Cyberpunk General /cybergen/

For that chrome itch I know you all have. All things cyberpunk welcome; talk about the already published RPGs in the genre, get hype about what's coming up, and post that homebrew setting you're writing up. Suggest some movies, literature, interpretive dance, whatever.
>Cyberpunk 2020 (Relatively Complete) Collection!6kkFkLaa!6EZSzqCRAasDWlkLeo9ibQ
>Hardwired (Novel) Jon Williams - Hardwired.pdf

Megacorp edition; how do you roll with them? Massive eldritch monoliths? Scheming new world order? Big business with guns? Psuedo-Nation States?

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Posting my short and unfinished setting's short and unfinished megacorp writeup to get the ball rolling.

I started working on a cyberpunk system a few years ago. The people I playtested it with thought it was cool.

Then I got a new job and no longer have any time to work on games.

How many guns should be available?

Did anyone use the requirements for gun licences in the original book?

Companies which feed into bigger companies until you realize the fast food delivery company which scans your credit card and details is feeding the information to a search engine company whose feeding your info to clients and the government for fee.

Cyberpunk 2020 SLA Weapons. According to SLA Industries, all of the weapons found in the SLA Industries and Karma sourcebooks are put out by "sub-companies" of the world-spanning SLA Industries corporation:
"The sub-companies in SLA all act as rivals, tendering for contracts and trying to out-perform each other. While ... heavily in competition, they are ... working, technically, for SLA."
For CP2020, GMs will probably want to break these companies into independent corporations, make up stats for them, and place them in competition with established CP2020 companies like Militech, Armalite, and Constitution Arms. To make this easier, the companies given below are stripped of their SLA references and presented as separate entities, with no ties to one another except where noted. All information given for a corporation is practically verbatim from SLA Industries, and companies with sparse entries (Kramer Production Syndicate, Klip Killer) are just as lean in the original sourcebook.
Most SLA Industries weapons are either entirely ceramic or employ a high percentage of ceramic parts in their construction. Except where otherwise noted, assume that all weapons given below are caseless. SLA's preferred caliber is 10mm, and the majority of these are straight one-for-one damage conversions using the CP2020 stats for 10mm rounds. Any of these weapons may be smartlinked; standard price increases apply.
The author does not condone use of all of these weapons in a CP2020 campaign. Hell, I think some of them are pretty overpowered. However, in the interests of neutrality, I've decided to present everything, keep the conversions as faithful to the original sourcebook as possible, and let you pick and choose what you want according to the needs of your campaign.

General Armaments is known for compact, inexpensive, lightweight weapons that combine ceramic barrels with standard steel frames. Their products are sound enough, with a good, robust design and long life expectancy of parts. Unfortunately, GA has had a rather checkered success rate with their products over the years, and are finding it hard to maintain their hold in the marketplace. This will soon spell the end of GA's weapons design team, unless they can work miracles or acquire funding from outside sources.
To reflect GA's decline, GMs may opt to bump prices up by 50%-100% in an effort to boost prices, or reduce them by the same amount to simulate a GA stock "blowout." ("General Armaments presents a GIANT THREE DAY SALE!")

GA47 Semi-Automatic Pistol P -1 P 2D6+3 (10mm) 12 1/3 ST 50m 250eb
A small, inexpensive pistol from General Armaments, ideal for those who need a concealable weapon with the stopping power of a 10mm round. The ceramic barrel has a lifetime guarantee, the lightweight frame makes the GA47 easy to carry, and the low recoil makes it very easy to fire. Unfortunately, the snub barrel reduces accuracy significantly. (SLA 225)

GA50 "Finisher" Assault Rifle RIF +1 L C 2D6+3 (10mm) 30 1/3/30 ST 400m 500eb
This small bullpup-configured rifle has the accuracy of an assault rifle combined with the concealability, caliber, and small size of a SMG. Solid carbon-fiber construction makes for great weight savings and allows for a good deal of rough handling without loss of performance. (SLA 225)

FEN weapons are famous for their reliability and high comfort factor, with full ceramic frames, compact magazines, and zero maintenance guarantees.
"When you buy a FEN product, you're buying a lifetime of trouble free, cheap service crafted by the finest technicians. Whatever you buy, an auto pistol or an assault cannon, better buy FEN."
-- FEN Catalogue ad copy

FEN-603 Auto-Pistol P 0 J C 2D6+3 (10mm) 20 1/3/20 VR 50m 300eb
The FEN-603 is a medium autopistol that feels like a light pistol due to its full ceramic frame and barrel (which comes ready to accept a silencer, flash suppressor, and sights). Features of note include a compact box magazine, a rubberized, cushioned "easy" grip, and a zero maintenance or full refund guarantee. (SLA 225)

FEN-091 "Farjacket" 14mm Pump Pistol P -2 J P 6D6 (14mm) 5 1 VR 25m 1500eb
The need for a compact pistol with the knockout punch of 14mm rounds has been the concern of FEN's design team for some time now. The Farjacket is devastatingly more damaging than the Berenyi Blitzer, and the 14mm shell guarantees large amounts of tissue damage no matter what type of round is used. Full ceramic case and frame make the Farjacket's weight enough to negate the more uncomfortable aspects of its large load. The Farjacket comes ready to accept a laser sight. (Karma 32)

FEN-204 "Gunhead" SMG SMG +1 L C 2D6+3 (10mm) 40 1/5/40 VR 200m 450eb
A squat, ugly ceramic submachinegun with the features common to the FEN line of weapons--"easy" grip, zero maintenance guarantee, compact box magazine. Comes with an integral flash suppressor or silencer, and can easily be fitted with a laser sight. (SLA 225)

FEN-AR Assault Rifle RIF +1 N C 6D6+2 (7.62) 25 1/3/25 VR 400m 500eb
With a hard case ceramic construction and smooth full auto feed, the FEN-AR is a comfortable, rugged assault rifle. The FEN-AR is FEN's most popular product, and was originally restricted to military buyers. Military models have a VR reliability; the civilian FEN-AR has a ST rating and no maintenance guarantee, but can fit a silencer and flash suppressor. (SLA 226)

ee, but can fit a silencer and flash suppressor. (SLA 226)

FEN-706 "Power Reaper" 2.1 HVY +2 N R 4D6+4 (12mm long) 100 5/50 VR 450m 1000eb
This is a squad support machine gun, similar in concept to the Constitution Arms Cyclone Squad Support Weapon (Protect & Serve) and the Dover GA-1112 Autogun (SOF2). It has enjoyed fantastic success for some years now, serving military clients without a flaw. It has a full ceramic barrel and is equipped with a waldo harness/gyro mount for ease of firing and storage; when not in use, it swings around and locks into an upright position on the user's back. Standard is a 100 round belt-fed ammunition bin (supplied unloaded), and the weapon can also accept 50-round clips. (SLA 226)

FEN-808 "Power Reaper" 2.4 (Long Bore) HVY +2 N R 4D6+4 (12mm long) 100 5/50 VR 800m 4000eb
Just in! Limited stock of special issue Long Bore Power Reapers! Previously unavailable except to military clients, the FEN-808 is identical to the FEN-706, but is a bit more accurate (and expensive!). When carrying the FEN-808 in the folded position, reduce the user's REF by -2 for the purposes of running, jumping, and anything else covered by Athletics, Melee, Martial Arts, and so forth. (Karma 32).

