Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1675: Embarassing Jumper Deaths Edition

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What jumps offer a chance to become a dragon or pick up a dragon companion?

>grammar and spelling
>changed the name of the weapon rewarded by samurai supremacy
I think I'm done.

I got you.

Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Elibe
Fire Emblem Tellius
Dungeons and Dragons

Highschool DXD surprisingly enough.

Dragon Commander
Once Upon a Time
Either of the Spyro jumps.
Okami, if you become a brush god.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Duel Monsters - The Shadow Realm

The Spyro jumps
Overlord has draganoid although I don't remember if it's full dragon or not
Duel Monsters

How to Train Your Dragon.

Slayers, Highschool DxD, World Seed, Log Horizon, Legend of Spyro, Dark Souls, Fairy Tail, Inheritance Cycle, GATE: Thus the JSDF fought here, Overlord. I'm sure there are many others.

>World Seed
Is that a racial option or a companion? I only remember seeing dragons wrecking earth before they left.

Oooh, nice.

Does the Boruto option put you through more than the movie, and go through the show/manga? Or is that open for a return(/connected) jump?

Not at the moment, but the jump is getting an update, which should include the option to become a dragon. Or anything else really. There's supposed to be a shitton of races in World Seed, and in the game you can change your race for basicaly a pittance.

Hmmm this is going to be difficult, I can tell. Fluffy tails or dragon...

Reposting for the new thread.

Divinity: Original Sin Progress Report
>Ice Magic
>Tons of spelling, grammar, and formatting checks.
>Bunch of Perks fleshed out.
>Crafting, Blacksmithing, and Loremaster done. Which means all the Skills are finished.

That's quite the list. You missed Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen though.

So, what's are good arthropods/animals/things to pick for your Mosaic Organ Operation in Terra Formars?
I was thinking Primal Zerg and Tardigrade with the Red Surgery.

It puts you through the show/manga.
But it's open for a jump too. If someone makes a jump based on any of the 0 cp drawbacks, I'll remove them.

Just put off jumping it until Rose (read: Valeria) finishes updating it.

Hmm. I may actually make a Boruto Jump. (With different options. I don't want to make a clone)

BUT. If someone else wants it more, just ask and I'll help on that instead!

Can anyone add to this list of Evolutionary powers? Please and thank you.
Evolutionary Function - Ben 10
Ouroboros: Eternal Evolution - Double Cross (this one primarily works on one's Renegade Powers, but seeing as

Renegade's born from a viral infection it should be viable to get it to work on other things).
Primal Zerg - Starcraft: Zerg
Evolution Energy and flat-out all the perks and items - EVO: Search for Eden
Adaptive Evolution - X-Men Movies
Karma Chameleon - GUNNM / Battle Angel Alita
An Ogre Does Not Stop + Moulded by Darkness - Warhams Fanta-Sea: Ogre Kingdoms
Mutation - Mutagenesis - Generic Post-Apocalypse
Gourmet Cells - Toriko
Hypnos Gene - Resident Evil
Chthonic Baara of the Ur-beast - Exalted: Lunars

>Resident Evil

Invalid jump.

This is one of the hard parts, Im temptwd to gut the entire affinitu and race options of the jump and just have an option to be whatever the hell you want, within reason. Even those who became dragons started out car sized.

Honestly, World Seed is such a high power setting, it'd probably be good as an end Jump.

That's probably for the best. Regardless of which race you pick, after you farm a bit of gold in the game, you can change your race anyway, so it really don't matter all that much.

Fuck off.


>Honestly, World Seed is such a high power setting, it'd probably be good as an end Jump.
Are you for real? Did you somehow not realize all the new jumps we got in the past few months? From what I heard about Saint Seya, a single mid-level character there could shit on basically anyone in World Seed.

I'm just saying there's potential for an option. That's all.

No there isn't. Stop trying to limit jumps with "end jump" bullshit.

Honestly I hate end jumls cause I feel they are against the purpose of the chain however it would solve the god problem, if it was agreeable I would allow full godmode and complete full universe grove for anyone who could complete the end jump mode.

Would make things much easier for me.

True enough.

Invalid comment.

NOTE I mean jump with optional end mode.

That would be a pretty fucking stupid option then. Excepting gods, characters in World Seed are pretty weak, if you compare them to the jumpchain at large. Even the MC, after getting his grove to universal level and hitting the level cap, was basically only at the planetbuster level. Which is laughably weak. So no, making World Seed an endjump, or even putting in an endjump option, would be moronic.

