I got cursed in a game of pathfinder that I'm playing with friends, at level 3. Playing a low Int character already I was reduced to 1 int. The DM has decided that I can no longer control my character, and is "Playing" him for me. I asked if at this point he could just be considered dead, and let me reroll, to which he said no as he can still be fix'd. That was 2 sessions ago. Ever since then I've just sat there doing nothing, unable to play at all, while the Dm has my character act utterly different from what they were Lawful Neutral to just straight Chaotic Stupid. At what point do I just say fuck it and find another game?
Shit dude you got 1 Int
Instead of asking your DM. Tell him you want to play a new character. If he says no. Just leave.
No game > bad game
You are taking long to get out of that game. Losing control of your character is already shitty enough, being unable to play him for two whole sessions is just too much.
Tell him you want to reroll, to find a cure already, or leave. Heck, even roleplaying your retarded character instead of the DM would be funnier and it's more than possible, it just looks as if he doesn't want you playing.
Also, how the fuck does your character drop from, IDK maybe 10 int to 1 at level 3? That's not a curse, that's overkill.
I've tried, but he does the same "There could be someone who could cure him in the next town over" Bullshit. Even the other three have been trying their asses off to find one since I was the only real frontline of the group. But apparently it's a "Incredibly powerful curse that can only be lifted by a unknown means"
And I'll probably leave this session if I'm not allowed to reroll or cured. Fuck sitting around for 6 hours twiddling my thumbs while the Dm laughs his ass off after having my character give an autism screech and attack a random guard out of no where for "Comic relief"
My character started with 8 int, and I got cursed for -7 int from an Orc Shaman that attacked us on the road, he also cursed the Rogue we had with us for -6 dex, but that was lifted after a session due to him finding a one time use magical stone. Which they used without informing the group they had found it
Don't even go to this session if that's how he's playing it. And don't tell him that you're planning on quitting either. Literally call him up five minutes before you're supposed to meet up and tell him you're quitting the game.
Yeah I'd just not show up. And if the cunt has the gall to ask why I'd tell him it's clear that he doesn't care about my time so I decided to return the favour.
If you want to do the adult thing, tell him "Dude, gaming is about fun. I'm not having fun with your bullshit. Let me reroll, or get that character cured, otherwise I'm out."
Then act on your words.
An Orc Shaman with what, CR3-5? Cursing characters for -6 or more looks like custom enemies, not something you'll find in any manual, and permanently reducing stats at that level and giving a solution to just one of the players... He just looks like not only a shitty DM but also a shitty person who wants to use your character for dumb comic relief. He could do the same with a npc, but it looks as if he wants you to sit stupidly for hours looking at him go full retard. Either talk to him straight and plain, or leave.
This is stupid. Next session drop in, ask to refill and if he says "no" go "k, I won't be playing tonight again. I guess I'll just go watch a movie or some shit" and leave. Just walk out.
GM being a dumb ass will probably assume you'll come back to him. Don't.
Just leave.
dont ask for permission just make a new character, bring the sheet to the next game and tell them you are playing this new character
if you want to be edgy destroy your old sheet, but you can just leave if the gm still doesnt get it
You've already wasted too long.
When you lose control of your character ask the GM in private how long it will be, if he gives a vague answer, he can call you when it happens (if you actually want to play with this shitty GM).
It's too late for you, so just tell him you're not going to waste your time not playing. Don't show up.
The DM clearly has a problem with you.
Gotta agree with everyone else here. Either you play or you leave and don't come back. Hell, if I were you I'd just leave. Fuck DMs like that
I texted some of the other players and I think I'm going to find a new group, apparently he does this all the time, as they played with him before, he hates anyone who plays a martial class and tries to either kill them off or get them out of the game, for the reason "In a world of magic no one would use swords, and all the strong people are worthless, since all the smart intellectual people would have power." So fuck that shit. Seems last time he one shot the guy playing the defender ten times and tried to get him to make a wizard each time. And "accidentally" had the group fight a high level monster early on just to kill the front-liners.
1 int isn't unplayable, low CR creatures can't inflict permanent -6 stat debuffs so you're in the realm of ~homebrew~ now.
