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>obligatory soon

What happened to the rumor of Sky Pirate Grots? I figured they'd come soon after Steamdorfs to be a natural rival but it seems with all the 40k focus+Specialist games that isn't happening?

I don't see them coming until next year

And that in case they even exist, thing I really doubt

Deja vu

>Sky Pirate Grots
i want to believe

I'm borderline about getting into AOS but that'd be really hard to say no to

To the user who asked for Bretonnian advice, it's in the other thread.

There was no rumor.
The shill stopped releasing rumors when GW started handling previews themselves and none else cares enough to spill the beans.

If sky pirates were mentioned the grand number of two times it's because writers are asked to attempt worldbuilding and what they are given to work safely are references to other books and that's all.


I hope GW have a bit of initiative and put out a large lore book for AoS. Its really one of the major things holding back the setting, it needs some expansion and not just within Black Library novels.

The AoS RPG was announced

Are any of the AoS novels actually good?

I read Wardens of the Everqueen and it was absolutely awful.

I heard that City of secrets was okay but I couldn't really get into it.

It's fine IMO. You gain +20% of your army points and it's not hard to fit a hero and a unit or two units in 200 pts

the only one i can think of which ive read and loved was the undying king but good fucking luck finding that without paying $90 on ebay

what do you mean you gain +20% of your army points? I read it as 'of the 2000 points you spend, up to 400 of it can be allies'. Am I wrong?

Wheres the fucking chaos preview

No, you're correct.

From what we've seen, you are right.

You can use up to 200 point of allies in 1000pts games. As far as I know 200 is 20% of 1000 so you gain 20% more points to use

So you're saying that a 1,000pt army gets 1200pts to spend after GHB2?
And a 2000pt army gets 2400 points to spend?
That seems overwhelmingly unlikely. I mean I'd love an extra few hundred points to spend, but you couldn't really call it a 2k game when it's always 2.4k

How's the Path to Glory book ? I want a Mordheim-like ruleset, and Skirmish doesn't have any xp rules for improving your warband.

You dont gain bonus points
Up to 200 of your 1000 can be allies

Please tell me youre pretending to be retarded

no he is saying that 20% of your army can be allies. 800 core 200 allied and 200 is 20% of 1000, just like 400 is 20% of 2000 whats so hard about this

was meant for

qui veux du pain ?

Envoie, j'ai un saint nectaire à finir.

Path to Glory has small little traits you can gain on units and heroes, nothing too big. If I remember right.

No. It's not extra points

>being this retarded

Tell me about your dudes AoSg

I have a faction of Storm cast eternal let by this dude.

Lord Celestant Aedan Kalifax, Torch of Azyr

Aeons ago, in the End Times, Adam Toussain was a Bretonnian noble of little renown. One night, during the campaign against the undead of Sylvania, he followed a falling star. At the crash site, he found a crystal of Everlight. He returned to find his camp under attack. Seizing the moment, he mounted it at the end of his Lance, gave a rallying cry and charged. Those who were fleeing the masses of dead turned and joined him. The Lance formation pierced into the enemy and scattered them. He drove into the heart of the undead host, and slew the Vampire Daedric Von Trevin. His people prevailed, but the hero was lost to a mortal wound.

He was buried with the shard on his heart, to remember the passion and bravery he displayed in the face of overwhelming odds.

Reforged by Sigmar, Aedan has returned as a guiding light in realm of the high heavens. He wields his shard as a spark of hope, to show those who would cower before Chaos, that there is still hope. It was forged as a mace, which he wields with great prowess, along with a Sigmarite Runeglaive.

Sent forth from the Halls of Azyr, he set to conquer the realms in Sigmar’s name. He met with untold horrors and lost many of his brothers. He pressed on knowing that within the Realm of Shadow, there was a people surviving who still remember the glory of old. He found them, scared and fleeing from their homes. The people of Cair’Parombre had been beset by a greater bloodthirster and his host of bloodletters. He engaged the enemy with few of his men remaining. Many fell, returned to Sigmar. Facing his challenge, The Light of Azyr found it's mark, but Aedan was struck, and was thrown to the ground. As the great being towered above and smiled at his newest triumph, a horn blew. The host of Cair’Parombre barrelled into the army of Chaos. Aedan fought against his wounds and stabbed his foe, driving his Runeglaive into its black heart. Rallied, the knights destroyed the remainder of the enemy.

The people spoke of the tale of a knight, a man who knew that his light shone brightest in the darkest of times. A shining torch in the Realm of Shadow, he became their guiding light. Now, with renewed heart, Aedan and his men seek to rally every brave soul who would rage against the dying of the light.

