I only want to play casually with friends, I like the heroes and evil armies in LOTR, but I like the fact that 40k lore seems ongoing and chaos daemons, necrons and hive seem pretty cool lorewise, don't know shit about chaos though really but they look cool
Any recorecommdations?
James Roberts
Kayden Gomez
LOTR is completely dead. 40k is great.
Ryan Robinson
>Which one should I get into Veeky Forums?
Necromunda when it is released, get several gangs that you can lend/sell to you friends to get them hooked.
Sebastian Taylor
Of the two, 40k. Not sure you'll find many LOTR players around these days.
What do your friends want to play?
Camden Johnson
They'll play whatever, they dont want to commit to buying any armies so I feel like will be easier getting 2 LOTR armies than 2 40k ones
Owen Morgan
Could get the Dark Imperium box for 40k, its pretty decent value and gives you two starting forces.
The main draw of 40k aside from subjective stuff is that there are always going to be people for you to play 40k with, LOTR is either dead or will be soon.
David Gutierrez
> casually with friends > wargaming
Does not compute
Luke Gomez
If you actually want to play games, 40k
If you're OK with never playing a game and just collecting and painting miniatures, LOTR
>t. user with both too much LOTR and 40k
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Try Shadow War: Armageddon. It's in the 40k setting, it's easy to pick up and learn, and you only need one troops box to make a full team for the majority of factions.
Tyler Johnson
LotR has a great ruleset, cheap official miniatures and you can easily use hundreds of historical lines to build your stuff even cheaper. GW LotR was actual 28mm instead of heroic, so it fits. The fluff is LotR - if you like it, there's a shitton of it.
40k has high quality miniatures at very high prices. It hasn't gotten a single piece of decent fluff in ten years. The rules are in a better shape than the last few years, but they are still way worse than what they used to be.
Between those two, get the LotR rulebook, NOT the Hobbit. Build two forces, it's cheap, and demo for your friends. Look on ebay for the plastics and at historicals like from Perry to compliment your army.
William Carter
Neither of those armies interest me is the problem
I've heard its just not as active as 40k, not comepletly dead
I have the return of the King rulebook, are Hobbit rules that bad? And yeah looking around LOTR seems like an a lot cheaper option especially if my friends aren't getting an army for themselves
Another question, with 40k war necrons and hive aliens seem like huge threats, one ruling the galaxy previously one already having eaten another galaxy
Are Chaos Daemons like that? I like the idea of an unstoppable malignant force with some cosmic horror flavour
Connor Harris
>Neither of those armies interest me is the problem Well, theres plenty of Start Collecting boxes. What factions are you interested in?
Alexander Adams
>are Hobbit rules that bad? There made a few things worse. It's not terrible because they didn't ruin the core rules, but there's really no point in playing a somewhat worse version of a great game.
>Are Chaos Daemons like that? If you are asking these questions, I'm guessing that you don't know a whole lot about 40k fluff. In fact, you probably mostly only know memes, heresay and a few snippets or pictures.
First to answer your questions: Chaos is the absolute greatest, most threatening, most evilest faction there is and the entire galaxy will eventually consumed by it and there's not a thing anyone can do about it. At least that's the way writers have written it in the last few years. Chaos has always been the primordial arch-nemesis of the Imperium in 40k, but in the last few years there's been a bunch of writers with a real hard-on for it and most non-chaos players aren't exactly happy about it. In fact, there's currently a worldwide campaign going on where Chaos is being utterly devastated by the combined force of Xenos butthurt.
Also: If you are only skimming the surface of 40k fluff, let me give you some advice as somebody that has played since 3rd edition. 40k fluff has always been dumb, but it used on purpose and self-referential. It started as a somewhat parody setting in the early days, a shameless copy of everything Dune, 2000AD and Starship Troopers, twisted through the amazing mixer of 80s Britain. But now, the fluff has become an increasingly terrible shitshow with retcons and rewrites corrupting the very foundations of the setting. My advice is: If you like 40k on grounds of fluff and tone, go and delve deep into the lore first. Become acquainted with it intimately, see for yourself how damn retarded it most of the time. If you like it, great, go ahead and start playing. But you should know first that Primarchs are a bunch of daddy-issues ridden faggots, the Emperor is incompetent and Xenos will never be relevant to anything.
Jace Jones
Thanks for the response user, 40k lore is pretty intimidating is there a good place to start or that will give an overview of everything before going balls deep?
And Chaos are a larger threat than Necrons and Xenos? Neat I guess, but where do they come from besides some vague parallel dimension, why are they a bigger threat?(maybe redact that last few questions since I might find that myself looking into more lore)
And I'm a big 2000AD fan, would I be likely to get annoyed at 40k?
Necrons, Xeno or Daemons
One of the problems I have with LOTR is the only starter set it has is escape from Goblin Town, what the fuck happened to Balins Tomb in Moria?
Grayson Barnes
I do not understand this post. What are you trying to say?
Nathaniel Martin
Chaos have been hyped up as the greatest threat ever blah blah blah too much and too long now. I like 40k but it does get tiring.
Probably the best advice I can give about 40k and its fluff is that its best viewed through a slightly silly lense and that a lot of the best stuff is just little snippet or stories. Theres a coupe of really bad parts but most of it is simply average.
>Xeno thats a lot of factions man, Xenos are Orks, Tau, Tyranids, all types of Eldar, etc, anything not Imperial or Chaos basically
I'd go through the wikis, Lexicanum is down but the 40k wiki and 1d4chan have plenty of broad information. Both have their issues but nothing to really worry about it if you just wanna get a feel for the groups and stuff.
>And I'm a big 2000AD fan, would I be likely to get annoyed at 40k?
Not really, because most of the references have been phased out over time and only exist in the most oblique ways. Now back in 2nd edition and prior they were a lot more evident, but they were also quite tongue in cheek and more cause for amusement than anything.
James Evans
Oh ok, by Xeno I meant tyranids, the ones that just look like xenomorphs
Justin James
Lurking Veeky Forums for Fluff Snippets isn't bad Picking your favourite faction and reading articles at an online resource like Lexicanum (once it hopefully returns) is a good start Also downloading the Codices of a faction and reading the fluff bits gives you a good overview.
Now here's the problem with 40k fluff: Codices mostly contain reprints and rewrites of old fluff. Most of the dumb shit is either in books or in campaign books or in novels. With that, lurking Veeky Forums is your best source outside of reading them yourself. If you want an idea of how bad it can get, take a look at the Horus Heresy. It's a longstanding series with a few genuine gems and an outstanding track record of ruining everything good about 40k.
>And I'm a big 2000AD fan, would I be likely to get annoyed at 40k? Maybe? Most of the direct stuff has slunk into obscurity, but you'll definitely see the direct """influences""". What you also need to know with 40k is, that everything ever written about it is canon. It's a full on choose-your-own-lore setting, because there's practically no kind of quality control with fluff writers. Which is also the source of most fluff arguments and the reason why they often cannot be resolved: Most of the time both sides have official material to back their claims up.
Brody Sanchez
Ahh, okay. Yeah, Xenos in 40k is a catchall term for all alien races.
Anyway, yeah do some wikiwalking and see what appeals to you; Necrons, Tyranids and Daemons all have their share of interesting background lore and fluff as well as a bit of variety of ways to play them on the tabletop for what its worth.
Logan Nguyen
Thanks guys, I'm actually gonna go with LOTR for now since its a lot cheaper and I can do it casually, but I'll do this stuff in the meantime, maybe my friends will eventually want to get into 40k if we play some LOTR who knows