How would you create a villainous xenophile space empire which is grimdark because they are xenophile?
How would you create a villainous xenophile space empire which is grimdark because they are xenophile?
The population is xenophile, the government is war mongering. They wish to conquer everything and take all of their stuff because they just love it all so much. It will all be theirs. All of it.
There are no brakes on the genetic sampling train, and no breaks during it.
"Oh! Simply -must- see my Zemonians! Look at them! Marvelously ingenuitive, they invented FTL comms before their first interplanetary colony. Mark my words: there'll be one in every household on Gammax once we finish processing their population."
White mans burden but in space
Our civilization is so great, these poor poor savages need to learn our medicine and religion and technology to save themselves
Love aliens like we love pets and animals we keep in zoos.
Decadent space opera empire, but made up of Hannibals who love to eat other sentient life.
They're xenophile to the extreme, they have an exploration and harvesting force, it doesn't matter what the species has to offer, they are harvested, and distributed to the home systems. Be it sex slaves, meat, alien technology, alien artifacts. Whatever your species has, it WILL be taken, and you WILL be harvested to extinction.
Just had a second idea, what if they have Samplers. Sampler spies, to seduce, taste, or evaluate different resources or species. Those are then passed up to higher ranking Samplers. All the way up to the foremost Sampler-General, a decadent, gluttonous pleasure fiend who decides precisely how each species is used for the home systems.
The answer is rape. Always.
Just make modern Sweden in space?
I see you've been playing Stellaris, the Swedish game where Earth is led by a black woman and "good" empires are by the AI inclined towards Xenophilia.
To get back on topic
>villanous xenophile space empire
Xenophilia is the love of that which is foreign. What I imagine is neccessary for this is a kind of "one size fits all" race that can reproduce with pretty much anything. You have an upper class that seeks to either expand or take in foreign influences to enhance the race in one way or another. You can go two routes with this. The first route that's open to you is eugenics: the Xenophile villains only seek to "absorb" the best, strongest and brightest of their enemies into their species and all those deemed unworthy are exterminated. They seek to fuck their way into the best gene pools. The second route is the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan
have them believe that everyone not of their species is "unclean" and that they must reign over a pure empire to survive. trade is only good when it strengths you and not your enemies.
if they come into contact with another species, they are instantly at war because they are "unclean". they will only come to understand them once they have been eliminated. because knowledge is clean on its own but tainted by those who use it. eliminate the taint and it becomes clean once more.
A ribofunk setting where the aliens want all the species to merge together into one shared biology
Without consent
Basically xcom aliens
Simple. They are live some of us and want to fuck everything. They see a hole in a tree they fuck it. They see an alien they fuck it. They see the laws of physics they fuck it. They see black holes they fuck it and put the result on welfare
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4 = 52 (13d6)
Mandatory race mixing on a galactic scale. Every single citizen is assigned a spouse at the age of 18 (regardless of how quickly your species actually ages) standard solar years, chosen by lottery from among all same aged candidates. Every year. Doesn't matter if you're assigned to someone who's at the far end of the galaxy, whether they're actually physically and mentally mature or still an infant by their species standards or even dying, you're getting married and you have no say in it. No, the ministry dies not care either that your new spouse wants to eat you, it's all part of the cultural exchange program to strengthen the empire's cohesion.
No one actually believes in the xenophile shit.
The ruling class keeps pushing xenophillic propaganda and starts vitue-signaling contests because they are corrupt enough.
Anyone displaying Xenophobia is shamed, then reeducated.
>xenophile is always good
That's not how I played it.
>make xenophile militaristic authoritarian ottoman empire
>conquer more than a dozen alien races
>put of each race a small part up as domestic slaves for the benefit of the larger free aliens
>whenever I conquer xenophobe aliens and they are trouble I deport them for the benefit of harmony in the empire
>whenever I conquer an alien race with human compatible planets I colonize them with humans
Go full /pol/. The government is xenophillic to the point where its native citizens are second class citizens. Forced multiculturalism and diversity on pain of death.
It will make for a great "That DM" thread anyway.
lots and lots of rape
>Start as Pacifist/Xenophile
>All my neighbours are Militarist/Xenophobe
This. The problem is that a xenophile state will invariably be most grimdark for it's own people, at least in the long run.
They prefer to think of themselves as an "ultra-species" joined together less by genetic background, and more by common purpose.
They love finding other species, uplifting them, trading with them, and then absorbing them, letting their cultural ideas blend in with their own until there's no difference between the new species and the old ones.
And by then, the new members are just as curious in this new species that just got discovered, and finding out what they can bring to the gestalt culture.
Game working as intended, user.
The game deliberately set it up so you're surrounded with empires that'll hate you.
That isn't a problem if you play a fanatic militarist though.
>play as pacifist
>if neighbors are pacifists, make friends, if neighbors are militarists, shit
>play militarist
>if neighbors are pacifists, conquer them, if neighbors are militarists, conquer them
Everyone serves.
No matter the species.
New ones are always welcome.
>such butthurt
It's fine little snowflake.
Theyre have a very high bar definition of sentients and they love you very much, as a heavily modified pet like organism.
>definition of sentients
A dog is sentient. The word you are looking for is sapient.
Your pacifist neighbours are more likely to ally each other and outweight you, though.
Trinity RPG's Coalition
Sort of like space bonobos with biodiverse castes with the xenomorphs' ability to breed-true transgenic traits.
The Combine
>villainous xenophile space empire
>search for "dark eldar"
>no hits
You should all be fucking executed.
