/WIP/ - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

vanity refresh edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Reinforcements are en route

>Previous Thread(s):

Other urls found in this thread:


Working on the latex suit. I think after that it's attend to the glaive, paint the base, call it done?

Just posted in last thread, trying to make a chapter master that's a bit more unique

hey lads, first time painting minis in about 3-4 years. I'm using mostly acrylic paint as my local hobbystore is closed for some ungodly reason. How am I doing/any suggestions?
Also, what color shall I make the back fin? I have some gold metallic paint, but I dunno if that'll look great. Still got plenty I need to do aside from that

Going for the grizzled old grump look. Pic related is my concept

thats nice! subtle conversion, nice fine texture too! so much so that it might end up looking a little out of place next to the much less detailed hair on the top of his head once painted up

Test painting skin and the colour scheme, thinking the blue should be brighter?
death skulls

Looks like a grizzled Euron Greyjoy.

Looking good.

I'd consider making the "gems" or nodules white as well, at the moment the big stark helmet kind of throws off the balance. white tabard could be an alternative as well

Hmmm hadn't considered that... Time to fuxx with his head hair!

I like the more muted skintone on orks, looks good.
The blue you've gone for works well with the skin.

definitely a lighter highlight on the blue (and thinner paint!) I also think the lip is a little too red, but that's preference - it doesn't look badly painted

doesn't need thinner paint, considering an ork painted it.

Thanks for the feed back

doesn't come across as intentional to me

brighter blue

Do you think that painting a stormwolf nurgle colors, and replacing the wolf heads with chaos stuff would be enough for it to be a conversion?

could be the better lighting is helping as well, but I like this more - the tones are more distinct

>moved down to Houston this month
>mfw the weather
How the fuck do people prime miniatures in this constant and unending humidity

I want to run it as a storm eagle

Thanks chum.

Wait for the day after a storm.

Here's my Skaven Packmaster and Warpfire Thrower. I think they look "acceptable" but I'm having a tough time getting the highlighting down. I thin my paints A LOT and if I don't apply enough I give a second coat and I still get those definite lines. Does anyone have any advice on how to stop that?

My current WIP. Bought a metal Emperor's Champion body from my FLGS for 3 bucks, decided to put some vanguard vet arms on him. Relic blade is a pain, but the white is coming along. A few more thin coats, then accents on the pads and those will be done. Then it's mostly touch up on the joints, finish the Black Blade, and make his shield look pretty.

I might move his arm down a bit as his current pose makes it look like he's contemplating his sword or something

Also, had to crop this image from a 6000x6000 one, so quality may be diminished.

Image is too big to really give a critique. Learn to reduce image size. The paint also looks chipped or dusty, especially around the helmet. Otherwise the coats look thin and it's a nice base.

>live in what used to be an arctic desert before climate change started shitting wet ocean winds in our direction once every week
I used to have half the year to prime in ezmode, now that time is halved again thanks to it being erratically humid all fucking year.

Not pictured: my pile of fuzzy-primed terrain pieces that got wrecked by thunderstorm humidity two minutes after I primed it in clear sunny weather

The body is using the paint that was already on the model when I bought it, as I liked the purple tabbard.

Here's a link to a better image of him imgur.com/qGopdUX

scope "glazing". it has upped my blend game


also i think these rats look pretty good! like that warm gold. it is a bit close in tone to the ratskin color, and the basing material, which washes them out a tad

I love his tutorials. It's how I learned to glaze and highlight metals. His NMM tutorial video is still a bitch to replicate.

Took a break from the raptors to do some work on the matching knight titan I'm running with them. Started on the weathering, how does it look?

What should I freehand on the left (right in the pic) greave?

Torn between a different kind of scroll-work or some crossed chains or some shit like that. Thoughts?

Ffs forgot pic.

Making banner designs for Deathwing
any suggestions or reference material would be greatly appreciated



Was going to use these banners

>1st of the 1st
That doesn't really roll of the tongue very well.
I mean, I get what you're going for, but it sounds awkward.

Fuck. I make myself sad WIP. Can't paint for shit and I'm gonna need to change how I sculpt sleeves cause my previous method looks terrible and has no contours for shading or highlighting. Fuck. I mean I know I can't expect to magically be good out of no where, but every time I think i've got things figured out I hit another snag and it's kind of getting to me a bit.

Wasp-user here.
How's this looking?

Feck. Wrong one.

