Horus Heresy Genera - /hhg/

Death to the Horus Heresy! edition.
What can a community do against such reckless release schedule? sub-edition.

From this day to the ending of the thread,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of battle-brothers;
For he today that casts his dice with me
Shall be my battle-brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This thread shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in /40kg/ now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our brothers dead! >Thread FAQ

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll


>Crimson King

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First for finally admitting defeat about the 7th/8th edition.

I don't even care now that I prefer 7th over 8th, I just want to be able to play.

Bligh was the hero we needed but had not deserved.
FW needs new writers to help French keep up the work, but he may be too much into GW's clutches to keep HH separate from the shit happening to 40k.

Healthy release schedule helps. Specialist Games didn't die because people playing them weren't playing and talking about them.

I've invested too much time and money into my HH dudes to walk away now. I'm probably even sort pf glad we've got another year until angelus. I'm a BaC baby and I haven't caught up to prospero. Would be nice to be a bit further underway with my armies when the next book drops.

Reposting from the end of last bread:

Bligh got bored of doing legions (which they really should have carried on rattling through and could have finished years ago), and instead shifted attention to 'fun' projects like Admech, Custodes, SA and militia, even daemons. Then he died. Now FW seem to have decided to bury his creation alongside him.

Truth was spoken.

>t. 1945 Hitler

seriously fella, we've had defeat after defeat, people are beginning to accept that HH isn't important to FW anymore. I tried to stay positive after the lack of move to 8th but it's getting hard to deny now.

>bare bones rules for BA, DA and WS in Retribution
>FW sculptors either left or were reassigned
>massive wait for Inferno
>it's shit when it arrives
>power creep is a thing but Russ and Magnus really raised the bar
>Bard the Bowman's family and hobbit releases, who the hell actually cares, LotR was a mistake
>focus on specialist games now
>almost 2 years until next book
>they could have given us literally anything but we get 7 different types of rhino doors

One can't hold it against the guy, even if the war was mostly about the legions. I wouldn't mind even xenos having small roles to play, i.e. orks trying to join in the fun on an occasion or two, and eldar trying their best to topple the Imperium etc.

Mostly I'd like to see S6 T5 ork nobz duking it out with the might of the legions, both in rules and minis.

Just so people that missed last thread notice what all the doom and gloom is about:

>The Geno Five-Two podcast managed to speak to a bunch of FW people at that event this weekend.
>Tony Cottrell says the target date for Angelus is end-of-year 2018.
>When Inferno got delayed and still ended up messy, largely due to Alan Bligh doing too much himself while in treatment, FW realized they needed a) multiple main HH writers and b) a more organized process. They still haven't found those writers (though it sounds like John French will be one), and for b) they now have every released mapped out a year in advance.
>They also have a goal of one Specialist Game per year. Necromunda this November, Titanicus next year.
>Necromunda will be more detailed than the original. The only example given was extra skills tables. Like Blood Bowl, two plastic gangs in the box and resin expansions.
>They haven't started BFG 2.0 but they'd like to theme it on the battle above Terra.
>No more releasing a black book without plans to release all the associated models sometime soon (a year, maybe?).
>Decent chance that they'll revisit the red books soon.

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege shitposting with you over the years.

Honestly Angelus being delayed might be a good thing, gives them a chance to catch up and ensure there are models for all the units still lacking them.

BFG 2.0 sounds hype as shit too.

I get that its frustrating if you want to play WS, BA or DA but you guys are being way too overdramatic about this.

Anyone modeled the Vengeance Launcher under the wings of a Storm Eagle instead of on top?

Not a fan of the look on top, but I don't know how well the big launchers will fit under the wings. An alternative would be nice. Been looking at Sentinel and Land Speeder Storm launchers to mount under the lascannons or something.

You know what, why don't we make a a proper 8th Edition port of rules to use with people? HH games pretty much requires you to ask any non-HH player to with back in 7th because of the whole "muh FW is OP", and assuming your friends aren't turbo cunts, they shouldn't have a problem with a fan codex that takes most of the base stat lines from the current space marine codex.

Can Veeky Forums get shit done one more time? This "specialist game" means a bit to much to me for me to simply let it fade away

Someone already tried, it was pretty shit.

I mean, if your friends are willing to play a fan codex wouldn't they also be willing to play a 7th Ed game?

Why so?

What a piece of shit. Literally zero business sense. Dead game is dead. And nice /pol/ tier thread image. Really ups the quality of the board. Not.
/hhg/ in no way deserves it own thread at this point.

