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Arena Edition - How would your character fare in the gladiatorial ring?

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>Arena Edition
Friendly Reminder that Eox supplies the bloodiest reality TV in the galaxy, and it's kickass.

>anime edition fix'd

arena isn't cute

Does your character have a waifu?

It also supplies family-friendly entertainment like the Truman Show!

Yes, and they're very happy together.

is she hot?

>arena isn't cute
Sounds to me like you lack imagination.

Extremely so!

Poorly, unless her opponent was weak-willed and fragile.

How do I avoid dying due rage ending as a barb/bloodrager with Raging Vitality?


Anyone have the PDF for Dead Suns #1 yet? I'm on back order and won't get the pdf until my hard copy ships but I want to start reading it already.

Don't get hit enough that you're within 1-11 HP from death.

You know what Eox also supplies?

A certain show named, "TV Stars". Except the V stands for victim. You can probably see where I'm going with this.

Wreck shit up with the magic of Rime Snowball Spell Strikes at level 3.

Yes, and she's the sunshine of his life

Taking into account raging gives me -2 AC and I only have access to medium armors...

>How do they do it? With the power of EOXIAN NECRO-MAGITECH, OF COURSE! The Victims have a 'safe zone' in the center of each floor, an elevator platform which is their home and garden! Equipped with food and drink dispensers, bunk rooms, and showers, they could live there for ages... But is it as safe as I claim? Of course not, that isn't ENTERTAINING, now is it, peons?

>And YOU, good viewer... Get to make these lady's lives VERY INTERESTING, very interesting INDEED! You all know what to do! Break out your phones, rev up your bots--it's time to vote!

There's something disgustingly genius about Eox canonically having sick, twisted game-shows as a major product for the Pact Worlds.

It means almost every absurd campaign concept out there, from the lewd to the ludicrous is canon, and not just canon but the GOOD kind of canon, where you're not breaking established personalities or deviating from the established timeline.

>scifi reality tv

Wasn't there a feat that the moment you ended rage you got 1 HP per level back?

Pretty well, actually. He'd just need to bring all his usual ferocity to bear and play the Heel like he always does.

By a certain definition, yes.

I'm imagining John Dimaggio and Greg Poops doing this narration and it's amazing.

What are some cool races I can make with 15 RP?

There's only one kind of waifu and that's the kind where there's true love!

What's the build?

Not in PF

Oh, then in that case yes.
I was wondering if it was "waifu" as in "committed marriage" or as in "inanimate object" or something.
Level 3, so not particularly impressive yet. But getting to whack people in melee with snowballs is nice.
(one of the houserules is that the Close Range arcana works with any ranged touch attacks, not only rays)

>his character doesn't have a 2D waifu
Fookin disgustin

Oh it very well might be, but you also have to remember the host of the show is a necrolord

That's pretty cool

Psychic Warrior. Summoned weapons and armor, blast effects, self healing, non-armor defenses, all of that is covered by psychic warrior.

Meh. That's 3pp and I prefer to stick to just 1pp things.

Shockingly well for a witch. Beign a witch of strength makes her exceedingly dangerous in combat, especially with her mother's gifts and natural attacks combined with all her self buffs.

And since she looks about 14-16 (really delicate 16), it's pretty certain anyone she meets is not expecting her to be able to pick up a grown man in full armor and hurl him for distance with am unmodified strength of 20.

Considering her favourite move was summoning hurricanes, quite well. Though audience might get a bit winded.

Shouldn't she be a brick house with 20 STR?

currently recruiting games are: (ends this week...if it is real) - lewd AP (ends next week) - rationalist spin on Hell's Rebels AP (ends in one month and a half) - kill gods, be mythic

Why didn't you finish your app yet, user?

I dont think it's possible to do saber 'properly' in 1pp. If I had to say she was anything I'd probably say a PoW character, or maybe an avowed.

EMIYA/Archer incantations are various versions of soulknives.

I don't see why we still have the whole "if it's real" thing on S&S, bob.

Mostly because it looks just like two games that were both bamboozles, and the GM has gone silent for a few days

>a bunch of casters, a magus, and some kind of ferocious bear

Sounds like a party to me! Adventurers, assemble!

Are you sure you want a lv 20 Planar Shepherd in your party?

The DM disappeared about 2 days ago while having the same manner of speech, same timezone, same behaviour, etc. as some previous bamboozlers. This reeks of Iron Gods/Carnal Crown.

The GM was accepted to Intrigue and has been alive elsewhere as well. And looking at the profile, it seems they've at least done 5 hours of work on the S&S campaign. It looks a lot better than those that came before.

I mean I'm hopeful, but not expecting much.

>The GM was accepted to Intrigue
And immediately went offline afterwards, being MIA for two days by now.
> it seems they've at least done 5 hours of work on the S&S campaign
They could have just it open for 5 hours doing nothing.