My painting is even more shit than your so I don't really have a leg to stand on in saying this, but you really need to clean him up.

The green looks a bit sloppy, you should go back and clean up the edges of the armour detail.

Practice makes perfect user.

I thought it was common military jargon like the 1st of the 506th something like that

You need more layers of yellow to clean that up, don't be surprised if it take 4-5 layers. Which color are you using to prime? You want grey or white for yellow. Yellow is very splotched, are you using a wet pallet or thinning your paints? Rivets need paint, spike on the left leg isn't fully painted. What edge highlights you have way too thick. Edge of the skull on the belt is unpainted as is most of the helmet. Lenses need paint.

Leather maybe, but you'd be hard pressed to pass that off as latex.

Latex is fucking hard to paint and have it look like the material.

Trying a red and gold scheme for my next Adeptus Arbites test model. I wish I had bought something darker than Khorne red....

Take a break. If you aren't improving as fast as you like it can help

Any suggestions?

Well it was kind of clever because the dangels are the first legion, and the death wing are the first company of the dangels

It's Lamenters yellow glaze over Rakarth flesh.
I may need to build of the Rakarth a little more.
Black primed, I tried white prime on other models I tested this colour on with and didn't like how it came out. Also all the white primer I've tried on my area comes out fuzzy on the models.
I have a wet pallet, and thinning them.
I do need to touch up little details, but that may be a task for another day when I'm less shakey. Might just work on getting the base colours down first.
Not sure how I want to do the eyes. Trying to go for a wasp look.

The subject of latex has come up before a number of times, though no real results of things were posted.

You could try gloss varnish over paint, you could try latex paint itself. Either way, test this shit on testmodels or sprue.

Moot Green should look nice for the lenses. You need more layers of yellow, not the color underneath. If you are having trouble keeping your hand steady, I've found having a beer helps. Needs some black if you want it to be a wasp so black bands might work

Working on who I call the Warpwalker, my first real attempt at greenstuff sculpting. Any ideas for a base?

That's a big sword.

Any more lore you can give us on this guy? Usually basing comes from that more than anything else. Where does he live? Who does he fight? Where do his enemies live?

Plain black base and a ring on his finger.

Maybe just some cobblestone like his boss arena, make it simple so it doesn't distract from the model. Nice work btw, best boss, looking forward to his model in the board game

That's going to make them look inquisitorial. Not sure if that's what you're after.

As someone who is trying to learn to sculpt green stuff and failing at the simplest things I must say your work is great. Where did you learn to do thst if you don't mind me asking?

>That's a big sword.
for you

So far he is essentially like an iconic warrior of old, super capable and super charismatic, but due to his prolonged time fighting within the Warp, his senses have been dulled. The chapter master and chaplain of the fleet based chapter, both war mongering psychopaths of the Dregs Fatalis renegade chapter some people might've heard about in /yourdudes/ threads, carefully manipulate what he hears and says through a clever charade of false info to make him fight for them even though he's ultra dedicated to the Imperium.

I had definitely planned to paint a ring on there. Speaking of black, has anyone tried this Black 2.0 for modeling? It's similar to vantablack and the price isn't awful. Would be cool for his base


Thanks. I considered cobblestone and a mutant corpse to walk over. I'm also getting the Darkroot expansion so I look forward to painting a proper Artorias, although I'm really enjoying dressing up marines like other characters.

I grabbed some green stuff and went for it. That's it really. It's not perfect but I told myself that I can't get better if I don't try, so that's what I'll tell you. Here's the tutorial on that chainmail I used. Really came in handy. The sword was just looking at references and sculpting from an inner frame of paper clips super glued together


Thoughts on poxwalkers schemes? I want more contrast on the yellow/orange guys but don't really know how I'd go about it

I have some. It's much more matte than typical gaming acrylics but you will NOT get the "black hole" effect of Vantablack with it. These examples in this pic and video from other people are typical of my experience.

Trying to do a base of just Black 2.0 doesn't look that great, it's one of the first things I tried. It mostly just looks like an unpainted base.

Ah, that's disappointing. Guess I'll go with the cobblestone and possibly mutant ideas

Everyone gets a helmet. That includes guys with weird artificer chest plates on their Terminator armor.
Besides, this is probably as close as I'll ever get to Tartaros armor in a Blood Angel army. Thanks GW!