FEN-400 "Sure Kill" Sniper Cannon RIF +3 N R 7D10+3 (17mm BMG) 5 1 VR 3000m 2000eb
The Sure Kill is perhaps the most powerful sniper rifle ever made. The over-long ceramic barrel allows for extremely high muzzle velocities; the weapon itself comes with laser sight, folding bipod (+1 WA at Long/Extended Range), 3000m scope and 20% recoil baffling (reduce BOD min by 20%). The Sure Kill also has a five round box magazine. The manufacturers apologize for the unavailability of larger box magazines. (SLA 226)

FEN 30-30 "True Shot" Sniper Rifle RIF +3 N P 6D6+2 (7.62mm) 1 1 VR 900m 1100eb
The 30-30 has a full ceramic casing and barrel and comes with laser sight, flash suppressor, 1000m scope and detachable bipod (+1 WA at Long/Extended Range). It is bolt action and holds a single round; there is very little recoil, and the ceramic barrel is detachable and comes with a full zero maintenance guarantee. (SLA 226)

FEN "Tri" Sniper Platform RIF +4 N R 6D10 (12.7mm BMG) 1 1 VR 1200m 1450eb
An innovative design from FEN, the Tri Sniper Platform comes with a powerful 2000m scope with integral IR and UV nightsight linked to a high resolution monitor targeting screen (detachable) and IR/UV laser sight with a 2000m range. Fully suppressed and silenced, the Tri is bolt action, single-shot, with a full ceramic frame and barrel. The Tri is mounted on a sturdy tripod; fine aiming is done by the computer--no hands are required, and would in fact interfere with the shot. Alternately, aiming can be accomplished (at -1 WA) with a small remote control and the monitor targeting screen. The remote is good up to 5m. The Tri cannot be removed from the tripod without dropping WA to -3! Operating the Tri manually is difficult: removing the monitor drops WA by -2. A "stripped" Tri (no scope, no monitor) operates at a WA of 0. The Tri is modular and fits in a compact carry case. (SLA 226)

FEN-93 GAG RIF +2 N P 6D6+2 (7.62mm) 30 3/30 VR 400m 800eb
Though the GAG has all the markings of an assault rifle, it has been constructed to conform to most of the specifications of the 30-30. Carrying a 7.62mm round, it is mostly identical to the 30-30, but has the capacity for automatic fire and a larger magazine capacity. (Karma 31)

Klip Killer manufactures hold-out weapons, similar to the (in)famous Polymer One-Shot Cannon (Chromebook 2). Since Klip Killer weapons are actually designed, not slapped together like the One-Shot, they are fairly reliable.

K.K. 20 "Panther" P 0 J E 4D6+1 (12mm) 20 2 ST 25m 200eb
For those of you who don't want the hassle of carrying a back-up pistol, the KK20 is ideal. The KK20 clips easily onto your arm, and the use of light carbon-fiber in its construction makes it extremely light, though a bit bulky. (-1 REF to actions performed with that arm). The trigger is slung under the wrist so that when your primary weapon is dropped, the trigger grip can be easily flipped into the hand, ready to fire a 12mm round. The KK requires a special modular 20 round wrap-around feed, available from KK(50eb), and can fit a laser sight, silencer or flash suppressor (-2 REF to actions performed with that arm, and raises concealability to L). (SLA 227)

K.K. 30 "Ripper" P 0 L E 4D6+1 (12mm) 20 1/5 ST 25m 400eb
The Ripper is essentially a high-powered, automatic version of the Panther. It shares the wrist trigger system and ammunition clips of the Panther. Due to its larger size, and slightly different construction, the Ripper is unable to fit a silencer or flash suppressor. It can fit a laser sight. Wearing a Ripper will reduce REF by -2 on all actions with that arm. (SLA 227)

There's never too many guns. As for the gun licenses thing, I used Home of the Brave's thing where you don't need licenses for any guns, but anything that is automatic or considered "military use" is off limits no matter what.

Berenyi Light Arms has had an unblemished track record since it first unveiled the Blitzer. Their standard of workmanship is unparalleled; Berenyi designs have an air of artistry, a look which makes these expensive handguns more of a status symbol than a weapon.

Berenyi 046M "Blitzer" Revolver P +1 J P 4D6+1 (12mm) 6 2 VR 50m 1800eb
These unusual ceramic revolvers from Berenyi Light Arms are molded from high quality silicate and carbon-fiber composites. While most are custom-made for each buyer (individually molded grips and designs and so forth), with a little chemical preparation they are not too hard to genericize (acid-treating the grips, eating off the serial numbers, etc) and many black market versions exist. If not bought factory-direct, the cost is halved, the reliability drops to UR, and the WA drops to a minimum of -1. Blitzer orders take two weeks to fill and Berenyi provides a maintenance kit/carry case for an additional 50eb. (SLA 227)

Berenyi 446M 12mm Derringer P -2 P P 4D6+1 (12mm) 2 2 VR 25m 400eb
The Derringer is one of the smallest heavy handguns in production. It follows the strict production guidelines that BLA previously set on the 046 Blitzer, so quality is assured. The Derringer is a breech loaded, twin barrelled pistol that chambers two 12mm rounds. It has been designed with reinforced chambers and a single or double hammer pull to allow the firing of one or both of the rounds with a single trigger action. This is BLA's first entry into the mass-production firearms market. (Karma 30).

