>Your party tries to convince the townsmen that an Orc army is on the march towards their village. No one believes you.
wat do
>Your party tries to convince the townsmen that an Orc army is on the march towards their village. No one believes you.
wat do
Let them burn.
Leave town, they'll believe me pretty soon.
Is this thread going to fill up with retards who think the girl in OP's image is locked to the firebox?
come back and try again after we got some boost to Bluff
Is an army coming, or is this some sort of ruse?
>Run to the Orc army
>Steal an Orc
>Run back to town
>Show the Orc to the townsmen
This, or it's probably easier to kill them and bring them their heads, weapons etc.
>Bring some heads
Doesn't exactly prove an army is on the march.
You'd be wasting a lot of time too, and exposing yourselves to great risk.
Assuming we're telling the truth? Write them off as too stupid to live and leave them to their godawful deaths.
In most settings forming marauding armies and terrorizing helpless villages is the one thing orcs are known for. The village has no more reason to doubt their approach than a Floridian should doubt the impending swarm of lovebugs in May. Just let the idiots die.
>bring them their heads, weapons
I bet ya got those from a merchant. Always scaring us hard working farmers with your silly tales.
>Can't convince the townsmen
>Convince the townswomen
What could go wrong?
Scenario A, the orc army is a loud and foul thing. Just point a telescope where they are to prove your case. If they still refuse then pack your shit and take as many provisions as you can abs leave them to their fate.
Scenario B, the orc army is not only vast but led by a competent leader that makes then stay hidden. To fight them with anything short of several regiments of professional soldiers is suicide, so take your shit and leave using the dumb hicks as a meat shield to slow down the bastards for at least a couple hours.
We must accept these unfortunate refugees and welcome them into our homes.
At this point we'd just sack the village ourselves. Scorched earth will at least slow the Orcs down and keep our retainers fed. Earth sucking dirt farmers deserve it for not abiding servants of the one true God.
Sweden Yes
>Polymorph into Orc
>Alter Self into Orc
>Commence justified motivational rape that you will get away with when the attack comes
>Turn into Orc
>Make War Proclamation
>Leave, turn back
>Townspeople believe you.
Wait for orc army to rape and pillage
Loot whatever the orcs didn't piss on
Eat dynamite cheese sticks to pass the time
>Being a necromancer
>Slowly turn villagers into living bombs
>When the orcs come, loot whatever will remain of both the sides
>Bring the mayor for an horse ride
>Ride near(but not to close!) The orcs army, I assume we can get a nice view if it from a secure place.
>Bring him back so his trusty words convince the folks it was true
>Let them handle how they want to act, I have other things to do, I just had to alert them but I cant defend a village against a whole orcs army
>Run to the Orc army
>Steal an Orc
>Run back to town
>Show the Orc to the townsmen
>get jailed for kidnapping
Set up to receive the army ourselves. We're fucking heroes goddammit, we don't care who believes us. When they see the banners and hear the war cries they'll put up or shut up. But not a damn one of them will die on our watch.
How am I supposed to fight the fire with an extinguisher until firefighters show up or I am driven back by heat or smoke if I am cuffed to the fucking alarm after I sound it?
>wat do
Let them get killed by the Orcs.
Your only responsibility was to warn them and help them if they asked for it, but it was their choice to believe you or not and clearly they've made their decision.
Find six other fuckers to defend the place together.
Let the firemen do their job honey
I think I might be an asshole because everytime something like that happens I enjoy watching shit biting the ass of people like that
Wait till the army is near
Laugh my ass off with town's despair, like really laughing my ass off, pointing fingers at children crying for their mothers and lauging, telling "you get to die, and you get to die, and you get to die" Oprah style
Dimension door 1 km away
Hear the scream from afar and watch the fire while eating popcorn
Do nothing and watch the Orc rapes from afar.
What if I'm also a fireman?
Stalk a couple of lumberjacks in the forest near the town. Kill them with orcish weapons, make it look gruesome. Call the guards to report a murder and have your Favored Enemy: Orc ranger testify that this is what orcish scouts leading an invasion force tend to do.
Gather all the children in the town church and hold them hostage, We'll wing it from there.
>tries to convince
Is there actually an orc army coming, or not?
>kill the orc army
>tell the villagers they were right after all
The bigger probolem as I see it is that you're stuck there until someone arrives to let you out, which might take long enough for the smoke and/or fire to reach and kill you.
Whoever designed that dumped wisdom hard.
Start gearing up to take on an orc army. Go set traps to divide the forces into easily defeated groups, hire some peasants to patch up where we can't go and eventually, when it's clear there is an orc army on the way to sack the town, the guards should join the fray of their own volition.
Possibly condesce to the guards about how we have to pick up their slack to get them on the ball faster.
I will send positive energy their way.
There is a Savage Worlds adventure in the back of the book where you play elves tasked with burning down a village before orc raiders get there, as the raiders WILL destroy the town and your war council doesn't want the orcs to gather more supplies. Unfortunately, the village is all humans that distrust elves, and you have to convince them to burn down their own village. I thought it was bretty gud.
FYI the handcuff is not attached to alarm box, just your hand. You are free to run with a big ugly thing attached to your hand, and if you are a prankster and there's no fire, you get arrested.
Keep it up, after a while me and my party just go to the warband and just say "have at it." And leave.
If you do that enough times, you will only hasten the armies arrival.
Silly user
depends on what I'm playing, and why I care.
>a paladin who wants to save the village
I'd probably start making preparations as best I can, with gaps to be filled when the army turns up and people panic
>a warlock who wants something in the city
I'd probably pretend to give up, leave, then steal/do it in the confusion.
>a fighter who wants to get payed
shrug leave for the next city and see if they're more receptive
So can you just set the alarm off without putting your hand in?
Then you should have the key.
We've done our due diligence. If these mouthbreathers don't take our warning seriously, they deserve what they get.
But first, you must bend the knee.
Who the hell would bend a knee to a town.
>don't care, lead army to slaughter orcs
>absorb village into my growing hobgoblin kingdom
>assign competent lackeys to oversee food production, collection, occasional whipping of slaves
>move onto the next
move on, the smoke from this town will halp convince the next one.
and maybe kidnap some children, especially if there's an orphanage. Those they send to chase you can help defend the town they chase you to.
Eventually only those towns that believe our warnings will be alive
Of course they wouldn't. Orcs don't exist on Gaïa.
Unless Eljared breaking Imperium's toy caused some hiccups in reality to occur.
You forgot to mention the breeding pits.
>kidnap the village leader
>show them the advancing army firsthand
That's a pretty fucking stupid invention.
>Lock the person sounding the fire alarm inside a burning building
>So can you just set the alarm off without putting your hand in?
No, dummy. The point of the device is that you can't pull the fire alarm without getting a piece of metal clamped around your wrist, so if there isn't really a fire, everyone will know that you're the one who pulled the alarm.
I don't understand why this idea is so challenging to people on Veeky Forums.
Preach the truth for three days straight. Those whom turn to my word shall be warned to leave if their kinsmen should not take notice.
Take any of the people who listen to an open field where they are captured by the Orcs, and killed. I was a clever Orc, one who learned to shape shift!
In twenty-four hours' time we march into the city adorned in the flesh of the dead villagers, using their bones as weapons.
Too slow. Charms & Geases all around.
What is to stop one from using wrench of some other implement to turn a dial without sticking a hand inside?
Or just having a thin wrist, something a kid who pulls the fire alarm as a joke is likely to have?