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like SW:A but with actual character.
We're back
like SW:A but with actual character.
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This sounds like a bad idea.
genuinely curious why you think so?
I'm looking forward to playing it... although I probably won't use GW models
Is everyone ready for the game to include the exact same rules irregularities and ambiguities that both previous releases of necromunda and SW:A which have at this point been FAQed 3 times to be published and FAQed again in this version of the game?
What makes it any different than Dark Heresy 2.0 but with expensive miniatures and setpieces?
They need to just reboot Mordheim, though this is a step in the right direction. Hopefully we get half decent Arbites minis.
You're an idiot.
The fact that Dark Heresy is a RPG and Necromunda is a skirmish level miniatures wargame. They're two totally different, entirely unrelated things.
Necromunda isn't really an RPG. You play competitively over multiple sessions with a metagame/economy component between rounds
Agreed with Arbites. Mordheim already got a video game tho, cmon ;)
Honestly, a mix of SW and the Community Necromunda would be fanfuckingtastic.
>like SW:A but with actual character.
You can be Necrons in SW:A.
Armageddon: 1
Necromunda: 0
Stop shitposting and post all the pics
There's a game called 40k you might be interested in
>implying you can ever play Necrons in too many games
Silly fleshie
DH is an RPG based on the ground-level inquisition plots.
NM is a skirmish wargame based on hive gangers scragging each other over turf and bullets. Entirely unrelated, except so far as they both take place in 40k, and a shotgun is a pretty reasonable weapon (while bolters are rare and scary)
I'm leery of 8e rules supposedly being the basis for Nucromunda, because it likely means a huge difference from 2e basis. I would've been far more comfortable with the Blod Bowl approach, aka 'just update and polish' bc the community's been doing that job for years.
But hey, it could be great. And good new models is never a bad thing for any system.
Very unlikely to be like SW, or Necromunda with 2nd ed rule. It was stated to be using 8th rule with some tweak.
Game had been worked on for a long time so SW:A success have 0 influence on it.
You can ignore the new rule and play with old rule if you don't like it anyway.
Worried about the scale of the new models. Don't want them to seem like giants standing in my old Necromunda scenery
>What makes it any different than Dark Heresy 2.0 but with expensive miniatures and setpieces?
I don't want them to seem like giants standing with my old eschers, to begin with.
Most of the bad 40k mechanics that existed for the past several iterations of the game, like the way AP worked and universal movement values are no longer present in 8th edition, so I think for the most part it is likely to be fine.
My only concern is close combat, the 8E system is not really personal enough. Close combat in necromunda has always been janky as fuck though, so we'll see what happens.
Given that most people love the mechanics of 8th, this sounds like a good thing.
The only thing you really see people complain about is simplicity (which you probably don't mind if you're playing a skirmish game), and vehicle wounds/lack of armor angles (not relevant to Newcromunda
I have zero interest in Newcromunda because I don't like the gang aesthetic
But if it means gorkamorka might get a reprint and support, I'm all in
Also at least SW:A lets you take your full scale army models and still use them on the smaller skirmish level, and vice versa
New HOR Killteam is also out. Havent played it yet though.
they should be fine in old necromunda scenery, unless you were making shit hyper dense
They will definitely seem like giants compared to existing juves, though. Lord Helmawr must be tampering with the food in necromunda.
I've been trying to scale down 40k to Kill Team levels, and it more or less seems to scale down well.
You'd have to work out units and morale, as those seem to be the main problems you encounter at those low points levels.
Besides that, it seems like a relatively smooth transition down to the 150 point level I'm aiming for with my homebrew, allowing only an elite selection from small Infantry and Characters. And the price increase of vehicles means I don't even have to set any prohibitions on them since they either price-out, aren't strong enough to hold their own without support, or are weak enough to function well alongside and against infantry.
I'd like to see how they solve those in Necromunda, as I'd love to steal them for my own homebrew.
When does my main man Klovis come back?
