Worm 2 is coming soon...so what do you think is her plan?
Stat her, Veeky Forums
Getting caught.
Her plans? Beyond our comprehension. Her goals? Her own freedom before anything else.
How soon is soon?
Plot Device (Ex)
Makes things happen.
The lack of Thursday updates for Twig has probably improved the quality, true.
But the wait for the weekend/Monday/Tuesday part of the week is agonizing. God Damn.
S++ rank in shitposting.
What are you trying to say, user?
She shitposts so hard the IRL mods have have to permaban the people who happen to read her shitposts, to stop it from spreading.
That's a high level.
>Worm 2 is coming soon
What? Isn't the story over?
It's a repeated element of Woolboat's writing that his other work is referenced as part of the setting. Earlier on, we saw a couple of references to a series of 'Maggie Holt' novels from dime stores that Jamie was reading. There hasn't been anything along these lines until recently, when we got this:
> I still don’t know what happened between ‘The Golden Child and the Queen’ and the ‘The Destroyer’ one.
‘The Golden Child and the Queen’ = Golden morning, Twig 1.
‘The Destroyer’ = later in the SAME SERIES, but with a gap between it and Twig 1. Timeskip confirmed? Also, the third Entity has been fan-christened 'Abaddon'.
Surefire way to make the Worm fandom even more cancerous. Add WH40k to it.
The Simurgh orchestrated the death of the Scion.
>Khepri only happened because Simurgh followed Lisa instead of Taylor.
>Taylor was desperate for more power after her visit to the fallen Cauldron base. Taylor only saw the fallen Cauldron base because the Irregulars took it down.
>The Irregulars only existed because Echidna told the truth about case 53s.
>Echidna only exists because the Simurgh made her drink a vial.
Simurgh is literally a lord of change only more durable and able to build super weapons.
Thinker 10
Would smash/10
Thia isn't traditional games, fuck off back to /co/ with this awful shit.
>statting the Endbringers
One major point about the Endbringers is that they were massively holding back the whole time and they only ever use as much strength as necessary to accomplish their goals. It's basically impossible to meaningfully stat them, because their stats are essentially as high as they want and the only things that can really hurt them are things which outright ignore stats entirely.
They would be better without the whole "denser than a galaxy" thing. Why waste that much mass on one planet? You'd think it would be easier to just build a whole new body from scratch every time one of them was taken out.
>necromancing this shit thread
>denser than a galaxy thing
Wot? I mean I knew their 'skeletons' or whatever were super tense and bent the laws of physics but I don't remember that bollocks.
The answer to anything about the endbringers is always just YOU NEEDED WORTHY OPPONENTS anyway.
It's not a comic either. If you're going to be a cunt, at least be accurate about it.
Clearly this is all just a seguey into The Friendbringers and everything will be sunshine and rainbows in Worm 2
The Endbringers lack direction now, their "purpose" as Eidolon's worthy opponents is finished and Scion and Eden are dead. Their search for a new purpose might well be one of the main underlying plot points, but as far as we know they (hopefully) won't have reason to be pitting themselves against humanity without holding back.
Except Simurgh, she's pissed at Lung for killing her dadvisory.
Didn't several endbringers die?
I'm fairly certain leviathan got got.
Levi and benny died. The others are still around.
>being triggered by not even 6% of threads currently on the board
>literally 8 out of 150
>not just filtering
Don't you mean dadversary?
Worm is almost as shit as its fans are.
But nothing is a genuinely shit as the shitfucks who would like Worm.
Clearly she plans to open a detective agency alongside tattletale.
Gotta pay the rent somehow.
So is twig over?
Haven't followed since arc 18. Is it worth it?
Eh, it scratches an itch, and the world building and premise is genuinely good.
However, wildbow is a bit of a hack when it comes to actually telling a story.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed worm, but I'll admit that it was flawed. He's planning on rewriting it for a commercial release, so hopefully he will get an editor.
Don't reply to him. There's always at least one autistic newfag who shows up in Worm threads these days and goes on about how shit it is and how it's off-topic and how anyone who likes it is a bad person, like Worm and other "off-topic" things haven't been discussed on Veeky Forums since forever, way before he ever started shitposting here.
