Hello /tg today I am going to regale you with the story of skáll the death worlder and his glorious end. We were playing a WH40k rogue trader session and the GM is a good friend, but he is also a bastard!
>Land on green planet in transport ships, left the Emperors Blessing (the mothership) in orbit above the planet >land >nothing of value here >”cap'n why the fuck did we come here?” >”why? For the glory of the emperor that's why!” >next few minutes the PC's and npc's are asking the same this with no avail >after searching for whatever it was the captain thought we would find here a firefight breaks out >run out of the transport ship to see what the fuss was >dark Eldar that we had encountered earlier >Skáll hates filthy Eldar so he rushes the first group >we smash those guys good >on to the next > Skáll sees that these Eldar are much taller, thinner and more lady like... >”Cap'n, I'm bringing that one back” >now listen, Skáll was a simple man who just wanted a bit of xeno yummy on the side, can you blame him? >we rush this group of Dark Eldar Wyches > Skáll grapples one then throws her ass on the floor >applies shackles >this bitching going nowhere >realise that most of the crew we brought down are being hauld of in electric net >ohlordpleasehelpmenaow.jpg >make a break for the forest with my new prize
pic related
Hunter Lopez
>Dark Eldar ever getting grappled At least think about your bullshit before trying to greentext it. 0/10, see me after class.
Asher Murphy
bro it's a RT sesh for fun, its hardly gonna be exactly on point, and trust me this happened last night i remember it well and will forever probably
Bentley Morales
Someone is gonna get triggered for this. Continue.
Ayden Watson
still writing up what happened but ill post what i've got
Aaron Turner
>head away from the battle >getting dark out >find a stream >what's left of us rest >the survivors are Skáll, Captain Gideon, Tomag a native to a primitive planet we saved and turned into a cyborg, Big Lez the quarter master, Rela a sister of battle that was ordered to accompany the Captain on his mission, Conrad a guardsman whom had proven himself thus earning a promotion and 5 guardsmen >interogate Eldar >her name is Kaarja >doesn't say much else >laughs at us when we try to formulate a plan >Skáll puts her in line >I had aquired some Dark Eldar tech from a previous world >I ask Kaarja what it is >she my bitch now >she tells me everything >its a combat stim injector >Fuckyeah.gif >show her the last vile I took >she frowns >”you carry that on you?” >”why what is it?” >”the glass plague...” >basically a organic weapon to kill a planet if needs be >ohshit.png >night falls >we keep moving >after 7 or so failed perception checks the cap'n finally passes one >GM “you hear an engine in the distance”
pic related (Skall)
Asher Jackson
Of course it's a female Eldar, how could it not.
Isaac Lewis
What else do you expect from an attention-whore trying to poorly greentext a "RT sesh for fun?" By his own admission it's a bunch of bullshit. I'd rather have quest shit than threads like this.
Christopher Long
why are you so hostile? and it's not bullshit,like i said i played this with 2 friends last night, was a blast, and this is my first greentext so sorry if its bad but im just trying to convay what happened . you are more than welcome to leave if you are not enjoying my tale
Zachary Allen
>Kaarja is smiling like a manic junkie tied to a tree >then we hear a lower sounding engine more like a gentle humming >roll Agility >pass >a vehicle flies overhead barley missing me >2 guards and Rela weren't so lucky >they ascend to the sky being dragged off by hooks and chains >Tomag rolls agility at minus 20 because he's a massive lumbering hunk of flesh and metal >2 >fucking kidding me??? >like an elephant doing ballet he skips out of the way of the flying veacle >he crashes into the tree that Tomag's massive frame was hiding >died on impact >Idea >”TOMAG THROW ME THE BORED” >he does >Jump onto it and try to stable myself >I pull Kaarja on with me >pass agi roll >ask Kaarja is she knows how to work it >nope.odt >try my best to stableise >works and we take of >we fly into another glider >attack >I cave in his chest cavity with one swing of my warhammer >but he alsos takes a chunk of flesh from my stomach >Kaarja's eyes widen at the site of my blood >she throws her body forward on the glider >”What the hell are you doing?” >”We need to go faster” >”What for?” >”To have fun” >I love this bitch >while this was happening the last guardsmen Conrad and Tomag were lifted into the distances >I aimed for the slowest, he was carring Tomag >me and Kaarja shift our body weight forward >going at insane speed now >shes loving it >poor Dark Eldar bastard never saw us coming >we zip right past him taking off his legs with the bladed wings of my glider >Tomag falls with the glider and it's pilot but he is unharmed
pic related. this is the best pic i have to describe tomag, he was huge, different helmet sword and less toothy but that kind of frame
Grayson Harris
Why the fuck would an Eldar suddenly ally herself with monkeigh filth?