15 months until the next update, at the earliest. Also likely 15+ months until any sign of HH 8th edition rules. Thats more or less death of the game as far as maintaining the community goes.

Is Jaghatai Khan actually Asian, or a white mongoliaboo looking dude? If Asian, why is he the only Primarch with non-Caucasian features?

Read that first post again, HH ruleset will be coming sooner than Angelus

>tfw no 7th ed rules for my dangels

Pretty sure its the 7.5 rules they mentioned earlier, which is still ultimately 7th no matter how you slice it.

It'll probably work better than 8th, its too simplified for HH

>What a piece of shit. Literally zero business sense.
I know, I really hate that. I recognise that his work on other factions was good but holy shit if you're going to start and entire business project doing Literally Space Marines 100% of the Time: The Game then don't get bored with marines half way through and start doing some other stuff.

I'd get fucked in the ass if I just left on of my projects at work incomplete because I found it boring.They should have got the 18 legions out of the way in the first 4 books then added extra bits on top of that.

>Book 1
Istvaan 3/5
World Eaters
Emperor's Children
Death Guard
Iron Hands

>Book 2
Istvaan 5
Sons of Horus
Night Lords
Alpha Legion
Iron Warriors
Raven Guard

>Book 3
Calth and Angels
Word Bearers
Imperial Army
Dark Angels
Blood Angels

>Book 4
Chondax and Prospero
White Scars
Alpha Legion
Thousand Sons
Space Wolves

>Book 5
Mars and Daemons
various bits and pieces

I can't wait for FW to start their 8e conversion by making "2nd edition" print of Book 1 and then following it up with 2e versions of all the other books published so far.

Book 9 in 2039.

>They should have got the 18 legions out of the way in the first 4 books
They should have put all 18 LA rules in book 1, prove me wrong.

>put everything into one packaged
>business sense

>only Primarch with non-Caucasian features

>what are special units, RoWs, characters and primarchs

>>Book 2
>Istvaan 5
>Sons of Horus
>Night Lords
>Alpha Legion
>Iron Warriors
>Raven Guard

supposed to be
>Book 2
Istvaan 5 and Phall
Sons of Horus
Night Lords
Imperial Fists
Iron Warriors
Raven Guard

> other factions
> good
Literally only the solar auxilla was in any way balanced for HH. Mechanicum, Knights, Cults and Militia all helped break the game.
And it's not hard to keep to a fucking release schedule. Most other competent companies can do this. It sounds like it was a case of some sweaty neck beard being unwilling to let anyone else mess with his grand 'vision' even as he slowly killed it with declining quality.

what pattern terminator armor did the iron warriors use mostly? cataphractii? i want to get a set of termies but i want to make sure its fluffy before i do

You would think, but some people just prefer 8th and I can't blame them for some of the things they like about it

This is our chance to make a better one, I recall the general talking about it prior to 8th's release, so why don't we follow up on it?

It took a lot of direct copy and paste from the new codex without adjusting prices, other things got massive price bumps that were unwarranted etc... some of the more potent things like the Paragon Blade we're barely any better than a power sword and so on. We can do better than that

To the user asking about airbrushes.
Yes, my first airbrush was the traditional one (the one with the mechanism on top) it's quite versatile, and I'd say gives you a bit more control than the pistol grip ones. The downside is that it's uncomfortable for big hands.

Pistol grip ones are imo more comfy, easier to handle, but you trade a bit of control

Irregardless use a gravity fed one.

Must be amazing to have, say, SW legion rules in Book 1 and rules for your only compulsory Troop choice in Book 7.

Well, at least I'll have time to build up my Bangels.

Vulkan has Caucasian features but midnight black skin

No, I think it honestly would have been better that way.
>Book 1 End of Great Crusade, the special rules for each Legion along with the universal core list
>Book 2 Prospero special units and primarchs
>Books 3-5 about Istvaan
>Book 6 is Calth and whatever campaign features both Dangles and Bangles
>Book 7 is Terra, White Scars and Daemon list
>Book 8+ covers Mechanicum, Imperial Army, Adeptus Titanicus, Battlefleet Heresy, etc
This could be condensed more probably but the point is that FW fucked up in the initial planning stage.

Probably cataphractii for the greater protection, their special termies are in cataphractii and Perturabo disliked MK6 armour for it's lack of protection.

That being said people are less autistic about terminator armour than they are about power armour and vehicles so do what you want.