Berenyi 710M "Snubber" P 0 P P 2D6+1 (9mm) 14 1/2 VR 50m 150eb
The BLA Snubber is a petite autopistol; it is easy to maintain, easy to fire, lighter and cheaper than the FEN-603 (which it was designed to compete with). (Karma 31)

Berenyi 646M "Buzzsaw" SMG nbsp; SMG +1 N C 2D6+1 (9mm) 180 40 VR 100m 800eb
With the introduction of more and more semi and fully automatic weapons into an already flooded market, Berenyi has created the 646 Buzzsaw in an effort to step ahead of the pack. Note that though the weapon resembles a tiny minigun, it is in fact an SMG with an integral drum magazine and will accept no other type without a bit of tinkering (Average Weaponsmith roll, changes concealibility to L). (Karma 30)

Another company with just one product. Kramer has had a great deal of success with the Mangler, so look for more interesting designs from this up-and-comer.

KPS "Mangler" Auto-Shotgun SHG -1 N P 4D6 (10 gauge) 40 15 ST 50m 900eb
This is a high-power, closed bolt, gas-operated, belt-fed automatic shotgun from the Kramer Production Syndicate. It has a full ceramic frame composition and can fire up to 300 rounds per minute (sustained fire).

Rules the world and manufactures high-quality weapons, too. What fun!

SLA Industries 10-10 "Bully Boy" SHG 0 N P 4D6 (10 gauge) 20 5 VR 50m 600eb
The 10-10 Bully Boy is a snub-nose, gas-operated, bullpup configured, close assault autoshotgun. For an autoshotgun, it has a relatively low rate of fire, but its reliability is unmatched. It can use 10 gauge or solid slug ammunition in a 10 round box magazine, and comes with a lifetime guarantee on the full weapon system.

Consolidated Arms makes lightweight, light caliber, mass-production alloy firearms for the home and personal defense market. A gun for everyone from Granny to little Mary Sue. Rugged, cheap, easy to clean, not terribly accurate, and ubiquitous. All are 5mm.

Consolidated Arms Cold Cast Pistol P -1 P C 1D6 (5mm) 8 2 VR 50m 50eb
Consolidated Arms "Eagle" SMG SMG -2 J C 1D6 (5mm) 30 1/30 VR 150m 100eb
Dynamic Precision Blades manufactures a variety of modern powered melee weapons.

Dynamic Chain Axe MEL -2 N P 4D6 n/a n/a ST 2m 200eb
No frills. The Chain Axe is a brutal weapon that will rip flesh, bone, and armor with gruesome ease. Easy maintenance, 5000 hour power pack, light ceramic frame and steel cutting teeth. Picture a cross between a chainsaw and a pole arm, and you have some idea of what kind of weapon this is.

Dynamic VibroSabre MEL 0 N P 4D6 n/a n/a ST 1m 400eb
While not a monoweapon, the VibroSabre has a blade constructed from a durable silicon and carbon fiber compound, and is well equipped to match the high standards demanded by those accustomed to monoknives. Quality, hand-crafted hilt and scabbard. Estimated power pack life is 5000 hours.

Dynamic Gash Fist MEL 0 P P 3D6/2D6/2D6 n/a n/a ST 1m 800eb
This powered gauntlet resembles the SPM-1 Battleglove in concept, but differs slightly in execution. It does 3D6 crushing damage, 2D6 punch damage, and 2D6 AP damage from the pair of retractable blades on the wrist and back of the hand. It has no room for cyberarm options.

Ian Thomas Bradley is famous for non-powered, high-quality ceramic and monoblade "reproductions" of ancient melee weapons.

ITB Flick Scythe MEL +1 N P 4D6 n/a n/a ST 2m 500eb
An extremely powerful pole arm with a tough silica-ceramic blade, the Flick Scythe is excellent for keeping your opponents out of arm's reach while ripping them apart. The blade and haft fold down to a compact 12" carrying rod (takes 2 rounds to fully open for combat).

Colt Army Dragoon, First Model (.44 Cap & Ball) P -1 J C 2D6+2 6 1 ST 35m.

Colt Buntline Special (.45 Long Colt) P +0 L C 2D6+2 6 1 VR 60m.

Colt Frontier Model (44/40 Winchester) P +0 J C 3D6+1 6 1 VR 40m.

Colt Model 1851 Navy (.36 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6 6 1 ST 30m.

Colt Model 1860 Army (.44 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6+2 6 1 ST 35m.

Colt Peacemaker (.45 Long Colt) P +0 J C 2D6+2 6 1 VR 35m.

Colt Pocket Police (.36 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6 6 1 ST 30m.

Colt Shopkeeper (38/40 Winchester) P -1 J C 2D6 6 1 ST 30m.

Colt Walker (.44 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 4D6 6 1 ST 45m.

Derringer (.50 Cap & Ball) P -1 P C 2D6 1 1 ST 5m.

Elliot Pocket Repeater (.22 Rim Fire) P -2 P C 1D6 5 2 ST 5m.

Elliot Single (.41 Rim Fire) P -2 P C 1D6+2 1 1 ST 5m.

Griswold and Gunnison (.44 Cap & Ball) P -1 J R 2D6+2 6 1 ST 35m.

Le Mat (.42 Cap & Ball) P +0 J P 2D6+1 9 1 ST 35m.

Le Mat (.60 Cap & Ball) P -1 J P 5D6 1 1 UR 25m.

Remington Double Derringer (.41 Rim Fire) P -2 P C 1D6+2 2 2 ST 5m.

Remington New Model Army (.44 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6+2 6 1 ST 35m.

Smith & Wesson Model #2 (.32 S&W Long) P +0 J P 1D6+1 6 1 ST 25m.

Spiller and Burr (.36 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6 6 1 ST 30m.

Starr 44 (.44 Cap & Ball) P +0 J C 2D6+2 6 2 ST 35m.

Brown Bess (.75 Smoothbore Flintlock Musket) RIF -1 N C 5D6+2 1 1 UR 35m.

Charleville Musket (.69 Smoothbore Flintlock Musket) RIF +0 N C 5D6 1 1 ST 50m.

Colt Revolving Rifle (.56 Cap & Ball) RIF +1 N C 4D6+1 5 1 ST 75m.

Gatling Gun (Varies, .58 to .45) RIF +0 N P varies 400 20 ST 75m.

Hall Flintlock (.75 Smoothbore Flintlock Musket) RIF +0 N C 5D6+2 1 1 ST 50m.

Harper's Ferry Model 1855 Rifle (.58 Rifled Cap & Ball Musket) RIF +1 N C 4D6+2 1 1 ST 75m.

Hawken Plains Rifle (.50 Rifled Cap & Ball Musket) RIF +2 N C 4D6 1 1 ST 75m.

Henry Repeater (.44 Rim Fire) RIF +1 N C 4D6 15 1 ST 75m.

Jaeger Rifle (.75 Rifled Flintlock Musket) RIF +2 N C 5D6+2 1 1 ST 75m.

