What is the smallest human population required in order to sustain a single vampire?
What is the smallest human population required in order to sustain a single vampire?
That depends enormously on setting; especially how often Vampires need to feed, whether or not they can feed on non-humans (or non-sapient creatures in general), and how deadly feeding is to the victim.
If it's a loli vampire one person is enough.
With no given information a proper inference on the feeding needs of a vampire cannot be made.
Saved some stuff several threads ago, it seems some of them are pretty out of context, but they adress OPs question more or less.
i remember reading a scientific paper on this, but it was specifically with vampires that convert humans with their bite
they can only sustain themselves for some amount of years before they die out due to overpopulation
And that's it.
Theres nothing undiscusssed on Veeky Forums is there?
How much blood is needed per day?
Can the humans survive the feeding, and thus be used to produce blood indefinitely? (either willingly as thralls or unwillingly as chained cattle?)
Are the vampires picky? Do they only feed on a specific type of human?
Do the vampires fear other vampires are out to drink the blood of nearby humans? If so, they are probably territorial and keep a larger population. If not, they might work together and sustain each vampire on a smaller number of humans.
Can animal blood be used to supplement or replace human blood?
This post doesn't account for the regeneration of lost blood by the human supplicant (heh, 'sup').
I'm no Haematologist, but according to Red Cross Blood, plasma can be restored in 24 hours, and the red blood cells within four to eight weeks.
Bearing in mind this is working with a normal blood donation of about a pint, which is significantly more than the three wine glasses a day the screencap assumes. Therefore, a single thrall could easily feed a vampire for a day with minimal ill effects.
multiplied out over the maximum eight weeks, and a vampire that feeds non-lethally could potentially survive from a rotating herd of as few as 56 thralls
See there ist still enough left to discuss. And it still depends on the vampire.
Can you imagine anybody entertaining these retarded fucking questions anywhere else?
>what's the BEST color?
>how many wheel does a mobile machine need?
>what is the most useful golf club?
>what's the BEST building material?
It's all fucking pointless without context, nothing more than empty words meant to provoke arguement.
I thought vampires could go without eating for a long time.
I didn't think they would have to eat 3 meals like regular humans do.
Depends on the setting.
>>what's the BEST color?
>>how many wheels does a mobile machine need?
>>what is the most useful golf club?
5 Iron
>>what's the BEST building material?
You're welcome.
Just three or four taking turns bleeding into a bottle every few days, fewer/none if the vampire is hibernating.
A heavily armoured one
Granite, but clay brick and lime are acceptable as a half-timbered composite.
Walkers son, zero wheels required
>5 Iron
damn straight
damn straight
Let's assume that vampires drink blood because they cannot produce red blood cells (RBCs), and that it needs to be human blood.
There are about 2.5 trillion RBCs per pint of blood. A typical person has 7-10 pints of blood. Healthy RBCs generally live for 100-120 days in the human body.
So if we have a vampire that's slightly on the larger side of normal with 10 pints of blood, they'll need ~25 trillion RBCs in their body. How much they need to drink depends entirely on whether vampire bodies are more hostile to RBCs than normal human bodies. If not, the vampire is only losing RBCs at a rate of 250 billion per day, which can be replenished by drinking a tenth of a pint of blood. In this case, a typical blood donation can sustain a vampire for 10 days. If is correct and the donated RBCs are restored in 4 to 8 weeks, then the vampire only needs 3-6 humans donating blood regularly to stay alive. The blood donation sites I've found suggest waiting 16 weeks between donations (which is probably playing it safe), which would increase the number to 12 regular blood donors
But, of course, a vampire is (un)dead. How long do RBCs survive inside dead bodies? I haven't found a solid answer on this, but the consensus seems to be that blood remains viable for extraction and transfusion after death for a period ranging from 'several hours' to a couple of days. If our vampire needs to completely replace his blood supply every two days, he needs 5 pints per day. This works out to 150 regular donors if they donate every 4 weeks, or up to 600 if the donors play it safe and only donate once every 16 weeks.
Lets discuss what kind of vampire would demand different types of blood.
If we are looking at mosquito or parasite like vampires that take a little through charm, magic or some other non physically coercive methods perhaps they require less but more frequent feedings. These vampires operate in the shadows and may easily pass for human in the public. Indeed, they may offer their power in exchange for blood openly.
If we look at predators like bears or wolves we have a creature stronger and more vicious than any normal human. Since they kill to consume it makes sense that they consume all the blood or perhaps save some for later. They would need to feed less often. These types of vampires ought to be super muscly, big with clearly thick skin and claws/fangs. Can pass for a big dude but probably could get spotted.