Really, see my comment above. What would you even make the endjump about? From what we've seen, even the damn gods aren't all that strong. There is literally nothing in the entire series (besides what the first god did, but that got an entire sentence of explanation) that comes even remotely close to the level an endjump should be.

>Really, see my comment above

Yeah and that is fine and I understand that. I need to finish reading now that it is supposedly done to see if I can bring others up to level to match druid because from the author somehow all the classes could eventually hit the same level.

I have no problem with the power level other than out of nowhere bam a universe in your pocket, it just seems like way too much even to me. I dont want to make it and end jump.

The possible optional end jump was just a lock off on galactic sized universe groves which would solve a lot of problems, as would just saying universe grove is the after chain bonus, or just ignoring it all together (which im not in favor of honestly). I want to make the shitshow balanced.

>characters in World Seed are pretty weak, if you compare them to the jumpchain at large.
Jumps are balanced internally, not among each other.
And the universe-grove and similar stuff is such a cheap mary sue thing that i really wouldn't mind it being locked behind a post-chain/post-spark wall. Doesn't even need an endjump scenario.
That'd also deal with the "one true build" problem we have right now, because the story doesn't actually give us any in-depth information for any classes beside druid.

World Seed kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth as it is when i jump it because it's just so fucking cheap.
It's kinda SB levels of powerwanking, only with author-approval.

You're not making Loremaster Adept purchasable?

Let's make a list of jumpmakers who, quite rightly, need to be evicted.

You. Oh, wait. You don't qualify.

>Saint Seiya
>all the other bullshit that is available in the 900+ jumps we have
But somehow World Seed is too much, eh? You can't even do jackshit with that universe in your grove. It can be used for resources, increased mana & mana regen, and stealing or copying the ability of the races in your grove. That's it. Wow, that really looks far too powerful to be offered in the Jumpchain. Not.

Bancho, for obvious reasons.
I would say you, but you're not even worth one Bancho.

Honestly? Loremaster in the game is just used for identifying magical items. I tried just sticking it in as a Talent, but then the Wizard's Discounts went all wonky. So it went back to being a Skill.

I thought about inventing an Adept level that had to do with creating magi-tech contraption like Arhu, but that didn't make much sense and outside out catapults throwing bottles of magic and some insane magi-tech golem he made, there wasn't a lot to base it on. Not unless I allowed access and used examples that haven't existed for 9000 years.

So I have Novice Loremaster a little extra pizzazz, bumped up the price a bit, and left it at that.

Hmm, let me think.
Probably.. that guy!
That guy definitely needs kicked to the curb.

The harshest thing ever said to a shitposter. Bravo, user, bravo.

I asked the author in the comments, and all classes really are balanced. Mages got their spells, rogues their stealth shit, and warriors can burn their soul for power. The only reason John got so bullshit so fast was because he had the ring + staff combo that allowed him to gain affinities at a ridiculous rate. As for the universal grove, what exactly is too strong about it being offered? We have the ability to destroy universes, and we already have a whole bunch of pocket dimensions, some of which can even get bigger than normal universes (looking at you, Infernals). So what's so powerful about the Grove that makes it so OP that it needs to be barred behind Post-Spark?

All of them.

>implying we need any other jumpmakers besides Valeria and her friends.

See the problem I am having is that I need to both update it to remain true to the source material as well as fixing stuff, so far my current idea for it and going over things mentioned in the thread, is:

To dump grove as a capstone rename it minigrove or demigrove and cut the price in half, give druids one free.

Give druids another capstone while raising the entrance price for druid (thinking around to 300 cp for the background) or give fucking everyone a demigrove since literally everyone including the robot has one after a certain point.

And possibly make a note that after your chain you can have a grove as big as you want plus all the godhood that comes with it.

Even that is all just rough ideas though.

Springboard! Let me ask you guys what song discribes an arc in your chain.

This is mine from a while back: youtube.com/watch?v=8-oFveqvq5E

Also generally what kind of music do you expect your The Art (Musician Jump) manifest as?

Fair enough

Here's the link, just look at the comments: royalroadl.com/fiction/4242/world-seed/chapter/152129/chapter-207-the-eye-of-time
To balance it all, just don't offer the ring or the staff in the jump. That's it. Sure, Jumpers with learning & training boosters would be able the break the balance easily, but every jump should be written as if it's a Jumper's first jump anyway.