Kennedy Repeater (45-60 Winchester) RIF +1 N C 5D6+2 12 1 ST 100m.

Kentucky Rifle (.45 Cap & Ball Musket) RIF +2 N C 3D6+2 1 1 ST 50m.

Remington Geiger (45-70 Government) RIF +0 N C 5D6+2 1 1 VR 75m.

Remington Model 1872 (45-70 Government) RIF +1 N C 5D6+2 1 1 ST 75m.

Sharps Carbine (.52 Cap & Ball Rifle) RIF +1 N C 4D6 1 1 ST 75m.

Sharps Rifle (.52 Cap & Ball Rifle) RIF +2 N C 4D6+1 1 1 ST 100m.

Spencer Carbine (.52 Rim Fire) RIF +1 N C 4D6+1 7 1 ST 75m.

Springfield Model 1863 (.58 Rifled Cap & Ball Musket) RIF +1 N C 4D6+2 1 1 ST 75m.

Springfield Model 1873 (45-70 Government) RIF +1 N C 5D6+2 1 1 VR 75m.

Springfield Model 1873 (45-90 Government) RIF +0 N C 5D6+2 1 1 ST 75m.

Wesson Target Rifle (.52 Rifled Cap & Ball Musket) RIF +3 N C 4D6 1 1 ST 150m.

Winchester Model 1866 (.44 Rim Fire) RIF +1 N C 4D6 17 1 VR 75m.

Winchester Model 1876 (45-60 Winchester) RIF +1 N C 5D6+2 12 1 ST 100m.

Double-Barrel Shotgun (.75 Percussion Muzzle Loader) SHG -1 N C 3D6+2 2 2 ST 50m.

Remington - Rider #3 (12 Gauge) SHG +1 N C 4D6 1 1 VR 50m.

Remington Model 1882 (12 Gauge) SHG +1 N C 4D6 2 2 VR 50m.

Remington Model 89 (10 Gauge) SHG +1 N C 6D6 2 2 ST 50m.

Colt M1911A1 (.45 ACP) P +0 J C 2D6+2 7 2 VR 50m. USA

Enfield Revolver #2 Mk1 (.380 British Service) P +1 J C 1D6+1 6 1 VR 50m. UK

Glistenti M10 (9mm Glisenti) P +0 J C 2D6-1 7 2 ST 50m. ITA

Kenju Type 94 (8mm Taisho 14) P -1 J C 1D6+2 6 2 UR 50m. JAP

Lebel M1892 (8mm MLe92) P +0 J C 1D6+1 6 1 ST 50m. FRA

Mauser HSc (32 ACP) P +0 P C 1D6+1 8 2 ST 25m. GER

OSS M1942 (.45 ACP) P -1 P C 2D6+2 1 1 ST 25m. USA

Taisho 14 (8mm Taisho 14) P +0 J C 1D6+2 7 2 ST 50m. JAP

Tokarev TT33 (7.62mm Tokarev) P +0 J C 2D6-1 8 2 VR 50m. RUS

Walther P38 (9mm Parabellum) P +1 J C 2D6+1 8 2 VR 50m. GER

Walther PP (32 ACP) P -1 P C 1D6+1 8 2 VR 25m. GER

Webley Mk6 (.455 Revolver) P +0 J C 1D6+2 6 1 VR 50m. UK

Lanchester Mk1 (9mm Parabellum) SMG +1 N C 2D6+1 50 20 ST 200m. UK

M3A1 "Grease Gun" (.45 ACP) SMG -1 N/L C 2D6+2 30 15 VR 150m. USA

MAB 38A (9mm Modello 38A) SMG +1 N U 3D6 40 20 ST 200m. ITA

MAB 38/42 (9mm Parabellum) SMG +0 N C 2D6+1 40 20 ST 200m. ITA

MAS 38 (7.65mm Longue) SMG +1 L C 1D6+2 32 20 ST 150m. FRA

MP35/I (9mm Parabellum) SMG +0 N C 2D6+1 32 20 ST 200m. GER

MP38/40 "Schmeisser" (9mm Parabellum) SMG +1 N/L C 2D6+1 32 15 VR 200m. GER

Owen Mk1 (9mm Parabellum) SMG +0 N C 2D6+1 34 20 VR 200m. AUS

PPD 40 (7.62mm Tokarev) SMG +0 N C 2D6-1 71 25 ST 200m. RUS

PPSh 41 (7.62mm Tokarev) SMG +0 N C 2D6-1 71 30 VR 200m. RUS

PPS 43 (7.62mm Tokarev) SMG +1 N/L C 2D6-1 35 20 ST 200m. RUS

Reising M50 (.45 ACP) SMG +1 N U 2d6+2 20 20 ST 200m. USA

Sten Mk2 (9mm Parabellum) SMG +1 N C 2D6+1 32 20 VR 200m. UK

Sten Mk3 (9mm Parabellum) SMG +1 N C 2D6+1 32 20 VR 200m. UK

Thompson M1928A1 (.45 ACP) SMG +1 N C 2D6+2 100 25 UR 200m. USA

Thompson M1A1 (.45 ACP) SMG +2 N C 2D6+2 30 20 VR 200m. USA

Type 100 (8mm Taisho 14) SMG +0 N C 1D6+2 30 15 ST 150m. JAP

Type 100 1944 Pattern (8mm Taisho 14) SMG +0 N C 1D6+2 30 20 ST 150m. JAP

Arisaka Type 99 (7.7x58mm) RIF +1 N C 5D6 5 1 ST 300m. JAP

Fucile Mod 91 (6.5mm Carcano) RIF +2 N C 5D6-2 6 1 ST 300m. ITA

Fusil Mle 34 (7.5mm MAS) RIF +1 N C 5D6-1 5 1 ST 300m. FRA

Ge w 33/40 (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +1 N C 5D6 5 1 ST 400m. GER

Kar 98k (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +2 N C 5D6 5 1 VR 400m. GER

Karabin 1938g (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) RIF +1 N C 5D6 5 1 VR 400m. RUS

Karabin 1944g (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) RIF +1 N C 5D6 5 1 VR 400m. RUS

M1903 A4 (30'06 Springfield) RIF +3 N C 5D6+1 5 1 VR 400m. USA

MAS 36 (7.5mm MAS) RIF +2 N C 5D6-1 5 1 VR 300m. FRA

Pattern 1914 (.303 British) RIF +1 N C 4D6+2 5 1 ST 300m. UK

Rifle #4 Mk1 (.303 British) RIF +2 N C 4D6+2 10 1 VR 300m. UK

Rifle #5 Mk1 "Jungle Carbine" (.303 British) RIF +1 N C 4D6+2 10 1 ST 250m. UK

AVS 36 (7.92mm Mosin-Nagant) RIF +0 N C 5D6 15 20 UR 250m. RUS

BAR A2 (30'06 Springfield) RIF +0 N C 5D6+1 20 15 VR 250m. USA

FG 42 (7.92 Mauser) RIF +0 N C 5D6 20 20 ST 250m. GER

Gew 41 (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +0 N C 5D6 10 2 ST 300m. GER