>the world building and premise is genuinely good.
This is why people can't take worm fags seriously.
That, and little bitches like this pussy.
But, it is offtopic, and just because you spammed it before doesn't change that, it just makes you a fag trying to use past spam as an excuse for more spam.
You're one fucked up piece of shit to even try to use that as an argument for why you should be allowed to spam this offtopic shit.
I have to be honest mate, it just sounds like someone's Super Hero setting, which is Veeky Forums material.
The thing is that there's already plenty of better super hero settings. It's actually hard to find one that's worse.
Being triggered means something else in wormverse.
Are you talkng worse in quality or in chance of setting survival, because I have to disagree with you on one of those and the other ones completely true
Worse in quality. The only way I could even understand someone trying to disagree would be for Worm to be their first exposure of super hero settings outside of Marvel and DC.
I mean, Marvel and DC are the two biggest superhero settings, unarguably being "THE" standard for superhero genres as a whole due to them being the most marketable.
They are both also literary steaming piles of garbage with writing teams that couldn't stay consistent if there lives depended on it.
On top of that, DCverse is nonsensical with just how much historic divergence there is. With magic in the middle ages, vampires, hell being real, people having powers as early as 15000BCE or older... It just makes no sense for DCverse to resemble anything like our society.
At least worm makes a candid effort to keep consistent and is a deconstruction on heroes and the general effect on society that they have.
As soon as I saw this thread I knew Wormfag was going to come sperg out about how bad the series was. 10/10 autism, was not disappointed.
Worm has a single author.
A shitty one.
For your entire rant to be "at least Worm only has one author", that kind of shows how shit it is.
Trying to use big words you don't understand doesn't really work here. Watchmen was a deconstruction. Worm is just the worst kind of edgy shit you can find in the dregs of Marvel, and is nothing novel or inventive.
>wah, why can't my offtopic spam thread be a hugbox
>stop calling shit shit wahhh
Go back to the worm reddit and fuck off forever.
Hi Wormfag. I see you're as triggered as ever people like a setting you don't.
Wait, Wildbow is serious?
Is this a meme or reality? Why? Worm 2, wut.
>only one person thinks worm is shit
99% of /co/ agrees that worm is shit. Hell, 99.999% of all people agree that it's shit.
>that one thread on reddit where Wildbow came in and said Saitama would one punch the Endbringers
>the autists still tried to make a case for Saitama losing
What is with this series' fanbase?
It's literally one of the worst fanbases, judging how they feel entitled to the point of spamming it on a traditional games board.
Don't reply. It's pointless.
I was planning on making a Duper Hero setting for a project. Are there any other ones you'd recommend I read for ideas?
Not who you are replying to, but why not? There's material in there for one.
Or a kickass TV miniseries. And now that the superhero craze is running it's the best time for that.
What is it with wormfans and acting like little kids?
What are you even doing on this board?
I mean, fuck, you're not even pretending to want to discuss traditional games, you're literally just spamming advertisement for your pathetic fandom.
Get out. Quit acting like a brat and shitting up this board if you don't want people complaining about you shitting up this board.
It's not traditional games by any stretch of the imagination, and web serials go to /co/ just like web comics do, you moron.
The amount of hypocrisy in this post is mind-boggling.
Veeky Forums considers everything to be shit anyway so.....
Currently in the middle of arc 6.
Worm is pretty gud so far.
What a retarded Wormfag you must be. You probably think cops speeding while chasing criminals is hypocrisy.
Everything up to Arc 10 is the best part of the story. Enjoy it while it lasts.
>it's not traditional games
What is Weaver Dice?
Holy shit, is that how you see yourself? A big bad lawbringer chasing off rule-breaking scum? Oh my god. I have to go lay down.
They're able to notice logical contradictions. It's a surprisingly common condition.
>Mod erases all the posts by the guy bitching about how Worm isn't Veeky Forums
>Leaves the thread otherwise untouched
Well, I guess that settles that debate.
So, anons, what are your thoughts about Weaver Dice?
