I'm in a drunk argument right now. Is he Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil or Lawful Good?
I literally cannot see him being anything other than lawful evil for most of the series.
I'm in a drunk argument right now. Is he Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil or Lawful Good?
Id like to see your reasoning, as throughout the series he tries to be self sacrificing while following the law. He rarely seems motivated by self-interest, and actively despises the power he serves under.
He sits in Lawful Good IMO, but his brand of LG is a very annoying brand. He's pretty much a That Guy paladin.
Retarded people can't have alignments, as they are not responsible for their actions
Lawful good, just an idiot and bad at telling other people's alignments
He works for a lawful evil regime and serves as part of their military arm. He has special citizenship because of his work and other benefits. He directly gains by work for an evil regime and subjugating his people.
In his own words, means > ends and he's still working for and abiding by assholes.
Lawful Good until he flips his shit and goes Lawful Evil, but he eventually mellows out at Lawful Neutral by the end of the series I'd say.
He was a cunt who wanted to punish himself so refused to do the smart thing until it was too late. Lawful retard.
This makes me think, where would our glorious emperor Lelouche sit on the morality chart?
>implying that magnificent motherfucker could be constrained by a morality chart
Esper. Final answer: Esper Control.
He killed his dad when he was like "Nuh, we need to RESIST THE EVIL EMPIRE", he goes to work for the evil empire and his best friend is heir to said evil empire.
Chaotic neutral, probably.
By the end of the series, you understand that he was Chaotic Good all along, even if he didn't seem like it most of the time
Where ever he wants to, whenever he needs to, however he has to.
>no mention of that bulge
there was never any doubt he was lawful, at least until the Zero Requiem arc.
Kingsley's design> Zero's design. That fucking eyepatch.
He's a faggot, that's his shitty alignment
Thank you, user, that's exactly what I was thinking of when I saw this thread. All these weeb faggots discussing some poorly drawn anorexic weebshit when there's memes to be had, shame on you.
That eye patch is indeed sexy, especially compared to the stupid fucking hat he gets when he's emperor.
So what kind of geass is this?
I watched the show and one or two episodes of that spinoff OVA.
Lawful Stupid from beginning to end.
Akito the Exile, it takes place between Season 1 and Season 2 explaining how Europe got raped by Britannia (Well setting it up.) It was stupid and the Japanese are discriminated against in Europe as well.
They honestly should've focused on the legendary tactician who was leading the EU and kept Britannia away that they talked about before S2 aired.
Shouldn't Lelouch then be currently mindfucked by Charlie still? Why is he running around with an eyepatch?
He was brainwashed into believing he was Julius Kingsley, a britannian commander. He was accompanied/guarded/tortured by Suzaku during the time.
I recognize something.
What the fuck.
Guess I have some catching up to do.
Not much honestly, it was a side show at best. But he had a sexy outfit.
Season 3 is coming out within 3 years time maybe, and then there is the recap movies.
he's lawful stupid, easy