Probably in later releases. Redemptionists were always weird specialists.
On the plus side, it's quite possible that people won't have to convert Adeptus Arbites models anymore in the near future.
On the one hand I'm happy, on the other hand they just made Shadow War Armageddon. Unless they make both games directly compatible with each other, spiting the already thin specialist games market is a BAD idea.
IF they ARE going to make both games compatible, why not just release a cheaper book that includes "underhive kill team" lists and "underhive campaign" rules?
If you want to know how to adapt 8th edition to skirmish level look at AoS Skirmish.
I'll take a look. Been using Hinterlands as my main inspiration.
SW:A is literally trash. I expect this new necromunda to take all the fun stuff and make it kinda shit or just take half of the fun stuff and lock the other half behind "expansions" like the bloodbowl abortion.
Why didn't they just do a re-release with Chaos and Genestealer Cultists? That's all they needed to and we would have gone ape-shit.
>Plastic Necromunda minis
I never thought I would see the day.
Do you think there's any hope for Battlefleet Gothic?
user, Epic is coming back in the form of Forge World's Titanicus. You can bet your sweet ass Battlefleet Gothic is coming back.
considering they literally said they were doing BFG years ago, yeah
Oh, ok. I haven't touched anything 40k in like a decade but I dip in and out.
Making the two games compatible would have been an insanely good idea and an insanely great way to bring countless people into 40K at a reasonable price point.
Hell you could have even built the SWA campaigns to escalate into full scale army battles. But no they decided to split the community and rape us for one last dollar. they are not getting it from me and I'm not recommending it to anyone I play with. NEC and ORB have worked just fine for 20 years. I'm just not buying into 8th. I'm taking my mid 30's surplus income and going with other gaming companies. I love my old figs but I let them rust before I invest in this treacherous company.
They'd probably try to make it compete with xwing.
Here's the rub. Newfags who never played necromunda and somehow think SW:A is good will eat this up. They'll probably have to add space marines or something though to really make sure the timmy's invest so I expect some stupid shit.
Oldfags may buy the models, but the rules will probably suck like most GW games. So they'll probably just play older editions.
It would be awesome if you could just use the whole god damn codex for all the factions in SWA. Christ, they could even make a stupid skill tree to delay you getting access to elite troops. But it just doesn't seem like GW has that kind of writing capacity anymore. Remember GW isn't a game company, they are a toy company.
Isn't that what they were trying to do with their Dark Eldar game? I hope that BFG stays like it was instead of them changing the rules for pandering purposes.
In the end, regardless of whether you like the new ruleset, having more model choices will be nice. I am looking forward to some nice Van Saars, but you are probably going to be right about the new ruleset sucking.
GW pander? Never!...
That's not EPIC though, it's just Titans.
No troops, no tanks, no planes, just Titans of various sizes.
If we're getting BFG it's gonna be Horus Heresy only, single expensive boxed set and maybe a few small expansions, almost certainly just Chaos and Imperials.
I mean I'd be pumped for some new Delaques myself but I'm always skeptical with GW.
If they ever get that far bro, they might just abort the whole thing after people find out the game sucks.
I'm actually pretty excited for this, I never played Necromunda but I was around for its release and I did get a lot of Mordheim campaigning done back in the day. Hoping when it comes out the local GW will start up a campaign I can get in on.
Really like the new models too, the Goliath look great and I can't wait to see the kit. I think they'll make good Chaos Cultists, too.
>they might just abort the whole thing
if we're going on blood bowl's precedent, we'll likely get four plastic gangs in relatively short order
Where they go beyond that is questionable, and likely depends on what sales look like.
I actually love 8th. Been playing since 3rd, and each edition after that turned me off more and more. The introduction of unbound, the creation of formations, and the death of the FoC was the end of it for me. 8th is a step in the right direction: I.E. AWAY from formations-editions, but still quite imperfect.
I was actually talking about Necromunda beinc compatable with SWA. Necromunda rules are actually VERY similar to pre-3e 40k rules.
