Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

no thread ??? Edition

>Necromunda is coming back with new minis and stuff

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine supplement for Daemons, Thousand Sons and Death Guard players

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

First for buttfrustrated R&H players

Do you think battlescribe will update the lists with Forge World indexes soon ?

>In order to benefit from Legion Tactics you have to have Infantry, Biker or Hellbrute keyword
>Ahriman and ExSorc have to exchange their Infantry keyword for Daemon is they take Disc


Lore question about fortifications for you gents. So I get the idea that for some structures, they literally drop the pieces from Orbit right before the battle. Do they usually stay there after or of there precedent of a Guard Company picking up their Bastion or Strongpoint after a campaign and bringing it with them?
I want to personalize a fortification but it would seem a bit weird to see the same building on each world my Regiment visits. Especially something as big as a strongpoint.
If my regiment was dirtpoor and only had one they really valued, would it make sense to pack it up after every campaign?

4th for Dank Eldar

discs are gay, not even in the good slaanesh way either

That feel when touched by the plaguefather.
Guess I'll call in sick.

Well, it's not like thousand sons actually have any legion tactics for ahriman and the exalted saucer to take advantage of.

This also fucks over every generic chaos lord if they wanna take a mount.

give me objective marker ideas for Space Marines and Imperial Guard

>not joyfully spreading grandfather's gifts to your work colleagues
You are no true son of nurgle.

eBay my nigga there are tons of them.

I just came to 40k from WMH and there is a GW store close by. I'm a very slow painter, are they going to sperg out if I dont have all my shit painted yet? I'm making progress but haven't played a game yet.

So how much difference that +1 invu on Magnus really makes?

Any Dark Eldar players tried these?

I realised I had enough bits and pieces to cobble together a Beastmaster and wondered if one of those and a couple of Clawed Fiends would be good. They look pretty nice on paper, S5 T5 A4 5W with AP-1 and 2D, only +4WS but the Beastmaster lets them reroll that.

About 16.7%

Take a tripod from the heavy weapons sprue, a flag from the command sprue, and an appropriately sized base from any sprue you deem fit (larger ones being more stable)

Sand off the current decorations, paint, then add a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 tranfer onto the flags center.

Depends on the manager but in general no, I've seen plenty of grey models in my GW and I've even played with a half-built Knight. The 3 color 'rule' they have is so they can take pictures of the games and promote the store/game.

If you're making progress then I've yet to see a single person who will sperg at you. Even if you're not ther es a stark few in real life who will, it's not up to us how you play with your little plastic men

Nah, they should be cool. In fact most stores are happy for you to paint there if you want and theres space free.

That's like asking if a screwdriver will update to let you pry open cans of soup soon. Just because it's possible don't mean it isn't a retarded piece of shit. Fuck bullshit scribe.

Which aren't in the game anymore for some strange reason. Imagine that!


New GW and their quality books.

Have someone compiled a list of all the derp so far?

Thanks guys. I know the FLGS doesn't care but I wanted to check out an official GW store and have heard some horror stories about the employees there.

>Have someone compiled a list of all the derp so far?
You sound like just the autist for the job!

Anyone here have to tone down a list for being too powerful?


I can imagine some of the gangers would make pretty good R&H minis.

I'm going to use them in my Rogue Trader's IG.

I really have to hold myself back from summoning when asked to a power level game.

...wat? They have a Force Org slot all to their own.

Yeah, I'm considering getting some of the Chunk Benchpress guys to use as brutes in my marauder squads

....are you okay or do you not own Imperium 2?

I have two objective markers for my IG. One is a generic ammo/arms drop. Box with lasguns and ammo. The other one is a grave for a fallen member.

Delaque just need a couple of chaos stars and bam insta-cultists

That's not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American, please.

My local GW is about as bad as it gets apparently, no "proxies" or conversions that aren't just gluing different bits on a Termie or something or are even slightly not WYSIWYG, hardly any tables, manager is a reasonably nice dude but his assistant is a twat, etcetera. Even they say that unpainted models are fine, or they'd never get any games since about 2/3 of people have almost entirely grey stuff. I'm trying to improve there personally.

On an unrelated note, would an Ork or Marine player have spare Power Klaws and Killsaws/Thunder Hammers and Power Mauls at all? Trying to get some suitably smashy weapons to arm my electropriest servitors with, since I only have ten or so Kataphron claws and a few Arc Mauls. Thought I'd mix it up a bit.

Played hive guard spam once and only once. I almost tabled the poor dude on turn 3

Actually, I was thinking that Delaque look freakishly like Genestealer Cultists. Neophytes I think.

Cawdor look very chaos (or ecclesiarsy) culty. Goliaths look very Khorne-friendly.

I'm personally more partial to "rice people".

Find a one of those Lasgun powerpack die boxes. I got mine for $7 and it came with 6 little servoskull scribes that work great.

With psychic spam, sheer durability and other boons, can GK armies hold their own against the new horde based Meta with such a small model count?

A marine player should have Thunder Hammers. Either from the Terminator box or the other ones - I think even the Devastator box has one.