GEW 43 (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +2 N P 5D6 10 2 VR 300m. GER

M1 Carbine (.30 M1 Carbine) RIF +2 L C 4D6 15 2 VR 200m. USA

M1 Garand (30'06 Springfield) RIF +2 N C 5D6+1 8 2 VR 350m. USA

M1E7 (30'06 Springfield) RIF +3 N C 5D6+1 8 2 VR 400m. USA

M2 Carbine (.30 M1 Carbine) RIF +2 L C 4D6 30 30 VR 200m. USA

MP 43/Stg 44 (7.92mm Kurz) RIF +1 N C 4D6 30 15 ST 250m. GER

SKS (7.62x39mm) RIF +1 N C 5D6 10 2 VR 300m. RUS

SVT 40 (7.62mm Nagant) RIF +2 N C 5D6 10 2 ST 300m. RUS

Bren Mk1 (.303 British) RIF +0 N C 4D6+2 30 15 ST 250m. UK

DP (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) RIF +1 N C 5D6 47 20 ST 300m. RUS

DPM (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) RIF +1 N C 5D6 47 20 VR 300m. RUS

DShK (12.7x107mm) HVY +1 N C 6D10 50 20 VR 500m. RUS

Kikanju 11 (6.5mm Meiji 30 (RL)) RIF +0 N C 4D6+2 30 15 ST 250m. JAP

M1919 A4 (30'06 Springfield) HVY +0 N C 5D6+1 250 15 ST 300m. USA

M1919 A6 (30'06 Springfield) HVY +1 N C 5D6+1 250 15 ST 300m. USA

M1924/29 (7.5mm Mle 29) RIF +1 N C 5D6 25 15 ST 300m. FRA

M2HB (.50 Browning) HVY +0 N C 6D10 110 15 VR 500m. USA

MG 34 (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +0 N C 5D6 50 25 ST 300m. GER

MG 42 (7.92mm Mauser) RIF +0 N C 5D6 50 40 VR 300m. GER

Modello 37 (8mm Modello 35) HVY +0 N C 5D6+2 20 15 ST 350m. ITA

PM 1910 (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) HVY +0 N C 5d6 250 20 ST 300m. RUS

SG 43M (7.62mm Mosin-Nagant) HVY +0 N C 5D6 250 20 ST 300m. RUS

Type 92 (7.7mm Shiki 99) HVY +0 N C 5D6 30 15 ST 300m. JAP

Type 96 (6.5mm Meiji 20 (RL)) RIF +0 N C 4D6+2 30 20 ST 250m. JAP

Type 99 (7.7mm Shiki 99) RIF +1 N C 5D6 30 25 ST 250m. JAP

Vickers Mk1 (.303 British Mk8z) HVY +0 N C 4D6+2 250 15 VR 300m. UK

Alice (STR 2, 90eb/dose)
Powerful hallucinogenic which places the subject in a surreal fantasy world of their own imagination. The recorded effects of the drug vary from user to user. Any users exhibiting psychoses or phobias will have the effects of these mental illnesses enhanced, and will be trapped for hours in their own personal nightmare. More stable users experience an entertaining and idyllic flight of fantasy. Most users suffer from delusions related to whatever hallucinations they are experiencing. Alice is taken in tab form. Game Notes : Alice takes effect in 1D10 minutes, and hallucinations last 1D10 hours. 50% of users experience bad trips, but only one roll is made per user, period -- if you are vulnerable, Alice will ALWAYS send you into screaming fits. It is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D3+2 doses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings return in 2D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Hallucinogenic (10) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + Hallucinations (immediate, -5), but "bad trips" occur in 50% of users, not per dose -- one roll per user, please! + Delusions (immediate, -5) + STR 2 = Diff -6, reversed to positive 6. Times 3 for Long Duration equals 18, times 1 for Tab Form = 18 Difficulty. It is Type C Illegal; multiplying 18 times 5eb gives us a cost per dose of 90eb.

Drum (STR 3, 112eb/dose)
Induces complete calm in the user. It also gradually slips them into a catatonic state. When consciousness returns (in two to four hours), the subject will feel as though they had a full night's restful sleep. The name comes from reports that during the increasing catatonia, the only sound users can hear is that of their own heart. It is taken as a tablet and is available by prescription only. Game Notes : While Drum is taking effect (2D6 x 10 minutes), users are calm, composed, and at -3 REF. Once it has taken effect, it puts you to sleep for 1D6/2 + 1 hours, then wakes you up with a bang : roll 1D10, subtract the amount of sleep time, and receive a +3 to Endurance for whatever time is remaining. It is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings return in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Depressant (5) + Soporific (5) + Increased Endurance (10) - Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 3 = Diff 15. Times 3 for Long Duration equals 45 Diff, times .5 for Tablet = 22.5 diff. By Prescription Only multiplies 22.5 difficulty by 5eb giving us a total cost of 112eb per dose.

Flip (STR 3, 315eb/dose)
An extremely powerful anti-depressant, Flip provides an unrivaled feeling of calm and composure. Flip is taken through a derm and is available by prescription only. Game Notes : Flip takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds and lasts for 1D6 x 10 minutes. During this time, it increases COOL by 3 and provides a euphoric rush. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every use or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Euphoric (10) + Increased COOL (20) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + STR 3 = Diff 22. Times 2 for Medium Duration equals 42 Diff, times 1.5 for Derm equals 63 Diff. By Prescription Only multiplies 63 difficulty by 5 euro, giving a total cost of 315eb/dose.

Bass (STR 3, 450eb/dose)
A highly advanced stimulant that enhances the user's strength, producing effects similar to those reported by people under the effects of panic-induced adrenaline (mothers lifing cars off of kids, etc). It is injected. Game Effects : Bass takes effect in 1D5 turns. It increases the user's BOD by 3 and adds +3 to Endurance for 1D6 x 10 minutes. When it wears off, roll a D10 : a result of 1 indicates that the user has permanently lost 1 point of BOD. Regardless of the results of this roll, after Bass wears off, BOD is temporarily reduced by 3 for 1D6 x 10 minutes. It is non-addictive.
Increased BOD (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + STR 3 + Decreased BOD (Delayed, -5) + Possible BOD Loss (-8) = 20 Diff. Times 2 for Medium Duration is 40 Diff times 1.5 for Injected = 60 Diff. Type B Illegal multiples 60 difficulty by 7.5 euro, giving a total cost of 450eb/dose.

