Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/

Necromunda should have stayed dead Edition

>Necromunda is coming back with new minis and stuff

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine supplement for Daemons, Thousand Sons and Death Guard players

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the Drukhari!

You might still get that new IG release someday... far away in the future when the codex comes along.


Whats their Action Movie Title, again?

How long before this gets derailed into troll posts and info graphs?

Welcome to summer.


Being raped by your brother doesn't make shitposting cool.

Post your models

wip morkanaut next to my gorkanaut

Anyone need the Tigershark/Custodecraft/ganger/doors reposted? From the FW event, wasn't too much exciting stuff

Heh show us an info graph of where your brother touched you faggot.

Three Ogryns Kick Back 2: Revenge Road

Leave Konor to us.

Konor was already won by the imperium

The campaign is over now

Why people take transports? Last game my infiltrated chosen melta squad just killed 2 rhinos with zerkers inside with twice shooting (slaanesh stratagem) and other transports doesnt look better than them.

Ok guise what are your favorite strategems and other items helping youre CSM forces win battles for konor?

I'm really liking this one for my helldrakes.

If you insist

I've got ~6000 points of Dark Angels, but while I'm waiting for a DA Codex to drop, I'd decided to expand my forces into a general Imperium army. The obvious first choice is an IG conscript blob because they are so points-effective and bodies win games in 8th, but I'm personally more interested in being a fun opponent than a WAAC metaplayer. Sisters seem cool fluff-wise, but they don't seem to offer much that I can't get with my spess mahreens... am I wrong? What do you think I should get as my first non-DA Imperium unit? Inquisition? A Knight? I'm fishing for fun ideas.

>Failed to take the major Hive World
>Failed to take the Forge World
>Losing on 2/3 areas of the agri-world

Yea let's keep leaving it to you guys.

Just fashionably late to the party it's about to take a turn friendo!

so I want to build a night lords kytan, and do wings and a gigantic claw instead of the cleaver, probably still use the stock body, any suggestions for parts?

It begins

Looking gorgeous fellow Archon keep up the nice work!


And dont like artifacts expect Murder Sword and Axe of blind fury

Is that green drybrushed with silver so that it looks like weathered, colored metal?

Night lord sympathizing sisters of silence!


It's better than just shitposting.

2000pts, Genestealer Brigade


Acolyte Iconward
2x Magus [2x Familiars]


3x Genestealers[Scything Talons, 7x Genestealers]


6x Neophyte Hybrids [10 Neophytes, 2x Webbers, Leader with Webber, Cult Icon] 3 squads will have autoguns and the other 3 with Shotguns

>Fast Attack

3x Scout Sentinels [2x Scout Sentinels, Autocannons]

>Heavy Support

Leman Russ [Battle cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]
Leman Russ [Battle cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]
Leman Russ [Exterminator Autocannon, 3x Heavy Bolters]

I think it might be lacking in anti-tank but I dont there is much in the codex, how can I improve this list?

Pulled my three remaining Escher out of storage... they look like shit. I guess I'll actually start on them this week, but at least past me did an okay job basing them.



Not the best picture, but I finished up my Swarmlord a day or two ago.


He looks great user
Hes fun to launch stealers 30" across the board with


My plan was to have Genestealers pop up in a Trygon tunnel, while he blitzes up with some Warriors.

I have no idea why the image flipped when uploading.

Just played a game of Konor with a Chaos vehicle-heavy list.
Got my shit wrecked horribly, turns out he can take three dreadnoughts for the price of my land raider; and they're all better in combat than both my maulerfiend and my soul grinder.
The former no longer gets rerolls to charge and has shredded 2" movement, whilst the latter has a ton of wasted points thrown into mandatory 5+ shooting:

Needless to say, Chaos codex did nothing, we're still shit, Konor missions punish Chaos.

Because some of us can shoot from inside them, and we ride or die motherfucker


I would, but it wouldn't be any models you haven't seen. Been on a building spree to get that all out of the way while I try to get rid of this painting slump I've been having. Trying to learn the loaded brush technique so I can have better blends/transitions.

