/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General

Reanimation Protocols Edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It' set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.0.0) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.2.15) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.13) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Previous Thread: What's the single most corruption-inducing thing you've ever witnessed in a session?

first for people who use homebrew are fags

Alright, this is hopefully the final draft of the resurrection ritual. Comments, suggestions, and criticism welcome.

>What's the single most corruption-inducing thing you've ever witnessed in a session?
Well, one of my players firebombed a school once.

So, I'm relatively new to TTRPGs(I've played roughly 10 sessions of Pathfinder) and played my first Deathwatch game on Saturday. I have a few questions:

>Tips for playing a Space Wolf runepriest?
>Are knowledge skills worth it? I picked up Warp and Psyker.
>And this one is more specific to roll20 than to DW itself. If I upgrade a characteristic (Weapon Skill) to simple, which is +5, do I add that 5 to my characteristic or do I just select simple from the drop down? I can't tell if that +5 was actually added for when I make rolls.

>roll20 question
You should BOTH select and add. Selection is for reminding whether you still can advance that, addition makes the characteristic work.

>Tips for playing a Space Wolf runepriest?
Similar to a druid, or the seer from Vikings. Rune Priests have a close relationship with the spirit of their home planet, and their powers primarily concern natural phenomena.

>Are knowledge skills worth it? I picked up Warp and Psyker.
Not always in DW, but those two are pretty useful. If you're picking up lores, always try to stick to ones that will help with learning more about potential enemies.

>You should BOTH select and add.
Ok, that does make sense. I was thinking about it earlier today.

>Similar to a druid
Awesome, ok, I played a druid in Pathfinder. And I do know a fair amount of 40k lore.
>If you're picking up lores, always try to stick to ones that will help with learning more about potential enemies.
That's what I was thinking. I was thinking about grabbing Traitor Legions at some point too.

This might be a bit meta, but you could also ask your GM what sorts of enemies you'll be facing this campaign. Not asking for anything too specific like Emperor's Children or T'au, but just general stuff like Chaos or Xenos to help ensure you don't pick up lores that end up being useless.

Well, we have currently killed a bunch of Alpha Legion sleeper agents (they wore the Hydra of the Legion, but weren't Space Marines) and the ship we are investigating suffered a Gellar shield failure.

I would say having to roll a mutation or malignancy and rerolling if it is a mental condition for Mind and Soul, but that is just me.

>What's the single most corruption-inducing thing you've ever witnessed in a session?
My Thousand Sons Sorcerer bound a daemon to a rhino and then fed some of our crew to it.
Craig was best rhino

Is there even any space to use a daemonengine rhino as a transport or did you just use it to kill things on it's own?

Fixed some of the issues that was pointed out to me during the last thread, but they should all be fixed now

Yes to both but using him as a transport required some coercing.

What program are people using to make homebrew stuff look nice like this? Why isn't Shas using it?

>What's the single most corruption-inducing thing you've ever witnessed in a session?

My Astropath once looked directly at the Navigator by accident when he opened his Warp Eye to explode some Orks.

Population numbers look more reasonable now for a mining operation.

I use OpenOffice. It's not the most user-friendly program in the world, but it definitely gets the job done. I've thought about making tutorials on how to make shit like this and putting them on 1d4chan or YouTube or something, but idk if there's enough interest in this sort of thing.

Good to know that is ok, anything else that needs to be added/changed. I am editing right now since I noticed as I posted it that I forgot to include an F in Firefangs

Basic climate type? Seems pretty complete to me.

I guess I can add something like this:
>climate: temperate

Any advice for making sure games go smoothly and stuff doesn't get bogged down?


Have everybody read the book at least twice and know the damn rules.

Alright, finaly fixed all the mistakes, and it should be good to go now

Do it man. I've got a big ol' document of homebrew that I've posted a few times in the past, but I'd love to see how you do it, indesign is a pain in the arse.

Dark Imperium? What is that?

>My Astropath once looked directly at the Navigator by accident
Aren't astropaths blind?

>opened his Warp Eye

They have a psychic sight thing going on.

They have psychic sight

So him looking at the Navigator's eye was even worse than it normally would be

It's the part of the imperium that was cut off from terra by the great warp rift (what used to be the eye of terror, which expanded across the galaxy to the edges of the tau empire). Basically everything in segmentum obscurus and the crap bits of ultima segmentum.

