>do an all monster campaign tring to tackle themes of imperialism and colonialist Europe
>player tries to make it about his monster fetish.
What do i do tg?
>do an all monster campaign tring to tackle themes of imperialism and colonialist Europe
>player tries to make it about his monster fetish.
What do i do tg?
Tell him politely yet firmly to leave
midground would be how imperialism directly affects local prostitution. What could go wrong?
On a more serious note, did you tell the player what the theme was before they joined?
Nope, he did not XD
Granted it a nice concept if done well
Realize that there were a great deal of europeans with fetishes for other races throughout history, and work the Player's fetish into the overarching narrative.
x d
Well, the thing is. I go in with the loose feel of what i want, and try to give hints as my resolve to do that thing grows stronger and atronger.
My players are not the best i admit. But i do like them as people. I made it very clear recently. And the guy tries to shoehorn gnolls and kobolds into everything
I do the same with orcs. But thats only because i wanted to try doing something interesting with them beyond making them a proud warrior race. And also the fact they're very underappreciated.
Kobolds, gnolls and lizardfolk - don't forget the lizardfolk
I tried to avoid making one to one comparisons to real cultures, but the one who appears to be posting here now was always making suggestions i didnt want to do, and insisted on doing them.
He made rolls when i didnt tell him to. And insisting he succeeded. When i made it very clear i didn't permit the roll.
I try to be the 'never say no' kind of gm, but its becoming harder
Yea, as we both are GMs, we can clash as we play.
Sounds gay. His fetish is probably more interesting.
Yeah, but that one is not related to any one race
Maybe it should be about races that don't fall into that category at all?
Why not avoid those three at all?
Prior to knowing how bad itd get. I let him make a lizard and a gnoll, he insisted on two characters
Get a better campaign idea.
>I try to be the 'never say no' kind of gm, but its becoming harder
The player should respect the word of the GM.
If he is doing this kind of shit, he is being a fucktard and needs to be pulled aside and told to knock it off.
Honestly, introduce him to the unfortunaties of Colonialism.
Have him sold into slavery, gelded and branded, then sold back to the group.
That was done already - character lost an arm and a leg.
One problem on GMs side is the fact there is this DMPC who is much better off then any other member of the party
Reading through the thread it sounds like you need some more experience (which you'll get through DMing and reading through various articles, guides, and what-not-to-do threads) and your player is an obnoxious shithead who needs to learn that the player is not in charge.
Throw him a romance subplot for his fapping later.
Idea is good - just hard to find some players that are not "Core fags"
Thats not true. He's been cut out of the campaign for some time now.
Ouch - I know that I am annoying, but it's still hard to be a player then you are forever GM most of the time, need to get out of the habit really
And secondly, hes the only direct combatant in what's meant to be a very violent campaign.
Ask him to stop. If he does not stop then uninvite him from the campaign.
If you are the player, you need to tone down your salt.
No one at any point has mentioned this "dmpc", and you are throwing it out as a red herring to get people to not focus on how much of a shitter you are. People who actually play and run rpgs know that dmpcs are not inherently a bad thing.
Stop being a dick. I've dealt with people like you, and they rarely learn until they are taken aside and have the ways they fail listed out to them with a firm warning that the next fuck up will be their last.
Then they get booted.
Which I am glad off - I like the characters your brought in....Now to get out of bad habbits myself...Gonna return to playing the support based characters....And should probably just start a doc for suggestions instead of writting them down in the chat...
Damn right you need to get out of the habit, sit down and listen to the DM. Ask if you can roll for certain things, and if the DM says no you shut the fuck up.
I would rather play a fetish game than hamfisted white hate. White man leave blacks many treasures that Chinese didn't get yet Chinese still richer than black lands.
My dmpc has almost died more than the other characters, because i fear our dear monster fucker may get offended if i kill one of his off.
For a while that DMPC was a bit anyoing, but now I noticed he started running them much better so good work on that
Lao Yang would make a great cleric of a morally uptight, disapproving god.
I think I just got a new character idea.
Annoying how?
The typical Veeky Forums manner where they exist? The further typical manner where they did anything at all or prevented the pcs from doing something irredeemably dumb?