Here's the flowchart.
the GM is making shit up on the fly. Is it to make the game fun? Well you're not having fun, so no. So the GM is making shit up on the fly that makes the game less fun. Have you spoken to them like an adult? Okay you did, but they didn't listen. Time to leave. If they apologise later and invite you back then MAYBE consider it.
What a refreshing autism. I'm tempted to goad you into staying just so you can retrieve some greentexts from the abyss, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I'll text them again and see if I can get anything worthwhile to type out. I'm pretty sure I'll get something if he pulls shit shit like this every game.
You should still confront him.
Not only it's the most mature outcome, it's also the outcome most likely to disintegrate his playgroup, leaving him alone and miserable.
Then you invite his players to your playgroup and drink his tears.
Best thing you can do, he is making shit up not for entertaining players but for pushing his own shitty ideas.
Magic is so good in his world that he needs to ignore core manuals and make shit up or use enemies with CR impossible to approach to show how fucked martials are. I wouldn't be surprised if he even used the rock falls melees die shit.
I say just purposefully piss him off.
>sitting through two sessions where you're not allowed to do anything at all
Why? If the DM won't let you make a new character, just don't come back. Tell him to give you a call when your character is "restored" or when you can reroll a new character.
>"In a world of magic no one would use swords, and all the strong people are worthless, since all the smart intellectual people would have power."
That's definitely shitty Pathfinder mentality. "Magic people can do anything they want, while non-magical people must strictly conform to the rules of 'reality' because we can't have fantasy characters like Hercules or Conan." Fuck that bullshit.
Okay I got something.
From what my mates telling me, three games ago they had another guy like me that made the mistake of playing a martial class in the fella's quite literal 'Magical Realm"
Dude played a average human fighter Name "Earl"
So he got put in the same position I'm in now, where the DM was just doing shit to get him to reroll mage. But rather then just planning to Leave he decided to just fuck with the guy.
Everything he died he'd remake a Human fighter named Earl, Son of Earl, and give him exactly the same stats and everything.
The guy I'm texting helped Earl a little, as when the Dm pulled his "-x int" brings you to 1 int only shit the other guy would accidentally cast a fireball in combat that would fuck Earls ass sideways. (Dm homebrewed fireballs dmg to 3d8 up from 1d6 per caster level)
So he had a fall back anytime he get cursed. or just randomly mind-controlled. Sadly the guy won't do for me as he's scared the Dm will blackmail him with personal shit again (At this point I think that's how the keeps the other three there.)
Your GM is hilariously stupid and would not be one of those godwizards he's fellating. Leave
But it progressed to the point where Earl would die anywhere up to 10-12 times a session, and would just write down a copy and hand it to the dm to join in again soon as the group made camp (Dm allows anyone who dies to instantly rejoin the group in the form a a random adventures that just so happens to walk by.) So thankfully Earl was able to always reappear soon as combat ended as the group would always camp for that exact reason.
So this progressed to a point where the Dm just kicked him out, Earl's last session involved him showing up with a locked briefcase, that he refused to tell anyone what was in. So things went normal, Earl dies, Earl is cursed, and dies to fireballs, Earl dies, Cave falls, Earl dies, Earl gets one shot, Earl dies, Earl dies. And Earl just kept handing him new character sheets with the exact same shit "Earl, Son of Earl". So when the Dm finally had enough of it and his autist showed he screamed at the guy "How long as you going to keep handing me this stupid fucking fighter you fucking retard." Apparently the guy just stood up, slammed the brief case on the table, and opened it to show he had went a photo-copied close to one thousand pages of "Earl, Son of Earl."
Which led to a long stare-down before the Dm screamed the guy out of his house, and trashed the poor man's briefcase and pages, the session ended there because apparently the sight made the dm just lose his absolute shit and be unable to calm down.
I know he wouldn't be, he failed Highschool and hasn't had a job in like 5 years.
The reason he gave for failing it was, 'he was too good for it, and it wasn't hard enough, ebcause he's just sit int eh back and go to sleep with his earbuds in."