Eh... they DO exist, they are mentioned quite a few times in canon, specially in the KO battletome. Plus we need to re-enact Karak eight peaks but IN SKY!

Fuck off with your fanfic

Reads well but as a non Stormcast player I would find it hard to work around with what they have. Though I don't have the main rulebook.

Dark Sun? Dark Sun

So, what are all the factions in AoS? A friend of mine and I are considering getting into it. He's deadset on the Skaven, but I don't know what all of the options are (or how they'd play from surface glance).

They're "Order, Death, Destruction, Chaos". Then if you want to specialize, just look at GW's grouping and pick only from X group, like Ironjawz or Sylvaneth

I know that. I like some of the Death stuff that I've seen and some of the Chaos stuff. I just want to know generally how they play, so I can pick something that I like the aesthetics and gameplay of.

Which one of the new allies boxes works best as a start collecting box? I bet that they will cost as much as skirmish warband boxes so buying 2 of them to start an army seems to be a reasonable option

The Deathrattle one is pretty good too

Considering the content of some of these boxes, like the Daughters of Khaine one, I'm thinking closer in price to the Start Collecting boxes. GW has surprised me before, though.

Depends entirely on what you want to start. Two Warherd boxes and a doombull would put you at 920pts with a leader, two battleline and two behemoths

This box is a better way to start a Nighthaunt army than Malignants start collecting. At least all models in the box are usable

What's the best way to start a Tzeentch/Slaanesh army that works in both 40k and AoS?

start collecting daemons of tzeentch and slaanesh, then throw in a few more hevy units like a soul grinder.

Thanks. What's a decent Skirmish lineup for Daemons for when I first start?

The grand alliances all cover a vast spectrum of armies, it's difficult to generalize them. Death commonly is about spamming shit-tier infantry and then buffing the fuck out of them.Chaos is even more diversem so you'll need to be more specific.

Well, with the ally system this will soon change.

From Chaos, I like the aesthetics of Tzeentch and the Tzaangors. I like the concept of Death's armies, but aren't horde armies expensive?

I have never seen anyone use a soulgrinder, ever.

What do you mean?

Disciples of Tzeentch is a very powerful subfaction that generally revolves around brute magic power, weird shenanigans and dice manipulation. They have a very good battletome, plenty of diverse unit options and a bunch of potent tactics.
Yes, pure horde armies are very costly in general. The new Start Collecting boxes generally remove the worst of it, but you'll still need an assload of troops. Some Death subfactions are geared more towards elites, such as Soulblight (vampires) and Deathlords, or have a different gimmick, such as the perpetual reinforcing damaged units that Flesheater Courts (ghouls) can do, but the common theme is still 'shitty troops, powerful magic, some form of big hitter).

>Thinking about an AoS army
>have three in mind
>GW releases a new SC box for each one
>my choice hasn't gotten easier
Pls help.

you didn't list which 3 they are you dumbass

I like the Flesheaters. Which is cheaper, Disciples of Tzeentch or Flesheater Courts?

I like Norsca.

Regarding Slaves to Darkness: I'm thinking about starting a StD skrimish warband, however, i dislike not having any ranged options, and as far as i can see it right now, StD are melee (excluding casters). What are some nice, fluffy ways to bring some ranged attacks into the warband? I also like Nurgle, do any of the demons have range attacks? Was thinking about painting the StD in a Nurgle theme anyway.

Spooky ghosts, spider gobbos, and Wyches. I didn't think it mattered much because they're not really a full faction on their own, and ghosts had the other starter box even though it wasn't a faction anymore.


You have to be 18 to post here

>new SC box for each one
mini-factions are dead. those aren't start collecting boxes, they are an allied detachment box. Basically admission from GW that the mini-factions are never and were never meant to receive expansions to make them complete armies.

>im probably older than you bud

Well, fuck this game then. Everything I wanted to play either doesn't exist anymore or isn't actually a faction.

I know, that's why I am waiting for an Aelves release to drop. I already bought and painted all the elves they currently sell and I'm not spending more $$$ until its for an actual army that gets a battletome.

Yeah I guess, it's just that a lot of cool units that could really make some of the smaller factions shine as allies are now just out of reach in 1000 pts. Which is my prefered size like I said.

Disciples get a way with a lot less models, but hey don't have a Start Collecting box and their models are very new, at least in part, so there won't be that much of a difference.

What else would I need in addition to the SC for Flesheaters?