So what's the opinion on this piece of art, think she's a ratskin? I've not heard anything about outlanders yet but she doesn't look like part of any of the standard gangs.
SWAG should stay as far the fuck away from Necro as possible; I don't need hordes of autistic 40kids screaming to play space marines in the underhive.
Someone seems mad.
So have we all accepted the reality that GW is trying to make all its past models obsolete with scale creep? Will it eventually have the gaul to discontinue bolters in order to sell new figs. Have we accepted the reality that it will betray all our investments for short term profit. Should we simply rebel in every meaningful way possible with our gaming dollar.
Long Live the Old Word, Long Live Sisters and Squats, Long Live Necromunda Community Edition.
Necromunda always had a vague frontier look to its underhive; cowboy hats, rat leather, blindsnake pouches etc.
Could very well just be a generic underhiver.
I don't think so, X-Wing is all about starfighter dogfighting and such. If anything they'd have to compete with Armada as it's both thematically and mechanically similar. Although using templates for movement is super nice and I wince at the thought of pickup up a tape-measure again. BFG already had the right feeling of huge spaceships duking it out age of sail style, if they just re-released it effectively as-is, maybe tone down bombers a bit, it'd be good. They just need to support it after the fact.
So Veeky Forums, how would you re-launch BFG? What would you change, what would you keep the same?
Why are you upset a gang member is black? I thought you people assumed they were all in gangs anyway since the tv said so.
32mm is hip these days. They have to put their models where the money is.
>Lord Helmawr must be tampering with the food in necromunda.
Lord Helmawr's dead. Jaq Draco's the Planetary Governor of Necromunda now.
Here's hoping they release it with Cardboard terrain or something instead of the AWFUL Shadow War stuff.
t. guardfag
That's true, it's the musket on her back that's throwing me off.
>Forgot to remove tag.
It's probably just a various form of lasgun. A lot of Tanith guard and such are pictured as having more Frontier-like guns.
>We're bringing back necromunda
>With new, modified, beer and pretzles rules for casuals!
>With presumably no cross compatability with Shadow War Armageddon as a result to force people to buy new kits!
>With poorly proportioned 7 foot tall house escher models!
>And we'll be simultaniously invalidating the fancontent, and our own content, in order to bring this simplification about!
>Also, what's a template?
>What do you mean flamers doing d6 hits will result in them being starkly overpowered?
>What do you mean our shitty CAD buildings are too expensive for necromunda?
>What's wrong with using an understaffed, overworked team that's had to put their major money maker on literal hold in order to keep up and has just had a project lead die?
I don't want this.
All they had to do in order to please me was just Made To Order reruns of metal minis and a black and white pdf/paperback reprint.
The scale creep is just too damn irritating. If anything the existing human minis were already oversized.
>The hyper-aggressive, violent, thuggish ganger is a black
What do you people want
>I don't want this.
All they had to do in order to please me was just Made To Order reruns of metal minis and a black and white pdf/paperback reprint.
For reals.
I actually like the larger models. It allows them to put more details in.
I get where people of the opposing opinion are coming from, but the models have been out of scale for like 20 years.
what? really? where'd that happen?
>betray all our investments
miniature gaming isn't fucking stock trading, and expecting an update to twenty year old figures to follow in lockstep is completely delusional
Jes Goodwin still being alive and present to oversee the design of a new edition of necromunda miniatures is a god damn blessing.
People are acting like this will kill Necromunda. Absolutely nothing is stopping them from going back to the old edition if they don't like it.
They could also run the new rules with old models if they wanted.
They could also run the new mods with the old game if they wanted.
It's literally a ton of bitching over nothing. Plus we barely know about about it yet.
Its super irritating. It's a downright slap in the face. People have been working really hard to keep this game alive for 16 years and they just shit all over them.