Yeesh, my brain was not working earlier. I am going to try to convert a stormfang into a storm eagle because I am cheap. Will people be upset about the cockpit being in the wrong spot or will that slip under the radar? What can I do to a stormfang to make it more eagle-y?



Considered a resin base? "Shattered Ritual" might look cool.

I'm pretty tight on cash these days (THANKS COLLEGE) so I might have to just make my own in the style. They look pretty cool though

>Besides, this is probably as close as I'll ever get to Tartaros armor in a Blood Angel army. Thanks GW!

I know, right?

Isn't there dark eldar stuff that looks more like Artorias?

Friend is attempting to do non-metallic metal for the first time and sent me his results asking for advice but I've never tried it before myself, got any tips?

I cant exactly go back and even out the yellow to easily at this point, but hows this?

Wouldn't know. I only recently got into 40k, mainly just to dress up and paint Primarines


Well i would look up dark eldar bits if you're going for artorias.

I am really jealous of your dudes. I am pretty new at this and mine are coming out dumpy and bland so far. I messed up and used a cheap primer spraypaint that left them feeling grainy too. Should I just simple green them and start over?

I saw some poxwalkers with a yellowish look and blackish horns that didn't look too bad at my store if that helps

Looks a little too cartoon-ey, but is a solid attempt. Also tell him to prime his models.

Better in some areas, keep applying more yellow to where it isn't purely yellow. A first layer commonly doesn't give it a perfect covering so it's sometimes a sign of not applying enough layers or paint that's too thick or thin

Needs far more layers of gradient, the transitions between the different shades are far too abrupt. Plus the paint job is honestly just kind of messy (the highlighting on the middle sword). Tell him to get picture of metal weapons and try to reproduce it. If he's beginning or deosn't want to put that much time in painting tell him to use metal paint. NMM is hard and complex to pull off.

Yeah, I saw that too user. He's mostly just using those to test the effect and stuff (according to him), though I dunno why he didn't thin much there.
Any tips for doing nmm well though?

Working on converting some AoS Blood Warriors to CSM. first time working with greenstuff, a bit finicky but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually.

You have viable fingerprints all over it. Be prepared to sand, and learn to damp your tools while sculpting.

Also, remember to use subtractive sculpting to clean up things like the sword blade and grip.

Funnily enough I'm sanding right now. I keep my tools and fingers damp, even soaked at times, while sculpting, but I get too impatient waiting for it to dry and start handling the model in other areas, accidentally touching malleable greenstuff in the process

As for the sword I'll try to smooth things out. Don't know how well I can file and sand it but I'll at least try to scrape it with an exacto if needed

Thanks for helping me with helping him, anons!

Fingers are too oily also absorb water, so they aren't the best tools to use beyond prefab, where you'd then want to use a damp tool to gently polish out the prints.

For subtractive sculpting, it's basically whittling and sanding

One of my favorite tools I accidentally upon is a broken exactoknife blade. You can use the unsharpened corner of the blade to carve very fine lines in cured greenstuff or even plastic.

Love it

Anyone know some good resources for painting horus heresy miniatures? A good guide on all the legions would be nice.

Huh, that's a nice little trick. I'll keep that in mind

Fitting to use a broken blade on Artorias, seeing as his untainted sword is only forgable with a broken straight sword

This guy has painting tutorials for a bunch of the Horus Heresy Legions:

Warhammertv has a few too.

This guy is doing tutorials of all the legions using an airbrush.


I couldn't find may guides on how to make the Lamenter's symbol besides some on how to do checkers. So I decided to make my own, hope this helps forth those making or considering making their own Unlucky Marine army.

How's this look for a base? Needs a little slicing up but it's a general idea. Gonna put ruined cobblestone underneath it all

It's supposed to be an Oolacile Bloathead

Looks nice user.

Thanks. It'll probably get adjusted a bit but the spare tyranid bits my friend gave me are proving to be quite valuable

Been working on my minotaurs for armies on parade. Got my test model done. Ignore the dust, I left it out of its case for a while.

Honor guard are next.

What kind of a name is Soap, anyway?

What's the difference (if any) between "Vallejo Premium Airbrush" and "Vallejo Model Air" paint?

lookin a little T H I C C on the crest there
But otherwise pretty sound


Nice. Is that a converted Intercessor under there?

premium airbrush is shit and model air is really shit

So am basing all the woodwork on this terrain piece. I want the door to be green but I want it to look very worn so most of the green paint has worn or peeled off. How should I go about with this effect?