>mods deleting even the posts that just called Worm shit
But Worm IS shit.
Their skin is as durable as aluminum alloy, and the durability doubles with every half a percent of their body deeper you go. So at their core, they're 10^60 times as deep, which means any force that could damage them could blow up most of a galaxy.
>So, anons, what are your thoughts about Weaver Dice?
I like its tinker system, which I referenced when trying to make up a tinker character for fun. It really helped me understand how tinkers work in Worm, being based more around abstract categories, things like approaches and applications instead of just fields of science, although there are tinkers like that as well.
I wouldn't mind playing a game of it.
From the looks of it it doesn't seem very forgiving, nor would I expect Wildbow to be a forgiving DM. I'd definitely dig it, were I in the mood for a challenge.
Isn't this just a thinly veiled /co/ thread? You can't just write stat me on OP and then discuss whatever unrelated matter you please.
Weaver dice exists user. And the last person to try and bitch about worm in the thread got deleted by mods, so..
It's not /co/, people are trying to discuss Weaver Dice now, go away.
But, if you're not going to actually discuss the game, I really get a sense that the mod was in the wrong here, and you are trying to use their mistaken judgement in order to feel entitled to bend/break the rules.
This thread really is offtopic.
Paying lipservice is kind of obvious, man.
Especially when the OP is what it is.
People are literally trying to discuss Weaver Dice. Go away.
Where are the rules for it at?
These are the new, unfinished rules. It has a Reddit page with all the supplementary stuff.
Worthy opponents
The rules themselves are in a series of Google docs that are linked on there.
Honestly, it doesn't look that much worse than World of Darkness, Exalted 2e, or Shadowrun as far as lethality goes. You don't have quite as many health boxes in Weaver Dice, but you can also lose more than one box of damage in a typical attack in those systems, too. Also, in Weaver Dice, armor effectively gives you extra HP, which also helps.
If anything, it might be *less* lethal than Exalted 2e was, and I've certainly seen Shadowrun characters get mulched by a full-auto machine gun burst, too.
How complete is weaver dice? why not just use something like GURPS?
Hey that's actually cool, I hadn't realised that. I guess it was kind of referenced with that tinker kid, whatever the fuck his name was, who figured out his concept was 'modularity'
How would you -or how have you- set a game of Weaver Dice? Do you make up a new city with its own scene or use Brockton Bay and its characters? Do you deal with Endbringer attacks and the other S-class threats and the fallout, or stick to street level cape stuff and explore the setting when it's more than smoking rubble?
Kid Win.
I was kind of wondering if you would just sort of start with some really akward lip service, but I didn't think you'd get this awkard.
This reads like a guy who hasn't really played the games he mentioned. It also sort of reads like you feel like your back is against the wall. It's really unnatural.
Calm down, geez. It's really almost gross to see you sort of flail like this. Just type like a human and don't get so self-concious just because this thread is off-topic.
>you don't get to choose your trigger or what kind of powers you get
Oh boy. This might be a neat and appropriate idea on paper, but in practice I think it would be horrible. I mean if somebody wants to play a flying guy let them. I definitely wouldn't trust a bunch of jerkoffs around a table to make up half of my character for me, even if those jerkoffs were my friends.
>Wormfag is literally so triggered the concept of people talking about the RPG gets him flustered.
Why do you try to call everyone wormfag? Aren't you a wormfag?
That's one of the things keeping me from going out and looking for a session. I'm not sure how I'd dig little hand in my character.
If you actually were familiar with RPGs, you realize how akward that post is.
The whole system is really sort of a half-baked amateur tie-in, which is why it's not surprising people wouldn't have much interest in discussing it. That might be why that post felt sort of forced. Well, really forced, to be honest.
Just relax. No boogey man is gonna delete your offtopic thread.
I get what you're saying. What mystifies me is when people want an RPG game based on [popular webserial/comic] they start from scratch rather than making an endorsed PDF supplement for an existing generic system, like GURPS, Savage Worlds, FATE, or something. That's the half the idea of those systems anyway and unlike the special snowflake system they'll actually be you know, good or at least passable mechanically. Assuming you like the base system.
