So as a joke, our DM actually gave us a virgin Elf slave. I know, I know, elf slave wat do. But seriously, what should my group do?
So as a joke, our DM actually gave us a virgin Elf slave. I know, I know, elf slave wat do. But seriously...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm thinking I use her as bait. Any other ideas?
Teach her in the ways of violence and bloodshed. Teach her to be strong and self-reliant. Teach the one truth in this world of lies: that Strength conquers all!
Your group should provide us more context as concerning what fucking kind of group your group is.
Rip her ears off. Sell her as a Human slave.
Fine. We're mostly lawful-good, except for my character who is chaotic-evil.
I might take you up on that one. My character is a barbarian Oni after all...
How did your character manage playing with lawful goods?
Congrats, you made me laugh. I might do that.
You know what they say! Around Elves!
He is very good at hiding his nature. He's an oni with +5 charisma and disguise self. Inherently good at deceiving people. It helps that most of them are lawful-stupid.
if your GM is a cunt: find out where she's from, return her to her home, don't get attached or let the GM think you care about her too much
if your GM is a decent person: take her on as a cook or supplies manager or something
Protect her smile.
I'm going to post this in every elf thread until you like it.
Our GM is sort of both
I feel like there is a reference I'm not getting here.
be a responsible owner and don't forget to defang, declaw, and neuter your new elf
Should I hold her hand, too?
Make her wear silly hats
Teach her well on the path of blood, Brother.
Tell them you'll free them if they help you bring down whoever enslaved them.
Then apprentice them, wife them or have them set up shop in a convenient town. After you free them.
This works even if you're evil. Do you know how much money you can make by taking down your competitors in the slave trade?
Yeah sure, this is absolutely different from any other elf slave wat do thread.
xD le lewd elf so fahnny!
I think I'll use my +5 charisma to lewd the elf, then make her my waif
Have her do menial tasks. Somebody needs to wash your group's clothes, cook you food, take care of your horses and all that crap.
I would like to point out that the OP hasn't referred to the slave as a male or female, only that it is a virgin and an elf.
I said that, and I am OP. She is a she.
It's different because nobody posts anything lewd. These bait threads of old are amazingly dull without lewd art.
This. Free maidservant.
why would you devalue your property like that?
mutilated slaves are worth less, AND property that lasts 1000 years is more valuable than property that lasts 80 years. dumb.
anyway, OP, we need to know more about the property, before we can give you a plan.
does the slave have any skills?
how old is it?
how much is it worth?
how much can it make in a year?
She is a loli elf.
Well, it seems these threads are mod-approved now, go nuts Veeky Forums.
give her her freedom, put a blade in her hand, show her how to use it. let her make her own life. no-one should live in chains.
I'm trying to figure out how this will work. Aside from me, the entire party is lawful-stupid
>OP's DM is a beta cuck incel
Sucks to be you
Pack mule, cook, patch clothes, clean clothes, clean armor, clean sword, clean other sword
Basically tedious stuff that is good to have done but to time consuming for an adventurer to do
Just take her butt cherry and go bananas
slavery is not necessarily evil or unlawful.
maye she did something that made her a slave, like shes a convicted criminal or something.
you need to actually answer my fucking question.
we need context and information to answer your question.
>I feel like there is a reference I'm not getting here.
It's... literally every anime except the edgy ones, where they instead say "I failed to protect her smile"
"protect her smile" is shorthand for "work hard and ensure she lives a happy life free of hardship", and can include everything from simply marrying her and bringing home the bacon to going full shounen action hero and beating up all the bad guys before they turn this love story into a revenge story.
The implication being that if you fail to protect the smile, she will suffer and no longer be able to smile brightly.
That would require this actually happening on the table and not something OP made up for your your standard elf slave wat do thread.
Snip the tips and make her become a cleric zealot.
Don't be evil, just rape her ass so she can still remain a pure virgin.
I'd just use her mouth. Ears make great handles.
Send her to a convent.
I'll send her to a convention of my cock and her mouth.
I take it shes the inaugural attendee
No, but she will be the keynote speaker.
Have her become a utility follower or your seneschal
Enter his Magical Realm. Also her magical real, if you catch my drift.
Seconding this. Make her your sith apprentice. Give the Elf a better life than the one she has now; one where she knows why she is misfortunate, and how she can fight against it.
