8 new faction boxes are coming with the 2nd generals handbook
Is AOS finally playable?
8 new faction boxes are coming with the 2nd generals handbook
Is AOS finally playable?
What are the other ones going to be?
its always been playable you elitist faggot.
Just don't play stormcuck eternals
Not with those rules it ain't.
No thanks mate, but thank you for going to the effort of doing GW's marketing for them.
The Spiderfang and Warherd ones look pretty cool
>gw goes through all of this effort to peddle and try to salvage their mistake
>even make 40k try and play like it, to the game's detriment (people only like it because 7th was a bloated corpse and they are still triggered by Eldar and Tau)
>leave lotr to rot with discontinued armies, no deals, no advertisement, just a few measly forgeworld releases based on the worst of the Hobbit movies
Do people even know that game exists?
What was the point of renewing the license if they weren't going to do anything with it?
>this is what amounts to a playable force now
Do they still call this wargaming? It seems more like playing with action figures.
>Four of the same monopose kit
It's a GOOD monopose kit, but still, dumb as hell.
Nobody called them a playable force
They're about 400 points worth of models per box
>not a playable force
Well they fail at the whole point of a start collecting then, don't they?
>Is it playable
Yes it always has been
>Is it worth getting into
Considering the lore is absolute shit, and if you dont play chaos or sigmarines you only get throne a bone every now and then, no its not worth playing.
But a box of two giants? Really?
How is that anything other than a transparent money grab?
But don't you see? You get two giants for the price of two!
No, the point is to Start Collecting that faction
Also these aren't Start Collecting boxes
Costs less than buying 2 giants separately. Also,
>business wants to make money
wew fuck off capitalist shitlords!!!
>GW trying to obtain every dollar in the world
You are surprised? I mean look at 40k now, Chad marines are nothing but a money grab, fuck man single pose models are 35 bucks now.
The fuck you saying? Wizard kit is a classic! Especially for the bits
It's so you can ally in 2 with a destruction army ya turkey, they all are
>They're about 400 points worth of models per box
I heard AoS didn't use points to balance armies any more?
>you can buy two giants for cheaper than buying them individually
Are these boxes cheaper than the other SC boxes? Because they certainly have less value compared to them.
>Is AOS finally playable?
It has been since launch. But I like how it scared off all the grognards obsessed with winning.
What rock have you come out from?
And why are you here?
And a viable army, however small, isn't a good way to start collecting?
Tau gives you an hq, troops, and elites along with a bunch of drones.
This just reeks of desesperatly trying to sell unmoving stock.
To keep other companies from getting it. The prospect of some company snatching up the rights and starting to produce a platoon level wargame as a direct competitor to AoS and Warmahordes is reason enough to keep it locked away.
I just had the happy thought of the Perrys getting the rights through their connections to PJ and doing LotR again...
It's not so much the idea of getting a bulk discount. It's the very obvious manipulation where they want to normalise armies consisting entirely of giant and extremely expensive models.
A company trying to make money is one thing, facebook game-tier money-grubbing is another. I mean look at pic related.
>people shouldn't try to win in a game where winning is the end goal
You got me, winning in Age of Sigmar is like winning in the special olympics.
Good thing those aren't Start Collecting boxes, then, isn't it?
Those boxes are suggestion for what to take with the new allies mechanic, i.e. "we threw together some discount boxes, here's our excuse for them".
You heard wrong. Or rather, right but then didn't keep up. They released an official points system last year.
>I like how it scared off all the grognards obsessed with winning.
I have no horse in this race but it looks like AoS scared off everyone, not just these imagined enemies of yourself.
>It's totally normal for the average army to field three Lords of Change!
Maybe next year they'll release a game that doesn't suck.
A lot of theses boxes don't contain heroes for their faction such as the spiderfangs, they only have a resin hero, say what you will but I think they are a great extension for an army that add variety too. Like the start collectings they will be a discount no doubt!
They strike me a bit like booster packs.
>winning is the end goal
Cool, didn't know that. I thought the point of a game you play in the same room as the other players was for people to have fun, not to be the only one having fun by listening other people grind their teeth. But at least I can sleep comfortably knowing that GW agrees with me and not you.