Impalers or Shock? I'm in the process of converting a brood of 3, wondering if I should go Shock.

In my experience it's insanely hard for most elite-based armies to hold against hordefags.
t. Death/Raven player who's starting a GK force

Commissar cap for IG.

Impaler is better in almost any scenario with reasonable amounts of terrain, just park 9 of them in hard to see areas and go to town on anything you feel like making not exist

How do thousand sons fare against hordes with All is Dust? Do they still drown in bullets?

Why am I supporting a company which can't even be fucked commissioning new artwork for its codex?

GW makes a fuckton of money from new editions... this blatant fucking penny pinching just gets me roided.

Why do people hate Battlescribe?

Can I get some feedback on 2k Grey Knights?
In theory this looks sound but I am not so sure.

>Grand Masters in Nemesis Dreadknights
They are both meant to be heavy hitters with a 3+ Invulnerable when their spells go off which is easier since everyone is from Grey Knights so I get a +1 to my Psychic.
Will hang out in the TP Chamber until I need shock factor.

>Strike Squads
They may be small but they have a use in terms of psychic powers teleporting my units early on to catch my enemy off guard.
If my opponent has a lot of infantry bodies I can at least send themselves forward and just throw in Storm Bolter shots.

>Paladin Squad
Meant to bash strong targets and multi wound models while being extra resilient because of potential spell buffs.
They will ride in the Stormraven most likely in order to have a fast transport.

>Purgation Squads
They are transported by the Razorbacks and will usually use them for cheese cover.
They disembark and but a the Razorback between them and the enemy in order to hide LoS then use Astral Aim to shoot the target. Throw on the once or twice weapon buff stratagem and I get 24 S5 AP1 shots.

Was originally a Land Raider Crusader but I realized since I changed from Terminator characters to baby carriers that they don't need the extra space.
Then weapon package helps me with my anti vehicle or big guy needs.

Simply used as vehicle hate and are meant to be teleportered without moving in order to land Lascannon shots without move penalty.

Thousands Sons get rounded down and stomped in melee because you don't have enough models to stop the enemy and you literally are the slowest faction in the whole game.


Jesus christ, Khorne must be pleased.

If I kill Gulliman in overwatch and he comes back to life, what happens? Does he complete his charge or end his activation?

When I first saw this I thought it was a screencap from Dawn of War or something lol

Has it been established whether or not the FW chapters will get chapter tactics?

That's okay. I think I'm going to run tzaangors to screen against charges and keep my sons out if melee. I just don't want to lose a 300 point squad of units to some pissed off shoota boys.

Do you come up with backgrounds/names for your characters? Or do they stay as generic Cadre Fireblade #1 or generic Space Marine Captain #3

Full names and backstories for the important one. Names for the others. And they show up in the stories I write.

Kids these days, i bet you dont even know how a pencil work.

Did they drop new indexes or something? All of the Imperial Armor: Xenos stuff I've proxied has been on Battlescribe already.

Is there literally any reason to take anything other than the Nemesis Falchions?

Ive got to say out of 14 games I've lost 6 of them. In those 6 games I've tabled almost all of my opponents

pointy end goes into the other guy?

Is there literally any reason to take anything other than Nemesis Falchions?

What is the problem.

Ahriman and Exalted Sorcs are Thousand Sons, they don't have any Legion Tactics, they're in a completely separate book.

-Tyberos the Red Wake (205)

-Lieutenant (63)

-Assault Terminators (280)
Thunderhammer w/shields

-Rhino (80)
Storm Bolter
Hunter Killer

-Land Raider (391)
Twin Heavy Bolter
Twin Lascannon x2
Storm Bolter
Multi Melta
Hunter Killer

-Knight Crusader (598)
Avenger Gatling Gun
Rapid Fire Battle Cannon
Heavy Stubber
Heavy Flamer
Stormspear Rocket Pod

-Tactical Squadx10 (171)
Plasma Gun
Heavy Flamer

-Tactical Squadx10 (183)
Plasma Gun
Missile Launcher


Thoughts on my Carcharadon list? This is what I have so far but I'm willing to mix and match between the list. The only thing that I do absolutely want to keep is Tyberos and the Imperial Knight, otherwise I have sort of tried to build around those two. I'm not sure if the stuff on the tactical squads will be any good but I think it might work.

I had to change my list around and muddy it down a bit to make it what i like to call tuff fluff list

>rulebook says 1000pts/50pwr game can be played in about an hour
>most games I've played have ended up being 2-3hrs, including setup
Is the rulebook lying or is my group just playing really slow (it doesn't feel like we could do it any faster)

I can't ever find any reasonably priced but on paper they look like they'd fuck shit up pretty good.

Stopped doing the 3 fusion commanders drop and pop because it was too cheesy.

How do I get my girlfriend into WH40K bros :(

I just finished reading Fallen Angels earlier tonight, but from blurbs I can't find the next HH book for Dark Angels. Some Lion stuff, but nothing that seems to be next in line.
Has it just not been written yet, or did they do the whole destruction of Caliban thing in one of the short story books or something?

