A single tactical space marine can conquer all of Westeros. That isn't up for debate. What is up for debate: which chapter can best get the job done?
A single tactical space marine can conquer all of Westeros. That isn't up for debate...
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Thousand Sons. Everything is easier when you have magic that surpasses anything the setting can offer.
I would use a plague.
Cough on a peasant and let nature take its course. Pop a bolter at any dragon or baddie that try to fuck with you.
I've never seen anything GoT but I assume that a dragon is the worst thing he would have to kill.
Thats why the Andals Dominated
>Not up for debate
You do know that Marine power armor isn't unbreakable right? Its mostly Ceramite with a few harder plates inside. A siege ballista or a ship canon wouldn't automatically destroy a marine, but what does that marine do if a naval ship swings around and start taking shots at him.
And sure if you put a marine with a fully loaded bolter and some form of powered/chain melee weapon he would annihilate any land army you put him against. But what does the marine do when he comes to Kings Landing and has to break through a fortified castle. Sure they're "super human" but one marine isn't taking the Red Keep on his own.
this is the only correct answer, especially when you have a sorcerer with 999 daemon names locked away, with everything ranging from minors little more than a walking pile of meat fueled by hunger, to greater daemon princes
Cestias really is too powerful.
The ones with the strongest plot armor. Everyone else was written by grrm, which means they die easily.
I think there's a lot of options, and they play out differently.
I'd put my money on Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Salamanders...
The one I'd like to see, would be Alpha Legion. I'd like to see which faction he could best start off with. Wildlings?
Space Marines die to white walkers unless the marine either has dragon glass or valyrian steel. White walkers are basically just slightly shittier chaos demons.
>A siege ballista or a ship canon wouldn't automatically destroy a marine, but what does that marine do if a naval ship swings around and start taking shots at him.
Stand there and take it, because Ceramite is harder than any known material and shatters non-powered weapons.
>And sure if you put a marine with a fully loaded bolter and some form of powered/chain melee weapon he would annihilate any land army you put him against. But what does the marine do when he comes to Kings Landing and has to break through a fortified castle. Sure they're "super human" but one marine isn't taking the Red Keep on his own.
He can hang around and dismantle it brick my brick if he wants. But realistically he just cuts through the wooden gate with his power weapons, since power fields allow for normal blades to slice through even Plasteel with ease.
I'd give the raven guard my vote. I think the focus on stealth and raiding would give him time to handle major enemies before getting discovered and lend him a more fearsome reputation. I think if he made the right moves he could get declared the avatar of the stranger and get a significant portion of the populous to lay down arms or maybe even side with him.
How long does the power source for power armor last? Chain swords? Do bolters have infinite ammo?
>can conquer all of Westeros
I don't doubt that he can solo the collective armies of Westeros, but conquering is more than just winning a military victory. You then have to either subjugate the general populace, or get them to like you. Either is rather difficult for a single man, no matter how powerful he may be.
You forgot the part where some chapters are actual daemons who do Warp Sorcery. I'm betting on Thousand Sons vs. White Walkers.
I don't know; is there a Space Marine chapter based around inner turmoil, witty dialogue or trenchant insights that would make this autistic thought experiment resemble a story? Or does the Space Marine just walk around shooting his space gun at peasants?
Alpha Legion maybe? Or Blood Ravens for looting hi-jinks and psychic abilities.
I guess this is a decent thread to ask this.
How would Karl Franz do in Westeros?
Let's say a portal between The Old World and Westeros opens. Franz sends men through and they return telling stories about Westeros.
What kind of army would he bring? Would he conquer everything or try a more diplomatic solution?
Looking at the logic by which the *show*, at least, operates, apparently all he'd need to do is easily massacre a large enough group of people, and then shout 'LOVE ME!!!!' really loudly, and people would just sort of assume that you're supposed to be rooting for him.
>1 Marine
>Vs 3 Dragons
>Untold wights
>The Others ice magic
Qyburn will just make a bigger crossbow.
Like a tactical marine?
Bolter and knife?
Easy. Alpha legion, one operative could get an army put together in no time. A single marine would have it tough.
Captain? With bolt pistol and power sword?
Ultra marines, because they are good with infrastructure, he could have everything killed and ready to join the imperium in a decade. The captain could probably get them to TL 7 pretty quick.
Its simple,he can challenge every noble and king to a duel,and reclaim the throne.Also a space marine is a tactic expert and a inspirational figure
You do realize that marines straight up fight ARMIES of things which basic guns DELETE matter.