It's like they couldn't take an extra step to be creative by making a better game. No, they had to be creative in fucking people over and invalidating their investments. Fuck, they could have made four more gang houses and half a dozen extra outlaw gangs. Hell they could have even invited Ork Freebooters and Eldar Scouts along for the ride. Or bare minimum, Chaos and Genestealer cults. But no, let's be assholes and change the scale so people's old figs will look awful on the table and they will buy new figs of the same gangs.
Being a gamer used to be something special and counterculture. Game companies were your co-conspirators and mentors. Now you're just another consumer whore waiting to get fucked in the ass.
You may be better off just getting third party totally not Necromunda models and playing that with friends (I got some really neat Van Saars from Heresy Miniatures a couple years back). Or just play Infinity like all the ex Necromunda guys near me did. Either way you don't need to buy into GW's new shenanigans. I guess they felt like big figures would sell more, and of course didn't have the old range looking good next to the new one in mind.
>Make new models, bigger to have more detail and easier to paint.
>F-F-F-Fucking GW betrayed us, my old outdated model have feeling too, fielding them alongside new one make them feel insecure about themselves! (even those short model have clear cover/LOS advantage over taller one)
The new Eschers are practically going to be the size of Terminators.
This shit is ridiculous, moreso because it's CAD and they could just shrink the damn thing as needed.
I'm hoping this is just some terrible angles or thick scenic bases or something, bc necro dudes were for the most part properly tiny. My Escher juves are appropriately REALLY tiny.
>It's literally a ton of bitching over nothing
should really be a Veeky Forums banner
For what its worth I'm excited and think the models look nice.
Nice terrain. (pic)
Don't be such a fucking shill. GW has the power to make a product worth buying, it has the player base to buy it, and it has the community to expand it to thousands of new people.
This freedom of choice argument isn't the point. People have made an investment and they want GW to support that investment with opportunities to grow their collection and their community. Saying you can play the old rules doesn't make a fluent community. Communities need well developed content and products.
>spend years as queen bitch of the underhive
>but the new gangers are getting bigger and stronger
>they mock your small stature and underdeveloped figure
>even the juves tower confidently over you now
I didn't realize how tall she was until you pointed it out with that picture. At they rate they are going the 40K range will be in scale with 32mm ranges in a couple of years. Hopefully they keep the base sizes the same for normal humans at least.
I'm surprised no one at Warhammer World (or wherever they have the models on display) have taken a picture of the models they have out with something for scale nearby.
They're a bit oversized, but not too bad. Holding up my old Eschers in front of the screen and adjusting distance til the bases overlap exactly, it looks like the new ones are only taller by half a head or so.
Dude, a 25mm base goes up to a human sized model's NECK.
If that is a 30mm base, that makes it even worse.
They're in display cases. Or at least on display. Hard to just kind of waltz up and start plopping space marines all around them.
It's the equivalent of someone touching your models during a game plus all "don't lean on the glass" plus "don't touch the art" rolled into one. And I think the kind of nerd that gets out into a public venue like that might have enough self-consciousness to keep their hands to themselves.
Looks like how a virgin imagines a woman. These mutant proportions..
Obviously it's a 60mm base, and we're getting a 54mm Inquisitor-type Necromunda game.
The girls are on 25s.
The goliaths are on 30's.
Everyone is going apeshit because they thing the girls are on 30mms.
no, they're 40mms and escher is being refluffed as a gang made up of female ogryn
No, even for 25's they're way too fucking tall. Just like sisters of silence, and celestine.
Holding a model relatively near the glass and taking a picture isn't hard.
Not sure where you got "OMG TOUCH IT IN ITS MOST PRIVATE PARTS" from.
Actually they're all on 30mm, but they're scaled to 8mm for Titanicus so you can pit your Titans against giant mutants and have an "Attack of the 50ft Woman" matches.
>way too tall
not really
They're wearing heels, like greyfax. It's skewing their proportions (and making them seem real tall) since they're otherwise the same height as the dudes.
Naturally, the Goliaths would be wearing high heels as well so it's fair.