Okay. You have your next session. Ask a fellow player to fireball your character accidentally, then show him your next character.
Earl, son Earl, son of Earl.
Put ball bearings in his car doors, right between the window and the weather strip.
Dude he might fucking knife me, he doesn't seem like the stable type if he sent the last 5 years just pulling this shit. That and the legit black-milling a guy to get him to stop killing the martial characters he curses.
Okay quit
I'll send a Letter that says it though, and just not show up to the next session.
You should go have sex with his girlfriend while he RP's a retard in the next room.
For real, though, if you want to just beat the shit out is this guy, I'll help. He should like he wasn't bullied enough in grade school.
I second this. Just show your dumb GM he's being a piece ot shit to anybody who plays melee, and does so with plain stupid homebrew.
If he really wants to suck dick on wizards, there are systems purposely designed towards just using magic. You are playing Pathfinder in, I assume, a common medieval fantasy world.
Earl sounds like a legend and you should aspire to be more like him
if he knifes you just reroll as Earl son of Earl
He's never had one from what I know of.
I was told it was common, but everyone we fight uses magic, even the guards use it, the peons use it, the fucking dogs use magic to find bones and scent things. hell even the fucking grass casts spells that always makes it green every time of the year.
You leave anywhere close to Chisinau, Moldova?
Nice bait thread baka desu desu senpai really activated my almonds:^)
>opened it to show he had went a photo-copied close to one thousand pages of "Earl, Son of Earl."
My sides have transcended this reality.
I'm not sure if this changed in PF, but in 3.5, 1 INT was literally "animal tier intelligence"
If he knifes you, call him out for being a martial class IRL
Just give him an ultimatum, either let me play again or I'll not show up until you cunts fix me
>he was too good for it, and it wasn't hard enough, ebcause he's just sit int eh back and go to sleep with his earbuds in
Yes, the bait was carfully laid out so that
the autist DM can reveal himself
While a world that functions kinda sounds neat, if this turbonerd gm really only wants wizards he should just fucking say at the start "no martial classes ok, they just don't fit"
I do not. Go with God, my Moldovan comrade.
>At what point do I just say fuck it and find another game?
At the seconds he tell you you can't reroll and he's gonna play for you.
I honestly can't tell if this thread is bait or if OP is just this beta.
fucking brilliant - bravo for the dude
Earl is the real fucking hero here.
>At what point do I just say fuck it and find another game?
I'd say your already at that point
Whack his head with a rock until he's irl retarded, take over as dm. Only fair.
It sounds like it won't take much to achieve that.
OP, that group (mostly the DM) sounds awful. A DM's job is to help the players play the game. Wanting you to roll a magical character is one thing, but doing this passive aggressive shit and keeping you from playing is another. He's wasting your time and clearly has lost sight of what a DM is supposed to do. You deserve a better DM and a better game.
Get in touch with Earl and make your own game.
Follow this dude's example, and just show up with a file folder of character sheets to hand to him.
Poland represent, Deus Vult my balkanian brother, that really sounds like a proper eastern insanity. No neckbeards like european ones.
I have a similar story, OP.
>Sunday night, enjoying a cold beer
>it winds up being one of those beers that comes in eleven different cans
>realize I've overdone it a bit, need some kind of food in my system to soak up the alcohol
>check the fridge for something to use as a booze sponge
>leftover sushi, fuck yeah! It's been in there a couple days, but it smells fine.
>not much left, though. still hungry.
>pop a couple bean and cheese burritos in the microwave, scarf them down
>hunger sated, I pass out
>oversleep a bit the next morning, in a rush to get ready for work, barely have time to shower and down a couple tylenol for the hangover
>not feeling so hot, but I have to work
>work at a call center, taking phone calls. As the morning drags on, I start to feel a bit better. Then I feel it
>stomach churning, I need to get to the john right now
>but I'm stuck in the middle of a call
>can't hang up or pass the call off, do that and they fire me
>it's a terrible, intractable call.
