Post you are decks.
3-3-1 with this so far.
Might throw in another land.
Perhaps 2 more swamps in exchange for 2 Dreamstealers.
this card will spike
Thrown together a budget dicking around Nest of Scarabs deck for FNM to get back into things again, I haven't played for a while.
I've always been more fond of casual, tabletop play so I didn't go particularly hardcore on card choice. I didn't pick up anything that was going to cycle out of standard next month, and nothing over like $2-3 each, so any recomendations should fall in line with that. The only thing I would consider grabbing outside those rules for it is probably Rhonas for now.
Bontu the Glorified is not a very good card if you don't have some synergy with it. Dread Wanderer can come back from the graveyard for 3 mana if you have 1 or less cards in hand, so it might be a decent way to chain activate bontu
Initially I felt like the tokens would work well enough with him, though I can see your point. Dread Wanderer is card that I had been considering, especially since it's got synergy with Plague Belcher.
I look further into it after some test games.
4x Elder Deep Fiend
4x Champion of Wits
4x Stitchwing Skaab
4x Advanced Stitchwing
4x Insolent Neonate
4x Prized Amalgam
3x Kozilek's Return
4x Strategic Planing
2x Lightning Axe
2x Fiery Temper
2x Reduce // Rubble
2x Fevered Visions
4x Wandering Fumarole
4x Spirebluff Canal
2x Sanctum of Ugin
6x Island
5x Mountain
4x Negate
2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
2x Glorybringer
2x Fiery Temper
2x Lightning Axe
1x Reduce // Rubble
1x Feavered Visions
1x Kozilek's Return
Any suggestions?
looks pretty solid but you may need some harder hate for aggro decks with how popular they are, I know lightning axe is to enable your grave/discard effects but I'd try and fix in magma sprays because they destroy mono red and are usable when topdecked.
chandras defeat is also pretty good for siding in, maybe abrade for god pharaoh decks and killing torrentials in the control matchup, I wouldnt change much else because your core is pretty solid.
yeah I'd second that on the sprays, at least change the axes sideboard to magma spray
I really want to make a self contained Amonkhet block deck that isn't -1/-1, but i doubt that is very possible...
new perspectives is almost entirely amonkhet block, except for traverse the ulvenwald...
maybe you could do a UB cycling deck? with vile manifestation and abandoned sarcophagus and shit
B/W zombies are also an option, of course this would lack things like crypt breaker and diregaf colossus, but maybe that could work for you?
Any idea if WBR Zombies could be a thing? Red only has a couple of options for creatures but with cards like Neheb above , or Wildfire Eternal you could maybe get some shenanigans going. I just don't know how much synergy they have with other zombies.
You can make a budget UW approach deck with the desert pacifisms
your only real options at the moment are:
B/X afflict (B/U or B/R)
Weak zombies
W/R exert (but this takes always watching from shadows to work)
Some sort of God pharohs gift deck
Some sort of cycling whatever
Really the set has pretty limited self contained options when you compare it to blocks like SOI or even BFZ, feels like a support block.
not really, if you're adding a third color its because it's worth it, mardu vehicles is a good example because MOST the vehicle support is W/R but they splash in black because cards like unlicensed disintegration are just so powerful and synergize so well it's worth running that third color.
Blue gives zombie much more than Red does, espically if you want some 2 cent rares off TCGplayer from SOI to use for the next 6 weeks.
Love the energy mechanic so here's a whole deck based around it. Any recs Veeky Forums?
Can you build UW monument with only Kaladesh forwards because I do not wanna spend the money on a deck that's about to die
This deck looks fun. Totally my jam. If I get into standard I might take this.
well you lose thraben inspector, hanweir cap, westvale abbey, selfless spirt, avacyn and spell queller, so its probably gonna look way different if you want to make a similar archetype work.
maybe it can still work as a more control-y style deck, with lots of etb exile guys like fairgrounds warden and angel of sanctions? maybe even angel of condemnation can find a home since its a 4 drop thats also 3/3 flying and vigilance? making it into a 3 drop that also spawns a token seems good i dunno dude just throwing out ideas
gonna have to see what ixalan brings, really isn't a good idea to start brewing like that without it
is there any standard legal card (equipment, enchantment, etc) that gives a creature hexproof? beyond blossoming defense and heroic intervention I mean, hoping for a longer lasting effect. can't think of any and looking through gatherer hasn't turned up any results but maybe i'm missing some planeswalker deck card or something?
Unless I am missing a few cards, unless it is a high cost creature, hexproof can only be given by spells like blossoming, heroic intervention, or hapatra's mark, those 3 come to mind atm.
ah yeah hapatra's mark as well huh. hmm, well 12 might be enough then...
Out of curiosity, what creature do need to protect badly enough that you'd dump 12 cards of your deck into doing it?
Not to mention having to play around censor already.
I dunno I had an idea for a meme deck where you just control the board, draw a lot, and try to semi-boggle it up with a walking ballista + kefnet
but its probably shit since there's no hexproofing enchantments and devoting 12+ cards that can just get censored or w/e is not a smart play most likely. but a man can dream
Pretty sure Boggles only works when the creatures have built-in hexproof. It's harder for you to get 2-for-1'd if the creature can't be targeted in response to their cast, and you don't need to keep mana open to protect your guys.