> we ride or die motherfucker
Definitely die

get the pdf .. it's in the mega. fucking screwed up text.

t̳̝͔̠h͉̰͚͕̰͈͡i̫̤͖̠̳s̘͖͈̼̘̭̫ ͉̜̭̱̭̬̩i̕s̢͉̯̩ͅ ͈̣͙̠̳́w͍̺h͙̟͍̝͚̻ạ̝͉͉͕t̜̱̪̻͇͎͇ ̖̩̱̩ͅt̪̦̝͕̳͉h̸͈̰e͉͍ ̖̭͚̗͎c̵̥̹̬ẖ͉͎̟̟͙a̻̹͖̫o̟̦̦̪̜̯s̘͉̝ͅ ̢̭̺̣̖̬̹c̹̠̱͍o̗d̻͕e̱͖̣͓̮̕x̻̬ ̝̘̯̼̼̙̕e̹̩̪̯̼̞p̥̯u̳̟̖̮͈͝b̳͢ͅ l̵o̢̝̟̟͚̗̱͓o͙̜̜ḱ͕s̖̠ ̱̘̠̪̪̯͠l̞̳͔̠͞i̱̜̫̞͉͘k̜͇͔̻̱e̖̤ ̦͉͢o̺͔̗͞n̺̝͍̳̤̥̰ ̪̫̭̭͇a̩ p͉͈͡c̷͕̫


How much trouble would a Tech priest be in if he took couple Renegade Astartes(not chaos) and lobotomized/brain washed them into his personal warriors?

love that pose on the mork

what's your list and legion? what was his list and chapter?


Honestly he won't make it to the enemy most of the time if he's on foot. He's too much of an obvious threat to not eat multiple lascannons and too vulnerable to survive concentrated shooting unless you also bring tyrant guard, which are honestly a waste of points.

Gotta put that fucker in a Tyrannoctye.

Interdasting. Keep in mind he is actually fairly squish so try and keep him out of line of sight of tanks. He is in my opinion worth it for 5 turns of double moves and the potential counter charge that he brings to the table, similar to how girlyman is worth it just for the rerolls

i got pdf, but epub just more comfortable

It's by a closeable gap at least this time! It's been fun regardless and chaos has won my store at least I did my part.


Depends on how much influence he has and whether or not an inquisitor found out where they came from.


meh, this feels like you just suck with your dudes. I'm 12 and 0 in konor as chaos space manz.


Gotta get another Tyrannocyte once my backlog is lessened. Trying to finish a SM army, some Stormcasts, and starting Chaos doesnt really help any.

Only tank my usual opponent brings is a Sicarian, havent really been able to play much of 8th so far.

reads fine for me on my pc. epub best format


>Needless to say, Chaos codex did nothing, we're still shit, Konor missions punish Chaos.

you took a force that wasn't capable of beating the mission. THAT WAS YOUR PROBLEM.

the mission is .. wipe the enemy out (so you have more points than him) or GET EVERYTHING OFF THE TABLE.

for all units moving 12 inches and advancing you need 4 turns to get everything off the table.
12 + avg advance roll of 3 if everything was on the edge of the deployment zone.

you are better off trying to outscore him. destroy his vehicles first so he can't score double points.

instead i pushed my oponne'ts shit in.

i took 3 squads of csm with missle launchers 1 havock squad with 4 lascanons lord in terminator armor + sorceror. Black legion and marks of tzench on all the units.

i knew i wasn't getting off the table so i focus fired teh shit out of him. in 2 turns i summoed 4 units of pink horrors and pushed forward. the horros absorbed the brunt of the damage (not much one unit was reduced to 2. i lead the charge with my helldrake. killed his flyer with havocks.

in the end i got 4 pts he had 0 and on turn 5 he had 2 marines + his commander. i had everything + 4 units of pink horrors. total casualties on my end 1 CSM and 8 pink horrors.


1000 pts

Renegade Chapters
>Land Raider
>Soul Grinder

Iron Hands
>Tech Marines
>2x Venerable lasdreads
>2x Meltadreads
>Predator w/las sponsons
>Dual las Razorback

because losing your metal boxes is preferable to losing the dudes inside?
Or maybe because even if you put 10 meltas in melta range of an enemy tank there's the chance you still roll like shit and get 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1 like i did last game?

what program are you using? Readium has a problem on a few things. i think it's a missing font i don't have that the epub needs. Converted PDF displays correctly.