The worst part is - I do argue but I love the game and the GM, I just had this habit due to some terrible early roleplay experiences (Which I am only started getting over with)
Make whatever excuses you want, it only makes you look like an immature piece of shit.
Do what you're supposed to do as a player or stop playing. Simple.
He was the onky one actually useful in a fight
Because the monsger fucker is a fan of making very weak characters.
And ojr bard is of a support build.
Hey, Veeky Forums what cultures would befit filborg? triton? Any other of rare "monster" races with interesting uses?
Make your own thread for this.
There is an easy solution to all this:
1: Fetishes at the table suck. Knock it off. No, I don't care how tingly it makes your dick, you do that shit in private or not at all. No, at the table with a handful of friends does NOT count as "private." Seriously, this is the kind of shit that gets you blacklisted from IRL parties.
2: DMPCs suck. No exceptions. All too often, a GM running a character is going to be less effective at running the world they're in charge of due to the conflict of interests. If the GM wants to be a player, ask if anyone else wants to try being the GM, even just to try it.
>trying to """tackle themes""" of """imperialism""" and """colonialist Europe"""
If the players don't give a fuck then you can't do anything about it because you're not going to be """tackling""" anything on your own as a DM. Go write a fucking novel instead.
>If the GM wants to be a player, ask if anyone else wants to try being the GM, even just to try it.
You are making (the usual player based) assumption that dmpcs are there because the dm wants to play a pc out of choice, rather than the vagaries of necessity due to group size/composition.
I have seen a single dmpc that fits into your logic, but plenty that were there merely to cover an end the pcs lacked, almost always either in combat healing or out of combat face.
What is up with the bad /pol/ memers?
No one is biting, and you'd think they'd stop trying after the first 3 times.
>cleric of an earth god
>summons boulders to smash nigger-kobolds for being lazy
I actually just watched this. I thought it was darkly funny how upset the black guy gets with him when he says that, but that he can't come up with a retort. He just stares off into the distance and shakes his head.
>forgot pic
It was at that moment that Eddy realized how retarded his countrymen are
I genuinely wonder how long the Chinese will be able to stick it out in Africa. Last I heard many of the companies (including CREC) had been shipping in Chinese laborers because it was the only way they could finish anything on time and to spec.
At some point they'll just be actual colonists living in Africa, and then there will be a war and the Chinese will realize why Europe doesn't go back there anymore.
The Chinese don't give a fuck, unlike whites. If the Chinese had to quell colonial uprisings they'd make Leopold II look like Santa Claus. You have to realize that the Chinese have been oppressed for so long, going from the Manchus, to the Japs, then to Mao, that any empathy has been culturally ground out of them.
Real shame that the nationalists win.
Its true, the group has two supports and a mystic. They need a warrior.
What was your motivation for running this game? It sounds on the surface like it's a cheap excuse for political soapboxing, which is no more valid of a pastime than magical realm fetish-fuel.
My motivation was just to run a monster game, the idea evolved naturally over time
You both are terrible.
Then why does it bother you that a member of your party chose his own direction in an initially-directionless game? Do the other players mind that player? Maybe the group doesn't like your political game and is trying to subvert it intentionally.
>Real shame that the nationalists win
Can you explain what you mean by this? Like the Nationalists who ended up on Taiwan?
Its not a political game.
Its a game that takes the side of those who are usually the villains.
>Like the Nationalists who ended up on Taiwan?
During the early 1900's China was in a massively bloody civil war until the Japanese invaded in the 30's. During the war the nationalists fought hard against the japs, while the communists hid in the mountains and gathered strength. After the Japs were defeated the Communists led by Mao came down, swept the whole country and took over.
Then Mao took over and ran one of the most brutal regimes in all of history, tied with Stalin but even crazier. He centralized the economy and ran it into the ground, which created famines that killed millions. Anyone who was a political enemy was gulagged, and when he was losing power in the 60's he started the "cultural revolution" to reconsolidate his power.
Basically he reignited communist zeal among the youth and told them to kill their teachers and destroy ancient Chinese culture. It was a reign of terror where gangs of teenagers would beat or kill anyone they deemed "counter revolutionary". The Red Guards even smashed up the tomb of Confucius.
China was in a hole that the Reds dug even deeper.
