MTG Legacy General

Fat Granny Edition

>Will you be playing anything from C17 in your deck?
>Favorite fringe deck?
>Would banning Ponder and/or Brainstorm improve the format? Which one? Both?

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>Will you be playing anything from C17 in your deck?
No, I don't think C17 is adding anything in particular as far as legacy playables go. Thank god though, after TNN wizards seems to have backed off on the overpowered legacy printings in commander products.

>Favorite fringe deck?
Either Mr. Toads Wild Ride or Moggcatcher

>Would banning Ponder and/or Brainstorm improve the format? Which one? Both?
I'd leave the cantrips alone, I want wizards to unban SDT so non blue decks can keep up too.
All banning SDT did was kill several intersting decks while making it even more important to run blue to get access to Brainstorm, Ponder, Gitaxian Probe, etc. Banning the tools that bring consistency just makes the game more luck based than skill based.

Agreed. I'm fine with Kess popping up here and there, but I'm frankly relieved at the lack of power creep this year, especially considering Eminence.

I'm surprised the luck vs. skill argument doesn't come up more. Top could be annoying, but it really is a good thing to have in a competitive format. I'm just not sure it's enough. Delver/Czech still just have the most consistency and the best cards. It feels like nonblue fair decks are just one GSZ/Top-esque card away from catching up. The way I see it:
>ban top
What we have now. Fine, but dominated by greedy BUg(x) decks.
>ban cb
Without its card advantage engine, Miracles looks something like it does now. Delver/Czech pile are still great due to consistency and sheer card quality. Some fringe Top decks are less dead.
In the end, I'm not sure it makes enough of a difference.

Let's talk about Magus of the Mind.

it's trash

but what if you Shallow Grave it back with haste?

why not just get griselbrand or emrakul?

Unban Top
Ban Terminus

Am I crazy for thinking that Mirri counld be a 1 of GSZ target in Maverick? Even juat in the sideboard? I like her.

You could try. She isnt great though. Stats are meh for the cost and the ability is pretty irrelevant in most matches. The usual "dies to removal" applies since 3/4 mana is a whole turn lost to 1 mana.what were you thinking of replacing with her?

I've seen the suggestion floated on most card discussions that she could slot nicely into Maverick, so no, you're not crazy. I'm always leery of legendary creatures, though, because I'm in a karakas-heavy meta.

>cast victimize saccing pic related
>return Magus and Grizzdaddy

Maybe in the sideboard. She has to untap and swing to get value, which wouldn't be as big a deal if she didn't die to everything ever printed AND get hit by Karakas.

>Need to have already cast anger
>Victimize could have been a cheaper reanimation spell getting griselbrand earlier
>Magus minds desires maybe 4 times, hitting 2 lands a cantrip and a second gris
Reani-storm sounds like something silly and terrible.

I just have an irrational hatred of Young Pyromancer, so a card that hoses is just tickles my pickle. I think I would try her in the side first, since there are a lot of decks that she's juat a 3/2 first strike for free. But I see a lot of lists running Tireless Trackers and Thalia 2.0's, and I feel like Mirri is around that same powerlevel. As far as specifics about what to take out and keep in, I guess that would all be meta dependant. Maverick is definitly not one of the decks that has a set stock list.

That's the fun of it!
That's fair. Come to think of it, having reach might have pushed her into genuine playability. Would've been totally justifiable, too, in terms of flavor and colors. Oh well. Maybe she's still good.

Oh and on that note, I really want to try this stupid ass hammer too. It seems bad, but fun bad. Activating Stoneforge in response to a bolt or push would juat make my day. Also making Thalia a 4/1 indestructable sounds good. Hell a 3/2 indestructable stoneforge would be fine.

Pictures help.

While a one-sided Dueling Grounds sounds powerful, in what matchups would it be needed?

That doesn't even seem too bad. The effect is solid and free equips are nice. I'm just not sure it warrants a slot over the other options. What would you cut for it?