Rush (STR 2, 315eb/dose)
Rush is a heavy-duty combat drug. It increases the user's REF by 2, adds 2 to Endurance checks, allows the user to ignore 2 levels of wound penalties, and gives a +2 bonus to Stun/Shock saves. However, the payoff is harsh. Rush is intravenously injected. Game Notes : Rush takes effect in 1D5 turns and wears off in 1D10 hours. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 4 (roll above 4 every use or become addicted) and users are at an increased risk for brain damage and death. Once Rush has worn off, the user must make an unmodified Death Save or die from a stroke. Per each use, roll an additional D10. A result of 1 indicates the user has permanently lost 1 point of INT. Repeat this roll for REF, TECH, and MA. Attribute loss is due to a combination of CNS and brain damage. If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Increased REF (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + Pain Negation (10) + Possible INT loss (-8) + Possible REF loss (-8) + Possible TECH loss (-8) + Possible MA loss (-8) + Death (-15, by stroke) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + STR 2 = Diff -7, reversed to a Diff of 7. Times 3 for Long Duration is diff 21, times 1.5 for Injected equals 31.5. Type A Illegal mutliplies 31.5 difficutly by 10 euro, giving a total difficulty of 315eb/dose.

Ultra Violence (STR 3, 495eb/dose)
Created as the next generation of combat drugs to take over from Rush, Ultra Violence did this superbly, but at a very high cost. Ultra Violence contains nearly identical compounds to Rush, but in a much more concentrated and refined form. It also contains powerful hallucinogenics (thought to be carcinogenic) which give the user a feeling of near indestructability. It is injected. Game Notes : Ultra Violence takes effect in 1D5 turns. It increases REF and Endurance by 3, allows users to ignore 3 levels of wound penalties, and gives a +3 bonus to Stun/Shock saves for 1D10 hours. Users suffer from delusions of invincibility. It is Highly Psychologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 5 (roll above 5 every use or become addicted). Once it has worn off, users must make an unmodified Death Save or die. If this save is made, roll percentage : a result of 01-03 on 1D100 means the user has contracted cancer. If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Increased REF (20) + Increased Endurance (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + Pain Negation (10) + Death (-15, by stroke) + Highly Psychologically Addictive (-12) + Delusions (Immediate, Invincibility, -5) + Death (-15) + Carcinogenic (-10) + STR 3 = Diff 11. Times 3 for Long Duration = Diff 33, times 1.5 for Injected equals 49.5. Type A Illegal multiplies 49.5 difficulty by 10 euro, giving us a total cost of 495eb/dose.

Beat (STR 2, 203eb/dose)
Beat is a popular recreational drug used for relaxation. The effects of the drug differ from subject to subject, but in the main are mood related -- if subjects are happy and relaxed, they are likely to slip into a comatose state for hours, but if they are angry or aggravated, they will become hyperactive, aggressive, and in some cases, psychotic. Beat is available in a powdered form and may be snorted or applied with an inhaler. Game Notes : Beat takes effect in 1D2 minutes. Its essential effects, which do not change from user to user, are a +2 increase to COOL and a euphoric rush lasting 1D10 hours. Depending on the user's mental state, the GM can roll or choose from three sets of side effects -- calm users fall asleep if they fail a Stun/Shock save and are depressed (-2 to all actions for 1D10 hours) and suffer from a loss of appetite when they wake up. Angry or aggressive users are easily provoked into violence and apt to act on their impulses, forcing COOL rolls to keep under control. A small percentage of users become completely psychotic and attack the nearest person (this can be withstood with a Difficult Resist Torture/Drugs roll). It is mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours, and if not satisifed, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.

Additional Notes : I've chosen to reflect Beat's different effects with three different drug constructions. All forms have the exact same difficulty, core effects, and cost -- only the side effects vary.
FORM 1 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Sleepy (Immediate, -4) + Depression (delayed, -4) + Loss of Appetite (delayed -2) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
FORM 2 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Aggressive Behavior (immediate, -6) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
FORM 3 : Increased COOL (20) + Euphoric (5) + Psychotic Rage (immediate, -10) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 2 = Diff 9
Total difficulty of 9 times 3 for Long Duration = 27 Diff, times 1 for powdered = 27 Diff. It is Type B Illegal, so multiply 27 difficulty times 7.5 euro for a total cost of 203 euro/dose.

Personal Interest (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
Personal Interest is a very powerful hallucinogenic used to induce the sensations associated with sexual intercourse, and is used to enhance actual sex or as a solitary masturbatory fix. It is taken as a derm. Game Effects : 10 + 2D10 seconds after applying a Personal Interest derm, users lose all inhibitions and become seriously aroused. Mild hallucinations, usually tactile, often accompany use of this drug. The high lasts for 1D6 x 10 minutes. Once it wears off, users have trouble concentrating and suffer -3 to all actions involving prolonged attention. Their COOL is also reduced by 3. Personal Interest is Mildly Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 5 (roll above 5 every 1D3+2 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisifed, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Hallucinations (10) + Aphrodesiac (10) + Euphoric (5) + Lack of Concentration (delayed, -5) + Reduced COOL (delayed, -5) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Mildly Psychologically Addictive (-8) + STR 3 = Diff 6. Diff 6 times 3 for Medium Duration = 18, times 2 for derm = 36 diff. Type C Illegal multiplies 36 difficulty by 5 euro, giving us a total cost of 180eb/dose.

Kick Start (STR 2, 175eb/dose)
Kick Start aids the natural healing processes of the body by stopping internal bleeding with powerful coagulants. It can also radically increase tissue regrowth and knits bones together with amazing speed. It is not noted for its addictive qualities, but addiction can nonetheless occur among combat operatives who have had to take it frequently. It is a contact drug and is applied in an aerosol spray to open wounds. For prescription use only. Game Notes : Kick Start takes effect in 1D5 turns and speeds up healing by 1 point per day. It adds +2 to First Aid or Medtech rolls made to stabilize the patient when first applied. It has a "duration" of 1D10 minutes, which is only applied for the purposes of calculating overdose chances. For each use, roll 1D10. A result of 1 indicates that the user has lost a permanent point of BOD. It is Mildly Physiologically Addictive, with an Addiction Number of 4 (roll above 4 every 1D6 +4 uses or become addicted). If addicted, cravings appear in 2D6 hours. If not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 4D6 hours afterwards.
Increased Healing Rate (15) + Coagulant (10) + Possible BOD Loss (-8) + Mildly Physiologically Addictive (-5) + STR 2 = Diff 14. Times 1 for Short Duration = 14, times 2.5 for contact = 35 diff. It is By Prescripton Only, so multiply 35 difficulty by 5 eb for a total cost of 175eb/dose.