Taiwan on the other hand turned into a well developed, free, and westernized country. It's close to the top of the HDI and economic freedom indexes. If they had held onto the whole country China probably wouldn't've turned into the cyberpunk dystopia that it is today.
The colonialists?
Not the other guy, but I am interested in your setting. Give me some details about it, how did the monsters and magic come to be?
He probably just meant to say "didn't win"
I don't think either side could really be said to be pro-ancient chinese culture.
Yes... don't forget to KILL the lizardfolk.
I feel like the KMT had better feelings about it since they didn't give anyone who wanted to practice the old ways a free trip to the firing squad.
Tell him politely but firmly to cut that shit out, if he fails to do so, repeat the process but tell him to leave, instead.
Or just turn it into a fetish campaign
I don't even know anymore
Gaston turns up and rapes him every time he tries.
Well , magic is more or less just a thing that exists. Its nit necessarily common to be able to harness it. And even rarer to be able to harness it without taking the proper steps.
There are very few war mages running about, and most are monsters of various tribes and religions. Among the 'civil' races magic is used almost purely in a scholastic manner.
As per where monster come from. Well the freator god made the planes of existance, followed by the next steps such as land, skies, water, animals etcetera , then before going to sleep. Created the primary races of the planes.
From there it was chaos. Until the first adventurer came to be. (1\?)
You are making (yet another Veeky Forums classic) assumption that a game that has ANY political leanings must be some manner of soapboxing, rather than an attempt to place players in a time of great motion.
I don't actually comprehend what is wrong with people like you that must assume the absolute worst about anything and everyone. How do you enjoy the hobby if misanthropy guides your interpersonal relationships.
The first adventure's origins are unknown. But his exploits are legend. He founded the first village in existance and from there others followed suit. When the firwt adventurer died ao many people had worshipped even the ground he stood upon rhat something odd happened.
The worship and praise gave him divine energy, and thus he became the first of many gods.
Fast forward some time and each race had at least one deity and those deities began to refine their races. Turning them from hunch backed savage primitives into what we know now as the core races. Halflings, humans, elves , dwarves and gnomes (2/?)
Many of the gods were hateful towards eachother and formed rivalries. Not only that most were dogmatic and evil
One elven god even made a subrace of slaves, dumb and strong, without a will of their own. These were known as the orokki elves.
A human god of pestilence honor and war, one who's original name is now long forgotten to time , had abducted the elven god's new creation, and given them a will of there own, but also an ugly and filled with disease and rage, the uruk , now renowned as the orcs, were thankful and venerated this god so greatly that he became one of them, the god's old name was replaced to crull and had s actions lead to a huge game of sabotage. Leading the other monstrouw races being born
What I'm baffled by is how you didn't see this coming a mile away, considering where you posted it.
As memory serves this player is 100% satanic jealousy so if he didn't get his way you'd notice his scorn immediately. If you're the GM I'm sure you don't want to be living with a pissy satan.
>all aboard s.s. the-gm-is-a-video-game
Has it occurred to you that your players preferred to enjoy themselves than actually listen to your first-year-of-college drivel? Let me guess: your evil empire is ran by (white) humans who would not be so evil if they understood DIVERSITY all while the realities of, say, the monster races being savages are brushed under the table. Why try to actually tackle this in an interesting way when you can make monster races some poor oppressed noble savages to be fetishized.
And before everyone get their panties in a twist and bitch about the bogeyman-du-jour, let me explain what story elements one could use for interesting roleplay if they actually developed this idea in a way beyond some crude surface level 'muh oppreshun'.
>'beast' races whose social structure is not the same as the human-like elves, dwarves and halflings and how this is one other way they do not mesh well with the humans
>the differences in lifespan and growth rate and how this affect demographics
>the fact that these races sometimes have drastically different abilities
You could have done things like some kickass hybrid of harder scifi meet fantasy but rather than really think about it you made some one-sided cliche about 'hurr durr dem evil imperialist racists'.
It's a case of the unknown=fear and hatred, neither side understands eachother. And while humans are painted as in the wrong to a certain degree the nuance behind it is that the 'civil' races are living in overcrowded areas, and theyre trying to find a new land to expand and prosper in, thus giving them a reason beyond 'bwahha i'm evil'
Honestly you're better off replacing Orcs entirely with Hobgoblins. They do that aesthetic better.
