How could a Knight kill a giant?

How could a Knight kill a giant?

Poison it. Unless you're saint george the go to way to kill any huge fantasy beast is poison.

Can a chimp kill an elephant?

Depends on the situation.

I would think poison would be a good choice. Alternatively, Slice an Achilles, bring him down, cripple him carefully, then dispatch him.

Alternatively, enlist the aid of a ballista.

That's why everyone get's adventurers to do it. Local lords don't want to go through the trouble of bringing out the siege equipment every time a giant comes out of the forest.

Charge and drive a lance into the heart. An especially long lance and/or a flying mount may be necessary.

Have some people occupy it's attention and then charge it on horseback with a lance. Hell, you might be able to skip the people occupying it if you have a long enough weapon.

Stick a pin in it's foot and tell him it's a deadly vindscreen viper.

With a weapon, duh!

Next question.

In what strange abstract metaphysical sense "is" it attention?

Square cube law means he is gonna have a lot more trouble dispersing heat from his body.
He must already be having a hard time outside his frozen mountain home.
Cover him with heavy fur and he dies from hyperthermia.

Ride between his legs and stab him in the bollocks.

Jean, if you keep asking questions like this, the Lady will NEVER let you sip from her cup.

Hamstringing it is a good idea. It's essentially human, right? Go for its weak spots. Blind it. Aim for the heart, lungs, or genitals. Use poison, fire, acid, boiling water or oil. Hell, trick it into use a big iron spear for a weapon and fight it during a thunderstorm.

Fire. You just need to slather his body in oil first.

With a lance.

Same way a dog beats a bear: by cutting its flanks and ass to ribbons.

Lance through the heart/skull

If the knight can reach his achilles tendon, he can kill 'im. Cut one or preferably both, then go to town.
>B-But the rest of muh leg
Cut the back of the knee, then the tendon in the loin, then go to town
>B-But muh arms
You didn't train from the age of 7 for nothing, doofus


And a Big Fucking Sword

With the great equalizer: a gun.

wait until the wind stops

If we're talking about when knights were relevant the average gun is not going to be inflicting lethal damage to a giant as depicted by the op

it would be impossible to properly aim for and hit a vital organ if it were in motion other than by complete accident and anything else would not be sufficiently incapacitating

if you're going with ranged you're better off sending a horse archer after him with arrows dipped in a sufficiently strong poison to bring him down. He won't be able to outrun the horse and even in medieval times there were ways to get poisons that would kill a giant that size in a reasonable timeframe.

Bonus points for good archers being able to actually hit him in the face.

Challenge the fucker to a joust. The giant won't be able to find a big enough horse and will be disqualified for it leaving you the winner.

what if he shows up on a brachiosaur?

Lemmiwinks it up.

with a sword, duh.

Gradually reduce its hitpoints over a successive seiries of turns.

Brachiosaur's back bones snap like a twig, it dies horribly. No mount! You win!

Shoot it in the eyes.

By being virtuous and true.

How else?


Ride between its legs and as you pass under it, jam your lance through its perineum.

Harpoon. Javelin.

Climb it and open the jugular.

Grappling hook and a good longsword through the eye and into the brain

Won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

Apply force, thereby randomising the atoms in the giant's vicinity

This. Even if the giant survives, you have made it sterile and can't continue breeding giants. Eventually the whole giant race will be extinct.

Define giant.

>If we're talking about when knights were relevant the average gun is not going to be inflicting lethal damage to a giant as depicted by the op
The gun shoots explosives.

Don't need explosives. Just a bigger gun.

No, no...smaller cannon, more shots.

this is actually real important. are we talking ten ft, twenty ft, 100 ft tall? because it significantly alters my options

>Hamstring or Achilles tendon to hobble it.
>Use axe or other heavy chopping weapon to ensure good flesh penetration
>Once done strike at head/face

If you're skilled and evasive enough you should be able to kill a giant.

A trebuchet oughta do the trick. Who said knights have to go and kill a fucker 5 times your size without proper equipement?

Adventurers are messy, greedy and more than likely will charm the giantess and try and bring her into town.

Just ask the guards to man the harpoons it's free.

>Well, said Sir Marhaus, then will I fight with him on foot; so on the morn Sir Marhaus prayed the earl that one of his men might bring him whereas the giant was; and so he was, for he saw him sit under a tree of holly, and many clubs of iron and gisarms about him. So this knight dressed him to the giant, putting his shield afore him, and the giant took an iron club in his hand, and at the first stroke he clave Sir Marhaus' shield in two pieces. And there he was in great peril, for the giant was a wily fighter, but at last Sir Marhaus smote off his right arm above the elbow.