And gatherer advanced search isn't difficult to use. Just use the "format" option rather than trying to look at each set.
you lose the strongest parts of the deck so you may as well just build a completely new deck focused around monument.
Maybe metallic mimic call warriors and make all the tokens 2/2 but still not sure how you win
Playing U/W Pharoh Gift with a few changes. Can have the turn 4 nut draw refurbish tons of redundancy to get Gates if you need em. 50% win rate over two Friendly MTGO leagues most losses to land screw because i was milling and Glint-nesting too much for two land hands.
no, it wont
If I have a 8/4 Enigma Drake and my opponent has 9 health, does playing Fling on it do 8 or 9 damage? Basically, does a spell hit the graveyard before or after it does its effects?
The card has to be in the graveyard, so its effect will have resolved, been countered, whatever. Enigma drake would die before it sees Fling in the graveyard.
In your example, prowess would work, however.
Fair enough, thanks.
help a new comer - why are a lot of energy deck running vehicles when every other decks runs abrade?
Just looking at what we have in the blocks not rotating, I tried making this. It's got a warrior tribal focus with the mimics, token generation, and a focus on enhancing the tokens for the win.
So far it lacks a really powerful wincon card like Avacyn or the Abbey though.
>So far it lacks a really powerful wincon card like Avacyn or the Abbey though.
Yeah thats why I'm not sure it's even worth doing, the only reason the deck is strong is because westvale and militia captian abuse the token spam, nothing KAL/AKH blocks support tokens so I'm not sure it's even worth it.
Maybe some meme deck with aviary mechanic and some ETB cards but it's probably best to just look for another build to go with.
I guess oketra does work pretty well with her monument but that would be your only win con.
because vehicles are a bonus on top of energy, energy is stupid good by itself, if you lose a vehicle, oh darn... I still have a creature...
What did he mean by this?
Help me /standard/ I am new and suck at actually making a cohesive deck.
I came up with an idea that no one has used just yet, but I can't quite figure out how to execute it effectively. I've got this problem where I want to do too many things and I end up clogging my deck with singletons. I'm just now barely learning how to use a sideboard.
This deck is supposed to be centered around doling out curses and eventually running the opponent out of cards to play and forcing them to pay life until they die. I just can't find the right balance of cards to do this well. Any ideas? I have more copies of almost every card in this deck.
Bontu is not good in general, replace it with better stuff
Could use trial of solidarity as a win condition though it's useless after a boardwipe making it rather weak overall.
you're in luck, MTG just did a deck tech on mono black curse.
If anything use this as a strong base for what you're trying to do, just remember some things from this build are rotating soon but the core and game plan all stay.
Only expensive card is fatal push but honestly if you're going to play black you kind of need them anyways, guess you could use some more high cost replacement but the card is a staple and will stay around for awhile.
I thought Fatal Push was rotating in September. For some reason I thought it was in Innistrad block.
Oh neat, this does help a bit more. Thanks for pointing me to this.
Nope, it's Kaladesh block. But it's too expensive for me at the moment, which really sucks.
1x Neheb, the Worthy
2x Night Market Lookout
2x Khenra Scrapper
4x Ahn-Crop Crasher
4x Cursed Minotaur
4x Tattered Mummy
1x Firebrand Archer
1x Flameblade Adept
1x Torment of Hailfire
1x Incendiary Flow
2x Instult//Injury
3x Renegade Tactics
2x Tormenting Voice
3x Shock
3x Hungry Flames
1x Flame Lash
2x Throne of the God-Pharaoh
1x Consuming Fervor
10x Swamp
10x Mountain
Went 5-5 last week, want to replace the mummies with flameblade adepts or firebrand archers.
Can Gonti, Lord of Luxury steal (and cast!) a land card?
If you have a Scarab God and opponent has a God-Pharaoh's Gift, can you wait until after GPG's ability is triggered to use TSG's ability on the card that GPG was targeting? And since TSG's spell is on top, you essentially "steal" the card from them?
>The ability of God-Pharaoh’s Gift doesn’t target the creature card you’ll exile. You choose one as the ability resolves. No player may take actions between the time you choose a creature card to exile and the time you create the token.
From the link to the card on MTGs page
>An effect that instructs you to “cast” a card doesn’t allow you to play lands.
Same main site just gontis page
You could have figured out both of these quicker than it took you to solve the captcha if you used the worlds most well known search engine.
>68 cards
That's your first problem.
If you don't know what you're doing, you're better off net decking and learning how a well built deck functions, and why it works the way it does instead of trying to build some jank with no experience.
>But it's too expensive for me at the moment, which really sucks.
If $10 is too expensive for you then you're going to have problems playing anything remotely playable.
>And since TSG's spell is on top
It's an activated ability, not a spell.
>solve the captcha
Veeky Forums pass my poverty stricken friendo
Are there any good budget decks in standard right now I just moved and magic is pretty much all I can do for fun.
Bonus points if it's got red in it
>dude just pay money rather than using your brain and inconveniencing yourself for 3 seconds
Scarecrow tribal will one day rule the commander meta.
>scarecrow tribal
m8 this is /standard/
Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong door, the EDH thread is two blocks down.