I used to run nic fit so i know about flex GSZ lists. One of the rules is to know how to spot edh jank and Mirri is on the border of edh jank. Thalia 2.0 shuts off fetches and can get through a hidden karakas. Tireless tracker becomes huge and creates card advantage. Mirri stops the 1/1 tokens in a matchup that is totally fine just swinging with its 5/5 or 3/2 flyer or draining for 2. It still begs the question, what are you replacing with it?

Probably a mom, since it kiiiinda fills the same role.

I haven't built Maverick, so I'm not 100% sure about win rates. There are a handful of Affinity and Elves players locally though, and Mirri seems good against them, assuming I'm not dead before I can get her into play.

I just sold out of Turbo Depths because it has just taken over parts of the local meta, some shops have 4 out of 10 players playing it some weeks. I want to build either Maverick or Nic Fit, but I can't decide. Every couple of days I change my mind. Although once I build one picking up what I need for the second will be pretty cheap (as far as legacy goes).

I'm sure in all reality I would start with her in my sideboard, amd either never board her in, or if I did be dead before I got her in play, and end up taking her out.

Thalia 2.0 is definitly better, but she's not GSZable, so I'm not sold. What I like about Maverick is the toolboxyness of it, between GSZ and KOTR. I'm juat looking for more good green creatures, since just jamming all the Thalias makes the deck just feel like a bad D&T a lot of the time.

Nic Fit vs Maverick is a question of just how big are your balls? Got tiny little ladyboy balls? Tiny little maverick aether vial 2/2s. Pendulous Chad TestesĀ®? You want to slam siege rhinos and swagtusks with Nic Fit

But if you want to throw around my big ol' Primeval Titan balls, you gotta go 12-post.

god please someone make the deck work better in this post-top world I lost my best matchup

Just replace the nic fit grave titan with a primeval and toss a dark depths and a thesbian in over the usual utility lands. 12 post lost a ton of its viability when the big deck it preyed on was banned alongside it.

Lol, I was building mono green post when top got banned I was going to use Eurekas instead of Show and Tells, it was going to be glorious. But now the deck is dead, and I don't have to buy Candelabras.

I keep messing with Maverick lists on cockatrice, trying to fit all the jank in it I want to play, and I'm having a hard time. Meanwhile even when I lose with Junk Fit I'm having a ball. Maybe that's just the answer right there.

I tried a few Big Fit list, because Brainstorm is the best card in Legacy, and GSZ is the second best, so running both seemes like the way to go. They all just felt worse though. Resolving Jace is boring, but resolving Seige Rhino just makes me laugh.

So I was goldfishing the mono red storm deck on cockatrice and decided one game to see how big a storm count I could reach. I was able to reach 58.

So I'd like to propose a silly game if anyone's interested. Simply build a Legacy legal storm deck of any kind and try to reach the biggest storm count possible.

Well tin fins is pretty close to "reani-storm" but it turns out you don't need minds desire when you have a 7/7 flying lifelink yawgmoths bargain

No thanks

>Team Trios event this Saturday, Legacy/Modern/Standard

First time in a long time I've had a chance to play my shitty High Tide deck. I've got my Hawaiian shirt ready and everything.

>Will you be playing anything from C17 in your deck?
No, I don't like trash in my decks.


Solidarity can reach way more than 60 on default and is practically never played anymore.
>Legacy legal storm deck of any kind
You can go infinite in more than one way, none are useful.

EDH is the other way, pal.

It's a joke, bud. Though you're right; nothing in C17 looks great for Legacy.
Candelabras or nah?

That'd be a Nah on the Candelabras unfortunately. Still beyond my budget.

Man I'm kind of thinking of buying some trash Legacy Burn because I'm poor, but there's really no legacy scene in miles and I dunno if I want to play something that not only is gimped but something I'm unsure I'll like after a while.

If there's no Legacy scene, you'll feel terrible after buying the deck. You can always play Legacy on Xmage or mtgo

Buying into a deck is like buying a used car. Either spend no money and get a shitmobile that gets you where you want a decent amount of the time, or save up and get a good, fun car.
That being said, I have no respect for burn players.

It's all I can afford, no need for hate.