>Then the giant fled and the knight after him, and so he drove him into a water, but the giant was so high that he might not wade after him. And then Sir Marhaus made the Earl Fergus' man to fetch him stones, and with those stones the knight gave the giant many sore knocks, till at the last he made him fall down into the water, and so was he there dead. Then Sir Marhaus went unto the giant's castle, and there he delivered twenty-four ladies and twelve knights out of the giant's prison, and there he had great riches without number, so that the days of his life he was never poor man.

So that's one way, from the Arthurian cycle. Throw rocks at it until it dies.

Let's look at more ways!

Here's King Arthur's way.

>When King Arthur beheld that piteous sight he had great compassion on them, so that his heart bled for sorrow, and hailed him, saying in this wise: "He that all the world wieldeth give thee short life and shameful death; and the devil have thy soul; why hast thou murdered these young innocent children, and murdered this duchess? Therefore, arise and dress thee, thou glutton, for this day shalt thou die of my hand." Then the glutton user started up, and took a great club in his hand, and smote at the king that his coronal fell to the earth. And the king hit him again that he carved his belly and cut off his genitours, that his guts and his entrails fell down to the ground. Then the giant threw away his club, and caught the king in his arms that he crushed his ribs. Then the three maidens kneeled down and called to Christ for help and comfort of Arthur. And then Arthur weltered and wrung, that he was other while under and another time above. And so weltering and wallowing they rolled down the hill till they came to the sea mark, and ever as they so weltered Arthur smote him with his dagger.

So in summary, first dress to the giant, then strike off some vital part, like his arm or his "genitours".

Then finish it off. Sir Marhaus preferred the "chuck rocks" method. Arthur preferred the "grapple the giant then smite it with your dagger" method, which is presumably made much easier if you've first chopped off its genitours.

Here's another way, courtesy of King Arthur.

>He drew out Excalibur his sword, and awaited ever whereas the Romans were thickest and most grieved his people, and user he addressed him on that part, and hew and slew down right, and rescued his people; and he slew a great giant named Galapas, which was a man of an huge quantity and height, he shorted him and smote off both his legs by the knees, saying, "Now art thou better of a size to deal with than thou were," and after smote off his head.

Same pattern, chop off something vital, then smite the giant.

Presumably this only works with Arthurian giants, which aren't very big.

Of course Lancelot, objectively a better knight than Arthur and Marhaus, doesn't need to bother with cutting off genitours.

>user withal came there upon him two great giants, well armed [armored] all save the heads, with two horrible clubs in their hands. Sir Launcelot put his shield afore him and put the stroke away of the one giant, and with his sword he clave his head asunder. When his fellow saw that, he ran away as he were wood, for fear of the horrible strokes, and Launcelot after him with all his might, and smote him on the shoulder, and clave him to the navel.

So you could take Lancelot's method and just oneshot the giants through their armor because fuck logic, you're Sir Lancelot, Fucker of Queens.

An honorable knight knows better to sneak and cut tendons like a sneaking rogue.
First, you must challenge the giant to a formal duel, with seconds to pick up the body of the loser and give them a proper burial, as well as an impartial judge to signal the start of the duel.
Then, a location and time must be agreed upon. In this case, since the giant is an outlander, a meadow is likely the best place.
On the night of the duel, make sure to say a prayer to make sure your second (probably your squire) learns about the role of faith in honorable combat.
Then you kill the giant.

Climb it

>objectively a better knight
You take your french fanfiction and get the fuck out of this house of god

Append: It's worth noting that this particular giant was so big that he fucked the duchess in half. So the genitours that Arthur sliced off were pretty hefty. Hentai-level genitours.

Nigga Lancelot is the best Knight in Malory except Tristram, Beaumains/Gared (and he kills Gared later, when Gared's unarmed and unarmored, which is Lancelot's second cuntiest deed in the entire cycle), and possibly Palomides.

French fanfiction? Maybe. But it's an ENGLISH MAN's French fanfiction.

That's all well and good, but what if the giant is Welsh? Or god forbid, Cornish? Then you're fucked. They don't know honor.

build big ass traps to lure it into

While all the tendon-slicing is a neat suggestion, have you guys actually tried to cut a tendon? Shit is TOUGH. And I'm talking about inch-diameter stuff from cows. Giant-sized? That's going to take a while.

hell, you know who has giants? the motherfucking Irish. got a world wonder and everything. and as the centuries have told us, the irish have no honor. the fir didn't have any, the tuatha didn't have any, the formor certainly didn't have any, and the human replacements, for all their amicability and love of alchohol, have only the most tenuous grasp of the concept

That's why you aim for the dong instead of the tendons user, just like King Arthur. An expert in attacking the PONOS.