Is there a regiment sheet for Only War, or is that something I'd have to make myself?

In DH 2nd ed, does evasion count for all the hits of Lightning Attack or do you just evade one hit and you have to take the rest?

Time for a trial for one of my players accused of heresy, The inquisitor is allowing a trial instead of just blamming him on a whim, what Kind of fun can be had here.

Degrees of success vs. hits landed.

Counter-accusations of heresy

Is R'Myr (I assume you mean R'Myr) still around? I haven't lurked on this forum in YEARS.

can anyone direct me to a place i can get only war can find it anywhere.

also can some tell me how to kill my players in DH2 using the rules.

you could just make some demons

also the books in the firsts post

Make them fight a bloodthirster.

SeeThere are links for the PDFs in the first post of the thread.
If they don't work, there are alternative links listed in the first post of the 40k general.

1- the mega trove R tard

2- you are clearly new so it is probably hard to think of how to kill your players. so I'll get into it by opening with.
>The players shouldn't die because of YOU
>they should die because of THEIR actions.

now for example

1- party is on a lead of a possible cult, tracking their target through the "streets" of an underhive. they move through some alleyways the players making it a point to keep moving forward, lest they lose the person they are following. eventually they find themselves in a small courtyard, not trying to waste anytime they push forward trying to keep there eyes open, but still moving quickly.

after they fail an awareness test, they are hit with several flashbangs and are stunned, it's an ambush!

R1 the gangers get a surprise round, two cultists manning a salvaged heavy stubber surpress the group, while they don't do any damage all but one of them fail their pinning test. another 3 gangers use autoguns with half aim semi auto bursts with focused fire and catching the PC's out of cover manage to down 2 of them.

R2 the pc's are stunned from the grenades 1 manages to get out of stun and fire their weapon at the gangers they are being supressed so they fail

The heavy stubber supresses again and actually wounds and downs another pc

2 pc's left

the other 3 gangers fire and down another

1 left

last pc goes and tries to throw a grenade rolls a 100 and blows himself up

the pc's die because of their own actions, they didn't think before they moved, they didn't take into account that they had earlier failed to mask their presence well, and were quite stupid you don't need to throw deamons or anything, gangers with flamers and autoguns can kill almost any party no matter how well equipped.

But how much ERP can you have in your 40k rpgs is the real question?

As much as you want unless if you are incapable of the RP part of ERP.

Yeah, he shows up from time to time.

Reading through The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion, Dark Angels seem to be really lackluster in comparison to the other Legions. Is this an oversight or just because Angelus isn't out yet and there aren't enough details on Crusade era Dangels yet?

>Is this an oversight or just because Angelus isn't out yet and there aren't enough details on Crusade era Dangels yet?

Probably the latter. The rules the do have were sorta "that'll shut them em" filler stuff they came up with while figuring out was to pad out the Heresy farther.

They're described in-book as swordsmen and the solo mode shows this, but the advances are all about being jack of all trades, with the reasoning that they are the original legion. All it does it make them moderately shit at everything. Too bad Angelus is like a year away.

I'm reading through Kingsblade at the moment and on of the first passages describes and "industrial trade terminus". Do you guys know where I should be looking if I want to find out more about trade and industry in the Imperium?

Do you guys have a quick and dirty way to handle diplomatic meetings in RT ? Do you use the rules in Into te Storm, or something else altogether ?

Starting a game of Dark Heresy soon, and ended up rolling an Adepta Sororita. Do I have to basically be a righteous bitch the whole time to RP them effectively?

Varies a lot depending on who, when, where and why. What kind of meeting are you looking to have user? Who are the parties involved?

Necromunda, Dark Heresy 1st edition have a lot of info, but it's scattered.

Ok, little backstory. It's a campaign where the Rogue Trader and his trusty second-in-command (a voidmaster) are looking for a shorter warp route to Damaris, using the warp current from Footfall to Dolorium (which takes 6 days). They are doing system hopping and sometimes encounter older human colonies, and xenos that aren't always hostile.

I'm looking forward to get them in touch with exodite eldars, and a human colony founded around the time of Drusus.

thanks, I'll give them a look

You're a power armored nun with a flamethrower/Bolter basically so, yes. Just don't ruin other people's fun.