>I have no respect for burn players

>That being said I have no respect for Burn players
Holy shit are there really people this autistic that they base their respect for someone on what deck they play in a childrens card game?

Sup legacy general. I've recently come back to legacy after a hiatus (top ban really sucked for me, virtually quit the format.). So what's the meta looking like now? Is it Just storm and delver decks now?

Yeah. Storm, Sneak and Show, Delver, D&T and Lands are all thats viable now. Delvers the best of the bunch though.

>That being said, I have no respect for burn players.
Well burn is a good start. For instance, I have an MTG budget that I try to keep reasonable: I had some red cards left from an old shitty UR deck, and 4 Eidolons. I build Burn in some months and now going on UR Delver. It's a constant investment but I like where it goes...
It's kinda like buying an old shit car and pimping it slowly but surely.

>when you beat a filthy lands player
is there any better feeling?

Huh? Forgot Depths and Infect have returned. No more Counterbalance top to go fuck you to infect.

Infect raped miracles before. If anything infect fell out of favour because one of its best matchups died

>check for Legacy touraments

Nah won SCG last legacy tournament and came in second one before that.

The decks are pretty much Sultai/Grixis/Jund decks/Lands/Storm/Depths/Infect and Food chain decks here and there.

Don't forget that pretty much any variant of Moon Stompy is good right now with all the greedy manabases and low curves running around. BM+Chalice+Trinisphere is a pretty good mix of lock pieces right now. The only decks they really struggle against are Sneak & Show, infect, and D&T (depending on subtype and build)

>don't know if I want to play a "fair" or an unfair deck

>not respecting the man willing to throw away any chance of winning against combo just to shit all over delverbabbies

If your new to the format I'd suggest jamming some games on cockatrice/xmage to get a handle on what decks scratch your itch in this format. Try playing:

1. A spell based combo deck (TES/ANT)
2. A Graveyard combo deck (U/B or B/R Reanimator, Tinfins, Dredge)
2. Show and Tell Deck (Omni-Sneak or Omni-Tell)
2. A Tempo deck (Grixis/BUG/UR Delver or Infect)
3. A Midrange deck (Noble BUG, Nicfit, Jund, Shardless, Alluren)
4. A Hatebears deck (D&T, Maverick)
5. A Control Deck (Miracles, Stoneblade variants, Czech Pile, Standstill variants)
6. A Chalice deck (Big Red, Dragon Stompy, Tezzerator, Eldrazi, Stax)

These decks should give you an idea of what you might like to play as an archetype in Legacy and should allow you to focus in on what play styles you want to explore more carefully.

>r&d actual thought fatal push was okay to print

Daddy-Copter at Mythic wasn't enough to sell packs. They needed a glaringly obvious Memedern plant to do it.

>Implying that Fatal Push is in anyway a problem in any format


>unconditional removal in okay for 1 black at instant speed
good one

>the color of killing stuff should be worse at killing stuff than white and red
literally what. i know you're used to every deck being 4c but come on, the color pie still exists.

>Destroy that creature if it has converted mana cost 4 or less instead if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn.
>converted mana cost 4 or less instead if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn.
>if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn.
>unconditional removal

Surely you can't be that retarded user, That spell is anything but unconditional.

its removes anything 2 and under for free which is like everything
dont act like revolt is hard to fulfill either

im not mad that its black

Post Stax spice.

i dont get it

So it's not unconditional, but the conditions are easy to fulfill? Gotcha, your argument has suddenly become compelling.

Let's approach this from a different angle: What formats do you see this spell causing a in problem? Standard was in dire need of decent, instant speed removal, Modern already has Bolt, Path, Decay, Terminate, ect., Legacy has Swords, Bolt, Decay, etc. I don't see how this card causes any problems.

Stax needs an explosive opener (t1 chalice/sphere, usually) but lacks consistency. I've found thatree mulls are crazy valuable.

I asked last thread but didn't get an answer but how viable is punishing maverick currently? I have most of the pieces. Would I be better off with traditional Maverick?