And fight monsters(and other humans) that rape reality on a daily basis.
Now marines aren't infallible, but a big crossbow or cold magic wouldn't be that hard to deal with for a marine
I don't know I think a plasma bolt tot he face or a flamer would ruin a white walkers day just as well as Valerian steel and Obsidian.
Did you watch the latest episode? Dany doing that turned the Westerosi against her, like House Tarly.
It's 1 fucking tactical marine, as stated by OP.
The joke is that the bigger crossbow is a fucking retarded idea. The fact that it worked in the show was dumb as shit, and it only worked like twice before the weakness was apparent.
Probably try diplomacy at first, and if that doesn't work he crushes them. Most of his army would be made up of veterans who've had to deal with beastmen and orcs plus theirs no gunpowder in Westeros. Also Karl Franz has an Imperial Dragon and we all know how well the last bloke with a dragon did.
That marine would never go alone against a whole army.He would challenge lords,recruit soldiers,and tell people that he is an avatar of a god made to rule the seven kingdoms and brin prosperity(peasants would believe him easily)
It worked because Dany is a moron.
White walkers might be able to go toe to toe with an unarmed marine
Wight horde led by White Walkers should be able to take out a single armed marine, but it'd make DOOM look like a teletubbies episode
A dragon would stomp a Marine without ranged weapons or powers
Anything else gets stomped by the Marine
But honestly I'd just lure a horde of orcs or beastmen through.
Yea but If a chapter of 1000 marines is able to capture a planet, then one marine can take a few kingdoms no sweat.
Especially considering GoT is roughly medivial. The only issue is that the marine would quickly run out of ammo, having to switch to melee.
If he had a lasgun though, he would be perfect.
I'm pretty sure that the alpha legion has taken planets with one dude before, which is why they are the best for this job.
So long story short, alpha legion marine with a lasgun=planet conquering army.
Let's not forget that zombies are an actual thing in 40k. Thanks to Grandpapy Nurgle.
Feudal worlds, especially ones with warp sorcery, are easily able to kill 1 marine.
In the real medieval world she would have been burnt because of witchery,but libtards love seeing women ruling
Why is that map wrong? House Tully rules all the Forks.
Yeah but Westeros warp sorcery is shit tier. A smart Space Marine would easily wipe the floor with the entire place. Giants and Dragons will probably give them the most trouble because they're probably the only things that can hit hard enough to break the armour + fire breath. But considering what bolters do to necrons and Tyranids I doubt they'd be much of a threat. Lets' not forget that while their ass backwards compared to what they used to be. The Imperium's tech is still way beyond what WE have.
Yea, but consider that bolter rounds might not put down ASOIAF wights
We've seen disembodied hands of wights kill a horse, which isn't anywhere near the same caliber as a Spess Mahrine but still shows them to be threats
Also, the supernatural cold of the White Walkers could be deadly, unless stopped by purity seals or warp fuckery. It might even be able to shatter the Marine's armor like it has other armor in the books, although I doubt that given how tough Ceramite is
I'd imagine the Marine blowing wights to pieces for days or even weeks before running out of ammo and being mobbed by all the bits and pieces he'd blown up, eventually being held down and stabbed by a White Walker with the ridiculously sharp crystal swords they carry
40kweers are cancer
Let's say this a naked marine would still be one of the most terrifying things in the setting.
Going by the rpgs(which are more fluff loyal) being punched by a marine can hurt as much as a Lasgun.
A marine with a crappy hammer would break armies
A marine with a bow would be a mobile ballista.
They can eat anything, laugh at wounds fatal for us, and don't sleep.
A crafter marine would be able to solve the white walker/dragon problem easy.
I'm not betting on a single Thousand Son vs. All the White Walkers, plus all the other sorcerers in the world.
Also there is the issue he would run out of ammo rather quickly and have to rely on going in with his power fist 24/7.
It literally take one shadow demon slipping inside his armor and he dies. Shadow demon summon is just a thing, there is an entire city that does it.
Or if they play the dragon caller horn long enough his armor just shatters.
Dragon breath can liquify stone and iron very easily, it'd be able to cook him inside his armor.
Also consider this, he now has to fight an army of 1 million undead, with only the ammunition he came in with, lead by ice demons who can control the weather and other untold bullshit. Then there is the Night King who is basically a powerful chaos sorcerer.
