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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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What are some perks that allow you to get insane amounts of strength?
Question about the Fire Emblem Fates Jump:
Do the wolfskin like to eat humans after they kill them for invading their territory, if they are deemed hostile?
I know That Keaton/Flannel enjoys killing and eating would be poacher, but I don't know if this would be shared with the other wolfskin.
Also since they really don't trust humans if you started on Mount Garou (not as a drop in wolfskin) would you mainly just stay and live in the village, and not go into town?
Jumpers! Do you dance?
Means I have to buy it now.
I love it! Good job softy!
Stop posting your bestiality roleplay group
>Remember that TTGL was updated about a year ago
>Maybe a canon companion option was added
>There is still none
So can I choose for spells to last forever with Mystic Eyes of Permanence or is there some upper limit?
>No loyal native follower companion option
Almost every Isekai that I have seen always end up with one of those.
Greek Myth has Strength of Heracles which makes you a bit less strong than Heracles but titanic. Go Fate Servant for EX strength which is 500x human peak (and do it twice, once as a servant, once as a demi servant). Depending on what you mean by strength, the Dragon Ball jumps offer a great deal of punching power (but not necessarily lifting power). If you're already smart, the Green Lantern jump ties your strength and intelligence, and Akame ga Kill ties beauty and strength if you're extra gorgeous already
ok, i've edited some descriptions and added some discounts to various items.
any suggestions for things i could put in the student perks section
God of Strength + Elder God Hybrid in Marvel Magic. MM also has an option to be a knockoff Juggernaut and a magical version of the Hulk.
Thanks, Tamerai! I'm honored. Very glad I kept refining it with the thread. It evolved nicely.
Maybe just pray really hard that that doesn't happen. I mean, I'm sure it will be fine. You'll figure something out.
Basically forever. The longer they last, the more likely some external force will mess them up. But you can make them last up until that happens.
I can add a note in the Companions section about gaining a native version of a created companion.
Later. I need to sleep. Good night, /jc/.
>Eating monster parts with unique properties will occasionally cause you to gain those properties, in the form of a new skill at base level.
Could you change that to something like this?
>By eating monster parts with strange, magical, or unique properties, you may choose to gain them in the form of a new skill. These skills will start at level 1, though you may train them up to their original level or beyond.
Just a suggestion. I really don't like abilities that rely on chance though, so eliminating that part would be great.
Are there any other perks like Evo's Light of Eden that let you restore sanity to those around you?
Would 'fist' qualify as a weapon to have talent with when picking the 'High Blooded' Human race in the Generic Isekai Jump?
Just a small question but, for skill sharing, can you gain abilities from others by killing them, or only actual skills? Also, if I take the same skill twice would it stack? Like taking sword skill twice to be even better at swords?
We saw only Keaton and Flannel mention eating humans but it is more than likely that the entire tribe is doing it, you can be the exception if you like though.
You also would most likely stay on Mount Garou unless you have some sort of mission.
Did you see these posts?
That pretty much summed up what I was thinking. Thanks for helping in clarifying.
Though I'm pretty sure that not being a drop in wolfskin I'd probably secretly enjoy it, while at the same time being disgusted that I'm doing it in the first place.
Since nobody seemed to object to it last thread, I'd like to stake my claim on Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. First draft should be up by later today or tomorrow.
>But you can make them last up until that happens.
Nice. Guess I can finally free up my SDS build.
Do we have anything for making your magic impossible or just really hard to dispel?
Neat. I love me some dragons.
oh god, all of my yes!
Take my...MUSCLES!
>Do we have anything for making your magic impossible or just really hard to dispel?
Master of Magic has a perk for that.
Good luck making it not hilariously OTB if you offer Dragon as an origin.
Yes! Sain likes it too. One time he got too into it and he accidentally tossed me through the wall.
I'm also planning on being like my old chain into something of a singer and dancer, bringing musical numbers everywhere I go. In fact my BEYOND Stand makes musical numbers happen because it makes the musical genre Musical Comedy.
Being a dragon is obviously a race option, not an origin.
What happened to the Archie Comics jump that was going to be made?
I really liked the Eggman in that setting.
>bad guys can win too
Not really, no. Audiences don't want their self-insert heroes to lose, so they will win every time, after some plot mandated struggles. And the villians who do "win" are either sympathetic or extremely popular.
That's why you need to get anti-narrative perks pretty early on.
Well, that post wasn't really aimed at Jumpchain, but rather our media in general. Yes though, getting those perks in settings that run on narrative is a pretty good idea.
How deep is that guy's beard for him to shove his fist so far in there?
It's a Beard of Holding
...we need a Beard of Holding perk.
I probably had a good reason for not including it, but fuck if I remember what it was.