Please just look at that post and actually write out why you think that the universal grove is too much. And yeah, might as well lock godhood behind the Jump/Sparkwall. We never really saw what gods can do anyway, so their powerlevel isn't really defined.

Just give the jump up to someone else and let them fix it.

>As for the universal grove, what exactly is too strong about it being offered? We have the ability to destroy universes, and we already have a whole bunch of pocket dimensions, some of which can even get bigger than normal universes (looking at you, Infernals). So what's so powerful about the Grove that makes it so OP that it needs to be barred behind Post-Spark?

Honestly? The limitless storage space as well as the ability to make resources adnaseum nonstop. I understand that the other stuff is supposedly equal but we have no idea how really.

And if I give universe sized stuff like that I may as well just make druid cost 800 cp and say good luck.

Sorry if Im coming off as rude or anything but this jump just has become a nightmare.

Good news is Im almost done updating world of cultivation and after that I can really dive in to making this steaming pile of a setting work.


Funny, because I have offered many many times and nobody has taken me up on it.

You can obviously read, so how did you miss that inter-jump balance isn't a thing?
I'm not concerned about the power level.
As you mentioned, there are abilities that are just as strong or stronger in other jumps.

What bothers me about it is that it doesn't fit the general powerlevel of the world at all.
It just FEELS cheap.
It's like one of those horrible Gary Stu Naruto fanfics, only the author did it to his story himself for whatever reason.

It also makes balancing the jump impossible unless you want the jump-author to invent capstones for the other classes that are just as bullshit, because the source-author himself doesn't give us anything to work with.

Me, because I never deliver!

Hmm, that does help. Thank you. Will have to replace them with something else then.

jumpmakers come and go, but shitposters are eternal. (seriously that guy who hates wakfu is still around)

>limitless storage space
>the ability to make resources adnaseum nonstop
Sorry, but are you for real? There are probably hundreds of ways to do that shit, most of them to do with "lol magic".

Why would you even make the Grove a capstone, or a perk at all? That shit can be acquired in-jump easily. Just mention that it exists, that druids can get it, and that even other classes have ways of getting their own grove (as seen with Cecille). Bam, balanced. That's easy.

>world of cultivation
Can...can you show me what is behind curtain number 1?

No need to be roundabout with this. I'm going out if that's what you want

I believe in you, you can do it!

>Sorry, but are you for real? There are probably hundreds of ways to do that shit, most of them to do with "lol magic".

Probably right, actually I know you are right however in the balance of the setting it throws everything right out the window. Like honestly its like the old dnd problem of barbarians vs wizards except barbarian warriors never move beyond rusty iron sword and wizards become overgods. It is not balanced and I want to make the jump internally balanced.

Just abandon the claim and move on. We've had jumpmakers leave and others come in to replace them. Your shit'll be picked up eventually.

The thread only updated after I clicked post so this is for you too.

... You know what, sure. Specifically because you tracked down the picture and asked so nicely. I needed a good 600 CP Item for Drop-Ins anyways.

Arhu SparkMaster 5000, with controller, for all you insane magi-tech mecha fans.

Now all someone has to do is make a Real Steel Jump and have an Import Robot Boxer option.

You forgot Fire Emblem Archanea (The manakete option) but I'm happy someone mentioned my jumps.
Me because I did The Emoji Movie Jump.
This was what I had in mind when I did with one specific arc in my old chain.

>You forgot Fire Emblem Archanea (The manakete option) but I'm happy someone mentioned my jumps.
Yeah sorry about that, it is an old list I copy and pasted back when I asked a similar question.

>implying you can have the peace of exile, self-imposed or otherwise now

No. That pretty much cements you as our Wakfu replacement. Emoji Movie's about on par with Food Fight and Johnny Test in terms of "good fucking god who actually wanted this why."

Oh, Timmy. You sad little boy. Is this really all you have to live for?

Each class has their own speciality. As we saw with John, most of the story he couldn't really fight well at all. Even his GF who focused on beasts would have apparently been outclassed by a guy who took a relevant class and tamed beasts. The only reason that John got so BS was his item combo. If that advantage of his went away, he'd have his affinities and the advantages granted by his gove, all features of his class. Warriors have their soul burning shit, which would apparently give them an enourmous boost and allow them to beat druid ass. And other classes have their own gimmicks, such as mages with their basically conceptual freeform spells, and Rogues with stealth & assassin bullshit. Really, it sounds balanced enough to me. Certainly better than D&D with their wizard vs warrior problem, and even then did the D&D jumps we have not charge more to be a wizard just because warrior classes are shit.

