>everyone is playing d&d at my place
>buddy brings his gf
>known her for a while but didn't know she liked rpgs
>she doesn't...
>she sits next to me
>a few hours into the game she places her hand on my crotch and starts rubbing me through my pants
>no one else notices
>don't know what to do so i just go with it
>goes on for a few minutes
>she leaves her number on my table before she leaves
has anything like this ever happened to you guys?
how do i handle this?
Sex within the group
Other urls found in this thread:
You should know this.
me and my all male group always have an after session orgy to wind down
no homo tho.
Tell your buddy his gf is a hoe. Alternately, if your buddy is a prick, steal his gf. There is no losing here.
>how do i handle this?
Tell buddy that his gf was getting too handsy immediately and watch the relationship implode.
He'll be upset at you for a while, but if you've done nothing wrong, he'll come around and thank you for it before she cheated on him with some nigger.
Fuck off, frogposter.
obvious answer but what is the best way to approach this?
like i said i have known these people for a long time and i don't want to break up my friend group? is there anyway to do this without starting shit between them?
make me bitch
are you spanish? I know a guy who is big into rpgs and likes her girlfriend to fuck other guys or something like that.
Assuming this is real, here's what I got.
> i don't want to break up my friend group?
YOU didn't, this sort of thing isn't just one decision, a lot of decisions were made up to and during the event in question and she could have stopped at any time.
There isn't a way to avoid starting shit, but it's something she herself started, and you'll likely create more problems if you say nothing.
I guess this advice is mostly coming from my own sense of morality and loyalty. She was the one who instigated the problem and the problem is still hers, you're just telling the offended party they were wronged.
I'd play it the same way if I saw the guy feeling up another girl at the table too, I'd just tell the girl instead and hope my friend decides to not be a piece of shit instead of not talking to me again.
She's not part of the group, so it wouldn't be within the group.
Go ahead and smash dat.
Fake and gay but on the 0.05% chance that not only you're not lying, but you're such a fucking retarded sperglord that you ask Veeky Forums for serious advice, you have a couple of choices.
If you're really a desperate retard and sure that neither she will laugh in your face afterwards, try to use you as spineless side adventure or that you're being set up - you can try to call her up for some fun.
Or if you're actually giving a shit about your buddy and have solid grounds to suspect that the girl is trying to fuck you over, not just fuck - confront your buddy about it and give him the number.
Frankly, unless she's some freak it means that you look at least average and you're less retarded than you making this thread would suggest (which is more of a reason to believe your story is something you've made up) - as you've got her interested (again, assuming she just didn't find you to be desperate, easy mark to exploit on the side). That also means you have chances with other girls without being a douche or risking fucking shit up - in which case the safest and most reasonable route is to bring the whole crap to your buddy, alternatively ignore girl's advances and then go fucking outside to some pub or whatever and pick some girl up.
see Do you want her to cuckold him? Don't you imagine she already might be doing just that? Your friend deserves better than some slut.
He's a frogposter. Of course none of it is real.
It's not like I had anything better to do for five minutes while sipping my coffee
Also, I forgot. Whether you'll be a retard willing to risk some serious drama and being used by some slut who knows where you live and can harass you for shit or you'll pick a girl at a pub - make sure to feed her some fucking eggs. It's traditional and a sign of good manners.
>He's a frogposter
Frogposters, as a rule, do not post anything of value.
Shit, yesterday, there was some long screencap going on about how it was a conspiracy that kept the world from expanding into space, and went on about how cheap it would be to construct a orbital ring, complete with frogposts, and an engineer ripped it to pieces.
That sounds actually quite interesting. Got that screencap handy? I'd like to read it. I assume we talk "realistic" conspiracy, not in context of some tabletop setting.
nope, pure WASP
yeah i should probably tell him but i sucks that this is how its has to go
i hadn't considered this, i don't know much about her past relationships aside from her breaking up with a guy because he got arrested
believe me or don't, i don't really care.
bonus story
>be friends with this one girl
>her and her bf just broke up for the 25th time
>both of which are heavy drinkers and love to start shit with each other just to get back together
>mtg draft night at her apartment that week since the usual host got evicted by his mom
>show up early because work was slow that night and i don't have anything better to do
>open up the door and she's on the couch with a vibrator up her cunt moaning away
>tries to cover herself with a blanket when i come in and says she thought i wasn't going to be here for a while yet
>tell her i got off work earlier and apologise for walking in
>she says its ok and gets up and locks the door
>jokingly decide to ask her if she needs some help with that
>she looks at me and smiles and says sure
>we fuck on the couch for a bit
>clean ourselves up quick before everyone else shows up
>her ex actually shows up to draft that week...
to my knowledge he never knew
Have sex with her, but bring your mom to the bedroom too so she can evaluate your skills
Please, this is sad, and you are pathetic for continuing this farce.
Fuck off, frogposter. Fuck off.
I'm up. I think I've gave a good and relatively morally sound advice. Feasting would be fine, I'm peckish. I can bring french fries, I am already frying them. Also got some leftover mead.
Get a lawyer, you're going to be served with rape charges soon. You've been warned.
Only Veeky Forums gets so triggered over a picture of a cartoon frog. Here's one fresh from the Pepe folder for all you butthurt faggots.
Disgrace to the goddamn board, I swear.
>buddy brings his gf
That's all I need to know to be sure this isn't going to end well.
Bringing a woman into a previously all-male group never ends well. Not even if all those men are married to someone else. Not even if all those men are gay. Don't put girls in your male bonding time. Women don't shoehorn men into their female bonding time, right?
But then again, this is the society where fucking public pools have women only nights but gentlemen's clubs are forced to let women become members.
My group always nominates one member for the week to dress up and service the rest of us. Wearing a skirt isn't fun, but it stops sexual frustration from ruining the actual game.
All the good boards hate frogposters
fuck your buddy instead
Don't pretend you can talk about this board, newfag.
Let's be real for a second guys, the best way to go about this is just ignore it. Ignore the problem and it will go away. Women can't handle being ignored for long, she will move on.
Just endure it OP, you have no right to destroy your friend's relationship. And really for the sake of the game group, its better if nothing gets mentioned and you al continue playing.
Just hang in there and don't call her.
>Then again, this is the society where sex offenders have to register with the government, but genius kids can go to college early.
You're comparing gentlemen's clubs to sex offenders? I honestly have no idea what you're getting at.
You're comparing swimming pools to gentlemen's clubs? I honestly have no idea what you're getting at.
ITT: Things that definitely happened.
>Let's be real for a second guys, the best way to go about this is just ignore it. Ignore the problem and it will go away. Women
For one brief shining moment, I thought you were talking about this thread.