Let's not forget all the other magic bullshit around that suddenly started working again.
A single Word Bearer could turn the population to Chaos in Westeros with ease. Then he would open a portal for a full scale daemonic invasion. Even if we go by WHFB standards, it's only a matter of time until they win.
Assuming it's one of the murderhobo chapters that'd just want to Exterminatus the entire place, the marine would eventually run out of luck in a fight against a dragon, giant, sorceror, Other or something else.
Assuming it's one of the chapters capable of rational thought, the marine would take over through shrewd diplomacy and prepare the world for induction into the Imperium.
Daenerys is literally doing the oppostive of this
>all these people ITT forgetting that wildfire, a.k.a. literally phosphex exists
Just drop a trebuchet load on him and he's done
Leave Westeros to me
I won't let any potential threat near Westeros. I'd move the base of the Empire's material manufacturing, from war machines to horses. Offer the some Dorfs some prime Real estate mountains. The long summers are a boon for food production too.
I'd kill most of the Higher nobility though and basically anyone who are able to present a united armed conflict.
Marines are T4 Sv 3+ W1. A single buck-naked unarmed S3 dude is capable of killing him, though on average will take several swings to do such. The idea that he can solo an entire continent is silly.
Smashfucker Prime could do it.
Don't know about Smashfucker in 8th edition though.
Good luck with that.
Not to mention the ridiculous shit Space Marines performed in the lore:
A marine is fast enough to dodge Bolter rounds and can run at speed upwards to 80km/h
A marine with power armor is good enough that it laughs at shit like lightning strikes powerful enough to glass the sand around him
A marine in armor is strong enough to lift a pillar that holds two other Arstates fighting on it or even throw a metal door fast enough to bisect a Word Bearer
A space marine fought for more than 20 years non stop trapped on a planet filled with feral Orks, killing so many that it form a huge mound under him
Or that time where a marine got hit by an artillery round on the head and only get a minor concussion
There's literally no question that a Space Marine can stomp the entirety of Westeros to the ground. Hell if a dragon try to attack, a well thrown rock by a Space Marine could probably kill it.
>Space wolf
>Tames an army of dire wolves
Why do so many people in these threads always assume that there will only ever be one space marine or whatever?
In any case, aren't Space Marines super strong, quite intelligent people with abilities quite well suited to adapting to a foreign environment?
Just have a good, intelligent space marine drop down, doesn't even need his armor, really, have him eat a few brains to learn what he needs then have him slowly build himself up as a champion.
Then over time instead of one space marine it's one space marine in command of a big army.
They're mini-primarchs, why not treat them like they'd act like it if they were stranded alone for the foreseeable future?
They OP literally stated that one Tac could take the entire continent.
Space Wolf would probably just install himself as King in the North and go from there.
It's almost like anyone who ever uses this picture is a massive faggot.
>what does that marine do if a naval ship swings around and start taking shots at him.
take cover and prepare grenades
I guess Salamanders have most expertise in not dying and creating/repairing arms and armor. Would be kinda difficult to convince people he's not here to bring hell to earth, since they look hella scary
>the twins
>in house arryn's area
u wot m8
Also if you recall 1) there is legit magic in this world and it isn't as maligned because the church there doesn't raise a huge stink about it and 2) they would have failed to burn her for witchcraft because she is fucking immune to fire, could have still drown her or something though if they wanted to execute her.
Power armor amd weapons, very nearly have infinite power from the reactor on the back of the power armor suit, bonus points if he has an Iron Halo and spreads the holy word of the Emperor to these filthy, undeserving, heretical, savages. Obviously every major power player would be replaced with a more pliable and suitable individual so as to make the transition that much easier when the local system governor arrives with the Navy to ensure peace for his new subjects. Most of the northern hemisphere would be burned away with holy fire from lance batteries, if they decided it was worth not exrerminatusing the entire planet. The Guard would initially be required for training and peacekeeping, but due to the tech level of the planet the current armies will be slaughtered like roaches
Did you miss the part in the OP where he states it has to be One (1) Tactical Marine?
But almost every one loses their plot armor upon entering that world so they'd probably end up getting shot in the heart(s) with a crossbow while taking a shit.
1. I wasn't responding t OP faggot
2. It changes to a close combat weapon and changes literally nothing else
Yeah, this seems pretty infeasible for a single tac marine. I could see a single tac taking on hundreds of soldiers in a heroic last stand, but the armies here are on the scale of thousands. The idea that a single tac could take over the continent is fairly silly, unless they went the political route which is slower and still fairly dangerous.