Literally impale-charge him. Lance it's anus. It's how romans killed elephants once.

Explain further.

Right here, user: Cheerleaders optional

Summon/air drop from rabid honeybadgers into its pants. Let it feel true pain before it dies.

On the reverse end, you don't need to cut the entire thing in one go either.

Jamming a lance through the ankle will do enough damage that the giant's own movement might finish the job for you.

You could also just aim for the femoral in some fashion.

That requires getting close. If it's like the giant in the picture and it's swinging a tree you could die in an instant. I'd rather shoot it in the bollocks and eyes with poison arrows. Horse archery may get the job done if the horse is fast enough to outpace it. If it's really fast on it's feet then the best answer is a ballista or stealthily poisoning it's food.

>the glutton user
Turns out we are the giants.

Yes, yes, I know, but still.

Only knight that can beat Lancelot is Galahad, but that is because God himself will intervene on his side.

Just take a sharpened lance to the fucker same as you would while jousting.

Depending on it's exact size you either aim to disembowel the giant so it trips around in it's own guts. Or you aim to for a leg and cripple the thing.

Lots of people at the top of the thread underestimating how deadly a lance charge can be. Thus they act all cowardly

Lots of people at this part of the thread giving knighthood its due respect. I approve.

This, you don't hack and slash the tendon, you impale it with a spear, javelin, sharpened lance, or even just arrows.

>French [thing]? Maybe. But it's an ENGLISHMAN's French [thing]
English high culture in a nutshell.


>Big Fucking Sword


Can a chimp kill a man? Can a bug kill a man?

Anything that big has to be incredibly durable to withstand it's own weight. I'd honestly assume a human couldn't pierce any vitals with a steel weapon. Maybe something stupid sharp like glass or diamond with enough force?

If it stands still long enough to hit it. Find where it sleeps.

Yeah that might work if the giant is just "big human." Any competently designed species won't have internal organs like gonads just fucking dangling in the open.

Also, female giants.

Learn to roll.

Can a mere monkey stand up to a LION?

Are you aware of how strong chimps are?

Slash an artery.

strong enough to do this

Yeah I know, just thought putting chimps with people was a bit off considering chimps have retard strength

If they're a cyclops, you could always hire Nobody.

>trick it into use a big iron spear for a weapon and fight it during a thunderstorm.

Holy hell I want this bad now
>Giant rampaging toward village
>Knight rides out challenges it
>knight stalls "the only honorable way to settle this is with a joust!"
>hijinks ensue

also sick digits

>scientific laws apply in fantasy

With hurtfull comments

I'm D&D you just hit his ankle with your sword until he falls over and dies.

Depending on how tall it is you could probably get a 8 foot iron lance through its lungs, heart, kidneys, etc.

Giants are basically big feral humans, so they have big organs, big targets to put a big spear with.

Preferably on horseback.

We have "giants" in ours setting that are about 15 feet tall and stocky as all hell and there are several ways to deal with them.
>Massed heavy crossbows with poisoned broadheads
>Mobile ballistae
>Heavy lance on mounted horse
>Sic a group of attack tigers on it
>cannon fire


>trick it into use a big iron spear for a weapon and fight it during a thunderstorm.
You want to give the giant a forged weapon and hope for the literal odds of getting struck by lightning to save you?

>Sic a group of attack tigers on it
>attack tigers
the fuck

Swords are a bad idea against big creatures unless you have a huge 2 handed chopper, and even then its not as good as a spear or halberd.
As for armor, the big creature is gonna mostly bludgeon and crush you to death, so...

>You didn't train from the age of 7 for nothing, doofus
This. Imagine giving an olympic athlete a machete and telling him to go to town on someone.

>stab him in the bollocks.

Pluck out its eyes, cut off its tongue, and tear its belly open from the inside.

Bronn is hunter tier awesome


Using 3D Manouver Gear, giving birth to a new kind of knights.

I mean, we might be giants - the non-skellingtons, anyway

With a big balls and an even bigger lance.

Bolt, snap, bolt.

it must eat tons and can't exactly sneak up on things. starve it to death with scorched earth tactics.

>How could a Knight kill a giant?
giants were only 6'5" in chivalric times


>How could a Knight kill a giant?

you don't kill a giant. you use your magic horn to capture him and then parade him around to impress chicks