>3 books on Istvaan
>1 book on Terra
>1 book after Terra

That sounds terrible

I came up with it in 30 seconds to try and imply FW should have had at least all the Marine stuff planned about before pulling the trigger.

That's a lot of work for a project they had no idea how it would pan out.

yeah its almost as though its difficult isn't it?

but don't worry, I'm sure some random idiot on an imageboard knows better than people who's job it is to do this stuff.

I'm sure of it. Especially after the fact. And with no vested interests of their own.

>I'm sure some random idiot on an imageboard knows better than people who's job it is to do this stuff.
By the looks of how FW's doing, I wouldn't be surprised.


Is there a template I could use for making the pages. I would be willing to try my hand at making a non shit version but I dunno how to make the pages look nice.

Militia? Personally I like the variety in having Mech, SA and the others around since they're not really worse than what the Legions can toss out with phosphex and such, but I understand that some people may dislike them because they have to plan for things that aren't either vehicles or T4 Sv 3+ or 2+.
Still, never heard anyone really dislike Militia, they just seem to be flavorful allies. What's so bad?

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that was the poorly done copy-paste fan codex.

Didn't we have a template in one of the megas for blank pages/templates?

Jesus Christ could a post get more reddit.

I'll be working on it today but can't make it pretty today, as my...whatever you could call it-foo is not on par. I can do math and things though.

That's cool, post what you got when you get a chance and I'll try to help from there. I'll also look into finding the template page once I'm done filling in for two other people at work right now


Just let it die

>titanicus next year


I hope BFG gets 40k rules as well. And is compatible with the old minis.

>Gentlemen, it has been a privilege shitposting with you over the years.
Let's put it this way:

There are still occasional Epic Armageddon threads and the game has a strong community, if small and insular. Epic! No new material since, dunno, 2004, and no official minis for sale since 2013. We're not in a "dying game" position. I'm not saying we can't complain, but try not to get too fatalistic about it.

I think it's fair to assume that his ethnicity corresponds to at least one of earth's steppe peoples, which mostly looked Mongolian, Turkic, or Iranian, probably a little lighter-skinned as you went northwest on the Russian steppes (where the Magyars started, for example). The Khan's usually drawn a little more Turkic than Mongolian. Too prominent a brow to be East Asian. The Emperor's from modern-day Turkey, but from before the Turks arrived so there's no connection there.

It's worth noting that Magnus and Lorgar don't really look Caucasian, either. Lorgar's supposed to look Middle Eastern (admittedly not far from the Emperor's place of origin), and Alpharius might too. He's often drawn like some Egyptians I've met.

You probably mean irrespective or regardless, either of which work.

That's great insight, though. Not original looking-for-an-airbrush-user, but I've been thinking about it too. I have handlets so probably not much gain from a pistol grip here.

>This could be condensed more probably but the point is that FW fucked up in the initial planning stage.
The Geno 5-2 podcast sounded like FW didn't really plan things out until Alan Bligh's passing. They were ad-libbing it, and it was working so they didn't do anything about it.

>it was working

It was? God, what would it look if it didn't?

You're looking at it now.


I'm not sure there's been any fluff about it, but they're a shooty legion that loves taking fire, and that means Cataphractii.

There weren't huge complaints until Inferno's issues.

What are some good 3rd party bits that people have used with their 30k minis or that could work in 30k?

Anvil makes some nice crests for helmets and they got gladius style close combat weapons for the likes of Ultras. Spellcrow has some tabards and bits, as well as Rhino pieces like doors and front glacis. I've personally had my eye on pic related to spice up one Mars pattern Rhino I have.

ML Shields if you want breachers made out of BoP marines.

Shapeways has some great looking shields on it, and I've heard that the quality is pretty good too.

That just makes you a faggot.

If you commit to a game about the legions then finish the fucking legions. No one gives a shit about your feeling

Good thing they're being paid to do a fucking job then and not just some random asshats working on Homebrew, eh?

Getting paid doesn't make them any less random asshats working on homebrew.



It's fucking unacceptable. Betrayal was released in 2012 and book 9 won't come out until 2020 at the earliest. That's 8 whole fucking years of White Scars players waiting. It's beyond stupid.

ML as in, "Mister Laser", duh =p.

But yeah, ML Shields. No website other than their Facebook page.

God damnit FW!!

I just want my Dorn model already!

That's one of the things that IS happening.

Place your bets people, how will FW fuck him up?

No moustache.

Where in the world did this mustache thing come from?