Withhold dick from his (boy)pussy

IIRC he comes back at the end of the phase.

So he died BEFORE rolling his Charge dice, so he'll be where he died (he failed his charge as he never COULD roll to charge)

Smart move, cuz they're getting nerfed soon.

I fought that list with a ghost keel and like four of the forge world deep strike equivalents and beat it fairly easily but that was a 1500 point game
Id say that list was pretty cool

If she has an artistic bone in her body all it'll take is finding models she likes. My girlfriend paints more than I do.

Tyrannids and beastiality porn

This, yeah. He comes back as close as possible to where he died, and doesn't get to charge.

Simplest answers are possibly the best.

Play a mock game with her using your models and give her the basics.
Alternatively see if she might like painting models.

Normally my leader gets an name and at least some kind of backstory; my Big Mek Dred Mob boss for instance is a mysterious masked merc who sells his troops to the highest bidder; he actually just got kicked out of his old klan for using the bosses favourite grot in a supacharged Killa Kan experiment that blew up.

Secondary characters and others like vehicles and squad leaders sometimes get back stories, especially if they do something cool in game, or other times to flesh out my leaders background (my Archon is secretly banging the Sybarite, etc)

Yeah, after a google it looks like Vanguard Vets have the most suitable ones, and Deathwatch if I can make the two-handed one fit. Store has a Bitz Box that I'm fairly sure he does open to customers and the manager does play Deathwatch, so I'll ask him. Would rather not go through the rigmarole of carving up Marine arms and trying to make it fit on the Kairic arm.

Bring transports or teleport in.

Even though I play a fairly casual army composition to begin with, I tone it down so my opponents will have fun too. I win about 60% of my games, but they are usually down to the wire, so I know if I bring some extra hard hitting stuff, the games won't be as close. I have yet to play against some of the hardcore players in the store, so I'm not sure how my casual lists will fair against them. Could be a waste of a couple of hours as I get stomped. I already got stomped by a Custodes player who brought 1000 points to a 750 point game and a Custodes Land Raider. I had an extra casual list that day and it was brutal.

What was your list like? I have some Scions I want to build to add to my melee Guard+Ministorum army. Right now I avoid using too much artillery and I also stopped taking Celestine.

I predict this will get 6 gorillion replies and derail the thread before itself derailing into /pol/ shitposting.

Try to see if she likes painting. If she does, eventually "gift" her a few figs, a boxed set here and there, until she has a sizeable army.

Alternately, try to get her into Dawn of War. I know a lot of people who got into the TT from DoW.

I struggle to come up with names, but I usually do minor kitbashes for my characters or as count as special characters and I have minor background to them.

Maybe I'll splash out and get a few. I've been enjoying the "What the hell is that thing" reaction from other players when fielding things like Sslyth, these seem like they'd get that response if nothing else.

Find what army she's really into and roleplay fucking her as a member of that army until she's conditioned to think about warhammer when she fucks and associates it with feeling good.

t. femanon


[b]++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Tyranids) [33 PL, 666pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Malanthropes [5 PL, 90pts]:[/b] Malanthrope

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Tyranids) [33 PL, 666pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Malanthropes [5 PL, 90pts]:[/b] Malanthrope

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Tyranids) [33 PL, 666pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Malanthropes [5 PL, 90pts]:[/b] Malanthrope

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

[b]Hive Guard [7 PL, 144pts][/b]
3x Hive Guard: Impaler Cannon

That should be fine. Strike squads should ride in the razorbacks until they're close enough to get out and charge.
I play Tau and have a tough time scalpeling out GK stuff. I'm considering going all fusion and melta against them because my volume fire stuff has such a tough time eating through all the armor.
That 3++ on the dreadknights is going to be a serious headache for anyone to chew through.

Tau names are kind of dumb and unmemorable so I don't really bother.

Maybe I should come up with a good nickname thing for my Commander, like Brightsword, Shadowsun, Farsight, Puretide etc.

this is my current list as it is as fluffy as i could get it without buying new models cause im waiting for the codex
5 tempestor primes with command rods
4 scion command squads with plasma
4 5man scions squads with 2plasma 1 plasma pistol
2 10 man scion squads with 4 plasma and 1 plasma pistol each
4 tarux primes with battle cannon autocannons / 1 of them has the gatling guns and hotshot volley guns
2 valkyrie vendettas with 6 lascannons each
1 officer of the fleet as an elysian so he can deep strike
and 13 ratling snipers to scout forward
10 command points

>33 PL
>666 pts
>3 detachments
>Broods of 3
>90pt HQ
Tzeentch is pleased by this

The Strike Squads are only there to cast Gate on whatever needs it and then maybe pump something full of storm bolter.
Essentially they are expendable.

What're some objective marker ideas for AdMech and Skittles? I have a fuck ton of Skittle sprues for bits.

Sounds rough. What half did you put in deepstrike? I'm not sure how I'd manage a list that was almost all DS.

Rulebook is full of shit. They must have been using 500pts as their baseline.

All I want is a cute girl who likes dragon dildos as much as I do. I curse my life.