>old fluff
Newer marines are weaker than that, otherwise how did cadians repulse he black crusade for so long?
>I wasn't responding to OP
OP started the thread with the topic of a single marine conquering Westeros. You were talking about marine conquering westeros, where the post you replied to did not specify number. Why would anyone think we were suddenly talking about more than one? The person you answered was likely asking because these are important logistics for a single marine to consider, if you're trying to kill thousands of soldiers over likely years.
I don't even like Spess Muhreens and you'd need to be retarded not to see that it's just what would happen. Assuming codex compliance they'll use guerilla, political manipulation, and key assassination tactics. The 41st Millenium operates at an entirely different wavelength than this poor excuse for fiction (not that many 40k books are written even remotely competantly)
A techmarine with some fabrication servitors and servo skulls would probably have the easiest time, yeah he won't be able to replenish diamond-tipped bolter ammo easily but he should be able to use the planetary resources to do something besides just hack at everything with a combat knife.
For a Librarian this is easy as fuck, if they're chaos it's 1000x easier since they can just summon reinforcements. Even lesser demons would rape all of westeros in a day, let alone a greater.
Assuming the marine was briefed in advance on the mission he would be able to bring a lasgun (carbine, hellfire, hotshot, whatever) in addition to his bolter that would negate the need for melee combat.
"How would a marine besiege a fortress" marines are bullshit superhumans, in power armor he can fucking scale the walls like he's the damn Hulk.
The Imperium wouldn't send a single marine anyways, shit like this is what the Officio Assasinorum was made for
Yes, he fucking can. Anyone who tells you that a single marine cannot conquer Westaros, is an idiot. fanboy.
We're talking about a single marine here.
>Guerilla, assassination
I'm not saying they can't easily win 1v1s with anybody, but you can only kill people so fast with those methods. This is still one guy wandering around, and in power armor at that. He makes his first couple notable kills and people are hunting him. He of course slaughters the first several parties sent after him, but when a full army is finally mustered he loses.
>Political manipulation
It's been noted this is the only viable method, but is really risky as it requires playing the manipulation game with everyone else doing the same thing. He can have a major leg up by claiming demigod-hood as a right to rule, but will still end up needing to lead an army, which will take time.
What the actual fuck are you talking about user? You may need to get your autism checked as the top level post in this comment chain is asking solely about the logistical aspect of field life on power equipment
>A single tactical space marine can conquer all of Westeros.
>all these retards ITT forgetting that power armor needs to be charged
So he rampages for a month, then needs to take it off to recharge it through solar panels (which is mentioned to be slower than regular charging)
Then BAM! Arrows through the fucking eye
This is a single marine rallying already loyal (though wavering) planetary forces against a daemonic invasion. This is different from literally invading and conquering a nation with a single dude.
Five cadians jumped on top of a higher daemon and tried to shiv it to death. Cadians are bad ass.
Alpha Legion is the only correct answer. He'd have a united Westeros faster than any other Marine because the Alpha Legion SPECIFICALLY TRAINS for this exact situation.
It's not even a hard question.
This is the most reasonable answer I've seen so far. It'll take a bit of time, but an AL marine could probably do it fairly reliably.
>>when a full army is mustered he loses
No, when a full army is mustered he's completely impervious to every weapon on the planet and the enemy army breaks ranks and flees because they aren't mindless tyranids, they're human beings. Human beings that have never heard automatic weapons fire, let alone full-auto armor piercing missile launchers like a Bolter, will shit their britches and break ranks.
All the marine has to do is stand on a hilltop and fire into their massed ranks and all hell will break loose.
Even dragons in ASOIAF are just giant targets for bolters. They're not near as powerful as dragons in other settings, and while their breath is hot enough to melt stone they are pathetically short-range. They've been slain with nonmagical weaponry and held with regular chains before their extinction, they're a fear and intimidation weapon more than anything
Have this.
Sorry, does he have infinite ammo?
>feral world
>same as medieval world
To a space marine, it's practically the same.
And Fenris is a feral world. It has viking. Viking are medieval.
I think we may ve overestimating just how tough Power Armor is.
Clearly he could just wade through an army, but Power Armor has been shown to crack under large impacts. A siege weapon, white walker horde, or Dragon would be able to hurt the marine with varying degrees of success.
Single marine conquers the warp, user say he cannot conquer a planet.
