We've reached peak GW guys.
Who needs models to sculpt or digitally add more Skulls to when you can just make Skulls?
We've reached peak GW guys.
Who needs models to sculpt or digitally add more Skulls to when you can just make Skulls?
I'm amazed it didn't happen sooner.
>when you can just make Skulls?
most if not all of the skulls here also aren't new sculpts but are CADs from other kits
I can't tell if this is a joke.
I want a skull of skulls.
Now you can put pauldrons on your skulls, and skulls on top of your pauldrons!
That's an amazing kit for diverse hobby purposes. The plants not so much.
Gonna build my Chaos Lord an actual skull throne and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Who said GW take itself too seriously now?
>Not Deathgrin Boneskulls
This isn't GW breaking new, skull-covered ground, it's them catching up to what some other makers have been doing for many many years.
Im surprised they didn't do this years ago. I vaguely remember people complaining when the old plastic skeleton warriors went out of production because they were handy for bits and scenery.
How much is is this kit?
I want to make Skull golems.
Predator aproves.
I want to see the results, please.
£15 or $25 or 5000 kangaroo dollars
Surprising value
Well, if people are willing to pay for 3rd party skulls, you'd be an idiot not to make your own, official Games Workshop Skålls. Plus, they're plastic, which is always a plus for conversions and shit.
I don't play any miniature games, but at 20 bucks I'm tempted to buy these for my Tabletop props since i run prop heavy games.
Tempted to buy like 3 of them for an Apotheosis of War diorama.
I remember when those skulls from reaper came in the paint.
Early concept art
>make entire armies out of skulls
Needs 20 purity seals on each of them.
Advanced Spess Marine Concept Art
Now needs a grimdark color filter, and you'll have 40k in a nutshell.
What about chaos skulls?
It's like a box of cereal.
8/20 would pour a bowl of skulls.
HARD MODE: space marine skull in giant pauldrons standing on top of a tyranid skull while being shot at by a necron skull with chaos skull in giant spiked pauldrons with pauldrons and skulls on spikes watching in the distance
Dude, I don't even play 40K
That's WAY too much research
Chaos skulls are like regular ones except red and spikey
It's beautiful.
One step closer to the inevitable release of the Grimdarkians.
You missed the obvious red pin glow in the eyes
should've used bigger dots m8
And what exactly is the problem with a fairly cheap box of a huge amount of useful bits...?
Haters gonna hate.
I think it's a great idea. If I didn't have tomb kings + vamp bits I'd never have been able to decorate my figures (mostly their bases) properly. With a box of bones, you can do just that without needing to buy unwanted models.
You are obviously correct. I was hoping not to be confronted with a paron of the arts in this thread, but I have to admit my failure.
Please review my adjusted creation including some added shitty shading for your viewing pleasure.
And that's not even scratching the surface.
So the real questions is: is GW competitive in this market. There's a lot of skulls in that pack.
Nothing actually, though I don't need it personally.
I just find the whole skull saturation funny. Not wrong, just kind of funny.
Would've been great without white dots on the borders. 6/10, would pay for art school.
This looks really handy. What's the issue? I normally don't buy GW stuff but this would be great for basing some of my other stuff.
Looks like tengen toppa gurren lagann.
Ah, I see that you are a true connoisseur of the fine arts, dear sir. Thus I have improved upon this work I stole even further. By using time travel to bring you this work, I have been able to spend over 9 Milennia on perfecting it. The technique I used is called "Photoshop Filters" and "Linkin_Park.amv"
I am going to get this box for one solitary reason: Big bovine skulls so I can turn some Kurnoth Hunters into Leshen.
Are these Daemons of the emperor?
There's no issue, it's just that GW is so infamous for their skull fetish them selling a big box of skulls alone is funny.
Your style definitely improved over the millennia. All it needs now is a gradient background, and you'll get a solid 9.75/10.
Yeah the box is funny and I feel like there's probably some self awareness to it. If it isn't too overpriced I might buy one.
FLGS will have for $20 so I'm def picking up a box. Don't have a need for it right now but it doesn't hurt to have. Might help when I'm building my dark mechanicum
Emperor protect
great now i want to build a citadel made of skulls
>Here’s a breakdown of the number and type of the 340 (!) skulls in the box:
>- 82 human skulls with jawbones;
>- 86 human skulls without jawbones;
>- 15 human jawbones;
>- 60 assorted damaged human skulls;
>- 2 giants’ skulls;
>- 1 Morghast skull (in 2 components);
>- 1 beast skull (in 2 components);
>- 4 small horned skulls;
>- 4 medium horned skulls;
>- 3 large horned skulls;
>- 7 bird skulls;
>- 2 Chaos beast skulls;
>- 6 plaguebearer skulls;
>- 6 Bloodletter skulls;
>- 10 T'au skulls;
>- 5 Kroot skulls;
>- 6 alien skulls;
>- 21 Genestealer Hybrid skulls;
>- 20 Ork skulls without jaws;
>- 5 Ork jawbones;
>- 7 Ork skulls with jaws open;
>- 7 Ork skulls with jaws.