Theories why this thread hasn't been deleted yet? Mod activity has been sighted in the meantime.
>I'm thinking I use her as bait
Yes, this thread shows it.
Seriously though, you should train her and promote her to DMPC.
Oh, so you're That Guy.
Ah, yeah definitely That Guy.
It isn't breaking any rules.
As much as all the other elf slave wat do threads that were deleted in the past.
But is this really an elf slave wat do thread?
This guy knows what's up.
Put her in a barrel and roll her over! early in the morning!
We've been over this, man. That's only proper protocol for drunken sailors.
Stop touching elves.
You go on a quest to help her find happiness and return her to her living relatives if she wishes.
Stop playing dnd
Drown her in a river or something.
>It helps that most of them are lawful-stupid.
That line. Never mention what his group's goal is. Plans, villains, issues. setting, world. Just party make up and alignment.
So either troll or truly the "That Guy" cancer that a lot Veeky Forums complains about. I honestly hope you are really a troll. I really do.
1. Win her heart
2. Gift her to some bbeg
3. Have keep you informed on what the bbeg is up to
4. Have a daring rescue mission once she's found out.
5. Set her free.
6. Marry her.
7. Retire and live happily ever after.
Just sell her, or release
With how much OP's gone on about deceitful Onis, it actually seems like he's playing Fantasycraft.
>I feel like there is a reference I'm not getting here.
lurking more is a good remedy for this, most of the time
well in *MYYYY SETTING* Elves are all sailors, because the key skills required of sailors is woodworking and rope work, so they're basically the same as wood elves but their trees are the masts of boats.
My Paladin would consider this to be the most Honorable choice.
My Wizard would consider this a practical option but opt for having her learn utility spells like Shrink Object to carry the party's crap.
My Rogue would get her drunk off her ass and dump her into bed with the party Paladin.
>she wants the BBEG
Make her yours OP.
Is that porn, or just annother shitty "trapped in a videogame" manga?
No porn, bogstandard isekai harem bullshit.
>The BBEG is taken out by a different group of adventurers
>Elf slave. What Do?
not that guy but I'm a CE in a Good- neutral party.
I'm supposed to be a traitor so I pretend to be good. So far all my evil acts were ascribed to me as a player fucking around.
Your GM just doesn't revealed the BIG plot twist.
Just return her to an elven village or something you don't have time to babysit a useless slave do you?
>"a virgin Elf slave, wat do?"
>not turning your elf slave EXTRA VIRGIN
That's pretty clever.
Rope work, you say?
>Ha! They all said Use Rope was a worthless skill! They all laughed! But I'll show them, I'll show them all!
>Soon they'll be begging me to tie nooses for them to hang themselves with after I unleash the sheer power of my macramancy upon the world!
Teach her to cook and sell her blood to alchemists
You know. Macrame. Rope crafts.
Go for it.
Well, we would just feed her to the lizardman. Elves aren't people.
But there are different tax implications for chattel and fixed assets.
Use her as vampire bait. Make a necklace out of the fangs of the vampires you kill.
I want the mods to justify this.
Do what my elf did to his halfling slave,
Make a fey pact for her freedom in exchange for her service for 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days.
my pact was "I free your body from the bonds of slavery, in exchange your souls service is mine for the next 333 moons" (I did not do the math at the time)
Equip appropriately, (pic related, Parade armor[nobility] is also a good option, The All tools vest can summon an entire kitchen while camping)
Provide or arrange training.
You'll get a Valet type servant befitting yourself,
She'll get her freedom, and depending on the situation of her slavery valuable employment skills & contacts. Plus, while indentured as a not-slave, she gets legal protection, personal property, freedom to marry and start a family, wages even, perhaps magical training if thats rare in the setting.
My slave wat do turned into an quite the asset, able to ease my passing in many circles, and gained a 1 level in commoner and 1 in bard, and led my pack of guard dire wolves.
What's your party like?
Paladins and other servants of Celestia? - set her free
Normal Knights (not Paladins)? - rape her
Barbarians? - rape her
Typical medieval mercenaries? - rape her
Female Party? - is it a male virgin Elf?
Found the LE player.
Yeah okay Boxxy.
>But seriously