Also, a perk idea you could include: the ability to regenerate resources, up to a planetwide scale. Might be a good druid capstone if you don't have one already, and it would fit their themes.

>looking at you, Infernals
Oh, sure. No limit on size. Just contast effort to grow it at a paltry speed that'd take centuries or millenia to reach even a size equal to the surface of Earth, let alone actually making a planet or more.

If I thought you were a dude and I wasn't taken, I'd husbando you. Thanks, Yorokonde


I know jackshit about Infernals, but some user said that you could just, like, instantly expand it by creating the relevant charms after you became a Devil Tiger. Considering the shit exalted get up to, that didn't sound too farfetched to me.

Do you think I'd you became an Ashaman in Wheel of Time and had Gift of the Thousand Master, you'd be comparable in power to Rand?

Sure here is the current draft with some updates already plugged in, I still have a bunch of perks not added in and items too because I want the wording to be right before I drop it.


As I have said in the past I say it again, should anyone ever think they can do it better I wish yhem the best of luck and say have at it.

Timmy is learning. I never would have thought it possible...

>who actually wanted this

Why, thread itself.

Me, please. I've really got more important things I should be doing.

So you are saying that you like cock?
What's that got to do with jumpchain?

WTF, I want to push my servant benis into some noble woman's face now

What other 600cp items are you putting in?

>I'd husbando you

Pic related.

Weird to see you at this hours, shitposter-kun.

What happens if I take beast inside and then warring clans. Since jinchuriki didn't exist then?

Or if I fail the founding fathers/enduring whirlpool scenario?


Nope. 4 hours of meditation and a bunch of motes and mental effort for each piece you want to create.

It's not instant by any means and it's not free either.

From what I remember from the jumpmaker, when asked how the Thousand Master perk would work in Harry Potter he said it would make you equal to Dumbledore. Based on that interpretation I guess it would make you a channeller in Rand's league in terms of power. He isn't actually unique in that regard anway.
Of course, power is just one thing, you need to know the weaves and have combat experience as well as a sa'angrael or two if you want to equal Rand mid-to-late series.

Ooo! He answered this earlier! Fanwank it!

And you don't get the rewards?

>and I wasn't taken
Yorokonde is a distant runner up to you, Darling~

What's the current opinion on BLADE at the moment?

I'm thinking Gamer might could use an update.

Nice try Ebon Dragon.

I love ya too

Pretty good, I liked Xenoblade

Has anyone picked up Campione yet since it was dropped?

Honestly it is amazing we have any makers left all things considered. I mean some people are nice enough but making jumps and working with jumpers just seems like the most stressful activity ever.

What do you think Wolf Sage Mode would be like? I Googled it thinking surely there'd be some deviantart of the concept out there but couldn't find much.

Nope. Feel free to pick it up, I'll be looking forward to it.

I find it rewarding. It's just some jumpmakers get the bad luck to attract shitposters. It's them that can make things stressful, but with the right attitude and keeping an emotional distance even that's manageable.

He's a needy faggot that typifies SB's crackhead like craving for internet fame.

Oh, sweet Summer child. Summer is almost over and shitposters can't survive the Winters. Their children will succeed them upon hatching next June/July

>It's just some jumpmakers get the bad luck to attract shitposters.
And some jumpmakers make bad decisions and mine them for drama for daaaaaaaaays and then try to act like they're the aggrieved party.

>Music for the current arc, taking Ragnarok Online into account

>Meanwhile, in Katia's mind

Despite the rumors and my love of Lemon Drops, I am actually a man. Or a golden retriever. One of the two.

Adventurers I haven't figured out one for either yet.

Sourcerers are getting a Warehouse add-on that is a natural Tenebrium mine, but can grow other metals and crystals if you seed it.

Source Hunters are probably getting a smaller version of the Hub at the End of Time.

Once you tune out the people who are complaining just to complain and the ones howling because they're bored, all of the core members are nice people and pretty fun to talk to.

Suuure, that's something that happens. ~wink wink~ Its definitely that and not the other thing all the time. ~nudge nudge~ Absolutely definitely not always shitposters.