Marines are only T4 Sv3+. A butt naked guardsmen can kill one, given long enough.
Barring that, they just do shit like lashing chains around pieces of armor and dragging him into a hole or water. Start using Tarrasque tactics.
Details unclear. This would seem to be the political route, where you show off some prowess and use it to convince people to follow you, which is the best course of action here. Not killing everyone.
>He of course slaughters the first several parties sent after him, but when a full army is finally mustered he loses.
Okay you've got your GOT army who's fastest units are cavalry at 30-40mph carrying weapons that the Marine will laugh off. The mountain with a full swing of a Warhammer would not budge a marine.
The Marine can run faster than vehicle Highway speeds, on uneven ground, without food or water, without sleep, without ready.... for weeks. He is not going to get tired or unfocused. So your army tries chasing him for a day and sets up camp after he slaughters all of your pursuing cavalry or decides to just book it. You go to sleep and wake up hearing a commotion. It's the marine sprint through your camp faster than sentries can't react or stop. Your last image is a ceramite fist coming at your face.
What does your army do now? I guess your second can take command and continue. They die the next day while marching. The next commander doesn't die, the perimeter sentries do. Then their replacements.
Desertion started the day the original commander died. By the end of the week nobody is going to be willing to continue hunting the demon.
>Feral World is defined as a planet whose population is composed of nomadic hunter-gatherers or members of early agricultural societies and who possess technology equivalent to Old Earth's Stone Age, Bronze Age or early Iron Age cultures
Didn't a Chaos Space Marine get turned into a pincushion by a bunch of ferals?
I guess it depends on if the Marine is a main character of the story or not.
Marines are only M6", same as regular guardsmen. Assuming shitty medieval weapons are no better than unarmed, that's still S3 AP0, which can kill marines.
>Iron Age cultures
In other words, medieval.
It's almost like you assume
>he's a marine you'd find in the tabletop
>it falls within your shitty psuedo-expectation that marines are hulking battle driven retards
It's not a question that a single marine will take over Westeros, because a single marine has taken back a Daemon world, a single marine has fought against Ork hordes for 20 years standing on physical mountains of bodies, marines are so ridiculous that they can dodge supersonic, diamond tipped, armor piercing, explosive rounds which for the most part, bounce off their armor like it's irrelevant. On top of all of this, he is smarter than you are, and more importantly, a hell of a lot smarter than any one else in the setting, despite his religious fanatacism. Which due to the way warlords inevitably rise lets this one Tac-Marine raise an army that will actually do well for itself, on top of the assassinations and political leverings. At any point during this, a Governor will show up who will likely take the the Marines reccomendation for Exterminatus or orbital cleansing.
He scales the walls and kills everything inside.
Key thing with castles is that they are built to hinder armies attacking with chokepoints and killzones which allow them to fire arrows at enemies while they can't return fire.
Most obstacles aren't a problem for the Marine and they don't possess any weaponry that could be a threat to him, since any powerful enough siege weapon which could damage a marine would tend not to be something you can aim at a fast moving target and expect to hit.
Unironically this.
The capabilities of a single Space Marine vary widely, depending on the situation. Spinefists in canon can puncture but not go through power armor, and those are just Diamonds that get sneezed at you really fast. With armor and reactions like that, they shouldn't be all that difficult to kill.
But their abilities will change from book to book depending on the author.
>He of course slaughters the first several parties sent after him, but when a full army is finally mustered he loses.
A Space Marine with no armor can outrun the best runner. With armor we're talking about someone who doesn't even need to stop for sleep running faster than a horse. If he wanted to he could just charge through the army and nobody would be able to stop him.
How new are you? TT stats mean nothing outside of TT because they contradict all lore for fair gameplay mechanics.
How heretical would they find it? Old gods, new gods, many faced gods. Lord of light might sound somewhat like the emprah to the right chapters.
>Marines are only T4 Sv3+. A butt naked guardsmen can kill one, given long enough.
Guardsmen use mono-molecular weapons. Even the kitchen knives have an edge that can cut most modern materials.
Things that a space marine regularly beat have been known to end entire worlds on their lonesome.
>A shard of the Void Dragon escapes from its imprisonment, laying waste to the Arotepk Dynasty in its mindless rage. Though only a faint shadow of a true C’tan, the Void Dragon gorges itself on a dozen worlds, expending its fury upon the living before the Arotepk Crypteks can finally force it back into its cage.