>It should be obvious.
>I probably had a good reason for not including it, but fuck if I remember what it was.
Would the canon companions be limited in spiral energy like we are?
Is someone making an Addams Family jump?
Heh, I bet it'll be crap. It's not like I'm looking forward to it or nothing. Ba-baka!
This might not be a popular request but, given that chain power levels have risen significantly since this jump was made, maybe the limitations on pre-endjump spiral energy should be softened somewhat?
What're everyone's builds like for Tokyo Ghoul?
I basically just went full Eto.
I took all the ghoul powers, so pretty much what the other guy said.
Well Tsundere user, someone's been posting origins and perks from what looks like the early stages of an Addams Family jump. So yes, I do believe someone is making a jump for that.
doooooooooooouuuche baaaaaaaaaaaaag
Is there an Azure Striker Gunvolt Jump? I didn't see one on the Drive.
Here's the next version of Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Please let me know if you have any issues with it; though I sometimes get stubborn, I really do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative.
>...I've actually been thinking about removing some of the restrictions so that you could get final episode tier feats but still restrict actual reality warping to the endgame scenario reward. I also kinda want to make it so that you can give Spiral Energy to more than one person per setting.
I am the guy you just responded to and I have to say that would be pretty cool, while I like both things you just said I like the giving more then one person Spiral energy part the most.
I just want my own Team Gurren in every world I go I shall make them.
One does not exist at this time.
...I've actually been thinking about removing some of the restrictions so that you could get final episode tier feats but still restrict actual reality warping to the endgame scenario reward. I also kinda want to make it so that you can give Spiral Energy to more than one person per setting.
However, while both those things would be really nice to have, I still don't like the excuse of; "Oh well since everyone's raising the power level of their jumps I may as well do the same." But if enough people are ok with it I'll go ahead and change it.
Well, I'm okay with it. And the reason you restricted it in the first place was because the powerlevel of early /jc/ was so low. Now that it has shot up into the sky, removing those restrictions is reasonable.
>I still don't like the excuse of
And why the fuck is that?
See here as my response.
Hope there could be one soon....
>I still don't like the excuse of; "Oh well since everyone's raising the power level of their jumps I may as well do the same."
Same. It's a good jump, so please leave it be.
Wasn't someone working on one?
Sorry, I forgot to link your post to mine. And yeah, being able to create teams of of spiral warriors would be cool. And it seems like Spiral power is something only a few people can use to it's full potential, so it wouldn't be like you'd have an army of people at Simon's or Lordgenome's level in each jump.
Because it can, and has, led to being able to instantly purchase the most powerful thing in a jump's setting. I don't have any problem with people getting unlimited power I just don't want to hand it to them.
I mean, seeing as Saint Seiya got approved, what you could do is scrap that crappy end jump requirement and just give us uncapped Spiral Power.
If it’s what you want to do, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.
I would be fine with you raising the limits. As it is it kinda clashes with newer Jumps. This isn't really a problem for older hands of the community but new fans will probably be weirded out.
Sounds good to me.
Though I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "actual reality warping". You're basically saying we could theoretically generate fucktons of mass and power ridiculously energy expensive equipment with it but not the crazy shit the Antispiral did with it like trapping people in mental illusions, warping space, and using galaxies as shrunken without them falling apart?
If you want your jump to stay relevant, which is what everybody's suggesting already, you' be better off changing it.
Heck if I know. I sure haven't seen one.
>only high power jumps are relevant
Not sure if shitposter or shit person
And now let's see how many people are just baiting for TTGL to be made "relevant" so that they can then shitpost KOTOR for "powerwanking" and "pandering."
>You're basically saying we could theoretically generate fucktons of mass and power ridiculously energy expensive equipment with it but not the crazy shit the Antispiral did with it like trapping people in mental illusions, warping space, and using galaxies as shrunken without them falling apart?
Guess what. /jc/'s changed. Either change with it or get left behind, and we're trying to make sure KOTOR isn't. Old limitations make no sense now given what HeavensAnon and Valeria have produced.
That's my take on it. Since the big shitstorm has been resolved, our resident assholes are looking for new material to fuck up the thread with.
>everyone with a different opinion is shitposting!
Wanna know how I know that you're the real shitpsoter?
The jump's worked fine for ages. Why are you advocating it's change if not to then sow even more trouble later on down the line.
You're already invoking "WELL X JUMPMAKERS HAVE DONE Y" here with your relevance garbage.
I just want to create my laggan from nothing like Lord Genome
All of them? Or at least the majority is my guess.
Personally i'm fine with it as it is.
The canon companion option is sensible. But that's it as far as "necessary changes" go imo.
It's not like Spiral Energy is weak even with the current limit.
