What is the comfiest fantasy pet to have and why is it the pseudodragon?
What is the comfiest fantasy pet to have and why is it the pseudodragon?
I dunno, I mean yeah pseudodragons are comfy. Then again, so is adopting an actual baby dragon you can teach and help make into your heir. Griffins are also comfy as hell.
It's absolutely a pseudodragon or pic related, although is right, griffins get close.
Small but vicious dog
>calling your psuedodragon companion a pet
Good way to get it to fuck you shit up then leave.
There needs to be more pseudodragon subtypes.
Fantasy pets are shit.
Pic very related.
I call these grifflettes whenever I use them.
Mini dragon guarding your coinpurse is literally the comfiest thing I can imagine. Source?
You don't know ribbon...
Just...umm.. search up Ribbon 1d4chan k, user.
Always a necessity for Rat Catchers all over the old world. Praise Sigmar.
Sure, Pseudodragons are comfy, but have you heard about mini-griffons?
>tabby barn owl
They also make fashionable clothing!
fairy obsessed with pulling pranks on everyone
My last character had a Fey fruit bat named Echo as a familiar. She liked peaches. She also had a much, MUCH lower Intelligence than my character...but a higher Wisdom. So she was thick as two short planks, and yet somehow consistently made better life choices than my character.
I also made her a fruit bat on a whim to make her even more harmless than normal in D&D. I was very sad when I learned that fruit bats don't have echolocation*...but then I learned of a species that does, the Egyptian fruit bat, which coincidentally looked almost exactly like how I'd imagined Echo. So that worked out nicely.
>"I'm right here, master!"
>>"...n-no, no, *echolocation*, not Echo's location."
Owlcats are the best.
More griffin varieties
Only really kinky people are pets, user.
>>"I'm right here, master!"
>>>"...n-no, no, *echolocation*, not Echo's location."
shit nigga thats cute as fuck
...my players got a griffon egg recently.
It's gonna be the Potoo Griffon.
There's always the pet rock elemental.
They come in many shapes and sizes, feed off of smaller rocks, and can grow moss like fur.
but my barbarian IS the pet
the pet of a bigblack dragon
someone post the fruit dragons
I'm partial to Direwolves
Fairies/Pixies are better. Think you get a full fledged flying tiny party member without any drawbacks a party member would have.
Look at this guy! I can just imagine it excitedly wheezing as it scurries up to me, happy grabbing it's food with is musshapened mitts, and being happy that it hasn't been sacrificed.
Satyrs are the best fantasy pets.
I dont want to get my pet pregnant though.
>Lacking this much commitment
You don't deserve the true love a pet gives
Not that bad. Prolly not as fierce and eager to fight as your usual Griffon, but Pallas cats are tougher than pretty much everything their size, sneaky and patient little buggers. Pootos can be fucking ninjas - invisible in plain sight and comfortable in pitch dark. Such combination can be better than usual hawkat combination, given your players play to the strengths of their pet and raise it well.
>Shoebill + Serval
Full House confirms tiny tsundere lamia are great.
Damm cocktail and tabby are pure nightmare fuel.
Giant Scorpions would be pretty good pets.
I want a Bearded Vulture + Lynx
I want a Raven+Leopard
Smartest Bird+Smartest Cat, let's fuckin go.
You ever seen a rat catcher with a chihuahua? Everyone leaves them alone
What if I don't want a dragon pet but a dragon daughter instead?
ravioli ravioli raise well the dragon loli
Obviously, ostritch should pair with lion for the biggest bird with the biggest big cat and double the glorious mane/butt poof, the colors would go together better too imo.
And horrible murder-monster cassowary-tiger for runner-ups in size and even more threatening coloring together.
Tigers ARE biggest cats in the world (Siberian and
Bengal tigers in particular).
Eh I still stand by the rest.
Purse Dragons are best.
Best thing I had on hand for the thread while also bumping
I've always wanted a pet capybara.
Not really a fantasy creature, though.
>A Kiwi is barely a bird anyway
is this how you play an LG necromancer?
I'm fairly certain Capybara are actually Dire-Rats that escaped somebodies campaign while they were on vacation in Brazil, so realizing they were in a tropical paradise said fuck it, and became chill as fuck
Hobgoblins seem cute but a bit mischievous
mine isnt vicious but when i stop petting it it charges at me at the speed of sound and bumps its snout into my face