Tyler Johnson
>we head towards the engine noise >the first light of dawn is coming >it's been a hellova night >look in the sky and see hundreds of raider ships flying overhead >at this point I figured I was going to die soon so why not go out in a blaze of glory >Kaarja directs me to a big looking dark eldar with a massive two-handed machete >”That one!” >this was stupid but what else could we have done >I coke myself up on combat stims and ready my hammer >at this point me and Kaarja had shared some fun momments so I was quite fond of her >we decend rapidly >one of the Incubi steps forward he is clearly the lead of this group >”I'll fucking have him!” >he stands firm and is un-phased by our speed >both attacks will happen simultaneously the GM tells me >I need some godly help here >pass the agi test to not fall off the glider >GM “so what are you gonna do?” >me “I'm gonna rise my warhammer over my head, flip the glider so im upsidedown, then crush his fucking skull” >GM “*laughs* sure. Roll Weapon skill” >67 >67 is my fucking WP, it's a crit >everyone is almost in tears laughing >his face in imprinted in my warhammer >his glaive take of a wing of my glider sending us into a spiralling crash >just befor I'm surrounded I see Cap'n, Big Lez and Tomaz at the edge of the tree line >the raider in the air fires a warning shot at the three >it misses >it hits Tomag >he is obliterated into a few large chunks >“TOMAG!!!!!!” >Lez drops his gun realising we are finished >captain is watching how I prevail for the time being >after I am surrounded by 3 wyches I rush the closet >miss >a couple doges later I am eventually hit with an electic net >it's over >it's all over >we are hauled onto the raider and taken away
that's were the session ended, not sure what the GM has planned for us next. Will be happy to answer questions if things weren't clear, I'm not much of a story teller after all
Jace Campbell
heh stust me she didnt ally with us, i just said i was fond of her, she was fucking with us most chance she got, but the reason she cooperated is coz they have some special rule of something, cant remember what the GM called it but basically if you have more strenght and toughness than a Dark eldar they get minus rolls on willpower and fellowship, its like a dom sub relationship i guess, and skall was was stronger than any one else in our party except for tomag
Parker Brooks
GM sent this to depict the guy I killed
Anthony Powell
You type like you are drunk. Take some sleep and then rethink your stoy.
Brandon Johnson
I was just typing quickly, didn't think you'd be a grammar nazi about it ^_^
Luke Morales
>^_^ I guess that answers that. You literally aren't old enough to post here. Come back when you're not underage and have lurked long enough to realize why 90% of your "story" is not the kind of shit that deserves its own thread.
Jackson Richardson
So mad dude, who hurt you user?
William Gray
Or keep telling the story because it bugs this guy. More Feral Worlder antics please!
Justin Moore
well theirs a short story that I've got from the same char just a lot earlier in the story
>one of the hulk heads in our ship is stuck >after ignoring it for a while cap'n orders it seen to >saw though it >hear chanting that is becoming louder and more painful >go down the coridoor to a T shaped junction >I go left Cap'n and who later became Conrad went right >GM "Skall sees a lesser deamon" >"I hit it with my hammer!" >"Roll willpower" >fails >GM "you throw your hammer out of panic rolls WP" >pass >"roll DMG" >9 >you kill the lesser deamon >everyone in discord is pissingthemself >Cap'n and Conrad cleared up the other room >Conrad took like 4-5 lasgun shots to the leg and was soon promoted by our Cap'n
that was the day skall panic and killed a deamon in one hit. that was a really fun session, our GM know how to make campaigns fun