Would you?
Would you?
Do i get a bolter and an epic mohawk too?
If they come in a 10 pack, sure. I need more cultists
Does that boltgun have two magazines?
It's not a boltgun.
thats a bolter bud.
It's very clearly an autopistol.
Boltguns would be overkill there. Even a lasgun would cut through their armors.
question still stands wtf is up with the magazine inside the grip
other than "the 80s" or drugs is there an explanation as to why this art/some other old gw shit is completely retarded in most aspects? His getup, the composition, his facial expression
its like they used to hire the equivalent of Deviantart artists to make their box art
Bad art. You'll note that in the full image every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything.
>completely retarded
Are you crazy?
>His getup, the composition, his facial expression
>its like they used to hire the equivalent of Deviantart artists to make their box art
He's a ganger. Crude art for a crude man. Style should reflect substance.
>every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything.
It's symbolic. It conveys excess and exuberance. Small flames burning bright before they inevitably get snuffed out.
he is shaped like a heman action figure and his pose makes him look like he has back problems
>his pose makes him look like he has back problems
He probably does, these guy fight brutal street battles day-in day-out.
Not to mention the strange steroids and their side-effects.
Im curious, do you know where i can find the full size image? I think looking at it cropped makes it look worse and im judging it unfairly
12 year old reporting in
is necromunda any fun? my friends gush about mordheim and say necromunda is just as fun, even that its better than Shadow War. any truth to this?
This is the best I could find.
I knew it! literally every other ganger on there looks proper there's just something off about the guy front and center. Pretty cool art imo now that i've seen it
Something about the angle maybe.
It looks breddy bad m80
>the guy in the far right shooting the mohawk squad in the back
the guns look like blowtorches
Can't be an autopistol, those are caseless and the gun is clearly ejecting casings.
I think you're reading too far into it. It's just another piece of 80's art that has aged poorly.
I would say so, despite the in-battle rules being identical. In Necromunda you had worse, less reliable weapons, less armor, and less equipment. It was pretty common to give every ganger a unique weapon loadout. Once they started getting skills, they were each very unique. In SWA, it's much easier to purchase upgrades, too easy imo.
The bigger difference is between battles. In Necromunda every gang controls a couple of territories rolled from a table. They have different rules - varying levels of income, maybe some danger to assigning a ganger (that wasn't knocked out in the previous battle) to dig around for loot. You can take over territory as a result of battles. There was just more character in that stage, and it added to the fun. In SWA they didn't think they could make it feel right for the more alien factions so they simplified that phase.
I thought Gorkamorka was even more fun. Orks were immune to pinning and terrain was sparse, so they made the ranged weapons absolutely terrible. You'd still fire them, but you wanted to get into hand-to-hand. And you had vehicles! Unfortunately, the models weren't as good, especially for the expansion factions, and it didn't last long.
I once had a young ork (juve-equivalent, dunno what the term is in English) who had 'graduated' to full ork status and was a good shot for an ork. One battle, he was taken down while assaulting a fort and took an wound in his shooting arm. Took him to the doc because it affected his BS, but I rolled badly and the doc gave him a squig brain transplant instead. Next battle his new brain rolled "Stupid" (on a 4-6 it would've been "Frenzy" or "Rage" or something) and walked right off a moving truck. Went under the wheels and died. RIP.
Auto-weapons aren't necessarily caseless.
Yoof is the english term.
thanks for the explanation, I think ill give it a try. Ive never heard of Gorkamorka, would it be worth looking up the rules to try it out? sounds really fun
There are plenty of pistols that have magazines in the grip. Are you retarded?
Other that the face that kind of looks awesome.
wtf is the guy shooting at in the bottom right hand corner????? He isn't aiming at all
look at the shape of the grip and the angle the mag is coming out of
also there's a second mag on the front of the gun is there not? are we looking at the same awful art or what
are you retarded? that mag would only go in about an inch. nowhere near the chamber
also "its a sci fi gun drawn by an artist from the 80s" isnt a good enough reason for this mong design
It's a more direct copy of The Road Warrior, with orks. The setting didn't really catch on. If you find rules, it'd kinda work with modern 40k ork minis but they're a bit big for their transports. Gorkamorka had smaller bases so you could pile them in. Also no good yoof minis.
The expansion, Digganobz, had ork-imitating humans, rebel grots, and mutated humans from an Adeptus Mechanicus explorator mission exposed to the radiation from the space hulk that brought orks to that world in the first place.
The ork-imitating humans were from the same group, but they were inside Necron pyramids so they evolved differently in the years after. The game was full of Necron hints shortly before they were actually released.
he shoots like a gangsta
>You'll note that in the full image every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything.
That used to be a 40k staple.
> 40k used to be a bullet hell where every weapons is always shooting
40k is -still- a bullet hell where every weapon is always shooting regardless of whether or not is is being pointed at anything.
I'm not sure what led you to believe otherwise...
Goddamn i love me some necromunda
Mordeheim mods when?
id the new necromunda does well we'll probably see a AoS not-mordheim, based on AoS skirmish.
You're an idiot if you think its a boltgun
I dunno.. If they do new Mordheim it will be full old-world Mordheim. After all, they didn't Sigmar up Blood Bowl.
The old 40k art was always shit. They always hold their weapons in weird ways off to the side.
Fuck yeah, Necromunda was my first gaming purchase when I was 13. I fucking loved it. Shadow War: Armageddon is just a poor fucking comparison. Looking forward to it coming back.
>They always hold their weapons in weird ways off to the side
It's a safety measure. Why aim weapons that have a habit of firing towards the backs of your companions?
This Necromunda looks perfectly unchanged visuals wise too.
>Necromunda looks perfectly unchanged visuals wise too.
I've noticed fewer muscled maniacs and more lethal ladies. The setting seems a bit dirtier and less colorful too?
Too early to tell, but it does look like things have changed a little bit.
Escher have been in the game since the get-go. If anything they've toned the aesthetic down a bit with the new models.
More to the point, out of all the original gangs they're the ones whose models are in the highest demand on ebay and all that (at least as far as I know), so including them in the box is a pretty canny move.
Goliaths I'm less sure about, but who doesn't crave a set of homoerotic muscle-men?
Sensible points.
I removed my post after starting to doubt the validity of my statement. We really haven't seen enough yet. I have a feeling things will be a little different this time around, but it's too early to tell.
Gorkamorka stories are the best. Hell, all skirmish stories are outrageously fun. There is just something cool about naming your models.
>Bad art. You'll note that in the full image every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything.
>You'll note that in the full image every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything.
>Bad art
>every single gun is firing simultaneously, regardless of whether or not it is being pointed at anything
I think you misspelled amazing.
>There is just something cool about naming your models.