Scavanger types eat the newly dead or pick off smaller weaker prey. They themselves are slim and live in the refuse and hiding places of the wild. Giving them a very distinctly bestial appearance. They would be great at hiding, climbing, swimming and consuming rotten blood. They would ikely be less than intelligent than the first types but more cunning and shy in nature.
Anyways Venture, Brujah/Gangrel and Gangrel/Nosferatu
how is it not?
easy to get, easy to work, easy to repair/replace, versatile, lightweight, flexible
>ib4 combustible
Obviously red, four, none, and skub.
In some settings the more mature the vampire the greater it's need for stronger kinds of blood. In White Wolf for example Vampires of higher generation literally require other vampires to exist in order to feed.
Which is ultimately the reason why blood bonds exist.
Ventrue and Nosferatu share the same prey, actually.
6. Honorable mention for 4.
How much this vampire needs to drink per day?
giving random numbers
Lets assume a vamp needs 1 liter of blood
And than a person can donate up to 1 liter but need 6 months to recover (when you donate that's the time they tell you need to wait for the next time)
Well, then you need 6 moths x 30 days = 180 people to sustain a vampire indifinetely without killing anyone
You don't want to see what's about to happen, user. Apologize right now.
Ok, my memory failed me
You need 3 months, not 6
So 90 people would be enough
Ghouls have greater regenerative capabilities if the vampire shares their blood with them, but this leads to dependency on said ghouls.
Healthy adult can lose 150-200ml of blood per day every day and make up for the loss by natural regeneration. You can push that to about twice as much with dedicated diet and food supplements.
Back in the day when donating blood paid money on hand hobos would run donation marathons to the point of collapsing at the ambulance. (It's still compensated for nowadays but as a tax deduction, so useless for those on welfare.)
I thought plasma (liquid) can be recovered in 1/4 day but that red/white cells would take months in case of 1-1.5 liters
>Wasting good skub on architecture
You fucking heathen.
How anyone could come up with such a retarded idea is beyond me.
Go drown in a sea of piss.
Skub is a perfectly utilitarian substance that serves a variety of roles. Hell I even put it in my sandwiches. You shouldn't be so quick to judge others on a reddit subboard.
depends (X4)
you cant >inb4 when he already made the point about fires brainboy
In absence of described feeding habits, I imagine a vampire should only need to feed on one human's worth of blood per lunar cycle. That's 6 pints of blood per 29.5 days.
Why? Because vampires are swamped in mysticism, and new moon/full moon nonsense seems entirely appropriate. Only one person's worth, because vampires don't actually seem to deplete a populace by a large amount.
>150-200ml of blood per day every day
No you can't.
You might be able to hold a steady volume if you dring enough, but you're diluting your blood in the process.
You're gonna see a rapid drop in performance after a few days, a week at max, followed by a decline into shock and coma.
>Everyone dicussing fuckign vampire blood sustenance without referring to system.
We'll round this up to the two common Averages of Vampire before 4e-5e ruined everything
These are as follows-
Negative energy Powered base Monster Manual vampire Drain requirements which only Drain blood to get at a person's lifeforce (composite energies of the soul) as an inescapable craving
Ravenloft Nosferatu Vampire requirements, vampires which are RELIANT on living humans to live or shrivel up and die.
And lastly Vampyres, a Race of Vampiric beings from a demiplane where they rule over humans and have maintained said rule.
There are also Dhampirs and Katanes, who have their own unique feeding rules, and FUCKING VTMB TIER GHOULS. (Ghostwalk Blood Ghouls)
If anything, the negative energy vampires which are CE as fuck blood bandits with Buffy the Vampire slayer fodder vampires are the unsustainable ones that are sustainable because they're able to exist indefinitely because they're undead in the same sense as a skeleton running on Negawatts forever, the greatest example of these being Kas, before in 3.5 he became his own variant.
Nosferatu are proven to feed conservatively, and in some cases retain alignment, though this is not exclusive to self-control
Also 4eniggers, Vrryloccka are AIDSpires, not your pasy !don'tsue Blood Elves vampwank PCs.
Yeah, plenty of the numbers from the old discussion are suspect. Another example, a generation sure as hell isn't 50 years.
0, vampire can feed on himself for infinite energy
but most vampires that convert via bite will fully drain the human instead of letting them convert
Combustible, unsuitable for larger structures, unsuitable for protection from any variety of natural disasters (even weak ones), the list goes on. Concrete is superior.
>At least one, 3 or more if you don't have another being supporting it.
>One heavy enough to crack a zombie's skull, but not so heavy that it becomes unwieldy.
>Concrete, although honorable mention goes to Wood, for being the most versatile building material for most of human history.
>>>what's the BEST color?
>>how many wheels does a mobile machine need?
4 for mongrle
>>what is the most useful golf club?
7 iron
>>what's the BEST building material?
Wood, i agree