I'm not a fan of gimpy mini factions but having factions that exist to be allies to larger factions is hardly the worst thing I've seen
They havent announced a price but yeah probably around $55-65 usd
>What rock have you come out from?
The rock of "I never played Warhammer Fantasy so I didn't care about AoS but my friend who played Fantasy told me they did away with points and now I'm confused"
>And why are you here?
Saw the pic in OP and was interested in what the minis looked like because my D&D campaign features a lot of spiders right now.
>You heard wrong. Or rather, right but then didn't keep up. They released an official points system last year.
Huh. Ok, that makes sense.
Depends on the box. The Wizard one and the Giant one perplexes me a bit, but the others can make a great basis for an army for relatively cheap. GW saw how those Start Collecting boxes fly off the shelves, so they've been releasing more and more discount boxes. I'd like to see this trend continue.
The objective and the point of a game are two different things. I bet you are one of those faggots in favor of removing points count from kid's soccer games too.
That army is 6000-7000 points
It would never see a matched play game
I can't imagine the level of stockholm syndrome required to be one of the few people playing AoS.
You'd probably have more fun playing a generic fantasy skirmish and not have the ridiculous financial investment.
Are like this too when someone is playing candy land? I guess so since all you want to do is mash action figures around.
>Warherds Bloodfeast Gorgers
>Deathrattle Barrow Lords
>Nighthaunt Tormented Spirits
>Stormcast Eternals Extremis Chamber
Why does almost everything this game sells sounds so hilariously dumb?
Because the target audience of 10 year old Americans love it.
Because they wanted Trademarks on every thing, the best way to do that is to mash words together in a way that nobody else did. This is the lesson they learned from failing to trademark the teem space marine
>I have no horse in this race but it looks like AoS scared off everyone, not just these imagined enemies of yourself.
Different user here, and anecdotal evidence only, but it seems to be plugging along where I am. Not as big as 40k but I do see people playing AoS, I haven't seen anyone play Fantasy since the early 2000s and back then I was one of them.
I'm thinking of getting a small AoS force myself and giving it a shot, some of the new models look fun and there are plenty of older fantasy stuff like the spiderriders I always liked.
All gw players are battered wives at this point.
And yet they publish stuff like the Drakesworn Temple to encourage people to buy their £85 dragons in sets of three.
The biggest casualty is tomb kings, not even a settra fag, I just liked the modle range, Bretton isms got a bit of a raw deal too but the storm cast eternals kinda fill the role as the knights faction, and anyone wanting to play them classic can buy historical modles
Question: are Chaos Warriors still extremely badass, individually, in AoS, or have they been ousted from tip top Chaos badass status by those awful Khorne shits that arrived at launch?
Also, is there anywhere you can get good 3rd party Chaos Warrior lookalikes? I love the giant heavy metal viking look, but the 8th ed sculpts are of meh quality and it doesn't look like GW will ever return to their best design anywhere in the near future.
I'm not sure what it is, but there's something very wrong with these models.
Sure. So what?
That's not what a regular game looks like. If somebody wants to spend that much money on plastic star dragons, who are you to tell them they're wrong?
I find them so funny because they have the same advertising style as these fucking meme catalogs.
>Start Collecting
>Not Finish Collecting
Holy shit, it's /v/. When the scenario is interesting and both players aren't complete cocks, who cares which side wins? Are you the kinds of people who play a Last Stand scenario and then cheer because they managed to destroy the smaller force? Or are you the people who would never touch such a scenario because it isn't "balanced" enough. Because if you're the former, go back to your video games and if you're the latter and think wargames are a test of skill and tactics, go play chess instead because GW games have never been balanced enough for that and never will be.
There were no points at launch, it was a number of models system which was rightly done away with after year one.
every time
The generals book as a good start, but the game still has a long way to go become it becomes worth while. The faction boxes are worthless from a gaming perspective.
The only people it scared off were ones that liked good rule sets, functional units, and interesting fluff.