Pain Away (STR 3, 120eb/dose)
The most powerful painkiller ever created, Pain Away first works by blocking the nervous system to stem the flow of pain impulses to the brain, and then raises the user's pain threshold to the point that even major injuries can be ignored. Addicted users, pain centers permanently deadened, frequently resort to masochism and self-mutilation. It is applied in a derm. Game Notes : Pain Away takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds and lasts 1D10 hours. It allows the user to ignore 3 levels of wound penalties and gives a +3 bonus to stun/shock saves. While under its effects, users are often tempted to inflict damage upon themselves (resist with an Average COOL roll). For each use, on a roll of 1-3 on 1D10, the user permanently loses his sense of pain. It is Moderately Psychologically Addictive, with an AD of 5 (roll under 5 every 1D3 + 2 uses or become addicted). Addicted users receive no painkilling effects, but can still experience the stun/shock bonuses. If addicted, cravings appear in 3D6 hours, and if not satisfied, withdrawal symptoms appear 3D6 hours afterwards.
Pain Negation (10) + Stun Reducer (10) + STR 3 + Moderately Psychologically Addictive (-8) + Compulsive Behavior (self-mutilation, -5) + Permanent Sense Loss (pain, -6).= Diff 4. Times 3 for Long Duration = Diff 12, times 2 for derm = 24 diff. It is By Prescription Only, so multiply 24 difficulty times 5 for a total cost of 120eb/dose.

Streak (STR 3, 180eb/dose)
Streak was developed as an attempt to cure various types of psychoses. As with most experiments, the result had little to do with the intent. Streak was instead found to be a powerful mental stimulant, heightening the user's senses and perception. The risk of brain damage and mental breakdown from misuse is significant. It is injected intravenously (frequently with an airhypo into the jugular vein). Game Notes : Streak takes effect in 1D5 turns and lasts 1D10 hours. It increases Intelligence and Awareness by +3. However, users are at risk for permanent INT loss -- each use, roll 1D10. On a roll of 1, the user has lost 1 point of INT. Once Streak wears off, users are subject to delusions, paranoia, and extremely strong irrational fears, lasting 1D10 hours. It is non-addictive.
Enhanced Perception (15) + INT Increase (20) + Possible INT Loss (-8) + Delusions (delayed, -5) + Irrational Fear (delayed, -10) + Paranoia (delayed, -5) + STR 3 = Diff 8. Times 3 for Long Duration = 24, times 1.5 for Injected = 36. It is Type C Illegal, so multiply 36 Difficulty by 5 euro for a total cost of 180eb/dose.

Honesty (STR 2, 420eb/dose)
This is a very potent truth serum which leaves the subject completely open to suggestion. It is nearly impossible for someone to lie while under the influence of this drug. It is administered in a derm. It is highly illegal to possess this drug on the street, as its use is restricted to government, medical, or military personnel only. Game Notes : Honesty takes effect in 10 + 2D10 seconds. While under the influence of Honesty, a subject's COOL and REF are reduced by 2. Users lose all inhibition, suffer from delusions that their interrogators mean them no harm, and are happy to answer any questions put to them; Resist Torture/Drugs applies, but at a -4 penalty due to a combination of these delusions and the COOL loss. The drug wears off in 1D10 hours. It is non-addictive.
Depressant (5) + Reduced COOL (-5) + Loss of Inhibition (immediate, -4) + Delusions (immediate, -5) + STR 2 = Diff -7, reversed to 7. Times 3 for Long Duration = 21, times 2 for Derm = 42. It is Type A Illegal, so multiply 42 by 10 euro for a total cost of 420eb/dose.

And Done

Can't wait to see 2077 ruins all the cyberpunk shit I loved, fucking hell this and ars magica were my notsopopular things that I loved. Allow me to hipster a little but I think increased popularity due to the game will be detrimental to Talsorian's cyberpunk, which was already wounded by the disaster that was cyberpunk v3.

The FEN-091 takes 17mm rounds, not 14mm. How did you deal with the fact that 17mm pistol rounds don't actually have stats?

>increased popularity
But CP2020 was really popular in the 90s.

Maybe briefly in early to mid 90s, but it was overrun by shadowrun and the likes pretty fast.

Do we know what timeline it's following? Deep Space, Cybergeneration, Firestorm, 3e?

2020, Pondsmith was smart enough to not include cybergenerations or 3rd edition.

It will follow 2020, right after firestorm/i.e the 4th corporate war, mind you the last firestorm book that was going to end the corporate war was not published. He is creating a timeline from 2024 (which was the last firestorm book ended iirc) to up to 2077.
This will also let them add stuff that was missed, like wireless communication etc.

So, cutting the timeline from Deep Space that went up to 2025 or so?

I don't know about Deep Space, 4th corporate war was deffinetly mentioned, he talked about how he wanted to conclude that before moving on.

All in all there will be no cybergeneration or v3 crap thats for certain

French Empire? Huh

Hah, no. France will experience a very nasty Muslim-French civil war. They're already in the early stages of insurgency, according to their intelligence chief.

>guns guns guns

CP2020 was always weird in that in attracted all the leftist/anarchist gun-nuts who couldn't stop sperging out about how awesomely their custom killing machines will take down The Man.

The irony.

So... Today?

hardcore left is quite pro gun

Does anyone still have that fan-made PDF supplement for Cyberpunk 2020 called "Cheap FBC"?

Not in Europe.

Pack all those info in a PDF and post it instead of creating x posts.

Found it, enjoy everyone:

This could be used with Cyberpunk 2020 to, more-or-less, make a Gunnm game.

Nice to see a Cyberpunk general! Is it only for Cyberpunk 2020 (2013 and V.3) or for cyberpunk RPGs in general?

Honestly, the only thing saving the Muslims in France is the rule of law. Only 7.5% of the French population is Muslim. If a civil war would break out, the Muslim population would get wiped out, unless the government protected it. And it's pretty much the same thing in all Europe.

Anyway, the whole Muslim insurrection and terrorism thing is just a meme to enforce the state of emergency and restricts the citizens' rights - which is a trend in the EU. Sure, the Bataclan and Nice terrorist attacks were terrible. About 230 persons got killed by Muslim terrorists in those two tragic incidents. Just to put things in perspective, every year about 10'000 persons die of the flu in France. Where's the outcry?

