Are you ready to queer your setting Veeky Forums? There is an active and organised movement to make table top games go full SJW. Get ready to roll on the gender expression table to be a standard part of character creation.
Are you ready to queer your setting Veeky Forums...
My settings are always been queer, my dear /po/ish friend.
I guess it kinda comes from my background in classical education. A god that DOESN'T fuck anything that moves and is cute sounds weird as hell to me. And you gotta have homo soldiers.
>join the creators of Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and blah blah
DnD is for faggots, what's new?
They had this at Gencon last year as well. These industry panels are pretty cancerous. But what Said. It is your own damn fault for having shit taste and playing D&D/Pathfinder in the first place.
The article is about the 2017 event, but they are using the 2014 video to promote it.
>see options for sexuality and gender identity on character sheet
Is that so hard.
Fuck off nigga take you're culture war bullshit elsewhere
This is the enemy. Hate these faggots with all your might, for they will destroy tabletop gaming if you let them.
wtf is this now? is the SJW movement just a secret decades-long conspiracy to reorder the alphabet?
Or just ignore them like
would have you do and see them do to table top what they have been trying to do to vidya. Hope everyone is ready for their LGS to become a marxist safe space where white males aren't welcome.
I always wondered about the sauce of that pic
Literally name one place vidya related that is as you described.
Anyone who says "cis" in real life deserves a pencil in the neck
>Hope everyone is ready for their LGS to become a marxist safe space where white males aren't welcome.
Ah, because that's becoming prevalent within video gaming, right? If you really think that's the goal they're reaching towards, you haven't been listening. Or you've been listening to 14 year old girls on Tumblr's radical take on a very well-intended movement.
Come on now. You know gay men are misogynistic.
9/10 people playing DnD are white sneaker wearing, will wheaton watching, comic con attending, redditors anyways.
If they add gender bender options It'd finally be the perfect quarantine zone.
Real humans play better games.
Real answer, since they rely on group identity politics and the top of their hierarchies are based on which group is the most oppressed, they have a never ending need to sub divide into smaller and more fragmented parts to secure their position in the movement. The ones who don't get attacked for basically not being queer enough.
You can already do anything you want in tabletop. Why is pushing the "queer" "diverse" narrative important?