Plenty of weaker jumps are still "relevant".
And who determines what jumps are relevant anyway? And why is it solely dependant on powerlevel?
I jump TTGL for the Kamina-ness, not for power!
Maybe we should let people in Pokemon take legendaries as starters next? You know, to keep it "relevant".
>You're already invoking "WELL X JUMPMAKERS HAVE DONE Y" here with your relevance garbage.
>everyone is samefagging!
Seriously dude? Guess what, different people can have the same opinion. Besides, your argument is bullshit. Just because it has been fine for the last few years, doesn't meant that it shouldn't be better. And the very reason for that limit has vanished over the last few months.
Nah. I'm not interested in what you're selling.
Aaaaand that's a classic old argument right there. Y jumps are irrelevant now because X. Nah.
Asking for a jump to be increased in power for no reason other than the other kids are doing it is going to start an argument. You need to be aware of that fact and accept it. The intent is irrelevant as the result is always the same.
No user, YOUR argument is bullshit.
Just because other jumps offer more power doesn't mean TTGL needs to offer more power too.
KOTOR... you really should have known better. Part of this and the bullshit that follows is on you.
Just because you can't accept reality doesn't mean it's not happening, user.
Learn to accept the change.
>KOTOR user right now
But it means there's no reason for TTGL not to.
It also kind of spits in the face of the themes of the show to put an unsurpassable cap on your ability.
Fuck off. The only people that are at fault are the people arguing.
>>Maybe we should let people in Pokemon take legendaries as starters next? You know, to keep it "relevant".
That's a stupid train of thought, and you know it. Besides, people can go catch legendaries themselves, no need to make them starters. Also, not every change has to be necesary. Do we really /need/ bidets? No, but they are a goddamn improvement over conventional toilets, so I'll damn well have my bidet.
The reason the spiral power was limited in the first place was "because the other kids were doing it". Those same kids are doing something else now, so why not change the jump to match?
At this point I'm pretty sure it's just the shitposter responding to himself while trying to draw other people in the argument.
Just do it, please.
KOTORs been around since the beginning or damn close to. He knows what does and doesn't start shit. If he was around this weekend he's seen how powerlevels are still a fucking button. I'm not saying he did it maliciously, but he did make a JV fuckup.
That's fair. I wouldn't mind if you removed the limit on the 1 Spiral Energy per person thing. Kinda want to found a monk order around using spiral energy or something.
People shitpost on /jc/ regardless of whether KOTOR posts or not. If he didn't make that post, people would have found something else to be angry about. So don't act like this is his fault.
Yep. And I for one am not falling for his weak bait again!
>Do we really /need/ bidets? No, but they are a goddamn improvement over conventional toilets, so I'll damn well have my bidet.
Is... Is this a thing, now? Did I miss out on a new societal trend?
...Do I need to get an ass faucet?
>monk order
What kind of monk order? Wouldn't they all be constantly yelling to use spiral power?
Thanks, KOTOR. I promise to use this responsibly.
Well, the limit is kind of irrelevant right now, so whether you remove it or not it's not going to affect people taking the jump (because we like the setting), nor it's going to be more popular in discussions, since we already have (and had before this universe busting jumps started to come out) ways to get UNLIMITED ENERGY.
So, it's up to you.
But if you are change it, and fear that your scenario might become irrelevant, could you consider doing it like in the DeSu 2 or Decade end scenarios? Allowing to take the scenario whenever you want, but making the Spark optional and allow to keep jumping. Maybe saving the rewards for once you have sparked or ended your journey.
>...Do I need to get an ass faucet?
desu they are nice senpai
>So don't act like this is his fault.
Shitposters refusing to take responsibility and try to shift all blame for their antics on to another - typical.
To be clear, I'm agreeing with you here.
I was actually thinking the same thing Jack, I was afraid I was getting left behind.
Bidet's terrify me, I really don't want shit water trapped in my ass only to come out later.
Is their a Perk that automatically converts one form of ammunition into another, but keeps the same effects? So, for example, something that would convert armor-piercing pistol rounds into armor-piercing rifle rounds? A lot of special ammo types you can buy already do this or come with supplies fitted for many different kinds of firearms, but I'm specifically trying to convert Bullets into Batteries for my energy weapons, and I want to preserve the original effects despite the radically different construction and medium.
You do you, guy. At the end of the day someone is going to reee so just go with whatever makes you happy. If it's something you want to do, then do it. If not, then don't. You're the driver here, not the passenger. If you're concerned about handing it over you can set an over time development thing, or just say be reasonable with it. Those who would will do so, those who wank and shitpost will do so regardless of whatever you do.
Just enjoy the drive.
There was no argument prior to KOTORs post. He started this one, again, likely unintentionally, so it's on him.