Also, best Cyberpunk 2020 fan-material/house rules/conversions can be found here:







France dropped from NATO when American, Canadian, and British troops crossed the inner-German border to support a coup in East Germany. In other words, they didn't get hit by Soviet IRBMs/ICBMs.


So basically you used Twilight 2000's background?

Literally, yes. I wanted to write T2k's timeline in to a cyberpunk future rather than the more optimistic 2300ad.

Does fit a retro-Cyberpunk setting.

I thought it was a pretty damn great idea. I loved how Gibson used WW3 in his Sprawl setting, but desperately wanted more elaboration on the setting (I'm a lore junkie for sure). So, I figured since I wasn't getting that I'll just write my own, and use one of my favourite WW3 scenarios while I'm at it.

How did you integrate the cyberstuff? Because T2K is pretty realistic and there wasn't much cyberware around when it was written.

And what happened with China. T2K starts with a conflict between China and the Soviet Union. If in your setting the war was between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, then China would be spared. To keep China from being too powerful, the war could have lead to a civil war, with China being divided.

I mean, it takes place 49 years after the end of World War 3 in 2001. Just use the war as a foundation and build a cyberpunk future up from that. Japan and France were spared nuclear attack, so they become the technological powerhouses of the setting, and almost by necessity as man needs to invent new technologies to survive (Synthetic fuels because most oil refineries were nuked, food that doesn't need to be grown on a massive farm, etc).

The T2k timeline stays as-is up until the year 2000 (When the book is set. The US 8th division manages to successfully take Pomerania but the war dies down after the failure at Kalisz).

Also pic related is the map I drew up of Asia for the setting. China was fragmented for the most part after the third world war, but a series of conflicts in the 2040s in the region led to Manchuria reuniting the land it has now, with the help of Korean intervention. Japan on the other hand funded Canton and China in what became a large proxy war across the former-china.






I had started to make a NeoTokyo TTRPG but never finished it.

I found the background story on some fansite.

Guns were easy to convert - thanks to CP2020's modular system.

Never had time to make a good map

How do you guys play cyberpunk when basically we live in a cyber society already?

No, really. Not dissing on that, but how do you do it?

It's not something so remote that you don't really connect to real world issues (steampunk and verne-like pastiches).

if anything the fact that we already live in the cyberpunk future makes the fears and horrors of cyberpunk all the more real. Cyberpunk just plays up that shit and cranks everything to 11.


Nice memes we hardly live in a cyberpunk setting.

The problem I see is another.

Cyberpunk at its core is fighting the man (the corps).

Right now, I'm reading you through a mass produced smartphone that is possiby selling my soul to google.
And the political scene is so fucked up that while we're not seeing peaks of violence (interesting thing, considering the police is perhaps the only thing that has some of the cyberpunk feeling of "military gear everywhere") one is almost tempted to think Musk running for president might be a good idea (I mean, they should upload a program for empathy in his brain, but still). And I mean that even from a republican perspective.

(no, this is not about Trump, hear for a moment there)

1) the gadgets are already there. Actually, they're way better. We use them for normal shit if not seeing pics of cats or bitching online, certainly not for what Dick imagined.
2) The corps won BIG TIME. And you know what? We like them! We know they have their problems but we don't fight them. Think about that for a second: even if the political climate is dicey, the problem is not them, for the people. Hell, even fucking terrorists don't really have a problem with them.

So, basically, what the 'punks are supposed to want isn't going on. Is kinda unthinkable, actually. And there is no escape: cyberpunk was a political genre of scifi.
(yes, WAS)

>of all things, the natural apocalypse might be the easier to refluff, thanks to global warming

How do you do that? I get you don't really change the world that much. Neither you seem to say "eh, it's just revival".
So how? I ask this 'cause I've seen some decent PBTA cyberpunk hacks and at least the idea might be worthy of some consideration.

>Cyberpunk at its core is fighting the man (the corps).
No it's not.

Read Neuromancer, user.

I have, it's nothing about fighting the man you idiot. It's about some dude who gets drugged and forced to unite two AIs. Not once do any of the characters try to take down some monolithic corporation; the closest thing they do is break in to one to unite the AIs. That's not "sticking it to the man," user. Just because you do something that could be detrimental to a corp doesn't mean you're suddenly a fucking bolshevik.

Next time you read wikipedia, check out the part about the military too.

Different user, but Neuromancer and classic Cyberpunk in general doesn't have that same "Stick it to The Man, man!" theme that Shadowrun and CP2020 do, which is probably what the other anons were referring to.
Granted there's corporate warfare and espionage and conspiracies and all that shit, but I don't think that's the same angle.

I just re-read Neuromancer last week, and there's literally nothing in it about intentionally fucking over corps. The closest they get is the Panther Moderns killing a bunch of workers at the Sense/Net building, but they weren't doing it for directly revolutionary reasons. They're just terrorists for fun essentially.

The book is pretty negative about the corps, sure, like the comments about how an illegal knife fighting arena in Chiba is apparently a sanctioned corp entertainment venue, but it's never about taking them down just because they're baddies.

No one is a hero in that book.

Does anyone have any good futurism articles or references for technological and socio-political trends we'll likely see toward the end of the 21st century?

2020 doesn't really have the "Stick it to the man" thing, once you read more of the material that isn't the core book

Neither does SR, really. You're much more likely to be doing corporate dirty work.

Transport; Road Police guarding convoys or maglev/hyperloops?

So for my cyberpunk setting that is based off Twilight 2000's World War 3, I can't decide if I want to maybe stretch suspension of disbelief so I can make the setting sometime in the 2020's so I can have characters who either remember parts of, or lived in the direct aftermath of WW3, or to make it 2050 so it's less of a stretch of imagination. Any thoughts?

picked this map up at a /wbg/ thread a while back. gimme your thoughts /cyber/

It was already picked apart to death in the /wbg/. >Soviets don't have any of their original assets but have the middle east for some reason
>Mongolia is China and not Soviet aligned
>The CAS not making any sense because those assholes all hate eachother
>Somalia is Jewish
>Le America annexes North America memes
>Hey guys how do I write South America?
>South Africa doesn't even have Namibia
>United Korea when China would have still intervened
>Japan has Sakhalin how?
The list goes on.

Also, if you want a good setting where you have a series of different alliances and great powers, look at Transhuman Space for GURPS. It's not cyberpunk, but it does have some interesting geopolitics With some modification it could be a really cool cyberpunk setting I think