Actually i planned on doing a sorta 'warrior vs soldier' contrast with them
Another thing and how this one is where you can get into really dark and uncomfortable stuff: I assume you've heard of 'race realism'? The thing is, unless you are heavily modding your various races (and that's fine if you do), D&D races have actual races which are 100% proven to be dumber/weaker/stronger/smarter and so on and so forth. At least, until recent editions. Maybe due to the implications it seems D&D has become allergic to giving penalties to races as of late.
...except we can further prove that in a basic D&D world some races are just plain superior overall, because they have racial/monster hit dice, innate regeneration, magical prowess or even immortality. Of course those generally lack large civilizations (unless they have ton of slaves) but the thing is, in D&D terms races like humans and dwarves are fucking 'sub creatures' next to things like Dragons, Giants or Mind Flayers.
I was gonna do mookbait monsters like orcs goblins kobolds and other lowlevel atuff
The classic D&D orc is, frankly, inferior to the baseline human if you think about it. Oh sure, in 3e they have +4 STR and can see in the dark. Woop dee fucking doo! The physical strength of the average orc is in the long run not as huge and advantage as you'd think compared to creatures like, say, Ogres and the lesser giants.
Not only that but their mental stats are gimped and they can't see in daylight, making them presumably entirely nocturnal or subterranean. Humans have mastered fire early on in their development: this mean orcs are basically dumber neanderthal who can't even stand bright light. Their only advantage is presumably greater fecundity. However in a setting where gifted individuals can surpass the norm (ie, gain class levels), this mean the more stable humans are more likely to have high level characters who don't die because of a greedy neighbor stabbing them in their sleep. Taking into account that in earlier editions orcs have penalty to all mental stats, the advantage of magic is lost on them too.
Again I'm basing this off the average/default interpretation of those races, so keep that in mind.
>French rogues, ruffians and vagabonds decide to make the Lamia empire French with their dicks
Meh, why not?
This is a 5e game, and like every other dm ever i disckunt their weakness to sun
I might just scratch the campaign and restart because in spite of liking the characters in the game. Indidnt start off with much of a basis for my current ideas.
What do you guys think? Delet old game and do a new one or go from acratch while keepijg my previous one semi afloat
We did have an user the other day who was able to explain why tavern wenches sleeping with customers is such a prevalent thing (namely: Tavern wenches IRL used to also work as prostitutes and didn't pay taxes on those profits) and how at one point about 30% of the population of London was involved in the trade of prostitution in some form or other. In port cities the number could be as high as 40%.
Hey its your group. I originally came to shit on your idea because I didn't like it...and I ended up offering more concrete advices and ideas somehow.
However, it really depend. It seems from the looks of it you had some 'high concept' idea/pitch for your game but it isn't what your players wanted out of the game. Its important to find balance between player and GM enjoyment.
Of course, when i started thenyame it was a simple tounge in cheek 'heyx these assholes are special zomehow, why can't we be' sorta deal.
But now I'm looking at more serious stuff
Still, its entirely possible your 'high concept' just wasn't something players wanted or even understood/care about. It happen sometimes, unfortunately. Players and GM can and will cash in their tastes and ideas, its a natural part of this.
Fair enough, but the point stands we haven't had the chance t try really because or how i started off and how the problem player acts
Yeah, had I known it will be like that boss, I would have made a more fitting character - what I made was a simple monster based on a monster manual with some extra flaws thrown in
What is it and the people on this board jumping to conclusions whenever they see a game about colonialism that isn't championing it or isn't undercover white man's burden?
You have to use D&D language to speak to D&Dretards, so instead of
>I'm making a game where we'll mostly look at themes of imperialism, etc. with monstrosu races
You say
This to the sub 60IQ D&D rotted brain of your shit player (let's be honest you're playing D&D if you have any trouble of this kin and aren't willing to purge the retarded apes).
>Still, its entirely possible your 'high concept' just wasn't something players wanted
>entirely possible
Someone's jumping to conclusions, but I'm not certain its them
Perhaps you need to read the thread, and others like it.
They are all full of people like