I actually quite like the idea, but I would only want to play it with certain people, let alone with people I don't know online.
The best course of action would probably be to transplant the unique ideas and mechanics over to an official system. This system might be amateurish and unfinished, but just from an initial look it seems pretty extensive, and at the very least workable, since games have been run with it. There are also important concepts and such you would need to capture the feeling of a Worm game.
They're more likely to delete your attempts to derail the thread.
IIRC the main character of the story starts homebrewing an RPG system on the fly during one of her PR trips to a school when she's talking to a bunch of kids. I think it was right before the Behemoth fight.
I guess the thought just stuck in his head, because then Weaver Dice got referenced as an in-universe game in Pact.
>IIRC the main character of the story starts homebrewing an RPG system on the fly during one of her PR trips to a school when she's talking to a bunch of kids. I think it was right before the Behemoth fight.
Yeah, that's where it came from. It was a fun scene, but the point she was trying to make was that cape life sucks and that goes double for villains, but the way to avoid most of the suck was to join the heroes.
Since then the concept evolved into one for a full Worm RPG. One that will hopefully be finished and polished one day.
I don't think anyone is really acting under the idea that anyone seiously cares about the RPG tie in, which is why it's no surprise that the people making it are extreme amateurs with no clue what they are doing. If it were ten years ago, it would just be another lazy d20 adaptation.
The docs aren't bad from a design perspective, but personally I'd grab gurps and use those as a design guide for a set of GURPS templates that can then be used to quickly and easily make characters, in a reasonably balanced manner.
Your serious replies are wasted. user has just switched to attacking the game to derail the thread since he can't get any more traction from attacking Worm itself. I imagine Wildbow touched him somewhere when he was young.
No, they're awful from a design perspective. Like you said, it's a doc that leaves people wondering why they tried to make its own system.
What is your problem? You honestly think that weaver dice isn't just a really awkward tie in?
I honestly think that you don't care about Weaver Dice at all and are just trying to derail the thread because for some reason Worm on Veeky Forums triggers you on a fundamental level. It is my serious recommendation that everyone just ignore you, although I'm sure you'll persist, pretend to be someone else, reply to yourself, etc.
>You honestly think that weaver dice isn't just a really awkward tie in?
No, it's not. He's ultimately making the rules for the game because he's *playing* those games, and running an IRC channel where other people play games of the same system.
He could have made a hack of another system that did what he wanted, or he could have just spend a little bit writing up his own rules-light system that handles the sort of dynamic he wants to model.
The problem with GURPS is that it A: gives the players too much control over their characters' abilities, and B: is set up so that if you have the option between buying a blaster power and buying a regular gun of equal strength, the gun is the better option basically every time.
Also, it's a lot more lethal than Weaver Dice is, unless you've deliberately built your character to function into the negative HP.
What the fuck is Worm. No I seriously mean this, I tried to find any thread on /co/ and found nothing.
It's a really awkward game made by an amateur that's worse than simply adapting it yourself. It's basically someone publishing a not-great personal project, and honestly it's really obvious it was only mentioned to try and dismiss accusations of this thread being offtopic.
It is offtopic. There's no real argument there, because it's a web serial stat me, one of the laziest and most blatant examples of an offtopic thread made on Veeky Forums. The only reason weaver dice was even mentioned was because people were complaining that this thread was offtopic, and it's really almost amusing to see people try to force discussion about it when the nicest honest thing you could say is "it's a game for no one, not even fans of worm."
Man, relax, and quit being a little bitch just because the obvious is being stated.
It's about a girl with Insect Control as her superpower.
So just how weird can powers get in Worm? Weird enough you'd have to wing it, should you try GURPS for Worm content?
>I tried to find any thread on /co/ and found nothing.
Because it isn't /co/ related. It's Veeky Forums related.
No, it's definitely /co/, since its not only a web serial, it's an american comic inspired web serial.
The reason there's no thread in /co/ right niw is because people know about it there and shit on it, so that's its handful of fans end up trying to take it to other boards. They got laughed out of Veeky Forums, and are basically here because they are abusing Veeky Forums's hospitality.