Hasn't this happened every single time Spooky has gone a few days without being online, though?

Can you blame people for being suspicious? Especially around here, Land of the False-Flags and Bamboozlers?

But I do hope this campaign is real.

There are pretty solid reasons for suspicion given that Spooky feels identical to Astrus, m8.

I'd DM that adventure. They could be the Gandalf and the Superman of the party.

Hulking Changelings can fluff that away with unnatural strength, since their strength and resilience are literally unnatural by RAW.

It also means she's light enough for princess carries.

>Permanently tipsy female Gandalf that wears fake moustache and never takes anything seriously because of trust issues

Now that I say it out loud, might be fun.

Is it okay to pick up the pint-sized caster and princess carry her?


Oh, I know it's not really possible to convert every little detail over from another setting to pfg for a character, much less an anime character, and do it 'properly.'

I feel like Arturia would (mechanically) be a Samurai of some sort, given her martial prowess, use of a single weapon (single or two-handed, so katana or bastard sword would work), and strong sense of honor/chivalry. Excalibur itself would be a Major Artifact, covering the invisible air thing it does to cloak itself and Bright Light of Doom it can fire.

Emiya/Archer I would say is a Ranger or Ranger/Fighter. Focused on TWF and light armor, but somewhat capable with a bow. A composite longbow with Distance and some exploding arrows would do it. His Unlimited Blade Works spell? Make it work off a variant of the Called Weapon property. Instead of the weapon teleporting to his hand, they'd appear either in the ground around him or in the air above a target. Have a metric fuckton of basic swords/lances/spears/whatever just with the Variant Called property and stored in an extradimensional space.

Yes, defintiely.

Unless you are male. She has issues there.__Not that she minds them, they just smell like food when they get aroused.

Will I be spit in the face if I go spelleater Endurance, Diehard, Fast healer Bloodrager?

Not really, it's a pretty solid class on it's own.

I certainly would risk getting smacked down with her witchery for that!

I suggest Raging Vitality--saves you a couple feats, does basically the same thing as Diehard, and improves your central class feature.

Fast Healer is the thing, user, it adds 1/2 Con to my fast healing from Spelleater archetype. I'd basically have fast healer 3+ at 2nd level while I bloodrage

Does Fast Healer actually trigger from Fast Healing?

That only applies to rest or magical healing. A better idea would be to trade your 4th-level bloodline power for Lesser Celestial Totem and a second rage power. Does the same thing, and lets you get a little extra while still saving you a feat.

Normal Fast healing? no, because it's EX
Spelleater Fast healing? yes, because is SU, therefore magical, therefore triggers Fast Healer feat

>Lesser Celestial Totem
>This not affect fast healing or regeneration
Nice advice?

Does small size really make no difference in Starfinder?

Ah, missed the bit about Spelleater, sorry.

Witchery? She's a Witch now?!

other than what mounts you can ride and where you can fit, no.

There's no size bonus for small size creatures.

Friendly reminder that Shocking Grasp now has competition's Parry

>from a spell that doesn't do damage

Nani the fuck

Wait, Nani now turns to Nani?


Nani Sore


(Su) isn't magical.

What word are you talking about?

....what the fuck are you talking about, dipshit? It's affected by an antimagic field, it's magic.

Well, one of them is!

But is she the shortie who loves being picked up?


Nani, the word that means Nani.

I don't know if she loves being picked up, but I love doing it.

The witch? Definitely. But you have to do it with pure intentions if you're male. Otherwise things get awkward very fast.

Most people don't like being told they smell delicious.

I like being told I smell delicious!

>Supernatural abilities are magical but not spell-like. Supernatural abilities are not subject to spell resistance and do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated (such as an antimagic field). A supernatural ability’s effect cannot be dispelled and is not subject to counterspells.

>hear pathfinder has kitsunes
>look it up
>its furshit
Never again.

Do you not know what a kitsune is

Gotta houserule that shit or use the 3pp version of you want something else, fag.

Apparently not.

Not him but I thought they were magical foxes who could take the form of women, not an hybrid form

They're magic, they're not spells.

>the form of women

Varies by region and myth, but generally its just human form as there have been stories of dudes, stories about hot chicks having been magical animals are just more popular and widespread in general. Anthropomorphic foxes, people with accessories, and "animal to human no in-between" all showed up, though I think "human, but has fox features if you look close" are the typical ones.

If you ask me I prefer your typical Anime kitsune (women but with weird eyes, fox ears hiden under her hair, claws and tails) rather paizo's foxface


Got it from reddit earlier, hold on I'll upload it.


There are a few races that don't "look" as powerful as they are. Aasimars can be always slender, which is why my 28 str punchgirl doesn't look all that powerful. She uses a Hat of Disguise to "look" as strong and heavy as she actually is, because as is, she seems unnaturally powerful and dense.