They've finally licensed out new RPG books for 40k? Great!

What are the chances they change things up dramatically?

What things are you talking about?
It's a whole different system.

It's a different game system, made by the guy who made DH, RT and DW. d6 pool based from what I know.
Prepare for untold disappointment.

Yeah, I still see him around from time to time

>d6 pool based
Dammit, I like the percentile system. It makes things a lot simpler and smoother, imo

I liked playing with the d100 system, but it had it's own glaring flaws the more I ran games with it.
It seems like we are stuck in a RPG system limbo and need a new system to grab hold. This holds true for all RPGs, no real innovation has happened in the most popular ones outside of... 4th ed DnD?
Even then it's all the same shit.

Is he a psyker?

>party getting questioned by sector government for heresy
>they have a psyker in the room when my telepath enters
>they start asking shit about if I felt a taint at this warpfire pool a few missions ago
>I ain't feel shit son
>"and why's that?"
>they super think I've gone chaos
>"my will is too strong to be influenced..."
>their psyker's trying to get into my mind
>son I been pilfering minds far stronger than yours I think I know how to block that shit
>block that shit
>proceed to blow up in a rant about how their psyker should stick to his own mind
>resist the urge to start fucking with their minds
>they essentially kick me out of the meeting

>tfw unsanctioned and actually have Tainted Psyker
>but the sector governance can't touch my mind and have no proof or evidence
Can anyone say next Tzeentch sorcerer?

It's definitely the latter. White scars and blood angels are in the same boat, but at least the WS havent changed much and the BA have ripper mode.

I'm working on a Vietnam-style Imperial Guard regiment that likes to outsmart their enemies and are steadily falling to Tzeentch, what are some nasty tricks they can use on their enemies and/or the party?
I'm talking booby traps, comms sabotage, hiding grenades under bodies, that kind of thing

Dummy radios wired with explosives to discourage battlefield looting by the locals.

Hope your characters don't mind offing kids.

So, there are no Eldar anywhere that worship chaos, right?
Are they just so psychically potent that the moment their souls are vulnerable, whichever chaos god is on hand just instantly devours them?
Or does Slaanesh have a claim to all Eldar souls?

see I luckily was able to resist the damage, but for an Astropath it's like staring at the sun through a magnifying glass.

Slaanesh claims all Eldar souls. The moment one turns to Chaos they're slurped up like a soup dumpling.

I hope the new game references Calixis somehow, especially if it's further in the timeline

There are brief mentions in some of the older books that there are a few eldar that turn to active chaos worship, and that the ones that do end up becoming some of the most powerful servants of the gods around. But unless I've missed something that was only ever a single line that got thrown into some of the core rulebooks in passing and never expanded upon further.
There are also other mentions of some eldar still somehow surviving on the old eldar worlds in the eye of terror who've naturally become corrupted, but again I don't think it's ever been discussed in detail.

In short, not impossible, but if you're going to include them you'll be making everything up yourself.


Follow up questions:
Do chaos legions have navigators, or are their ships guided and protected by their respective powers? Are there entire fallen navigator houses?

Do any beastmen that fall to tzeentch become tzaangors, or is there a specific breed that the thousand sons use?

Tzaangors are native to the Thousand Sons' homeworld.

What's a good system choice for running a necromunda style game where the players are all gang members?

I don't know a ton about the different systems and the power of characters in them but I was thinking of what I know dark heresy would be the most appropriate (given it has a lower starting power for hte players) however I'm concerned that even that may be too much given that DH characters can start with lasguns and flak armor if they like, both kind of rarer commodities among hive gangs.

Is there an alternative system I'm not thinking of that might be more appropriate? Should I tweak the gear a bit? Should I just switch things up a bit with the gangs' access to tech ("hey turns out its not too odd for a hive ganger to have a lasgun...just hold on to it tightly")

I'll take pretty much any advice I've only run like 2-3 games total among all of the 40k rpgs.

>What's the single most corruption-inducing thing you've ever witnessed in a session?
summoning a Pink Horror.
3/5 PCs in my BC group avoid that shit like the plague.

A missionary has spent too much time on a feral world and has gone a little native. What are some behaviors/beliefs/items he brings when the crew picks him up?