He's the manliest Primarch...of course he is going to have a fantastical moustache like all Prussians.

His upper lip?

Because of a sort of memetic osmosis, some early fan artwork showed him with one and most people seemed to agree that it fit.
Yes, the model obviously won't have one if the art in the black book is anything to go by, but that's a damned shame.

I never made the Prussian connection, but it makes a ton of sense.

I need to learn to green stuff mustaches onto my White Scars. If I get good at it, I'll give mustaches to all the primarchs.

So I've been wondering something.

The Custodes were made using the Emperors finest gene crafting and were essentially lower end prototypes of Primarchs with their genetic tinkering.

Does this mean Custodes have a higher sensitivity to the warp or it's energies? Master of Mankind had some become even more aggressively uncomfortable around Sisters of Silence than some Astartes, but I also understand if that's just a specific writing style.

I think it would make sense for some lightly higher sensitivity to Warp-stuff without having any Custode Psykers(which I hope we NEVER get).

Been away for a while, can someone give me the shortened version as to why the /hhg/ is dying. No content updates for months to come?

Lion - Eddie Murphy
Rogal - General Lee
Fulgrim - George Michael
Roboute - Burt Reynolds
Lorgar - Martin Luther King
Khan - Fu Manchu
Ferrus - Frank Zappa
Vulcan - Einstein
Horus - Santana
Corax - Hercule Poirot
Alpharius/Omegon - Guy Fawkes
Sanguinius - Prince
Magnus - Salvador Dali
Leman - Asterix
Perturabo - Stalin
Mortarion - Grouche Marx
Angron - Hulk Hogan
Konrad - John Travolta

Custodes are a prototype which served as a basis for the Astartes template without warp science. The problem is without warp science, Custodes creation would take way too long.

8th edition 40k got a ton of hype and pulled a lot of players back. No surprise, a big chunk of 30k players are disgruntled 40k players. I'm not impressed by 8th ed. as a set of rules, but the balance is a million times better so there's less disgruntledness (we're more gruntled?).

Also, Inferno was a typo-ridden, power-creeped mess despite the delays. Why? Because, sadly, Alan Bligh lost his battle with cancer and had been fighting it while trying to finish the book. That's left FW uncertain about what to do. Between that and being busy with Specialist Games, we've been told that Angelus (the next black book: DA, BA, daemons, dark mechanicum, some NL) isn't expected until late 2018.

But mostly it's 40k being hyped up right now. Other Veeky Forums generals are also suffering because of 40k's pull right now.

Just read the fucking thread, man. It's one of the first few posts that has a summary. Don't ask to be spoonfed, don't be part of the problem.

haha epic lmao!! XD

I bet he eats lots of bacon too lol! :DDDDD

Are... are you alright, user?

I'm just sick of the mindless caricatures of characters and events propagated by Emperor's text to speech memes, that's all.

They also announced a 7.5 ed ruleset shortly after 8th edition was announced. But 8th ed's meteoric success has probably ruined those plans. If they don't bring on new talent, real talent, to make HH work again, then I see HH being effectively dead past 2018.

7.5 is "supposed" to be out next month. So we'll see.

Anyone else have a hard time choosing a legion to play?

Which ones have you narrowed it down to?

I just got perterarbo in the mail, I'm not sure how to put him together. I want to paint his face first, but I dont know if I can put it in the spot afterwards, if you know what I mean.

Ultras, SoH, Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Salamanders, and finally Iron Fists.

I like to play rather aggressively and want a force that does that and is fairly forgiving to mistakes.

>Iron Fists
I can see how you might make that mistake, but I can't guess whether you mean Iron Hands or Imperial Fists.

Thousand Sons and Alpha Legion are probably not forgiving - with the TSons, there's a lot of luck in which psychic powers you get and then you have to base your gameplan on those. The Alpha Legion is flexible because you can pick a special rule at the beginning of the game, but you need to pick well. They're kind of a finesse army.

The others are all easier to play. For aggressive play I'd avoid the Iron Warriors. Sons of Horus are great (specialty: close-ranged shooting), Salamanders are good at that too (with flamers) but very dependent on transports. Probably best in drop pods.

Iron hands can take a lot of shooting and Imperial Fists are good with bolters and breacher squads.

Don't know much about Ultramarines, desu.

So Sons of Horus and Salamanders for aggressiveness? If anyone wants to chime in I'd like to know about night lords too.

Can someone chime in for the ultras?

you're an idiot if you really think they'll just stop halfway through