UB Reanimator player here, what would be a good gameplan against ANT? What should I be countering with Force of Will? Anyone know of some creatures that can be reanimated that stops storm decks dead?


Seems fine vs fair decks like delver or the BUgx variants, but weak against most fast combo. BR reanimator, TES, ANT, and GB Depths would be really rough, almost your entire sideboard would be needed to try and shore up these matchups.

if i have tabernacle (probably spelled that wrong) and my opponent draws the top card of their library, do they have to sacrifice all their creatures or do i have to remind them of it? (technically, its their trigger)

You spelled it right. But I'd ask the Judge IRC, not here.

Under the current policy, they get a warning for Missed Trigger, then they will sacrifice all of their creatures.


Why on earth would anyone who is interested in Legacy play paper instead of online?

Because my local LGS has paper tournies and it's fun talking to other chill legacy players.

the better question is why play paper over proxy

Friendly interaction is a big part of the game for me. Can't get that on MODO.

I went to watch a channel fireball video and is it more or did youtube change their format?

I changed computers, both running firefox, and the layout is totally different and virtually unusable

wtf man

before delver what did blue play as a cheap creature if it did at all

Pic related, also Psychatog

But I didn't actually play back then, so if some oldfag wants to correct me, please do

Griselbrand + Iona is usually good enough to get there. I feel like the matchup is very favourable for UB reanimator.

Really? Because I was talking with the ANT guy later and he seemed to think he had the favorable matchup against me, UBReanimator (and it was hard to argue, he went 2-0). The biggest problem was he went off turn two both times, and I can only get an Iona out that fast if I nut open with an Entomb + Reanimate spell in my hand. My opening hand did have Force of Will both times, so I thought I could disrupt the combo by countering Lion's Eye Diamond, but the first time around he just waited one turn and managed to Past In Flames into his combo and the second time he Infernal tutored for his needed pieces. I've only ever played against ANT twice so any advice would be appreciated.

Depends on how far back you go. Just before delver? Nimble mongoose and goyf (some people joked he was actually blue) as you go furthur back the creatyres wernt actually all that cheap, draw go control preferring morphling while more aggressive lists still ran mongoose and some other off color threshhold creatures. If you go way back its psychatog and shadowmage infiltrator (ironically, shadowmage infiltrator was an expensive hard to find creature. So hard to find that psychatog was discovered when he was being used as a proxy. The group doing this found that at least 51% of the time they would rather just play the psychatog) Thats as far back as I know though. Basically mono U never had cheap creatures as we know them so they always splashed if they wanted one

Thox war monk.

If they play LED, it means they are prob going to tutor, counter that. Or PiF if they are natural storming into it. Personally ran daze in UB reanimator, so I got edge to daze first led/ritual, which usually was back breaking. At least UP reanimator has disruption, so it should be hard for storm player to actually go off without duress/cabal.

Yeah, UB reanimator should be good vs storm. Your combo is the same speed on average and you have countermagic. Generally countering the tutor is where you want to be, but sometimes you need to counter a ritual when they choke themselves on mana. Iona on black should be game over. Griselbrand drawing a fresh grip of countermagic should be hard to beat as well.

Play the better animator and laugh all the way to the bank at slower combo.

but... youre retarded?
it has both an unconditional and a conditional clause

You can cast it on Prime Time all you want. It's not unconditional if it conditionally does nothing.

>accepted a game against a brazilian on xmage
>hasnt loading in for 10 minutes
how do i get out this shit without getting penalitized

>hey there buddy, i play commander

>get turn 1'd back to back


ever have one of those days where you just draw terribly and everyone draws what they need?

I do, every day. Thank god for brainstorm and ponder

B-B-But couldnt you have F-Force of Willed? O-Or mulliganed to it! Yeah see user its your fault the formats shit

Now if you'll excuse me I have some NM Mercadian Masques Brainstorms to jerk off on while whispering sweetly "Interaction.."

>tfw still play LED dredge
>cant afford anything else
>still wreck people
feels good mane

Play a few more matches and see how yu feel.

if 2 creatures with jitte fight each other which jitte gets the counters first