The Dark Eldar aren't xenophilic. They take slaves strictly because they would all die and have their souls sucked out of their assholes if they didn't.
Dude, the Dark Eldar are EVERYTHINGPHILIC. Remember, the Dark Eldar are the continuation of the culture so depraved their psychic screams of joy and desire created a god.
>Acknowledging the existance of the nations who divide humanity in stellaris.
>How would you create a villainous xenophile space empire which is grimdark because they are xenophile?
Population is xenophobic, only the leadership is xenophile. Leadership actively attempts to replace its own population with every hostile species it sees, not giving a single shit how much it ruins the lives of the people below them.
The xenophile aliens aim to collect every other civilization they encounter. They wouldn't want them to deviate from their culture and technology, though, so they're forcibly kept at the same level as they were when found and stuck in reservations.
Those who try to overcome get dealt with brutally.
Complete and total intergration
They aim to create the perfect race through hyper gene dicking and homunculi like experiments
... do you know what a xenophile is?
>buttflustered about the colour of characters in video games
B-b-b-but there are no whities in the unlikely 22nd century space faring future! I'm so offended!
Should have made her pacifist/xenophobic.
A strong black human who don't need no alien.
That's like asking do you know what homophobe means. It should mean someone who is irrationally terrified of homosexuals, instead it means somebody who dislikes them.
Same deal with xenophile, as a compound word it means xeno-attracted, as in somebody who gets off to, and is sexually turned on by, weird or foreign shit, in the same way that pedophilia means somebody who wants to fuck little kids. DEldar are, in that literal interpretation, xenophiles, as they love fucking aliens.
However, xenophile colloquially means "somebody who is open to foreign cultures/peoples to the absurd", which DEldar are not. But you can't blame user if he only really hears xenophilia when he's browsing /d/.
Wait, actually, you can. get off of /d/.
>That's like asking do you know what homophobe means. It should mean someone who is irrationally terrified of homosexuals, instead it means somebody who dislikes them.
Homophobe means someone who fears homosexuals. -phobia actually covers a wide spectrum of reactions from mild aversion to goes catatonic when encountered. -philia does the same going from mild interest to fanatical catatonia.
Have the empire displace and destroy the culture of the other aliens they conquer. No one has a home planet, all planets are subjected to having mass amounts of colonists settle down on the surface.
Also a large tithe of bodies must be presented for either colonization around the empire, or for military duty and put into mixed regiments that work with their skills.
It's like the Covenant from Halo where they restrict technology development and all worship the same thing. Just no humans to exterminate.
All species should live together in harmony!
Right now!
Or else.
make it eldritch hivemind entity just for the convenience
give it twisted and incomprehensible personality and sense of ethics, add to that love for other races that goes beyond xenophilia
then make it crave to know as much as it can about other races and then remember that love can be understood in various ways
>he said, holding up a mirror and talking to himself
>We'll be no different than beasts if we don't teach those [race, plural] about [our religion] and [our ethics] and show them (enforce on them) our culture! As an empire that's more developed, I believe it to be our duty, and the Council has already agreed with me. The [race] stubbornly refuses to learn, but we know that it is for their own good. And we have means to prove that.
Read "The Damned" by Alan Dean Foster. The Amplitur want everyone to be happy and comfy and live their lives freely and well. As long as they do it under the mind control of the Amplitur.
Would make a great father, that.
OP said villainous
Empire of intergalactic rapists that enslave you "for you own good" obviously.
>sentient hivemind ai imprisons organic beings and plugs things into their nervous system in order to make them experience fully optimized pleasure and satisfaction for the duration of their natural lives
>the ai honestly believes it is doing the right thing
The baddies in ME: Andromeda
The Oankali from Octavaia Butler's Lilith's Brood trilogy could easily be re-interpreted as a villainous xenophile space empire. They go around seeking other sapient species so that they may exchange genetic material with them, creating hybrids. They do their best to do this voluntarily, but to them it's a biological imperative, ultimately their species will reproduce with yours whether you want to or not.
Why don't they just buy from fertility clinics?
Isn't that the Tau, if we take the 'far left dystopia' interpretation?
It's a collective of races that are connected by turning themself into brain goo and being stored in huge brain goo tanks on space stations
this collective wants everyone to join their great collective by turning every other race into brain goo to get more ideas into their collective
UFP from Star Trek.
If you think about it, mixing and mingling the way all those species do is destroying them. The Klingons and Romulans have trillions of actual Klingons and actual Romulans in their borders. If they lost Romulus or Quonos, there would still be trillions to repopulate, but in the UFP, the Andorians, one of the founding members, are on the brink of extinction, and the Vulcans are almost gone, too because of the destruction of Vulcan. We see glimpses of the far future where all the different species have interbred, and no individual is an actual Terran, Tellerite, or whatever. In other words, its members are on a slow path to destruction and extinction precisely because they're so xenophilic they don't protect their borders, cultures, or bloodlines, and allow them to be swept away and lost in the alien tides.
Or, if you wanna be more conventional for "villainous," the Borg work. They love other species and cultures they can't wait to join up with them! The Borg use nanobots and brain implants to control thoughts, and keep their member species compliant, whereas the Feds use brainwashing and re-education centers, so they're straight dangerous, instead of pernicious, but the results, in time are exactly the same.
It's not like you can click the edit faction button and make the leader of Earth a white dude you fucking spastic.
Militant xenoboos.
Space Rome, that's it