My game group is tired of D&D 5e (we moved from 3.5 to 5) and would like to try a different fantasy RPG that isn't D&D. What do you recommend?
My game group is tired of D&D 5e (we moved from 3.5 to 5) and would like to try a different fantasy RPG that isn't D&D...
Iron Claw
How not-D&D do you want it to be?
Op here. Less crunchy; were combat doesn't take as long.
That leaves a lot.
Apocalypse World (AW: Fallen Empires if you want fantasy), Ryuutama, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Tenra Bansho Zero, Dungeonslayers, Shinobigami, Beyond the Wall, Make You Kingdom, Reign, Nechronica, Old School Hack, Ironclaw, Dogs in the Vineyard, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and Maid RPG, just off the top of my head.
Why not make your own? Its not hard to amass the creativity required, in fact the most fun DnDs I've had have been winging it.
I would recommend checking out Dark Ages WoD, WHFRP 2e, REIGN, and, though I wouldn't say it's less crunchy than DnD, Anima.
Whaaaaaat I literally came here to ask this very question. Are there any fantasy TRPGs that have fun, engaging combat? I'm the DM and even I'm bored of 5e.
Dark Ages World of Darkness, Burning Wheel, Savage Worlds if you like pulpy action.
Crypts & Things Remastered: A rules light osr. It's more swords and sorcery than epic fantasy but the magic system is fantastically dangerous and the setting is totally heavy metal. It's also easy to hack and has some neat sanity rules as well as no saving throws for spells. Deadly!
Yojimbo Rpg: The best version of Sanguine Ironclaw system. It's set in furry Japan, nice dicepool combat. Lethal but resolves fast.
Lone Wolf (Cubicle 7): Extremely streamlined d10 + skill and chart mechanic. Combat resolves very fast because attacker and defender resolve simultaneously. DM never rolls. Books are superb. It's meant to be an introductory game but the expansions have some very needs character creation and rules additions! Nice setting!
Symbaorum: Dark fantasy d20 roll under stat mechanics. No GM rolls. Books are phenomenal. Lots of stuff out there, serious setting.
Heroquest: Evolution of BRP d100. Good combat and good adaptability. It has a Glorantha setting version if you want more fluff/supplements.
On the same lines Stormbringer 5th ed: amazing setting and interesting mechanics. Epic games this way come!
Dragon Warriors: Great medieval rpg. PDF is free ATM.
O.L.D. - the fantasy bit of the Enworld system. It's fairly new but it seems very interesting.
2nd edition is the master race.
A Chimneysweep, A dung-collector, a boatman, a peasant, and a vagabond too poor to afford vowels... The World's last Heroes!
As per Warhammer Fantasy rules, you must have either some pox-marks, warts, moles, or other nasty facial feature OR ELSE YOU ARE A CHAOS WORSHIPPER AND CONSORTED WITH DEMONS TO GET PERFECT BEAUTY!
"How can you tell that guy is the local Lord?"
"He isn't covered in shit."
Welcome to Warhammer Fantasy! Where you can pray to our Lord Sigmar and proceed to shit out your guts due to the Empire's rich supply of Typhus! Or pass out in the mud after fucking a prostitute! Or go for a walk in the woods, only to get ambushed and horribly tortured/raped by Beastmen! Female character? You're now carrying the seed of the Beast, so good luck raising your Mutant rape baby!
Seconding Burning Wheel. You can make combat be as short or long as you want it to be. It's also dicepool based, not D20, so you get better probability curves. It's a good system and has amazing character creation
>OP wants a game where combat doesn't take as long as 5e
>suggest Dark Ages WoD
>roll attack
>defender roll dodge
>roll damage
>roll soak
That's not even splitting actions. Now, its been a very long time since I played a WoD game but I remember combat taking a fucking eternity. Way longer than rollling a d20.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition
Alternatively, play ZWEIHANDER
Ragnarok Fate of the Norns. Fuck dice.
Don't listen to all these losers recommend WFRP, playing as Shitfuckers Inc isn't fun. Get yourself some SenZar.
BFRPG. It's basically Basic D&D, but with some modern modifications, like ascending AC and no race-as-class (although there are restrictions and elves can still take "combination classes" to recreate their Basic gimmick of being fighters and magic-users at the same time). It's not very crunchy at all, combat is usually an indicator that you fucked up, very easily hackable, and the hardest part of converting any pre-2e D&D/D&D-based resource is converting the AC.
Also, it and the various resources made for it are free at the official webpage
Ignore this flaming faggot and set up Warhammer Fantasy 2nd edition with the lads and watch your party of shit-ridden peasants rank up to Demon-slaying, Witch-Hunting, Vampire-Killing badasses in the name of our True Lord Sigmar.
Also, Chaos games are a thing. So call up some servants of darkness and the drunken forest degenerates (Beastmen) and have a second game where you rock the Old World for the Dark Gods!
Cublicle7 has put 2e up on DTRPG after getting control of the license, which was pretty decent of them.
Correction, pre-3e.
The Cortex Plus systems (Firefly, Marvel Heroic, Leverage) each do some pretty interesting things and run at a pretty fast pace. I know terms like "cinematic" get thrown around a lot to the point of losing meaning, but I feel like those games have actually earned the label.
They do take a lot of dice to play because you'll sometimes use them as tokens while also rolling dice pools.
If you like Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader are quite fun, and if you like Warhammer Fantasy there's WHFRP 2e which I haven't had the pleasure of playing. But as you can see in this thread, there are a lot of strong positive opinions about it.
Technoir is an neo-noir cyberpunk RPG fueled by a mechanic where important story elements are somewhat randomized based on pools associated with the city where the game's taking place. Basically the GM is playing their own storytelling game that the group navigates together. Almost like if you fused Fiasco with another RPG. Very unconventional, but I had a lot fun both running it and playing it.
Golden Sky Stories
I've recently played The Dark Eye and it was way more fun than it has any right to be.
Just make your own system and tailor it to your lore. Isn't that what most people here do?
Reign is fucking super fun if your gm is any good
Dungeon Crawl Classics.