Dark Heresy 1 no question

Blood sacrifice
Wearing primitive clothing
Carrying fetishes/totems
Prefers melee, especially primitive or mono- weapons
Stops cutting his hair/styles it in a Mohawk or topknot
Can make a meal out of any part of an animal, and enjoys it

Occassionally calls the Emperor "Lord Beyond The Stars" or "Master of Meh-Tal".
Has to wear his purity-seal Bandanna at all times.
Keeps wondering why unmarried women haven't been eaten by phrox-cats.
When purging ship of mutants, insists each one be buried in the ships plumbing so the water will purify their souls.
Once re-learning the beauty of guns, actually prefers lasguns to flamers now, as 'fire is too precious to waste'.
Once reintroduced to civilised food, declares all spices to be heresy, but quickly develops a sugar addiction.
Asks tech-priest to convert 15 tribesmen friends heads, in the form of shrunken heads, to servo-skulls.

>he's learned from the natives how to induce a ritualistic state of trance, where he may commune with the Emperor more directly than ever before
>chanting and dancing is now a regular part of his prayers, as well as the sacrifice of foodstuff and livestock
>has taken up the practice of venerating ancestor spirits
>strongly believes in malign spirits now
>avoids bragging about abundance or good fortune - all good things come from the Emperor, and he can take them back just as easy, so it's best not to remind him
>has a keen eye and specific rituals to determine if witchcraft is afoot, and find witches

smokes and constantly smells like what is obviously pot but insists it's some sort of spiritual incense

wears a kilt made out of something unsavory everywhere, no matter what

pulls his fallen foes teeth and wears them on necklaces

tattoos and piercings, lots of piercings

does the rain dance indoors and causes it to rain... indoors

finds imperial food extremely bland compared to the wild cat and rhino he normally ate

believes alcohol is the source of all possession

doesn't cut his finger or toe nails and hasn't in whats obviously some time

randomly just shouts random ass syllables, claims it's devotional

will kill anyone that attempts to take his machete or some odd ass coin with someone on it only he knows who it is, apparently a patron saint against venus man traps

constantly covers himself in motor oil, claims the fluid and subsuquent zits purify the soul


Here's an interest check on how many of y'all would like to play Black Crusade on Mondays or Wednesdays EST Evenings

Would like to, cant.


How late in the evenings? My job may or may not keep me out until 9-10 EST, but after that I'm game.

Speed-read Gaunt's Ghosts for ideas?

>the system where you can end up as a full-blown Vindicare within a couple sessions

Yeah, no. DH2e has a much lower starting level and characters build up pretty slow if you drip-feed XP. Much more indicative of gang members, hell our 2e party even posed as a gang for a mission once.

are they in any of the megas?

>Lower starting level
I don't agree with that as starting 1e characters start with 400 exp while 2e starts with 1000 and condensed skills (and some talents) mean that a few skills are worth 2 or 3 of 1e skills along with a wider range of weapons being usable.

Would be interested, but work may get in the way (casual job). Would me being missing every now and then be too much of a problem or would you have the numbers that it would be okay? If it's on the Wednesday I doubt work would get in the way much at all anyway.

I'm busy monday and wednesday nights until september starts

XP all works differently in the two systems though you can't really compare it like that. Characteristic increases can be so expensive in 2e and the Char max at chargen being 40 is so low, that I always find myself sinking the majority of that 1000 into Characteristics and having less than 400 to spend on talents. You backgrounds etc also give you so little, out of chargen you'll end up with just two weapons, generally autogun/autopistol, you have to use at least one equipment acquisition on armour, and you'll have maybe 2 or 3 talents, if you're lucky.

DH1e gives you a lot more shit at chargen and characters build up much quicker.
>a few skills are worth 2 or 3 of 1e skills
Sure, but skills and talents in your advancement table in 1e are cheap as chips.
>a wider range of weapons being usable
Wut, have you actually played 2e? You start off with rubbish weapons and getting better ones is all a case of the GM giving them to you, because you can't just save up dosh to buy them.


so, uh...
the fuck is this?

Just uploading it here for someone else, pay it no mind.

Mixtape.moe you schlong

Dark Heresy looks cool and all, but can it wargame?

No, and as that would be directly fucking with a GW subsudiary, its gonna stay that way. I already burned a Mediafire account on this, not burning my MEGA by poking that particular bear.