Haven't played it yet, but looks like fun. It's on a bigger scale than mordheim, which is closer to Skirmish (which is a bit underbaked, but very accessible)

After a battle you get x amount of Glory which can be spend on upgrades for units/heroes or on buying new units. The book details upgrades for every faction in the game to some degree (not every order army has their own table, but Elves, Dwarves and Humans each get a table for their race)

>using Warhammer art for Age of Sigmar

Can you post a pic of the army atm and what kind of list you are planning on? Curious to see what Grand Elf army looks like.
Or that's just what you are reading into it?
Yeah how bizarre, are you gonna tell me people also use Warhammer miniatures for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar?

>mini-factions are dead. those aren't start collecting boxes, they are an allied detachment box

You are full of shit and I will show you why
- 4 out of 8 boxes are designed well enough to grant you models you need to build up a legal 1000pts army if you buy two of them - just like start collecting.
- The StD box is a great way to round out the StD start collecting army and it will be cheaper than the SC! box
- The Warherds gives you a behemot and a battleline - everything you need is just a hero and you can run a 1000pts army
- Two of the factions that get an alliance box also get new allegiance abilities in new GHB (StD, Nighthaunt)

Also just look at other factions with new AAs - Darkling Covens, Free People, Wanderers etc. Even the fuckin meme-tier Brayherds gonna get something in this edition. You are just a salty malcontent

I played Wood Elves from the end of 6th through about 5 months into 8th when my LGS closed, so I know what you mean. I loved them. AoS looks fun, but Wanderers don't even look close to how WE played. In fact, they look completely unremarkable and largely than other archers. I have some Sylvaneth stuff, including the big Christmas box, but I haven't even touched it yet. I thought it would hold my interest more, but I eyeing those other factions. I think my interest may have just died completely.

Hrm. I guess I should just wait for GHB2 then?

I dig it, bro. SCE always gets shat on as generic/boring but their origins at least give quite a bit of creative freedom.

You've been given 400 ameribux to make your next army (no discounts allowed).
Post and rate.

I am more of a painter, play maybe once a month so i'd go with this.

Or maybe it's because AoS art looks like...well...

You can still play them if you want? I really fail to see a problem, unless you want to dedicate your whole life to one faction that never had much representation anyway (like forest goblins in old WFB), in which case you shouldn't care if they want to expand it or not.

I'd swap out the Wood Elves for more Tree people and some woods. Gotta get those niggers a backdrop.

Nice, haven't seen this one. Anything's better than more of that overhyped Blanche shitster.

user, I~

Why be downers for no good reason? There's literally no evidence for your doomsaying shit.

you are a no-taste fagget

>colors like smeared shit
>composition like smeared shit

No wonder WFB sold like shit.

>literally posting shit-tier art
Like a poetry

You are right!
Now I see the truth! THIS IS A MASTAPIECE

Holy shit, nice.

Unless you're going hardcore tourney-mode, all of those factions work just fine, especially now with allies.

Haven't started playing AoS yet, but this would get me pretty much every model I like, with a couple exceptions, as well as plenty of skellies to paint, kitbash, and tarpit with.

The day of the rope cant come soon enough.

>Not all bone zone
Fixed your army for you.


Not him, but I prefer the art you posted to the oldhammer one.

Overall I think I prefer the style of AoS art more (not always, of course. There's the occasional dreadful stuff in there).

The only problem I have is that they keep having to depict the same miniatures over and over again because of legal stuff. It gets really silly in the Beastclaw book.

explain this

The thought crosses my mind regularly. Every time I go to the LGS, I have to hold back my temptation not to buy out their stock of skeletons right away. They still have some of the old Tomb King models, too.

Oh no there is nothing wrong with your fluff. Its great. Just I made my own fluff for my legacy army off the original fluff, so wouldn't be able to get a Stormcast fluff even formed together in some way.

You should buy the TK asap. You could flip them on Ebay if you don't want it (tomb guard, skele-snakes, necrosphynx, casket all get good money)

I can explain stormkikes if you'd like.
>Stormcucks are the heralds of snigmar
>Samecast are the souls of other dead Lamecast
>Shamecasts die and get reforged into other Snorecast, but lose some of their memories and personality
>Cuckcasts are basically ultramarines teleporting in and beat stuff up.

They've been sitting there for years, and nobody else has even touched the box to look at it, so far as I know. I'll head there later this week to get them.

Better off dropping a black knight and a skele box and getting a start colleting deathrattle to get arkhan almost for free. Its worth it even for the bits

Well if its a LGS tell them "hey I see this shit has been here for a long time. If you want to make your money back and free up shelf space, what is the lowest youll go for the entire lot".
You might get a crazy deal since unmoved product on a shelf basically costs a store money.