>work my through it bearing the stomach cramps
>call ends. Hit 'not available', sprint to bathroom
>make it to a stall, tear my pants off, prepare to blow it up
>and I fart
>the dryest, most arid fart I've ever produced
>I think the air pressure actually left my asshole cleaner
It's a similar story, in that it's a tale of shit that never happened.
My sides have left orbit and are on their way to Alpha Centauri.
Well fucking played, user.
Honestly I suggest you bail and get anyone else in the group who is sick of it to bail as well.
>since all the smart intellectual people would have power
What is the magus?
Also I guess he hates devine casters too?
Go full 'that guy' to the shitty gm. Steal all his players and run a game with them instead, leaving the retarded gm to stew in his horse shit.
doormat kino
I feel the need to throw in Earl son of Earl as a random npc in my next session.
This dude is fucking with you. Just leave. You obviously did something to piss him off. But judging from the fact you sat for 6 fucking hours you're too much of an autistic to ever be able to understand what exactly you did wrong.
You made me snicker.
I think you're underestimating Slavs here, they're some stupid motherfuckers man. Give them something they can be a sperg and it just goes down hill from there.
Op should just burn the guys addis tracksuit. That would set him right.
Why do so many of these "bad gm wat do" threads exist? Are so many people on Veeky Forums so spineless that they can't stand up for themselves? It's fairly obvious what you should do; plenty of people have said in this thread already.
Are these events even happening or is this just Guaranteed Replies?
sounds like standard rogue behaviour desu, but yeah, leave. your character has been stolen from you. Go.
Also, you're GM's an idiot, if you go below 3 int you're in a coma.
Hey I just woke up with a bleeding face calm down.
Yes, it's still enraged keep waiting.
Still more entertaining story than OP's nonsense.
>At what point do I just say fuck it and find another game?
2 sessions ago.
>Implying the person who's enough of a passive aggressive little bitch to fuck over a character because they have a problem with their problem needs any rational reason to be an asshole
Make him nobility too. Earl Earl of Earlland, son of Earl Earl the Early.
Your DM is a prick
You're on Veeky Forums.
The Veeky Forums autists that can't stand up for themselves are still in the better socially adjusted half of the site's user base as at least they can talk to people in real life.
Those people need to be taken out back and put down like the dysfunctional retards they are
>"In a world of magic no one would use swords, and all the strong people are worthless, since all the smart intellectual people LIKE ME would have power."
>At what point do I just say fuck it and find another game?
two sessions ago
Y'all know OP is just making this shit up, right?
user, nobody actually believes most greentext stories (this isn't TECHNICALLY a greentext story, but whatever).
Could be, but there are plenty of DMs as dickish as this one and players as spineless as OP, so it's plausible.
High Intelligence fighters. Do it so that he has to give you a -17 int penalty to make you retarded.
Do it! That's some fucked shit. Dump him by text, email, or telegram. He doesn't deserve an in person break up.
is this a stealth martial v caster thread?
Just dont show up until your character is healed.
Stupid people who think they're geniuses frazzle me to no end. Literally angry about a game of let's pretend because he's >tfw to intelligent for melee combat
Is Earl Earl the Early still alive, or is he the late Earl the Early?
>I've tried, but he does the same "There could be someone who could cure him in the next town over" Bullshit. Even the other three have been trying their asses off to find one since I was the only real frontline of the group. But apparently it's a "Incredibly powerful curse that can only be lifted by a unknown means"
Tell him "if the next person we bump into doesn't fix this I'm leaving" if the next person you bump into doesn't fix it just pack up and leave. Don't let your DM string you along with "oh but someone might be able to help you."
Even if he is; Earl, son of Earl, is one of the funniest things I've read in a while.
I wonder how he feels about divine casters, or any caster that doesn't use intelligence for that matter, pathfinder has more wisdom and intel based casters than intelligence based.
Tell him you want to reroll a wizard, then hand him the sheet of Earl, son of Earl.
Well the "Earl, son of Earl" thing mostly just sound like that gag from Gamers 2, and the DM sounds like a cliche from a martials vs casters thread, so I wouldn't rule it out. So long as you aren't the fag taking screenshots and reposting them for the next 5 years I say just enjoy the ride