I should've said AT weapons, not tanks, but also most tanks can take a chunk out of him.
The tyrannocyte is very sound advice tho for sure. Drop him next to the trygon and genestealers, move the stealers, hope for a 8" charge for trygon(pretty likely), keep swarm out of LOS, then get him stuck in next turn if u can. Very potent combination.


Kinda sounds like your opponent was pretty shit if he could only kill that much.

>eyelazor because why the fuck not

If all your opponent could kill with his entire army in 5 turns was 4 T3 4++ units and one T4 3+ unit your opponent (or more likely their list) was fucking garbage.

Ill definitely try that out, seems really fun!

Sounds like your opponent was a fucking idiot



Man, I remember fapping to the one in the middle as a young cultist. Sweet memories

Are they phasing out Start Collecting? Half of them are listed as "No Longer Available" and not just "Temporarily Sold Out Online".

I really like that green metallic look. Makes me a little jealous.


I doubt they'd get rid of them considering how well they sell, probably just re-tooling or repackaging them to fit into the new edition.


Ah, yes, this is pleasing to... Nurgle, of all the Chaos Gods?


They might be cramming the datasheets in all the boxes. Though I imagine some stock did sell out just due to 8th ed hype.

Thank you!
Yep; black undercoat, thick drybush of dark green, then for the elites a lighter drybrush of a lighter green, a green ink wash to tie it together a bit then a light silver drybrush. It was a lot quicker and easier than I thought. My hands aren't very steady so the eyes gave me a lot of problems though.

Heres a better pic for clarity, this is with the lighter green layer

nah, they're repackaging. AdMech Start Collecting had the same message, is available again.

To counter-act the Nurgle juju..


And this is with just the dark green, green ink and silver

They might be redoing them to do a better force selection for 8th, or including the dataslates for the units included in the box (like how new models going forward are getting them)

You took a shooty list for a renegade warband? Nothing in that list benefits from being renegade.

he's trying his best to seduce the guards user


user from last thread here, who wanted to post the 500 point Eldar vs Guard battle report with a friend! Sorry it took me a bit to get in here, got a call from work

as before, I havent played since 5e and he's been out of the loop since 2e, but we wanted to give 8e a whirl! I don't have any photos though, because I'm a huge goober.

the armies we ended up building were

my Eldar:

Warlock Skyrunner with Witchblade

Shining Spears x5 with a Star Lance on the Exarch

Windriders x3 with Shuriken Cannons

Windriders x3 with Shuriken Cannons

and then the guard, with

Company Commander
Command Squad w/ Autocannon and Vox Caster
Veteran Squad w/ Voxcaster
Infantry Squad w/ Flamer and Vox Caster
Infantry Squad w/ Flamer and Vox Caster
Leman Russ with Punisher Gatling Cannon and Heavy Flamer

This week's and last week's missions have been decidedly less in favor of Imperium than the first. Admittedly yes, the mission this week does favor Imperium via deployment (ie a melee army has to travel 36" instead of the standard 18-24" to get in range of enemies) but this is better than the first week. I'm going to assume that since the week Chaos should have had all the advantages was massively imperium biased that the final weeks are going to have a strong Chaos bias to give Chaos a chance at all.



Looks great!

I just finished assembling my 3rd and 4th Reaver Squads, I decided to give each rider a bit of personality in their pose this time around. Nothing left to assemble and fuckton of minis ready to paint/prime.

>Sounds like your opponent was a fucking idiot
i used the terrain (mainly buildings to block line of sight and focus fire on units one at a time. he deployed trying to cover all avenues of advance while i centraly deployed for the most part behind a fuck huge building. 1st turn i channeled everything into 1st squad and charged it with my helldrake. he spent the next 2 turns repositioning the remaining units. by the time the 1`st unit was wiped the blob of horrors was ready to pounce on the other 2 units. helldrake went to work on emperor's champion while this was going on.

he badly placed his flyer and let my havocks and 1 squad of CSM take it down. it ended top of 5.

i used my helldrake to basically tie up his forces that were going to help engage.

I love the guy with dual knives