I really don't mind AoS and I even understand the reason behind the renames, but Forestberry Juicers is all too plausible as a unit name of not-halflings or something
>The faction boxes are worthless from a gaming perspective.
They're literally intended to be added as allies for your army
How could you possibly come to this conclusion
Do you not think the integrity of the game and setting can, at some point, become compromised by the desire to push certain products to make money?
>Are you the kinds of people who play a Last Stand scenario and then cheer because they managed to destroy the smaller force?
Last Stand scenarios usually have victory conditions for the "losing" side, you retard. That's why they are scenarios instead of lopsided stompfests.
>if you're the latter and think wargames are a test of skill and tactics, go play chess instead because GW games have never been balanced enough for that and never will be
I just play other games. Like GW's very own Blood Bowl or Epic, for example. Having your best go at your opponent while remaining friendly, cracking jokes and heaving a hearty laugh is what makes a game fun. It's called friendly competition, you tremendous idiot.
I hope to god you are just trolling, because I don't want to think there are actually people stupid enough that think that doing your best and having a fun game is mutually exclusive.
>£85 dragons in sets of three.
Big models are cheaper than most "normal" 2k armies. BCR are popular because a whole army is like $250, which I can spend on Khornes battleline alone. Your argument makes no sense.
>There are actually people out there that field three or more of the same monopose centerpiece plastic miniature
>They don't even cut up and repose them with some easy sculpting
>Some of them aren't even painted
Alright then.
Name us a generic Fantasy Skirmish.
We past that point with the end times, age of sigmar is just carrying on.
So when the game pushes for hundreds of small units it's fine, but when we want monsters it's suddenly shit?
You know GW always made more money on Infantry kits over the big kits right?
>all these salty fatbeards nitpicking the slightest thing
Jesus Christ, I loved WHFB too, but I got over it. Just let it go, it's never coming back and that's fine.
>dragon rampant
>there was this weird one that had a native American motif I can't remember
>open combat
Song of Blades and Heroes / Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes
My dice rolls > Your dice rolls
I already accepted Fantasy is dead and will never come back, but I will never accept that 40klite replaced it.
Song of Blades and Heroes, also Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes.
Open Combat.
Frostgrave if you like the sound of a Wizard & mooks v. Wizard & mooks game.
So knock off Warhammer/Mordheim games that play like crap and nobody actually plays unless they get bored of GW games.
And Frostgrave, which is just Mordheim and Malifaux's bastard child.
This is Why I still play AoS. It's not a system I need to download from a dodgy 1990's looking website.
That's sad.
Muh nuggas, picking up random company's minis for Song of blades and heroes is the comfiest shit.
Sure, but we obviously haven't reached that point. The company that makes these models is actively promoting 2000 points as a standard game size, and those battalions don't fit into it. I don't see how you reached the conclusion.
Really though, How many of those games actually get played by people other than Salty WHFB players?
So this is the state of self loathing you have reach to play age of sigmar.
Actually, 1,500 seems to be the standard at all the tournies. But I think 2,000 will fit better with GHB2.
>Because I don't play X game off of a list paraded about by butthurt WHFB children
>at all tournies
That's the biggest anecdotal fallacy I have witnessed in months
>Playing SoBaH and Frostgrave in the setting you and your buddies are using for your tabletop campaigns
You're looking for kings of war if you want to make that accusation.
Go add up the cost for a 2000 point fyreslayer infantry army.
It's because you're playing, and defending, and shilling online for free, games workshop's rape baby.
Out of any game I'd say Kings of War probably better fits the disenfranchised Fantasy players angle you seem keen to play up on. Even then it seems a good game.
Why does it bother you so much?
It's a classic but I wouldn't want five in one army. The monopose nature of the kit would get pretty obvious and jarring.
Because Nobody ever gives a good reason why I should play SoBaH or Frostgrave, besides "Oh it's like Fantasy"
And when I mention why I should even play it over AoS you just get people like Acting like a /v/tard for me somehow picking the wrong wargame to back.
I mean let's be honest. You don't play Frostgrave because it's unique and new and you found it on your own did you?