My body is fucking ready
The Khorne players at my store already popped boners over this.
The big skull with multiple eyesockets and lots of nostril holes is probably a clawed fiend. It's the same skull as the one in DE Venom's trophy rack (so it's a 40k skull as opposed to Fantasy skull), and bears resemblance to the DE clawed fiend model (which also has two pairs of eyes and multiple nostrils).
I doubt it considering that a Slaughterpriest, who fits snugly on a 40mm base, can stand on top of that big skull.
>removing all those tiny bits from the densely packed sprues
There's no reason why Clawed Fiends can't grow larger than the ones the DE bring to battle.
>in Russian the word "dice" also literally means "bones"
>"all right, user, roll the dice!"
>absolute shit eating grin
But will there be enough skull to build a skull throne?
I wonder how many boxes you'd need to make an actual throne you could physically sit on.
>GW release a great value box set that help in a multitude of conversions, with one box effectively being more than enough for a lifetime of various conversions.
>Literally no ingame effects at all, nobody has to buy this, though you'd think by the reaction it was mandatory for world eaters players to buy ten boxes.
>People find a reason to complain anyway.
Just use human skulls at this point. Bullets are cheaper than GW stuff.
>implying anyone's complaining.
well just going by the links.
secretweapon is 3.3 skulls per $.
zealot is 6.1 skulls per $
reaper is 1.6 skulls per $
and GW is 13.6 skulls per $ as well including fantasy and alien skulls which are normally much harder to get.
GW being actually good value feels weird.
and here's thinking that a company called "reaper miniatures" would have a good deal on skulls...
well they have better value on pretty much anything else they sell.
I would legit buy a big box of paldrons with embossed chapter marks and insignias from each loyalist chapter and official successor. That means I would no longer have to slave away at making shitty painted versions of them.
Oh man, is Khorne having financial trouble? Is he ok?
GW sells plastic sprues for ultramarines, blood angels, space wolves and dark angels.
The other original legions/chapters you can still get from FW.
The only thing you have to look for are the successors.
Though the Deathwatch kit even has a bunch of those.
GW used to do more, like Aurora Chapter, Brotherhood of a Thousand and Fleshtearers back when they did metal pads.
If you really want sculpted pads you can check out Shapeways too. Plokoonen or Pop goes the monkey both have shitloads of pads and the latter even sprues of symbols that you can glue onto any shoulderpad.
GW does produce pauldrons with chapter symbols for some chapters (usually bundled with some non-pauldron pieces, though). FW also does legion-specific pauldrons for Horus Heresy (which in most cases could also be used for the 40k marine chapters since the first founding chapters have generally kept the same symbol as the legion had)
I'm thinking it might be a hint at the new Deldar dex and models. They were being pretty coy about it in the preview article, all "Oooh and what's that huge obviously clawed fiend skull in the middle?! Can't wait to find out!" And I'm sure they wouldn't just release a skull for a model that exists but at 300% size increase. I mean, that dex still probably isn't coming out for another year if we're lucky but still.
>I'm amazed it didn't happen sooner.
Me too. Pic related.
That already happened. It's a technical paint though.
I'd buy 10 to be honest.
I can't look at this box without cracking up.
Not talking about paint. I want actual boxed blood.
What about an exacto knife. DIY blood kit?
You can buy frozen pig's blood in some grocery stores at least here in Finland, although it doesn't come in boxes, I believe.
I laughed and immediately pre-ordered. How could I say no to THREE HUNDRED AND FOURTY SKULLS?
It did though. There has been atleast one other bits pack of skulls. Just not that many nor as varied.
>spooky scary sylvaneth
I can get my greasy mitts on this box for just £12, or a mere 3.529 pence a skull. Unbeatable value.
I make shitty MS Paint art with my finger and come back later to the evolution of a Van Gogh
What is Veeky Forums even
I honestly don't see the problem.
The spirit of old Veeky Forums is still lurking here, sometimes showing his neckbearded head for just a second. Back in the day, Veeky Forums made a homebrew a day, and drawthreads actual had drawfags in them. Nowadays, quests and any creativity has been banned and replaced with endless cardgame threads, but old Veeky Forums still haunts these hallowed halls.
/awg/ has multiple games being designed in it right now
I don't think anyone has a problem with it, it's just a long standing joke about skullskullskulls come to life
Aw, c'mon man, don't make this about quests, we don't need arguing in this thread.
I'm glad to know I'm part of an ancient tradition, though.
The funny thing is I'm an actual artist, I just like making shitty MS Paints.
Nurse, that one stole the rose-tinted glasses again.
Do you have more pauldrons and skulls art?
>drawthreads actual had drawfags in them
If drawthreads would actually be character request and not cringeworthy desperate attempts to get some free fapbait I'm sure more people would go there.