and way outside of his usual MO. Hired by Neotex, he makes sure that every pilot has to purchase a new pilot suit, except all the new pilot suits carry a subliminal control effect that slaves them to the will of the company, as their way of increasing their powerbase by forcibly recruiting hundreds of new pilots.
I could make this work.
How in god's great fuck have you never heard of fanart before? I mean for christ's sake what the fuck dude
Now this is where the fun begins
>Sexy mind-controlled ladies in skintight futuresuits
I approve
I see Goblin Punch linked far too rarely on this board.
Where did you find my porn search tags?
Joke's on you! I'm a bard!